The Night Visitor (Supernatural, Hetero sex, Zoo sex-woman/dog) by Salty Vixen

Taura had been dreaming a lot lately, and what exotic dreams they were. Each morning when she arose, her labia were swollen and drenched, and she was sore all day, as if she had been penetrated by some dream lover. Her recollection of the dreams was hazy at best, but she recalls the gut wrenching heat and orgasms that wracked through her and the hunger. . . . hunger for more, deeper, harder.

Ever since that butthead husband of hers had left she had been very lonely and had found solace in exploring different aspects of her life and her interests had wondered into the occult. Her wanderings had led her into a dark little bookstore called The Realm, which specialized in old books and other mystical items. She found an old book, which looked fascinating and purchased it. When she got home with it and looked through it, she realized with disappointment that it was very old and falling apart and seemed to be in a different language. She put her glasses on and made a few feeble attempts at pronouncing some of the words, but soon lost interest and put the book back on her desk, and went to fix herself some coffee.

The only thing she could think of was that she was extremely horny since she was no longer being serviced daily by a man and she was masturbating while asleep and she must be getting pretty rough by the way she felt this morning. She decided she needed to buy a vibrator soon.

She went about her daily chores and went to work at three that afternoon. Her mind kept wandering to her dreams, it seemed that she was just at the edge of remembering, when it would slip away. Damn, she wished she could see her dream lover's face. Suddenly she caught the scent of rotten eggs, and snapped out of her revere and looked up to see a man standing at her desk. She didn't recognize him at first but then realized it was Micah from the 8th floor. He had asked her out for a date a few times but she was still hurting from the divorce. Besides, he's not my type, she thought.

Well, here he was again, with that puppy dog look on his face, and this time when he asked, she accepted. They arranged to meet at a local restaurant for dinner at 7pm the next night.

She was excited to be actually going out and was looking forward to it. She was also looking forward to meeting with her dream lover tonight. She decided to take a long sensual bath, soaping her hot pussy for a long time, as she began to move her hands over her hot soapy twat, her clit emerged and she gasped as she noticed how much it stuck out. She rubbed it in small circles as she came over and over in the soapy water.

Shaking from her orgasm, she stepped out of the tub and began to dry off. As she bent over to dry her feet and legs, something slipped into her vagina from behind and back out again. She whirled around to see who would dare violate her that way, but no one was there. She carefully inserted a finger in herself to see if she left a tampon in there or something but the only thing her fingers felt was her own slipperiness. She thought, Damn, I'm horny and sat on the edge of the toilet and fingered herself until she came again.

The Incubus Amazainie, perched on the shower stall and watched. He extracted his long pointed penis and began to stroke it. He had been in her each night this week since she had brought him home from the bookstore. His master, Hizbollah, had planted him inside the book, with the plan that someone would buy it and that Amazainie would pave the way for Hizbollah to implant a receptacle for his seed. He manipulated her dreams so she was wet, and hot, ready for his long fat prick. She would moan and beg, plead with him to please fuck her. . . . . . then he would place his foul member at her hole and she bucked and thrust and rose to meet his every thrust until she was drained and exhausted each night. Yes, she was a fine human fuck, but he knew she did not belong to him. The master was pleased with woman and was to be along presently to show her what a real demon was. Amazinine was just loosening her up for Hizbollah, a breeder Incubi.

As she prepared for her date, Hizbollah prepared for his. He had entered the form of Micah and was to meet with Taura that night.

The date went well, she was very attracted to him and was very turned on by his presence. When he reached to open her door, his arm brushed her and electrical impulses charged up her arms and she immediately felt heat between her legs. Jeez, what is wrong with me, she wondered. He was a perfect gentleman and she was completely enamoured with him. Later that evening as they were walking home, she decided to invite him to stay. Of course, he accepted.

