The Long Tease Incest/Taboo 12 page Story by Salty Vixen

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"Wow Mom, this is awesome." He looked up and smiled bashfully. "You shouldn't have. What it's for?"

I giggled and poked him playfully in the arm. "For taking pictures silly," I said and Katie snorted a little. She could hold her drink less well than either Tom or me and was a little tipsy. I smiled. "For being the man of the house while your father has been away and for looking after me so well," I went on, seeing him slightly puff up with pride at being called the man of the house. "Anyway, it'll be prom and graduation soon. It's a special time in a person's life and I want you to have loads of memories. I know you've got a camera phone and all, but I've seen your pictures." He gave a little guilty start at that which Katie didn't notice but Mommy did. "And the quality isn't great. You and Katie deserve to remember this time for ever and in HD quality!"

Tom seemed a little overwhelmed but stammered his thanks. "Can I take some pictures now?" He blurted out, looking at me, then blushed when he realized. I smiled sweetly, innocently.

"Of course angel, but wouldn't it be better to take pictures of Katie? She is your girlfriend after all," I said, smiling at Katie with just the slightest hint of condescension. Tom looked between us for a moment before regaining his composure and grinning.

"Right, yeah, of course Mom. I meant that," he said lamely. Katie seemed a little put out but didn't want to spoil my evening and so gave a smile of her own that never quite reached her eyes.

"Sure, but why not together?" She added. "I mean we are together and I'd feel a bit awkward just me being photographed."

"Oh but you don't want me to take them do you? Isn't it a little inappropriate? I mean, I'd like you to be natural with each other, like you were at Prom together." Tom pressed me to take them, saying it wouldn't be weird or anything and Katie, reluctantly, agreed. Katie wasn't exactly dressed for Prom, in jeans and a loose blouse over a white top. She didn't look bad at all, just not glamorous. I was still in my office attire, charcoal grey pencil skirt that ended well above my knee and white silk blouse. The matching jacket to my skirt was flung over the back of the sofa, while my patent leather shoes were, as was now customary, left by the door.

They stood next to each other and smiled awkwardly. You'd never have guessed they were a couple. Were they inhibited by my presence, I wondered, or did they just naturally have no chemistry? "Come on guys," I said. "You look like you've only just met, live a little. Come on Tommy, put your arm around her." He put an arm around her shoulder, which was a little better but not much. "Ok, now Katie, rest your head on his shoulder, yes, like that, as if you can't think of a place you'd rather be," you lucky bitch, I thought silently. She smiled sweetly, dreamily and I clicked a few snaps. Tom wasn't looking at her but at me and, more specifically, at my bare feet and the bright pink nail polish. Subconsciously I had started tapping my foot when directly them about, as if impatiently waiting for them to comply. Now I knew I had Tom's attention I wasn't going to stop, was I? It felt good, knowing that even with his arm around his girlfriend, my feet were more interesting to him.

"That's nice but Tommy darling, look at Katie please, deep into her eyes, that's it, nice," I said and snapped a couple of more photos. Holding the camera away from me and, looking at the screen, I frowned. "Hmm, they're ok but not sexy enough," I said and looked up with a glint in my eye.

"Err, Mom," Tom replied, "I'm not sure we're exactly going for sexy," he said, looking wary. I waved a hand dismissively.

"Nonsense, I'm not asking you to strip off and start doing it on the sofa, I am your mother after all," I added slyly. "Just show the camera you're into each other, that's all. Here, I'll show you," I said and advanced on them, noting with satisfaction the slight look of panic on my son's face. Taking his arm, I moved it down from Katie's shoulder to around her waist. "There, that's all. She's got a lovely figure Tommy, just give her a nice squeeze. You don't mind Katie, do you? No, I thought not." I didn't exactly give her time to object. I stepped back and snapped a photo. "Better, but you still both look petrified. Look, I'll show you. Tommy, come here," I pulled him away from Katie and handed her the camera. I grabbed my phone and slid myself into the position Katie had just vacated and placed Tom's hand on my hip, snuggling into him, feeling his firm young body against me - it was divine. "Now, look at me baby," I said softly, and then gave him a smoldering look of desire, none of which was manufactured though neither Katie nor Tom knew that. "That's it," I said as I took a selfie on my phone.

