The Perfect Crime (Non-consent, Humiliation) Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

It wasn't that late, for a Friday night. I had been lying in the bushes, watching all of the innocent young freshman venture out to the fraternity houses. They had all probably just called their families and told their mothers and fathers that they would be doing homework late tonight, or going out with friends. The pathetic lies. They were just afraid to admit that they wanted to indulge, to experiment. These were all of the "perfect" people - not like me. They were on the cheerleading squad and the basketball team. They were officers in their university classes at this joke of a school. And now they were going to flagrantly violate the policies of this great institution of higher learning and get plastered.

A little later that night, my good friend appears at my side. We grew up together, went to the same colleges and got into trouble together, sometimes. Tonight, though, he and I have the perfect plan for the perfect crime. We just had to wait.

At about 3 in the morning, they start walking back to their rooms. Some have games tomorrow, others are just too drunk. Finally, I spot the one I had been looking for. She was a cheerleader at the university and dated whomever she wished. But, tonight, it's my turn.

Her date was staggering drunk. She looked a little tipsy, but she was basically carrying him back home. No one else was around. I looked over at my friend, he nodded. We waited until she had passed. Then, he and I snuck out of the bushes and followed them. I ran up behind her and grabbed her by the arms and covered her mouth. Her boyfriend fell to the ground with a thud. My friend was immediately on top of him, pushing a small cloth under his nose. He immediately stopped moving.

The woman had been kicking and moaning, but when she saw her boyfriend go down, she stopped and tried to scream. My friend stood up and put the cloth under her nose. I could smell faintly the strong stench of the chemicals. She soon passed out. I looked behind us, no one was there. We dragged her to my friend's van, and threw her in the back. Then, we drove off.

About twenty minutes later, we stopped. He shut off the car, and I got out. Then, we both grabbed her and carried her inside the old barn. The old barn was falling apart back in the woods by my friend's house. No one used it anymore, and the nearest house was a good two miles down the dirt road. Since, that house was occupied by my friend's parents who were away presently, we knew that the chances of anybody seeing or hearing what we were about to do were nonexistent.

We dragged her into the barn and I started looking for the lanterns we brought in here the other day. Once there was light, we tied her wrists, forehead, and ankles to an old wooden table with heavy rope. Then, I took off her flannel. My friend went back out to the car to get the equipment. She had a white T-shirt on underneath. Since her hands were tied, I cut it with a large knife, revealing her well tanned body and white lacy bra. I then undid the buttons on her jeans and cut down the length of each thigh on the inside. I peeled the torn jeans off of her legs.

I also took off her shoes and socks, and put all of the clothes into a garbage bag. My friend entered the barn with two large bags and shut the door. I asked him if he had the smelling salts. He smiled and told me to wait until he was ready. He opened up the bags and started setting up the video camera. Since I was waiting, I started to admire her long tan legs and smooth belly. I almost forgot! I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the blindfold and a washcloth. I tied the blindfold around her eyes and put the washcloth in her mouth. I then tied a cord around her mouth and tied her forehead back to the table once again. I looked back and saw that my friend was ready with the VCR. He handed me a small bottle. I opened the bottle and smelled the pungent odor of the smelling salts. I put these under her nose, and she started to stir. I put the lid on the bottle and handed them back to my friend.

She soon felt that she was tied down and tested her bonds. You could hear her pathetic whimpers, like a beaten dog. My friend nodded, and a little red light appeared on the VCR. It was recording. I gave him a few seconds to record her prone body lying there, then I began. I took out my knife and slid it under the straps of her bra.

She tried moving her body and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. I cut the left strap off, then the right, all the while making sure that I didn't block the camera. I then slid the knife down, pulling back the top of the cup with its point. She didn't have any tan lines, and I soon had revealed her nipple, which was getting hard. I then moved to the left side, caressing her breast with the knife, peeling off her bra as if I was removing a piece of flesh.

Unfortunately, she had an underwire on. Unfortunately for her, I had brought my wire cutters with me. I clipped the underwire in the middle and used its sharp prongs to move each half of the bra to each side. Since I had to get out the wire cutters, I stroked them up the side of her breast, around her nipple, then I opened them just below her hard little bud. I slowly crimped down on the nipple, with a very slight pressure at first. Soon, the little bud was engorged with blood and swelling up. Her breaths were coming in high pitched gasps now.