The anticipation was incredible for her, and as soon as he touched her, she came. That was the first of many times that night she came. His tongue devoured her taste and her scent filled his nose and he sucked and his long tongue dipped in her deeply to drink her. But he never entered her. She begged him to put his cock inside her, but he would not, as she had to accept him in his true form in order for him to gain access to her with his enormous cock. That would come soon. His tongue drove her to orgasm as it delved inside her, scooped at her insides and back out to circle her raging clit. He pulled her ass off the bed as he ate her like a wedge of watermelon, his tongue embedded inside her, it swelled up to the size of a cock and thrust in and out of her. . . . opening her, driving her over the edge and she screamed out and gripped his head, arched her back and then she collapsed on the floor, sobbing. He gently picked her up and put her to bed, and left her there. Soon, she will be ready for the true Hizbollah.

Taura awakened the next morning to find her date had left. He left a note saying he would like to call her later and arrange another meeting. She lounged around and played with her still steaming pussy for a while, found a suitable item to insert into her pussy and she began to masturbate. Amazinine watched from his secret perch. He giggled to him self. He thought that stupid tiny little thingie she was plunging into her self was about the size of his master's small dew claw. She was about to find out about cocks.

Presently she got out of bed and showered. She was suddenly afflicted with the most irresistible urge to shave her pussy. She lathered up with the cream and carefully drew her razor across her labia. She shuddered at the feel of it scraping across her tenderest spot. The mentholated lather was tingling and she felt her clit rise. She finished shaving and was completely aroused again. She lay in the floor and finger fucked herself and came several times. In the mean time, Amazinine had taken the form of her dog Hambone who lay at her feet and watched her finger herself. Suddenly she had an idea." Come here Ham," she said.

"Ha", thought Amazinine, "no problemo", and he obediently trotted up between her legs and sniffed at her waiting puss. She patted herself to invite him to taste. He took a cursory taste, just to appear interested. He sat down and waited. He knew what she wanted. He just wanted her to ask him for it. "Come on boy, eat me," she said as she spread it open for him. He stood up, stretched and began to lick. His tongue was like sandpaper but she didn't mind. It ran up and down the length of her slit, from her asshole to her clit. He would dip it into her wet, deep hole and felt how slippery she was inside. He could still taste the presence of Hizbollahs tongue earlier. This excited him beyond belief. His dog-demon cock swelled out of its sheath and dropped to the floor. Taura was thrashing about on the floor cumming and cumming as Amazinine licked and sucked her into a frenzy.

She decided to try to fuck her dog, and was very amazed at the sight of his already hard doggie dick. She wasn't sure how to go about it, but knew dogs mated "doggie style" so she got on her hands and knees and invited him on. "Aarf", said Amazinine-Hambone. Up he went and she reached down and put his raging cock up to her cunthole and he pushed in with all his might, up to the hilt, buried deep within her. It was his last chance to open her up and he wasn't going to disappoint his master. She screamed and attempted to crawl away, but he held her tight with his forepaws as he shoved his entire length into her cruelly. The pain was intense, but there was an undercurrent of pleasure.

His cock was too big. She was way in over her head. She felt it grow in diameter as he plunged in, panting and drooling on her back. She was in pain, but the pain was good. She could feel the dogs cock slamming against her cervix and it was so large that it pulled part of her skin in with each stroke in. She felt the now familiar building of her climax, but this one was different. It originated where the pain was, and spread out ward. She began to move her ass against the frenzied dog and in a few minutes her thrusting was matching his in strength as she howled and screamed her orgasm, cum dripping down her legs, she began to cum again before her other one was over.

Amazinine was buried inside of her, and as he erupted he shoved the end of this doggie dick inside her and embedded the now grapefruit sized knot into her as he flooded her with his hot doggie cum. He was so overcome with this human bitch he sank his fangs into her and drew blood, but she was cumming too hard to notice. He sucked her blood as he came and watched the blood run down her sides. She constantly bucked and pushed her ass up and he met it with his thrusts. "Oh, yes," thought he. "Master might be able to get in there now".

