Volleyball Slut- A Hot Group Sex Story by Salty Vixen

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In the morning I awoke with a huge smile on my face. Daniel was out cold, John was even snoring, and I was happy I was able to wear them out as they'd done me. I laid there for a few minutes before crawling to the foot of the bed and getting up from there so as not to wake up the guys. I could barely walk, and even in doing so I was so bow-legged it must have been funny. I made it to the end of the hall to the bathroom to pee and clean up a little. When I opened the door to return to my room, I saw Jesse in the hallway, waiting for his turn for the bathroom.

He averted his eyes right away when he saw I was naked, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little at his expense. As I started to walk past him, I stopped to kiss his cheek, and stood before him, staring into his eyes until he made eye-contact. "Renee asleep?" I asked.

He nodded, and I smiled and took a full step back so he could take in my nude figure from head-to-toe. I smiled up at him, saying, "It wasn't really fair being the only person on the team to never see me naked, was it?" I giggled just a little when he didn't know what to say, and just made a nodding motion to the open restroom. He took a step forward to turn that way, but when he did I gave him a hug and another kiss on the cheek before letting him go.

I stepped lightly into my bedroom and found a long t-shirt to put on... long enough to cover my pussy and ass, but old and worn and just tight enough to show off every single curve and nuance of my body.

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Joys of Glory Holes A Group Sex Story by Salty Vixen

When Jesse came out, we both sat in the living room just shooting the breeze for a while. The part of my body of which I'm the most proud are my legs, and I showed them off to every extent, even knowing on occasion my pussy and the bottom of my ass were visible to him. I did feel a little guilty in teasing him so as Renee is not only a very dear friend, but also very straight, and the likelihood of me ever having sex with Jesse individually or as part of a group is practically zero. Even still, it's nice being acknowledged and desired.

There was no doubt his mind was wandering in that direction, that he'd heard some of the louder moments from the night before, or that his buddies would tell him about everything I did with them. After that, I tried to make sure he couldn't see my pussy any more and steered the conversation to talk about what a sweetheart Renee is and what she was like when I had her as a student.

We made our way to the kitchen and I made a breakfast for us of bacon, eggs, and toast. Over the next hour, I greeted each of my houseguests with a hug and a kiss as they walked groggily down the hall. It felt really nice feeding each of them, and I felt kind of like team mom, though for Daniel and John it was more like team milf!

After a relaxing morning of laughing and flirting, the gang piled into Renee's car and left. I took a long bath and hardly moved the rest of the day.

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