I showed it to Tom first, an exclusive mother-son glimpse at the intimate photo and I heard a tiny intake of breath from Tom as he looked at the screen and the lustful, adoring gaze that I was giving him. After just a moment I snatched it away from him and he stared longing after it as I showed it to Katie. "There, see", I said, "now you try." Katie looked at me skeptically but then took her place back next to Tom.

"Ok Mrs. Richardson, if you're sure. Like this?" She asked nervously, giving my son what I supposed was her sexiest pout. I smiled slightly condescendingly. Poor girl, she really hadn't learned how to hook and hold a man yet. Maybe she never would.

"Kind of, yes, maybe you just need a bit more practice dear, but sure, it's better than before. I know," I said brightening, "try lifting your leg up and across this," I said moving forward and raising her denim-clad thigh up so it covered Tom's groin. She resisted a little but gave way. I stepped back and snapped a couple of more photos. "Yes, that looks great. It would look even better in heels, of course. I guess you'll be wearing those to Prom, though, right?" I asked innocently, ignoring Tom's warning shake of his head.

"Oh no, Mrs. Richardson," Katie said. "'t wear heels. They hurt my ankle too much." I looked surprised and then sympathetic.

"Oh, that a shame Katie dear, heels look so feminine, don't you agree Tommy?" Tom looked flustered as both Katie and I looked at him for an answer.

" is...Yes, I suppose so Mom," he said, smiling weakly. Katie gave something that approached a snort.

"I'm not sure women of my generation agree with that Mrs. Richardson. We think that heels are more a symbol of what men think is feminine," she said replacing her foot on the ground. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Is that so, dear? How interesting," I said in a tone that implied she'd learn once she grew up. The photo session petered out after that but I felt pleased with my work and the little seeds that I had planted. I know it was wrong to mess with their relationship but it made me feel good and I didn't seem to care if I was being selfish. It wasn't as if Tom was entirely innocent after all? Katie might have been but, well, she was hogging my boy and what's a mother to do?

We watched a movie together after that and when Katie left, Tom and I were left alone, him on the sofa and me in my armchair. We looked at each other for a while, not saying anything. I could tell he was gearing up to ask me something. I had a good idea about what it might be.

"Mom?" He said eventually. I smiled.

"Yes angel?"

"Thanks so much for the camera, it's such an amazing gift. I'm so lucky to have you looking out for me."

"You're welcome baby," I replied, leaning forward a little. "I'm always looking out for you," I said in a slightly husky tone. "I just wanted to ensure you'd be able to record the next few weeks and months properly. It's a big time in a guy's life, lots of changes and it'll be nice to be able to look back in a few years' time on these days with crystal clarity. I'm sorry if I embarrassed Katie," I added slyly, "I didn't think she'd be so prudish. I don't mean to offend you or anything."

"No, no, that's ok Mom," he replied thoughtfully. "She's, well, nice and all but she doesn't know as much as you." Then he paused, looked away and then back at me. " the photo you took of us. I know it's just a silly one and all'd like a copy." Inside my head, my ego did a little victory dance. How I managed to keep a smirk of my face I don't know, but I did. I even managed to keep my tone of voice disinterested.

"Sure hunny, if you really want. I'll air drop it to you. Just don't show it to Katie," I giggled conspiratorially, "Or you dad for that matter. They might get the wrong idea." Or the right one, I added silently, as I sent the photo to Tom's phone. "It's just a shame it's only a head shot I suppose," I added casually, leaving a gap for him to drive straight through. He didn't disappoint.

"Maybe we could take some more photos some time?", he said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Just to make sure that my camera skills are ready for the big events coming up. I don't want to end up cutting off people's heads or anything, do I?" He said lightly. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sure, hun, I'd be happy to help if you really think you need it. I'm tired though, so let's talk about it another time, ok?"

"Yeah, right, of course Mom," he said and gave me a wave from the sofa. I passed behind him and ruffled his hair, leaving my hand there just a moment longer than I needed to before retreating back to my room highly satisfied with my night's work.

