Three Weeks To Sexual Intimacy: Week Two – Finding the Romance

Week Two - Finding The Romance

In week one your projects were less physically intimate. This week we turn the notch up a bit... without crossing the line of course. 🙂 This week's goal is to let your partner know that you appreciate their sensuality and just being with them.


The following are your projects for week two.

  • Take more care in your appearance. Always try to look your best and, if possible, wear sexier clothes.
  • Make a point to do one romantic thing a day. For ex. Leave a flower on their pillow. Handwrite a love poem and leave it in a book or magazine they'll be sure to read (or at least look in). Fill a bottle full of candy red hearts with a note attached saying, "Giving you all my love."
  • Give your love a sensuous bubble bath. Wash their hair. Have warm fluffy towels ready to dry them off with. Follow by blow-drying and brushing their hair.
  • Give your partner an hour long massage complete with sensuous massage oils, romantic music, candlelight and finger foods for you to feed them.
  • Go to a local lookout spot (even if it's your backyard). Bring some romantic music, comfortable blanket to sit on, finger foods, tea lights and champagne. When you get to your spot, eat, talk and dance the night way under the stars.
  • Give your love the ultimate kiss.

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