The Long Tease Incest/Taboo 12 page Story by Salty Vixen

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 tried to pull myself together that evening, to be just a normal mom, to ignore the little glances at me feet (which I'd left naked - naughty Nancy, I just couldn't help myself seemingly!) and not to glance too often at his groin, imagining that smooth as silk, hard as iron rod that was lurking beneath his pants just waiting for me to... As I say, I tried!

When, however, Tom said that Katie's parents had invited me to join them for dinner out on Saturday night, I couldn't help but think that this was an opportunity for me to compare myself directly with Katie, my younger rival, and prove to Tom that I was superior in every way. It might only ever be fantasy for us both, it had to be, but that didn't mean that Tom wouldn't know that he had to settle for second best. It was wicked to think that way, I know, but it was how I felt. I wasn't proud of it, as any mother should want the best for her son. At that stage, though, I didn't think it would be possible to give him the best. I should have known that, in the end, I wouldn't be able to deny my boy the best.

When Saturday came, I planned my day meticulously. It was funny to think that only a week before I was reduced to spring cleaning to fill my time and now I was preparing myself for a date, if not exactly with him then at least in his general vicinity. Impressing him was very much the object of my day. I booked the morning in with my beauty salon. Tom shook his head in bemusement when I told him where I'd be all morning.

"It's just dinner with Katie's folks Mom and Dad's not even there, I don't see the point," he said. I just smiled airily at him. Little did he know, I thought smugly.

At the salon, I had my hair styled, my roots touched up to cover any stray grey hairs and to ensure it had a really rich luster to it, a proper copper red. Next, I had a mani-pedi, the full works with exfoliation and cuticle treatment. My hands and feet felt amazing as Suzi, the beautician, applied first the clear polish and then, on top, an absolutely stunning rose gold glitter polish that complimented my hair and made my nails literally sparkle. There was no way Tom wouldn't spending the whole evening sneaking glances at my toes. The thought amused and excited me in equal measure. I had a lovely crimson dress that I would wear that was revealing but without being too sluttish (I didn't want to give the game away after all) but I needed the perfect shoes to go with it. I found a pair of red high-heeled sandals that fitted the bill and snapped them up. They were about 4 inch stilettos with simple leather straps around the ankle and just above the toes and then two further straps which crossed over the instep before joining the sole. There was a zip at the back to enclose the heel in a really snug feel. They looked fantastic and I knew they and the gold nail polish would put Katie in the shade with her flats, however nice her feet might be.

I was tingling with anticipation when I got home. I wanted to rush straight up to my room and jill off but I wanted to keep myself on edge. I wanted the lust to be in control, I didn't want to feel shame again and as long as I denied myself satisfaction then I knew I could keep the shame away. I kept my feet hidden from Tom that afternoon as I wanted to reveal my glittery toes only at the right moment.

I knew Katie's parents a little from various school things but I asked Tom more about them as he'd been spending quite a bit of time at Katie's house recently. Her Mom, Pattie, was as plain as Katie but 30 years older and without the bloom of youth that at least Katie had in her favor. She was HR manager in a law office downtown. Her husband, Tony, was more impressive. He was a surgeon at the general hospital and had a reputation, Tom told me, of being a little too handsy with the nurses. Like all surgeons, he thought he was God's gift, and Tom didn't much like him.

I disappeared upstairs about 6 and told Tom to be ready at 7, from where we'd drive downtown to the Italian restaurant that Tony had booked. I took my time preparing myself, applying my makeup carefully to ensure that I had that 'natural look' which takes a lot of effort to pull off. Once I was satisfied, I slid a pair of black Brazilian-cut panties up my legs, which I'd freshly shaved this morning. I was relieved that I had good enough legs not to worry about cellulite and therefore didn't need pantyhose and could show off my toes to best effect.

The crimson dress was short with a floaty skirt that whispered promises of what might be beneath while never quite giving the game away. The bodice again hinted that if you looked at the right angle you'd be able to see my black bra, but that you'd have to prove yourself not a gentleman to find yourself at such an angle! For a little modesty, I added a velvet black bolero jacket that covered my creamy shoulders but suggested treasures beneath. A white-gold heart pendant further drew attention to my décolletage. The shoes, as I had hoped, perfected the outfit and I knew, as I stared at myself in the full-length mirror, that I'd make quite an impression on men that evening. The only man who's opinion I really cared about at that moment, however, was waiting for me in the hallway below.

