Wet. Together. Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s story is titled “Wet.Together.” . Dear Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, Sir. I confess, I cheated on you today. I hope you are not mad at me as I remember how jealous you got when your friend was flirting with me many years ago. Do you remember that? Oh the things I remember about you, Sir…This time was different. He has beautiful green eyes and jet black hair. We were chatting, catching up when he gently and slowly touched my chin with his finger, slowly raising my face until I was looking at him.

He gazed into my hazel eyes and all I could do is get lost in his trance. I knew in this moment, I was going to kiss him, a fantasy I had in years past was finally going to happen tonight. Now his eyes are on my lips and he is bending towards me and I am bending towards him. Tilting my head to one side, I part my lips allowing his tongue to slip inside my mouth.

He deepens the kiss. Fuck. I am so wet, I want him to finger me. He pulls me closer to him as it is like we can’t get enough of each other. It is as if he is parting my soul and trying to fill it with his essence. Full of passion. Nobody has ever kissed me like that before. His kiss is possessing me as I got an orgasm from it! That has never happened before! So fucking hot!

I would tell my past self, he is the best kisser I have ever had and a kiss I would always remember.

When the kiss ended, he had to go and I knew I would never see him again. That kiss, wow. You, Sir, gave me my first orgasm through a hug but green eyes, gave me a kiss that caused me to have an orgasm .

Will you get the flogger out and punish me for cheating on you? Oh I hope so!

This story, my Dom, is for you! Let’s begin…

I came home after a long day of work.. I was tired and all I wanted to do was take a nice hot shower and try to wind down.

I undressed as I made my way to the bathroom, taking off my blouse, removing my bra. My shoes were gone long before. I opened the bathroom door as I was unbuttoning my pants, showing the top of my lacy black panties. He was there, in the bathroom, about to take a shower as well. In fact, he was completely naked, bent over the tub turning on the water.

My Doctor. My Alpha Male. My Dom. Sir. Is in my shower. I look up and down his sexy body. I am instantly aroused. I want to fuck.

Read this hot story:
The Man of Her Dreams Spanking Erotic Story By Salty Vixen

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here. I was going to get a shower too. Can I join you?”

“I’d like nothing better.”

He stepped in the shower first, then me. Using sponges and body wash we took turns soaping each other up, he taking extra time to pull on my nipples just a little as he crossed my chest, me taking extra time to massage his balls and tease him a little. I enjoyed watching his growing cock as my hands ran over his body and his over mine, knowing I was having an effect, knowing he feels the same way about my body that I feel about his.

As he leaned under the water to rinse, I dropped to my knees, unwilling to wait anymore. I licked and sucking on his balls before moving to his cock. I like the tease, watching him watching me, knowing what he wants. As I licked up and down his shaft, finally taking him in my mouth, he let out a low moan. When I took him completely, devouring my prize, he gasped. I love knowing I can still pleasure him.

After what seemed like a very short time, he pulled me back up to him, pushing my wet hair out of my face, kissing me deeply. I was thankful for the feel of his fingers moving between my legs, my pussy begging for attention. He seemed happy to find my pussy wet, not just from the water, but from my own juices, turned on merely from sucking him. Satisfied I was ready; he turned me around and began rubbing his hard cock up and down the crack of my ass. I love that feeling. Some women complain about feeling the hard dick on their back or their ass in the middle of the night. Not me. I’d give anything for it.

Finally, I bent over, spreading my legs just far enough, grabbing my ankles for balance. With his hands on my hips he plunged into me and held me right there for a minute or two. My pussy must have been pulling and pushing though, because finally he agreed to fuck me like I wanted, pounding into me over and over, harder and harder. Water was splashing and the sounds of slapping flesh were everywhere, but neither of us cared. We were finishing our day the right way. As good as it felt, it was even better when he reached around and went to work on my clit. I was almost immediately cumming, pushing my ass against him harder and harder begging him to cum with me. The feeling of his hot load inside me was such pleasure…

I am always lost in the haze of fuck when it comes to Sir.