World of Sex

In India at one time, a fiancée was required to deflower his future bride if she died before the wedding. The girl could not be cremated until this ritual was carried out in front of the village priest.

The Toda society in India has no word for adultery in their language, as the practice is considered socially acceptable.

In many Ugandan tribes, a king would be insulted if he was offered a virgin bride, hymen intact. She was by law deflowered by proxy, which made her virginity all the purer.

The next time you’re invited to the dinner party of a North African Siwa man, keep this in mind. They feel that a woman will find him irresistible if he secretly laces her food with his semen.

Inhabitants of Inis Beag off the Irish coast are truly sexually repressed. The sexes are segregated their entire lives and intercourse is brief, perfunctory and serves only to procreate. Few, if any, even know of the female orgasm.

While some here think they’re being considerate if they use ribbed condoms, the men in some Southeast Asian villages have a different take on increasing the woman’s sexual pleasure. They insert small gold or silver nuggets under the epidermis of the penis via an incision.

The Siriono people of eastern Bolivia have a simple criterion for female beauty: portliness. Noted one Siriono scholar: “Besides being young, a desirable sex partner should also be fat. She should have big hips, good-sized but firm breasts, and a deposit of fat on her sexual organs.

In fact, so desirable is corpulence as a sexual trait that I have frequently heard men make up songs about the merits of a fat vulva.”

Burmese men are said to sometimes insert tiny bells instead of stones into their penises, which make a tinkling sound when they walk.

Strangely, the males of the island of Tikopia, near the Solomons, aren’t allowed to touch any genitals, even their own. Penetration is entirely handled by the female.

Many societies such as the Venezuelan Llan Indians, Brazilian Caingang, and Bolivian Siriono, permit sexual relations between one’s siblings and spouse. A husband is allowed intercourse with his wife’s sisters, and a wife may have similar sexual access to her husband’s brothers.

While rear-entry intercourse is the predominate form of copulation for most mammals, there is no known human society where this is the preferred or most prevalent sexual position, putting even more mystery into the origins of the term ‘Missionary Position.’

When they reach puberty, boys on the Cook island of Mangaia are introduced to the finer techniques of breast stimulation, cunnilingus and delayed ejaculation to ensure maximum pleasure for their future partner.

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Sexy Factoids:

The Baganda males have a thing for pendulous breasts, so young women have been known to tie weights to their breasts to make themselves desirable.

When traveling to another tribe, the Chukchee man of Siberia is permitted to have intercourse with the host’s wife. Naturally, if the host should pay a visit at a later time, the favor is returned.

If you think the Western ideal is the only true ideal, consider the South American Siriono. They consider obese females attractive, especially of they have a fatty mons and vulva.

Imagine if men tried to encourage this social change in the West: During the final stages of a Hidatsa woman’s pregnancy, her husband is allowed to have sexual relations with her sister.

The African Hottentots love women with large fatty buttocks. In fact, their backsides have been known to be as big as two to three feet wide per buttocks. So prominent is this feature that it’s made it’s way into medical terminology: the “Hottentot bustle” (excessively fat buttocks) and “Hottentot apron” (elongated labia minora).

While the Hottentots condition occurs naturally, young girls of Venda, in Northern Africa, and females of Benin, in Western Africa, have to work at it. In order to be considered attractive, they’re expected to rub and manipulate their labia to lengthen and enlarge them.

The Ponapeans of the Eastern Caroline Islands also like enlarged labias and clitorises. If applying stinging black ants to their genitals fails to produced the desired effect, it’s claimed that they’ll employ old, impotent men to beat, suck, and pull on the genitals.

In the US you send flowers or a box of chocolates, but Western In many primitive tribes it’s still a common practice for the bride’s father to deflower her on the wedding night.

Australian Aborigines exchange wives as a gesture of friendship and goodwill during circumcision ceremonial rights of puberty.

The vocabulary of Polynesian societies have no words for “obscene,” “indecent,” or “impure,” because they feel sex is never something you should be embarrassed about.

When a female member of the Toda in India marries she also becomes wife to her husband’s brothers, establishing a sexual relationship with all of them.

The Aweikoma of southeastern Brazil use the same term for both eating and intercourse as both involve entering bodily orifices.

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