I really shouldn't keep him waiting much longer, I smiled and, blowing the woman in the mirror a kiss for good luck, I descended the stairs, my heart quivering in my chest with nerves. The moment I saw Tom's eyes light up, I knew that I had hit the jackpot. He was dressed in stone-colored chinos, a blue cotton shirt, open at the neck, a black jacket and shoes. His brown hair was styled away from a forehead that had long been clean from acne and smooth. His green eyes sparkled up at me in wonder and approval. He looked handsome and his expression told me I looked beautiful before his mouth did. I smiled at his compliment, took his arm in mind and patted his hand. Even in my four-inch heels, he still topped me by a couple of inches. It felt good being on his arm.

"You're too kind baby," I said to him. "I just didn't want to let my boy down, that's all." Tom looked down at my feet as we walked to the door and mumbled that I could never do that. I could feel his eyes boring into my feet, encased in the wispy straps of ruby-red leather and I smiled to myself as he stared like a magpie attracted to a shiny object.

Our proximity as we left the house was such that Tom couldn't help getting excited and, as he opened the car door for me and I stepped lady-like into the passenger seat of our family saloon, I couldn't help but observe the shape of semi-erect cock beneath of fabric of his pants. I had to restrain myself from reaching out with my sparkly rose-gold fingers and tracing the contours of it. I affected not to notice, this was still fantasy after all, but, as he made his way round to his side, I allowed myself a smirk of pleasure.

The drive was largely uneventful. I let Tom drive as, being under 21, he wouldn't be able to drink and therefore he had volunteered to drive me, less out of chivalry I suspected than because he was keen to be behind the wheel, having only recently passed his test at the second attempt. The only thing of note was when he reached over with his right hand and squeezed mine for a moment.

"Thanks for doing this Mom," he said with a thin smile which told me how nervous he was. "I really appreciate it." I leant over and kissed him on the cheek. It wasn't exactly a motherly thing to do, I reflected, more the response of a girlfriend to her boyfriend. The lines in my head between fantasy and reality seemed to be becoming thinner and thinner. I had to be careful I warned myself, as I told my son that it was no trouble and better than sitting at home on the sofa with just Netflix for company.

"It's my pleasure darling," I breathed. I saw his hand tighten on the gearshift at my touch and I couldn't help but flick my eyes over his groin. Did I see a twitch? Surely not!

The restaurant was a pizzeria which had been in the same family for years and was a well-known landmark for the city's foodies. Katie was already there with her parents. I felt a stab of possessiveness when I saw her and a little devil inside me prompted me to do what I did next. As I stepped out of the car onto the curb, my purse came tumbling down from my lap into the gutter between the car and the sidewalk. Tom came round to my side and I looked at him helplessly.

"Angel, do you mind?" I gestured at the red purse with my sparkly toes. "I mean I would but it's not easy in these heels as you can imagine and I'm not sure I wanna give your girlfriend and her family a view of my ass scrabbling around in the gutter."

"Er sure, of course Mom," Tom said and dropped to his knees. The purse had actually fallen just under the car and I pointed at it again with my foot.

"It's just there angel, you see it?" I said helpfully, knowing that he'd be getting an eyeful of my feet in their new shoes and their war paint. Tom seemed transfixed and for a moment I wondered whether he might lose his shit entirely and just start licking my toes. I guess the whole action can't have lasted more than a few seconds but to me it felt like time had stood still. Tom eventually clambered to his feet and handed me the purse, his face as red as the item itself. I smiled at him and he mumbled an excuse about it being at an awkward angle. My inner woman smirked, knowing that Katie would struggle to hold my boy's attention after that little scene. I knew it was naughty but, frankly, I didn't care, not that night.

She gave Tom a welcoming hug and then a shy wave at me. "Hi there Mrs Richardson," she said and I bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek. I towered over her in my heels and I noted with pleasure that she was, indeed, in flats that did nothing for her posture. The sun was setting over the rooftops and I was bathed in its orange glow that added an extra luster and richness to my hair and dress. I knew for certain that, despite being nearly 30 years older than her, I outshone my son's girlfriend with ease. Her father noticed too and I felt his eyes rake over me, appraising my body with the eyes of a surgeon. He seemed pleased with what he saw. He wasn't exactly handsome but he was well-dressed and had a confidence or arrogance that seems to come as standard in his chosen profession.

