The Perfect Romantic Evening Out

"Long walk on the beach. Good wine. Don't forget the sunset."

"My guy loves to fish, so I would pack up the truck with all the gear, including a table with candles and wine, since he likes that too and pick him up from work and take him to a secret spot that I would have scouted for before hand. After we fished for awhile I would sneak off for a second and change into a silky gown and fish in this which I know would drive him absolutely wild!"

"I would.. umm.. I'm not sure what we would do.. but it wouldn't really matter as long as we were together.. just spending an evening alone with him would be "perfect".. but if I got to spend a fantasy evening with him. We'd go mini golfing.. and then probably go ride sum go carts or something.. nothing like a picnic under the stars.. or a long walk on a beach.. although, we might go swimming."

"I'd make sure he had the day off and then I'd take him to his favorite restaurant and then I'd take him home and then share a bath with him and then give him a long relaxing massage.. he needs it! I do it because I love him what can I say!"

"Going surfing by moonlight and coming back to a nice hot burning fir on the beach and roast some veggie dogs followed by a smores dessert"

"First, I would pick my partner up and drive to Canyon Country, CA. for a little moon light horseback riding. Then drive to the Sutters on the Beach Hotel in Santa Monica. Have a romantic dinner at the Hotels fine dinning restaurant called One Pico. After that, take a stroll along the beach to talk and laugh. Followed by a romantic surprise of a room for the night. This Hotel is the finest and the rooms are very romantic. This is my ideal "perfect evening out" for two people in love."

"Well, we'd start the evening off by going out to his favorite restaurant, and have the table secluded in a corner where no one else is. Then after dinner, we'll go see the movie of his choice, even if it's a bloody kind of film =) Then after the movie we would go back home, and I will have prepared a nice warm bubble bath for the two of us... we'll be surrounded by candle light and flowers. Then after the bath, it'll be a night full of sweet love making until the next morning."

"I'd go with him out to my favorite fun place (laser tag or the carnival) and then we'd go walk by the beach and stay out until dawn."

"I would go into a really nice restaurant and pre-pay for two specific dinners. That way, my man wouldn't feel bad about me paying for it because after we were done eating, he would never see the money being spent. After, I would take him back to my place, pick up my truck (which would already be loaded full of blankets and sleeping bags) and take him out to the country where we could cuddle up, watch the stars, and talk."

"A perfect night out, would be great if it was a surprise. Then I would do something that I know my partner loves to do. Like his favorite movie, or place to go. I would pay for everything. Then, end the evening, laying under the stars just holding each other."

"The perfect evening out would be a candle light picnic at night in a park or anywhere that is secluded. Bring wine or sparkling cider and record some love songs on a tape and have a nice dinner."

"An evening out, you say? Well, my girl isn't a movie girl, so I'd have to skip all the traditional venues of entertainment. No, I'd take her to a coffee shop and order for her whatever she wanted. Then, we would wander down to the lake, sit down in each other's arms, and talk for the evening, occasionally breaking for a sip of coffee."

"I would have her wake to find her favorite flower, a rose, beside her. Where next, every room she went another rose would brighten her. A gift, a small note, just to say how very much she means to me and how much I love her... and a hint, of something special, a surprise! A hint that she dress nice, for she will have a wonderful night. I would greet her, and tell her how beautiful she was, for she really is. I would help her into the car and drive toward the ocean, when she would ask me where we are going, I would simply smile and say, its a surprise my love. When we arrived, her surprise...a fabulous dinner on the ocean cliffside... a view so magnificent its makes you shudder inside. Afterward a magical walk on the ocean sand... as the sun set, an amazing beauty to behold, but not as beautiful as the beauty I hold... when I hold her in my arms... this she would know for I would tell her, then a kiss so gentle as the ocean meets the sun in a dance of orange and red hues. When I would then give her another surprise, a locket with her and I. And it would be when I placed it around her neck her divine love within her sparkling eyes as our lips once again met."

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Weekly Date Night Ideas

"The perfect evening out for my boyfriend, Mike Booth, would be to take him out to a hydraulics or low rider competition, then afterwards we would go out for supper probably at McDonalds because he likes that. After supper we would head to a demolition derby where I had arranged it so that we have front row seats (the dust, the heat, the whole works). After that we would go um, do our secretive business 🙂 I think that evening out would make him very happy."

"I would make arrangements at her favorite restaurant, and request from them to have her seated in the middle of the dinning room, I will make arrangements with the maitre'd to have the words "I love you" written on the plate of her dessert. Then make arrangements for the delivery of a bouquet of red and white roses at the time when we should be at the middle of our entries. Also I will make reservations at the best hotel in town. After all this is ready, I will call her up and tell her that we have a very important business dinner we need to attend to at the time reservations have been made beforehand, and that I cannot attend this meeting by myself since the partners attending will be bringing in their wives. This will guarantee me that she will dress great for the evening, and that she will be ready on time so everything can work as planned."

"If I was in Singapore which is where my Girlfriend lives, then this is what I'd do for the perfect evening out. First, we'd take a walk round the Botanical Gardens where I'd present her with a rose and a kiss then I'd either take her to the cinema to catch a romantic movie where we could snuggle up together in the love seats and finally we'd either take a walk on the beach walking hand in hand or I'd surprise her by taking her to Alkaff Mansions which is a famous restaurant for dinner after which I'd give her a small token of my love before escorting her to her home and snatching a chaste kiss off her..."

"I would take him out to a small, quite restaurant with a beautiful lake or ocean view. We would go out for ice cream afterwards and then sit together under the stars until we had to go our separate ways."
--Nicolita H

"I would take him some place nice for the afternoon, say Portland's rose garden or the beach, then to his favorite restaurant for dinner and desert, followed by a nice massage."

"First start with a limo to take us to a concert to see his favorite act or group. Then, on to dinner at Windows On The World. Go over to Central Park for a horse & carriage ride. For the finale I would have to house set up with scented candles lit and oils burning. The house would be set up with scented candles lit and oils burning. Then, there would be a bath with milk and rose petals set up. Finally, the bed would also be covered with rose petals. And by the bed there would be different fruits cut up and a blind fold. The rest would be up to him."

"My perfect evening out with my love will be to surprise him with a rose at the beginnining of our date. Then take him for a city view from the tallest building into then surprise him with candle light dinner. To top the evening off we'll take a carriage ride thorough the city. Just having him near me is the perfect evening."

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