Read this hot story:
The Goddess's Gift (Supernatural) Erotic Fiction by Salty Vixen

After a few minutes she collapsed on the floor and he extracted his cock and trotted off. He left the dog form and crawled back into the pages of the dark book. He was actually tired.

She came to after awhile and was ashamed of herself. How dare she take advantage of this poor animal. She looked over at Ham, who was still sleeping. Hmm, she thought. He doesn't look tired at all.

Back in the shower she thought about the dog fucking her. Why haven't I thought of that before, she wondered.

Her day was slow because she wanted Micah to call. She did things around the house so she would be there when he did.

Morning turned to afternoon and afternoon turned to evening. Still no Micah. She opened the bottle of wine she chilled for him and drank most of it before she went to bed, depressed.

She lay there, drifting in and out of sleep. Suddenly she heard a noise in the house. She listened closely and there! it was again. She waited for it to sound again, but it did not. She relaxed again and decided it had to be the house settling. Drifting back to sleep, she felt a breeze in the room, and a smell of wet fur and a slightly putrid smell, rather like rotted eggs. Nearly asleep, she said, "Ham, you stink."

Suddenly, she was awake again as a steady footfall was detected in the room with her. Paralyzed with fear, she was too terrified to open her eyes. Maybe if act like I'm asleep, he'll go away. The stepping sound stopped at the foot of her bed. She could hear him breathing, ragged and loudly. Terrified and trembling she waited. She felt like if she opened her eyes she would die. The smell of wet fur was thick and filled her nose, she thought she was going to vomit.

Suddenly the bed began to sink as the weight of Hizbollah was slowly lowered over her. She began to urinate in her fear. Her eyes never opened. His tongue snaked out and licked her spasming urethra, lapping up her waste as she poured it out. Her eyes remained squeezed closed. Her breath came in ragged gasps. She thought she was about to die.

His tongue continued to minister its cleaning until she stopped urinating. Then it snaked its way into familiar territory, dipping into her, wanting her to respond as she did when he was Micah. Despite her paralyzing fear, despite her fear of death, despite her terror and horror, it began to feel good, feel like something she had experienced recently. Her legs opened up and she relaxed her legs. But she could not, would not open her eyes. This licking and sucking continued until she began to respond.

Then he spoke," Taura, I am here." It was Micah's voice, but not. It had an echo/whisper quality.

Suddenly the tongue slithered up her belly and into her mouth, and she knew this wasn't Micah. She knew it wasn't human. The tongue explored her mouth and plunged down her throat, gagging her. As he leaned forward to better position himself between her legs the bed groaned and she thought it would break from the incredible weight. He rasped out a laugh and raked his long talons down her tender body, leaving a long thin trail of blood, and she shuddered in revulsion and in pleasure. She didn't know what this thing was, but she was sure it wanted to fuck her and she was sure it was evil.

And she was pretty sure she wanted it to fuck her. His hooked claws scooped her ass up from the bed and he lowered his head and began his slow feast. Suddenly she felt that tongue slither and worm its way into her, and she began to shudder and her eyes opened for the first time and she nearly fainted. What loomed above her was the most evil looking creature imaginable. At least 500 pounds and 8 feet tall including the mass of horns on its head, the demon was monstrous.

The horns swirled downward and curled around the sides of its massive head. Small slits served its eyes, with a hellish fire in them, burning through her. The tongue that slithered around her was forked and darted from a headful of 2 inch fangs. His upper body was like that of a black man with heavy muscled chest and arms ending in terrible claws. But the most awful part of him was the lower body. Coarse, wiry hair sprouted from his lower body, covering his buttocks and legs, hips and waist completely. Instead of feet, he had cloven hooves, which made the clip clop sound she heard in the hall way. Jutting from his groin was the most fearsome looking protuberance imaginable. It was beyond description, 2 feet in length and as big around as a human's arm. The head of it mushroomed out and was the size of a grapefruit.