I was eager to read Tom's take on the latest events and I didn't have to wait long. He posted a detailed message that very evening. Clearly he was too excited not to share his news as quickly as he could. Tom had many readers on the site but I bet that none of them were as excited as me when they saw that he'd posted. I devoured his words voraciously. I had intended the camera and the photo I had taken to be a final gift to my unsuspecting son but I was no longer sure that I could stop my teasing. I wanted to read about myself and Tom's feelings for me as much as he wanted to post about it. I should have been the grown up, should have put a stop to it but I found that I didn't want to. That I wanted my son's devotion and desire and I wanted to read what others said about us and about me. How many of them guessed what was really going on?

Read this hot story:
Esta No Soy Yo

Tom's announcement that I had agreed to have my photo taken again was greeted with a great deal of excitement and encouragement and also by a little skepticism in some quarters. That, though, was not the first thing that grabbed my attention. Attached to the message was another photo. Surely Tom wouldn't have used the one we took already? Of course he would, I told myself. You *knew* he would, that's why you took it wasn't it? The inner slut smiled with self-knowledge. I was relieved that he read that he had preserved my identity but my heart still trembled a little as I clicked on the attachment. Had he pixelated my face perhaps? No, he hadn't.

I was shocked when I saw the photo. He was cropped out of the picture but there I was, my long red hair loose, my silver necklace around my swan neck. My face, though? My features were indeed obscured as Tom had promised. They were covered in his tribute. Big thick dollops of white, gooey cum all over my face. I almost dropped my phone in shock.

That was the moment. Had I retained a shred of what society would think of as morality, I would have either gone straight downstairs and bawled my son out or I'd have shut the website down, never looked at it again and booked myself into therapy. I didn't do either. I jilled myself off, as hard as I could ever remember doing. I crossed in that moment from this being a fantasy to wanting this, to needing my son to fuck me to mark me as his own. I craved his cum on my face. No man had ever done that to me. My Tommy would be the first. He'd make me his whore and I'd love it. In that moment, I knew I'd do anything for him, give him whatever he desired.

Once I came down from epiphanic orgasm, I read more of the thread. There was quite a bit of discussion on about how Tom might prove that he was genuine. There were some implausible suggestions and a fair amount of virtual shoulder shrugging. This was the moment to enter the fray, I decided. I signed up to the site using a fake email and posted the following message:

Hi everybody, long-time lurker, first-time poster. I'm a Mom who's been fascinated by this story and, when I say fascinated, I mean in a hands on kind of way! 😉 I'm not sure whether the OP is telling the truth or not but, if he is, then the best way we can all know is for him to take a photo of his Mom's closet, so we all know what clothes she's got, then we can say what items we'd like to see pictures of her in. If the OP can get them then we know he's it bullshitting us, right? Once we know that, we can start thinking about what's really going on with this Mom and whether she's really the slut we all suspect. 🙂

Within a couple of hours after posting my phone had lit up with several replies, all praising the idea as genius and then, most pleasingly, a reply from Tom to say that he'd try next time Mom was out of the house.

As any woman knows who ventures to put her head above the parapet on a sex site, one is flooded with private messages and this is what happened to me. They varied from the faintly amusing to the plainly obnoxious to the downright offensive. I deleted them all. I wasn't interested in engaging with anyone other than my son and, besides, given that a lot of them wanted to know about my son or to see my picture, I figured that, unknowingly, they already had what they wanted.

What Tom needed now was opportunity and I decided to give it to him by driving to pick Bob up from the airport instead of him catching a cab as he usually did after one of his trips away. I knew that his return might curtail Tom and my activities for a little while but I thought that the added excitement of him being around and sneaking about might be fun. His being away never bothered me, rather it removed from view the aching chasm of a lifeless marriage between us and allowed me to concentrate on myself and on Tom. His return was something of a cloud but I tried not to let it affect my mood.

I dressed in a floral summer dress, as if willing the warm weather along, wedge wicker sandals and yellow-painted toes to match the colors in the dress and to give Tom a treat. It worked if the tell-tale glimpse down at my feet that he always gave when I entered a room was anything to go by. It gave me little butterflies in my stomach as I left the house and climbed into the car.

Before I left, I had prepared my closet carefully for Tom, should he strike while I was out, as I had little doubt that he would. I had ensured that my nicest and sexiest clothes were visible if not too obviously prominent. I was looking forward to seeing what the posters on the forum would want to see Tom take pictures of me in. The process of doing this, though, revealed something important. I didn't have nearly enough racy clothes. Sure, I had plenty of pretty clothes and a few shoes, dresses, skirts and lingerie that could at a pinch, be classed properly sexy. It was the legacy of a neglectful husband and a truncated sex life. I resolved to change that. If I really was about to launch an affair with my son, then I'd need to be able to hold his interest.