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Intention Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

"Good to see you again Nancy," he said with a leer and he kissed me on the cheek. "You remember Pattie, right?" I smiled coolly at his dowdy wife and we exchanged pleasantries before heading in.

It didn't take me long to work out that Tony was an ass man, the feel of his hand on my behind as I walked through the door behind Pattie and the kids gave me a pretty hefty clue. We took a booth, Tom and Katie on one side and the parents on the other. I took up the end, directly opposite Tom and next to Tony, with Pattie squeezed in against the wall. My heart twisted with jealousy when I saw Katie hold Tom's hand. Part of me wanted to stand up and scream at her to let my boy go but, fortunately, I managed to control the little banshee that my lust had awakened. Instead, I crossed my legs at such an angle that my glittering toes were directly in my son's eye line. It was pleasing to know that while he may have been holding his girlfriend's hand, his eyes kept coming back to my feet.

I allowed my foot to move gently in time with the opera music that the proprietor always played in the mistaken belief that it made the place more authentic and classy. The rhythm was hypnotic and on more than one occasion, Tom was distracted enough to miss his cue in the conversation and Katie had to prompt him to answer a question from her father. Realizing that he might not be making the best impression, Tom managed to pull himself together and I waited with amusement for his resolve to break before he looked again. He managed five minutes, which was impressive I thought.

To be honest, by the time the pizzas arrived, Tony wasn't paying much attention to Tom any more. Tom and Katie were talking with Pattie, while I was asking Tony about his work, always an easy conversation starter with a man. Tony was animatedly telling me about an emergency bypass operation he'd had to do last week, which I wasn't sure was the most appropriate thing to be discussing when we were eating but was certainly more appropriate than pressing his thigh hard against mine, which he was doing brazenly.

Although Bob paid me little attention these days, it wasn't unknown for me to garner male interest but none had been as blatant as Tony. Then again, I hadn't taken the opportunity to look as good as I did tonight for a long time. I was indifferent to his attentions, my own mind was filled only with Tom and he was responsible for the tingle in my center. I was polite, even if Tony wasn't. I feigned attention but I gave him no hint that I welcomed his advances.

When I got up to go to the bathroom, I felt his right hand again brush my backside and I couldn't help but wonder whether Pattie would see. I didn't look back but I could feel his eyes trained on my ass as I sauntered to the bathroom. As I passed Tom, I saw his eyes follow me too, just for a moment and that made me feel all warm inside. Inside the cubicle, I pulled my panties down and could see just the slightest hint of my creamy excitement in the gusset. I wanted to touch my bald pussy, to bring myself off but no, I mustn't, not yet. The bathroom was a fair way from the main eating area and, as I emerged from the ladies, I came face to face with Tony, who was loitering outside the men's. I jumped a little to see him and he grinned wolfishly, placing a hand on my arm. It was a beautiful hand, to be fair, a surgeon's hand, perfectly manicured with slim, nimble fingers.

"Your Bob's a foolish man, leaving someone as gorgeous as you all alone Nancy," he said. I frowned, surprised at such a cheesy line. Did he really think he was going to get anywhere with me? I smiled and removed his hand firmly from my arm. "If you're lonely Nancy...I'm sure I could help." Urgh, what a dick I thought.

"Tony, your wife and daughter are out there," I said softly but he just shrugged.

"But they won't be if we're at your place sweetheart, will they?" He jerked his head in the direction of the eating area. "Pattie understands. She knows she's not been able to hold me. I can see you're lonely Nancy, don't tell me you've never been tempted. I know Bob's away a great deal, Tom told me you're unhappy. I know how to look after a woman like you." I shook my head.

"I think it's best we forget this conversation Tony, for Katie and Tom's sake as much as Pattie's. For your information, there's only one man who can satisfy me and I'm afraid it isn't you." He didn't need to know that it wasn't Bob either. I folded my arms under my breasts and looked at him, the sort of look a mother gives an errant boy, eyebrow slightly arched, red mouth screwed up slightly into a disapproving pout. He stared at me for a moment and then bowed his head in defeat.

