The Perfect Romantic Evening Out

Looking for the perfect evening out idea? Take a look at what members consider to be the "perfect evening out" with their love!

"You and your partner should spend the whole evening in the garden, with lit candles, and talking 'till dawn. It's a good food for the heart."

"The entire day together - just us two, and only us two. Watching a movie together... Whatever. Just as long as it's just me and my man. For dinner, we go to the beach at sunset and have a picnic there. W/ just each other, showering each other w/ our love."

"I would pick her up in a limo, I would be dressed in a tux, where inside I would have soft music playing, a chilled bottle of wine. There would be two dozen red roses for her. We would then go to her favorite restaurant for dinner, followed by a moonlit ride to a place where we could sit under the stars and I could tell her just how much I loved her."

"My idea of a perfect evening out would start with a picnic on a very secluded bluff overlooking the ocean. Dinner would consist of a variety of finger foods that we could feed to each other as sit closely together and watch the waves roll in. After we would eat, we would watch the sun set, wrapped in each others arms. Snuggling, we would then talk about whatever we felt like talking about or just enjoy the warmth of each other's arms as the stars one by one would fill the night sky. The radio would be playing softly, of course tuned into a love songs only station. When our favorite song would start to play on the radio, we would dance slowly under the stars, holding each other tightly. Letting the words of the song speak to each other's heart, we would begin to give into our passion. And then under the stars, with the sound of the gentle waves caressing the shore, we would ... well, being a romantic yourself, I'm sure that you can figure out what would happen next all on your own."

"Dinner at a nice place, he bring me flowers, red and white roses, on time have dinner go dancing and come home and have a bubble bath with strawberries and Moet."

"It would have to be related to sports. First, I'd probably have a limousine take us to the airport and we'd fly to wherever the team was playing that he would be interested in that particular week. If it was an afternoon game, we'd do dinner afterwards or a night game, we'd do dinner first."

"I would organize something like a romantic picnic at night, near a beautiful lake, moonlight lights at us both while slowly dancing to a romantic music holding each other close."

"I would take her to a very expensive restaurant, romantic, quiet and very love mooded. then go to the theater of her choice, after that the rest of the evening would consist of drinks and dancing at the night club of her choice. On the way home in the wee hours of the morning a slow moonlit ride by the water front where we would stop and kiss and talk about he evening that passed. That is how I would do it for her."

"My boyfriend is totally athletic and I'm not. He loves to go skating so I think I would try and rent the skating rink out for a little while for just the two of us. Maybe order a pizza and just hang out and enjoy each other's company!"

"I would give him a rose, go under the stars and listen to our song. I would have a picnic. Slow dance with him, and hold each other close. Then we would stay there and watch the sun come up with us still holding each other so close."

"Just have a dinner at our backyard with our favorite song as our background and savor the moment together. We will talk about anything that we want to talk."

"I do my best to make it a complete secret and mystery to him. I'd plan something that he wouldn't expect for an evening out, something special that doesn't happen all the time. A hot air balloon ride, a trip to a small town an hour away that he loves to spend time in. Take him to his favorite museum then on a picnic. I wouldn't let him in on the plans at all... just tell him where to be and when, so that when he finally realizes what we're doing, it's the utmost surprise to him."

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"For the "perfect evening out", I would first do all the planing and add an element of surprise, like having a great card delivered by the florist with a fresh cut bouquet. In the card would contain two theater tickets and instructions as to when I would arrive to pick her up. I would have my change of clothes at the office so I could pick her up in true dating style. I would take her to her favorite restaurant and then to the theater. During the performance I would hold her hand and flirt with her by kissing her fingers and wrist, giving her my full attention, while distracting her a little. Arriving at home, we would just sit in the driveway for a while under the moon and stars and just talk and share some private time before going in to the children."
--Ric L.

"We'd go rock climbing during the day-which of course promotes teamwork and total reliability on your partner. Then we'd go on a riverboat and eat and dance the evening away. After that we'd hit 9 holes of golf,go to an upstanding hotel and the rest is x-rated."

"My boyfriend loves 3 things (besides me!): food, golf, and movies. We would go to a seafood restaurant, then play 9 holes at Pebble Beach, then go back home for a movie and ice-cream."

"To plan the perfect evening out with my partner I would consider what he enjoys the most. First we would have dinner at a real nice restaurant; a classy place. My partner loves the dark; night time, so I would plan on going somewhere quiet where we could look at the stars."

"Well I would tell him that I needed him to come home from work on Friday a bit early. Then I would take him for a long romantic walk along the beach were we met (and now live). Then I would take him out for dinner and dancing. We would come home to a cool, dark house and well... never mind the rest of it!"

"I would take my partner to a romantic candle light dinner. We would find a little secluded table in a restaurant and feed each other while listening to soft music. We would dance very slowly on a balcony, with our arms wrapped around each other. Then we would walk hand in hand through a park full of trees like lovers do, lay on the grass and watch the stars and hold each other tight, not wanting to let each other go."

"My boyfriend and I don't have a lot of money, so going out to an expensive restaurant for our anniversary was out of the question. However, I told him that I would like to go out for dinner anyways, and that I would pick him up & we'd just go to McDonald's or something. Beforehand, I sent my friend to prepare.

She picked out a secluded table in the restaurant (be sure to do this in the smoking section, and maybe check with the manager first) and put a fancy table cloth over it. She set the table with plates and silverware and lit two candles as we walked in the door. She greeted us and told us that she would be our waitress for the night. She took our orders (two big macs and a large fry) and promptly delivered it to us, on the plates. She poured Sprite into two wine glasses and then left us to our own devices. My boyfriend spelled out things for me with his fries and fed them one by one to me. It is the most fun one could ever have at a McDonalds, and I made sure to leave our "waitress" a large tip."

"I'd start by going to his house to pick him up, and we'd walk to an open field where I would have already set up a picnic with candles and music. After we ate I would give him a back rub and then we would hold each other as we looked at the stars and wait for the sun rise the next day!"
--Alicia (Angel)

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