Though Bob complained that he was tired from the flight, I persuaded him to go for a meal together to catch up before we returned home, thus giving Tom as much time as possible. All the time I was with Bob my mind was elsewhere. I tried my best to concentrate on what he was saying about the things he'd been doing but in reality, as my heart fluttered in my chest it was not for him but for my Tom and what he might be doing at this very moment. I was desperate to see what he posted and what the response was. How had this happened to me, I wondered? I had no idea that this streak of exhibitionism existed within me. It excited and frightened me at the same time. The woman I was becoming was seemingly out of my control and, looking across at the man opposite me, there was no way that Bob would be able to control me either. My heart beat even faster at the thought that maybe the only person who could was the boy that I had created 18 years before. The thought was so wrong, I knew that, but it made my pussy so very wet.

When we got home, Tom came out to greet us. He and his Dad exchanged pleasantries but Bob wanted to head indoors quickly and Tom and I were left outside alone for a moment. Tom had his new camera in his hand and I wondered whether he had come straight from my room or whether he was planning to ask to take a photo now. That seemed rather risky but I decided to grasp the opportunity.

"Hey angel," I said breezily. "While your Dad's heading in to unpack, and seeing as you have that camera do you still want to practice your photography?" Tom looked at me wide-eyed and nodded.

"Er, sure Mom. What were you thinking?" He said, clearly surprised that I had offered.

"Well," I said and tapped the hood of my new midnight blue Honda CRV. "How about you get a couple of snaps of me on here? Just sitting on the hood or something or is that too risque for your Mom?" I teased, challenging him. He took the bait, as I knew he would.

"No, no, that sounds great Mom. Very tasteful," he said eagerly, trying his best not to show just how keen he was. I turned my back on him and then realised that there was a problem. The Honda, being an SUV, had a pretty high hood and I couldn't get up there unassisted. I turned back and shrugged.

"It's too high angel. I'm sorry, we'll have to give it a miss...Unless..." I trailed off. Tom jumped in, just as I intended.

"Oh, I can lift you up there Mom if that's ok? I'd be doing that if this were a real photoshoot after all," he added in explanation. I paused, as if considering it for a moment and then smiled.

"Sure, ok baby." I said. My heart now hammering with excitement. Tom was going to touch me in a way he never had before. He approached and I looked up into his green eyes. He smiled confidently and I swear my pussy contracted and I was glad that I was wearing panties to catch the juices that were now flowing. His hands went around my 26-inch waist. He was surprisingly strong I thought as he lifted me into the air and placed me gently on the hood of my car.

"Wow Mom," he said, "you're even slimmer and lighter than Katie." My inner bitch gave another little dance of delight at this. I just smiled in response and waved a hand dismissively.

"Oh darling, don't say such things in front of her ok? Insecure girls can get terribly jealous about those sorts of things made your Mom a very happy woman," I added in a conspiratorial whisper. He grinned in reply. I crossed my legs and my foot rocked back and forth slightly as I sat there. He just stared for a moment before I broke his trance by saying "So, how do you want me, Mr. Director?" He looked me in the eyes for a moment and swallowed hard and I knew exactly how he wanted me even though he didn't say it.

"Um, how about leaning back a bit, with your arms either side behind you?" He suggested and I complied, leaning back, pushing my small breasts out a little, making my feet more prominent, spreading my palms on the warm hood, feeling the heat from the engine beneath my ass and thighs. "Perfect, that's right Mom, let me just grab a couple of shots. Wow, that's lovely," he added confidently. "Ok, ok, time for one more?"

I checked my watch and then looked up at my bedroom window, as if expecting to see Bob there, staring down to see me flaunting myself in front of our son. He wasn't there and I smiled and gave him a wink. "Ok, one more. How about like this?" I said and leant forward, placing one elbow just above my knee and cupping my chin in the palm. My yellow nails just pressing against my red lips, my wicker sandal almost dangling off my foot, I stared down the lens of my son's camera, a seductive smile just hidden behind my fingers.

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