She swooned and began to defecate and urinate again. He lifted her legs into the air and consumed all that she produced. He crooned to her that she was his " bride" and how she would "mother his offspring". Despite his horrible appearance, size and intent, she began to feel that old familiar stirring in her crotch. She kept looking at him, too horrified to speak, watching him as he ate her gently, pausing over her clit to titillate her and coax her into asking him. She watched as he lowered that terrible head and placed his mouth over her shaved pussy and she began to move her hips as his tongue moved over her in the most incredible way. He clicked his teeth and purred and told her he longed for her and how much he loved her, in his best voice.

He slurped and gurgled and drank her as she exploded into his mouth, crying and sobbing and shuddering. He nipped at her bare pussy being careful not to bite. He looked into her eyes and she into his, without fear this time, and he knew she had accepted him. She watched as he knelt between her legs, his shaggy fur dragging over her, she knew it would hurt. He had to force her legs apart to accommodate his width, so he held her legs up and apart. She felt a twinge of pain as the muscles in her legs objected to this new position. Then she felt him at the opening. He would not stop now, she knew. She also knew she didn't want him to stop. He pushed his grapefruit sized glans into her sopping wet cunt and it was immediately accepted with a sucking sound. He bellowed and she screamed.

(Amazinine sat in the corner with a glazed look in his eyes and pumped his huge cock while he watched his master part this maiden and plant his seed. He thought to himself," I did a good job and I shall be repaid by master". ) Slowly Hizbollah inched his way into Taura and she was tearing and screaming in a way that only demons love. He found himself nearly all the way inside her and growled as he plunged it in and began the slide out. He pushed her legs down farther and she screamed again.

He thought she screamed from pain but soon realized while he with drew she was screaming for him to not pull it out. His cock was black and slimy from his precum and her blood and cum, so it moved easily, like a piston. He began to pump it in and out. She flopped like a rag doll under him. He impaled her over and over again and she was in extreme pain, but exquisite pain.

Her brain was about to explode, and her pussy was exploding as she was in continual ecstasy while the Incubus impaled her. His cock was like a baseball bat and he felt the impending explosion and backed off some, so she wouldn't shoot off the end of his prick when he came, the demon roared and lunged deep within her as his cock exploded and he felt the delicious silverness about it and how it quivered and quaked and he found his center and roared again as he fucked her with all his fury and might, and his engorged cock was buried to the hilt, and he filled her so much it sprayed out around the seal of their union, he bellowed and growled and snapped his awful jaws as he thrashed over her and plunged it into her deeply. She felt the demon about to come as his already huge cock grew ever more hard and he became very still as it filled her and she felt it ooze up into her fertile womb and fill it to capacity.

She knew she had just been impregnated by this demon. But all she cared about was this fucking, this sucking, this enormous cock filling her. She never wanted to stop so when it was over, and Hizbollah pulled that grapefruit head out with a pop, and come gushed out like a glass of spilled milk, she was furious. She screamed at him and made some puny attempts to attack him even though she was bleeding and her legs were out of socket. He laughed at her and stood.

His cock dangling around his knees, he picked her up like a rag doll. He popped her hips back in place and tenderly held her over his head and licked her bleeding cunt until it stopped. By then she was comatose and so he gently lay her back on the bed and called for Amazanine, who was crouched on the chair awaiting his masters wish. Amazinine cleaned his master's cock as he was taught to do using his tongue and helped Hizbollah sheath the massive tool. Hizbollah went to his bride, covered her, and she opened her eyes to gaze at him. He told her he could not stay with her on this plane of existence, but his seed was in her and he would visit often.

He then whispered to her and told her about Amazinine and showed her how to call him, as he was there to attend the young prince and his mother now. Amazinine snickered and showed her his long thick cock. She smiled and went back to sleep and Hizbollah went back to the dark world, but he would watch over his little family. And he would be back soon.