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The blindfold was wet from her tears. Her panties were wet from having pissed herself. After a few seconds, I let go of the tortured nipple. I put my wire cutters away, in the bag right next to a wiggling brown paper sack. I picked up my knife and proceeded to cut the waist band of her panties. I then peeled them away, over her crotch. I soon was looking at her exposed black pubic mound. She shaved it so that it was a small patch running down between her legs.

My friend zoomed in on her now exposed pussy while I went back over to the box and picked up a razor. I came back over to her and started dry shaving her pussy. I started at the top, cutting in and down, towards her labia. I left long red marks in my wake, irritated and scratched flesh that was painful and sensitive. I moved down to the hair on each side of her labia. I cut across her labia, then plunged the razor into her vagina.

She stopped moving immediately, which was good for her sake. She might start bleeding in places other than the few nicks and scratches I had caused her. I pulled the razor out, and put it back in the bag. Then, I picked up the rubbing alcohol. I took off the cap and smelled the vile liquid inside. I then poured it all over her bright red crotch. As soon as the alcohol touched her sensitive skin, she arced her back as far up in the air as her bounds would allow. She kept moving back and forth, frantically trying to stop the pain. My friend was still recording.

I put the lid back on the rubbing alcohol and put it back in the bag. I picked up a large mouthed funnel, the brown paper sack, and a small squeeze bottle. I walked back over to her. She was laying on the table motionless. Huge sobs were emanating as squeaks from her mouth. I shoved the tip of the squeeze bottle up her now shaven and swollen red cunt, and her breath quickened. I squeezed the bottle and the warm honey was shot far up in her crotch. I kept squeezing the bottle, shooting more and more honey into her cunt. She started to calm down her breathing a little.

I placed the funnel in her pussy and opened the brown paper sack. I poured the contents down the funnel and into her cunt. A bag full of cockroaches and centipedes. Her breath started becoming faster as I pulled out the funnel. I stepped back and let my friend do the filming. At first, she didn't move at all, but soon she started moving her hips back and forth. Her breath was getting faster and faster. All of the sudden, she started groaning and gyrating wildly back and forth, climaxing in a terrific orgasm. Honey, bugs, and cum issued forth from her pussy.

After awhile she settled back down, but was soon brought back up to another orgasm by the ferocious little insects inside her. After that orgasm, my friend, moved back, his dick as erect as mine. It took all of our self control not to start fucking her right there, but we didn't want to get caught. I walked back over to her sex which was slowly oozing a red-yellow fluid and several bugs. I inserted a new squeeze bottle into her sex. She reacted to the intrusion like a whore on a dick. I squirted the water inside her, flushing out some of the honey and bugs. I put that squeeze bottle back, and picked up a tube and a battery with alligator clips. I squeezed the tube up her cunt, the smell of alcohol burning my nostrils. The muscle ointment had the same affect on her as the alcohol on her crotch.

She started gyrating rapidly back and forth. I put one of the alligator clips on her nipple and the other on her areola. I then charged up the capacitor on the battery and discharged a current through her sensitive ni pple. Between the charges through her nipples and the muscle ointment in her vagina, she soon climaxed in another orgasm. At the end of this, I backed away and put the small cloth over her mouth. She fell into unconsciousness.

My friend stopped video taping and we both got to work cleaning up the mess. Soon, we had packed everything away and had dragged the bitch back into the van. We drove back towards campus, where we dropped her off on in one of the parking lots. We then drove back home to watch our new video.

Several months later, we were still watching that video. The woman had quit college, citing "severe emotional trauma in adjusting to her new environment." She never told anyone about the "rape," probably because she was afraid to admit what had happened to her. Her boyfriend had went on to become a star athlete and joined one of the fraternities. My friend and I came into a considerable amount of wealth when we sold our video to some Japanese businessmen that I had met on the Internet. There were two stipulations in our contract. One, that privacy was guaranteed since the money was sent to a fake PO box and, two, that a copy of one of the videos was sent to the woman's home, addressed to her father.