To Touch A Tear A Romance Sex Story By Salty Vixen

She sat with her back to the door, her body hunched over, arms wrapped tightly around herself. Summer had just ended and the window was open, a breeze made the curtains dance in the warm air of the hotel room. Dark hair fell down her back in a mass of tangles; her sleeveless white t-shirt seemed to glow in the streetlights that were the room's only illumination.

"I am dying," she thought as silent tears streamed down her face. She rocked her body back and forth, watching the phone that she knew would never ring. "He is not coming" she said aloud, the words bitter and stinging her tongue. She was here at their usual meeting place and had been for the entire weekend; but he hadn't come, he hadn't called and his cell phone was off. She had no access to him whatsoever and the questions she needed answered burned inside her like hot coals.

She stood and began pacing the floor in her bare feet, she lit a cigarette not realizing one still burned forgotten in the ashtray. She looked out the window for his truck and turned away in disgust. Tomorrow she would return home to her every day existence as a working mother, married to a husband she no longer loved and faced with a life she no longer wanted to live.

Wiping impatiently at the free flowing tears she drank long and hard from the half full beer, reaching for a second one out of the refrigerator as she emptied it in one gulp. How was she going to go on from here? The years stretched out empty before her and she thought that death might be easier than losing him again.

"No!" she said loudly, knowing that for her that road would never be an option. Her children needed her, and a quiet voice whispered in the back of her head… "He might come back." After all he had done this once before years ago, maybe he would again find himself missing and needing her too much to resist and come back. "But the wait!" Her heart cried, "The silence, the unanswered phone calls!" each time she listened to the phone ring over and over again, knowing he must hear it and know it was her was like being stabbed by tiny pitch forks in her heart.

Pandora turned back towards the door, finding it open she stood staring at it stupidly for long moments. Standing just inside the room he watched her, taking in her disheveled appearance and tear-streaked face.

She couldn't move, her mouth opened but no sound came forth. Work calloused hands reached for the face he had known and loved for years. So softly he cupped her face, thumbs gently wiping the damp trails that attested to the misery he had wrought.

At his touch she melted, she was dizzy with relief as she clung to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her lush body pressed tight against him, "whatever else happens, he is here now," her heart cried as his hands began to move over her body.

One arm pinned her to him as he firmly kissed her. His tongue pushing to open her lips and then sweeping quickly inside to claim her mouth as his own. His knee pressed between her legs parting them as his hand reached down and clutched her soft round bottom, forcing her warm center against his thigh.

Over the years they had made love a hundred times and always he had been slow and gentle, teasing her until her body cried for release. Tonight was different; there was a sense of urgency here, a basic need for each other that made the air around them crackle with electricity. Each touch was like a brand of fire as he tugged at her clothes and she pulled at his… "Now, Now, Now" seemed to beat in Pandora's heart and his pounded back at the same tempo.

"Babe I can't wait," he muttered thickly before returning his mouth to her swollen lips.

"Don't wait," she said fiercely, needing to feel him inside.

Her clothes were gone, lost in a heap as he desperately strove to gain access to her skin.

One hand reached between her thighs, finding her warm and wet he could hold back no more. He had to feel her! Quickly he pushed two fingers deep inside her. She cried out, nails digging into his back as her hips bucked in almost immediate orgasm.

Hand firmly on her mound, fingers embedded inside her pulsing hot pussy, he guided her to the bed. Laying her down he quickly positioned himself between her legs and without warning or further foreplay he jammed his mouth against her gleaming pink lips. Again her hips bucked as his tongue delved inside her pussy and he felt the residing tremors of her last orgasm so intimately.

She dug at his hair as he began running his mouth over her slit, pulling him tighter to the ever swelling nub that blossomed so prominently with each move of his tongue. He circled it, nipped at it, placed just the tip of his tongue against her clit and then pressed down. She was lost in the moment, fucking his face as he finally began to suck. She cried out with pleasure as her warmth flooded his mouth with her second orgasm. Riding his lips and keeping them there with her fingers entwined and holding fast to his hair.