"Your loss," he said and stepped aside.

Head held high, I strode past him. "I doubt that Tony," I replied. My only thought as I headed back down the long corridor was that Tom would like the sound of my new heels click-clacking on the hard surface.

Tony was subdued for the remainder of the evening and instead Pattie, who perhaps sensed what might have occurred, seemed to gain in confidence and we found a common interest in cake baking that we discussed over dessert, laughing as we regaled each other with stories of successes and spectacular failures. I had had a couple of glasses of wine, nothing to make me drunk but just enough to give me a nice warm buzz inside.

On the car journey home, Tom was quiet and thoughtful while I rested my eyes, planning out in my head what was to come when we got home. Once we were inside, I gave a long groan. Tom looked at me, worried.

"You ok Mom?" He asked. I gave a grimace and patted his arm.

"I'm fine baby, just my feet are killing me." I gave a laugh. "Your Katie's right about one thing, heels are painful sometimes. I'd forgotten how painful new shoes can be." I kicked off the shoes and flexed my toes in relief. Tom looked down at the sparkling toes and then up into my face. I could see what he wanted to say. Would he have the guts to say it. Come on Tom, I willed him, say it. He put his hand behind his head and scratched it then cleared his throat.

" it's that painful Mom, I could them. Just for a bit," he added hastily, "'til they feel better." I grinned with relief, while inside my tummy did a backflip of joy.

"Oh would you? You're such a sweetheart," I said, as if what he was offering had only just occurred to me. "It needn't be for long, I promise," I said, knowing full well, he'd happily massage them, and much more, for hours.

A few minutes later, we were on the sofa, the TV on in the background, with my feet resting on his thighs. The hardest part of the next few minutes would be to watch the TV at least a little bit and not spend my whole time trained on Tom's face, fingers and groin. His grip was firm but at the same time tender, as if he were touching something infinitely precious. His fingers pressed into the creases of my soles and I could feel the sensations of pleasure and relief snaking their way up my legs before pooling in my core. I had to stop myself from moaning in arousal. I contented myself with the odd relaxed sigh, as if all the tension were leaving my feet, which is was it was just heading to my pussy.

"Mmm, I can't tell you how good that feels angel," I said, trying to keep a relaxed tone. Tom cleared his throat and I could hear the tightness in his as he replied.

"That's ok Mom, it's my pleasure." I know it is, I thought with an internal chuckle. You bad boy, I know just how much pleasure this is giving you. I could feel it in his fingers, hear it in his voice and see it in the long, hard bulge that ran down the side of his pant leg. I wondered if he could smell how much pleasure it was giving me. If I moved my heel even a little bit, I'd be pressing right against it. I could do it, couldn't I and it still be innocent fantasy. I wanted to but I held off. I wasn't ready for that, yet (why was I qualifying that statement, surely I should *never* be ready for that if this were just fantasy?).

"Sorry if my feet are a bit sweaty," I added with a grin. Tom, I swear it, had to stifle a moan of his own at that. Again, he turned it into a clearing of his throat.

"No, no, it's fine Mom. They're perfect. I mean, um, it's perfectly fine." I giggled.

"Perfect? I doubt it but they do look nice with my nail polish don't you think?" Again, I flexed my toes and Tom just nodded, words failing him for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah, really pretty Mom," he managed to stammer out eventually. "Mom?" He asked, seemingly keen to change the subject. "Did Tony say anything to you? I mean he was all over you for most of the night and then, nothing. Did something happen? I mean I know he's a bit of an ass..." he trailed off, though his fingers continued to work on the creases of my soles.

My eyes narrowed and then I nodded. "He did, yes, and he is, yes. It's nice to see my boy is so observant and is looking out for his Mom. He came onto me, I turned him down, as simple as that."

Tom looked thoughtful and then his face twisted into a mask of disdain. "What a dick, and with Katie right there."

"Don't worry baby. I'd never go for it anyway," I said. Then I took a deep breath. "Besides, it might almost be classed as incest and, if I was going to do that, I'd much rather it was with someone much more attractive!" I joked, then yelped, "Ouch, Tom!" His strong fingers had suddenly dug hard into my sole, in shock and surprise at that taboo word passing my lips and the outrageousness of my suggestion.

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