He gave her no time to catch her breath as he moved over her. Nipples stood out tight and hard, begging for his attention. Cupping her breasts he held each one forth as an offering to his adoring mouth. Licking lightly he explored each crest until he could hold back no more and took each hard pebble to his mouth in turn. Like a ravenous child he suckled, pulling each nipple into his mouth, pressing it and stretching it with his eager lips. Reveling in her soft moans of pleasure he spent long moments teasing and tasting each one. First soft then more firmly he sucked until she again began to writhe against him, as he played out this sensual torture.

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Romantic Evening (M/F Romance)

Aching with need he felt her fingers reaching for his stiff cock. Her warm palm enclosed his hard shaft and began to pull. This was all the urging he needed, but she had different ideas.

"Let me" she whispered softly pushing him over on to his back.

She kissed him and tasted herself on his lips, she moved down to deliver the same sweet foreplay he had displayed as she pulled first one then the other nipple into her mouth. Her hand ran up and down his hard cock, teasing at the swelling head. With light kisses she moved ever downward until she had reached his wanting dick. So much of their relationship had been based on humor and she thought about cracking some inane joke about him being happy to see her before realizing that this was no joking matter, this was goodbye and the teasing words died in her mouth.

Lightly she nibbled at the tip of his cock, noting the way it quivered as her tongue slipped out to circle its tip. Opening her lips she took him into her mouth deep, feeling his head at the back of her throat, loving the way he tasted and felt. Her hair trailed along his inner thighs as she caressed him. Her soft wet lips slid up and down his cock, sucking and applying pressure at will. She felt his hands dig into her abundant hair and picked up the pace, alert to his movements and the sounds he was making she increased the pressure, moving her tongue around and around and sucking ever more diligently.

Painfully he pulled her from him, "I want to cum inside you" was all he could get out between breaths as he rolled her back over onto her back.

Fingers once again blazing the way he held his dick in his hand, poised between her legs knowing this was the last time he would feel her close around him. The last time he would know the heady rush of sliding into her tight warm hole and become whole himself once more. She reached for him and he was lost, for long moments he stopped thinking and just felt as she reached down and guided him home.

Hips met hips as she wrapped her legs around him, he tugged them high up on his back then leaned back and pulled them up and over his shoulders, there could be no space between them and in this position he had total access to her hot wet cunt. Her hands rolled over and over his chest, his back, her soft cries pushing him further on this journey to ecstasy. His cock filled her again and again until he felt her begin to shake underneath him. She was close and he couldn't hold back, pumping into her hard and fast. As she began to cum he felt his own release begin. Deep inside her warmth, her pussy clinging to his cock it seemed as if he was cumming forever. She sucked him dry, pulling every drop inside her until he had nothing left to give, not even his soul for she had taken that too.

Long into the night he held her as they both dozed fitfully. He remained, for the most part, awake. Kissing her and holding her tight, running his fingers through her hair, tracing the shape of her face, memorizing each detail as if it was not already tattooed in his heart.

The light in the windows began to get brighter, signaling the end of the night. Still he held her to him for long moments, denying the inevitable conclusion of his time with her. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her feminine scent. Rising, he spent long moments watching her, the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, her lips slightly parted in sleep so appealing and making him think of the way they had felt on his earlier in the evening.

Their affair had lasted for years, even when they were apart he had longed for her, loved her, he probably always would. But there were others who needed him, needed both of them. The situation wasn't fair, but choices made long before they met made both their obligations clear. "This is the right thing to do!" he told himself one more time. Dressing he prepared to go.

Thinking she was sleeping he softly brushed her lips with his one last time. "I am so sorry Panny, but my family needs me" he whispered. His voice faltered as he said this painful but necessary goodbye.

Although she never opened her eyes, a tear formed and began its decent. Shaking, he reached forward and caught this lone crystal drop that symbolized the end of their relationship. The tear glistened on his finger as he brought it to his lips and with a final kiss he tasted her sweetness. Walking away he knew he would hunger forever for the taste of their love. Reaching up to his face he touched a tear, the first of many.