The Long Tease Incest/Taboo 12 page Story by Salty Vixen

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Locking eyes with him, I began by running the top around my lips for a moment before forming the perfect 'O' with my lips and pushing the popsicle inside my mouth and then out again. All the condensation to half way down the cylinder had gone and it now glistened red. I looked intently into Tom's eyes as his explanation of the day faltered slightly. "Go on," I encouraged and then flicked my tongue over the top quickly, once then twice. Turning the stick slightly, I began to lick the bottom, removing the final bits of condensation so that it was now perfectly smooth. Using my teeth, I nibbled my way up the side gently, still maintaining eye contact with my son.

Tom did his best to tell me about his day and to answer my questions about how Katie was getting along but I knew it was struggle for him as I sucked the popsicle deep into my mouth or swirled my increasingly scarlet tongue over the icy tube. Sometimes I used a single hand to hold the stick and occasionally I'd add a second. I could see Tom's lust, his distraction, his desire for me written all over his face. He made to cover his growing erection with his hand but I arched an eyebrow and shook my head and he placed his hand back on the arm of the sofa. I could see his knuckles whitening, however, as he gripped the cover tightly while watching his mother give an expert blowjob to a popsicle. I wondered if Katie had blown him yet. Surely she must have but she wouldn't be as good at it as me. She'd bob her head too fast, not get enough traction on him, not savor what a beautiful cock like Tom's had to offer.

I closed my eyes for a moment and visualized that big cock of his sliding into my mouth, locking my lips around it, sinking my cheeks in, tasting the saltiness, feeling that smooth, hard texture of his shaft on my tongue. A long, low moan escaped involuntarily from my lips and my eyes shot open. Tom's hand was on his groin now, gently running through his shorts.

"Sorry," I giggled. "This just tastes sooo good," I sighed and then added, "but I really mustn't indulge myself should I?" With a flash of my perfectly white teeth I bit down into the crimson ice and felt it break off into my mouth. I let it melt to mush into my mouth and then licked my lips ostentatiously. Tom had long since stopped speaking and was just watching me, slowly masturbating his cock through his shorts. I looked down at my fingers and frowned. "Damn," I said getting up, "I've been indulging myself too much and let it dribble on my fingers." Slowly I sucked each finger of my right hand into my mouth, cleaning the digit thoroughly. I smacked my lips when I'd finished and grinned.

"I'd better get rid of this before it drips on the sofa and I think you might need some alone time," I said and walked past him. I squeezed his shoulder as I past digging my wet nails into his shoulder slightly as I did. If that didn't do it, nothing would, I reflected.

I disposed of the rest of the popsicle over the sink, wiped my face with a dishcloth and then washed my hands and dried them. As I turned back Tom was there. I gave a little jump and placed my hand over my heart. "Oh, you frightened me baby," I said. Tom smiled apologetically. I could still see the very hard outline of his cock tenting his shorts.

"Sorry Mom," he said, then tilted his head slightly. "I was wondering...would you like to do another photo session soon?" Result, I thought! I smiled knowingly.

"Sure, that sounds great baby. When were you thinking?" He shrugged.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, why not then? Katie's out of town for the weekend with her parents so she won't disturb us," he closed the gap between us and brushed my long red hair away from my face. "Go to the spa, make yourself look as amazing as I know you can and I'll leave something special for you to wear in your room for when you get back. I've been waiting for the right moment to ask you to pose in them. I think we're ready for it, don't you Mom?" he said and brushed a finger over the corner of my mouth.

"You missed a bit Mom," he said and licked it off his finger. "Mmm, you're right, it did taste good." He turned away and I felt my knees go weak. I had to sit down at the kitchen table. This was really going to happen. Tomorrow.

I knew I wouldn't sleep that night as I'd be too excited and nervous so I took a sleeping pill to help and thus woke up late. I showered, dressed simply in a short summer dress, matching yellow underwear and wicker wedge sandals before changing the sheets on my bed so they were nice and fresh for any action that might occur. I headed downstairs to have breakfast. Tom was already long gone, obviously deciding to avoid me like a groom trying not to see the bride on his wedding day. There was a note on the kitchen table for me in Tom big, confident hand:

Hey Mom, off out to hang out with some friends. I'll be back later to lay out the items for you. Enjoy the spa, pick a shade of polish that matches purple. Can't wait for later and everything it will bring. Yours, Tom x

Mine. He really was mine and I was his. We belonged to each other, as I had come to believe was proper for a mother and son. Who could love him more than me? Not Katie, certainly, and not any other woman. Who would give herself to him more completely and more whole-heartedly than I could? I didn't know where have in store for Tom and me but I did know that no one would be as devoted to him as I would be and had been for his entire life. I set out for the spa with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. Once there, I got the works: massage, waxing (painful but essential to ensure I was totally smooth below my eyebrows), mani-pedi (I went for sky blue polish btw) and hair re-style. I came out feeling pampered and a million dollars, fresh and ready for what my son had in store.

I drove home, still shaking somewhat with excitement and almost running two red lights. I made it back safely, though, at around 4pm, having had lunch provided at the spa. I let myself in the back and found Tom in the kitchen, sitting at the table his camera in hand. He smiled and stood up, brandishing the camera.

"Wow, Mom, you look great," he said and took me in his arms. He kissed me on the cheek and grinned. "azure blue, I see, very nice." He placed a finger on my bottom lip. "I'd like to see some lip gloss for this shoot Mom. Every item of clothing you'll need is upstairs on the bed. Not a stitch more, Mom, you understand?" He said in a stern voice. I bit my lip as my tummy did a little flip flop at his assertiveness. I nodded.

"Yes Tommy," I whispered. "I understand...but darling," I added quietly, looking into his green eyes. "Perhaps, when we're taking photos, you'd feel more comfortable calling me...Nancy." I swallowed and looked up again from under my lowered eyelashes, newly separated and defined at the spa with expensive mascara. Tom smiled and released me from his embrace, his hand just brushing over my bottom as he did.

"Sure thing...Nancy," he said wolfishly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I wanted him more than ever at that moment. "I'll join you upstairs in 15 minutes. We won't be leaving the bedroom until we're done," he said firmly and my pussy quivered at the tone and implication of what he said.

I all but ran up the stairs, the opposite direction to a child on Christmas morning but with no less enthusiasm to discover what my presents were. We certainly didn't qualify for Santa's list of good little boy and girls did we, my son and I? I opened the door to my bedroom and my mouth fell open. There were just four things on the bed for me to wear. The first two were a matching bra and panty set. The bra was purple satin but with a mesh design for the upper part of the cups that would leave very little to the imagination. A single satin bow lay between the two cups.

The panties were even more daring. Suspended from a thin waistband was a single panel at the front, with the same mesh and satin combination of the bra beneath another cute little bow. The rear was a spotted mesh panel, with lace trim and a keyhole cut out just above the crack of my ass. I worried for a moment about looking like mutton dressed as lamb in such racy lingerie but I pushed that thought down. Tom had chosen them and he wanted to see me in them and that was all that mattered. With trembling fingers, I slipped out of my clothes and into the lingerie. It took me three goes to get the bra hooks closed, something which hadn't happened to me since I was 12.

God, I must have been even more nervous than I had thought. When I looked at myself in my full-length mirror, my confidence returned. I looked good and not just 'good for 46 good', but good, good! I smiled at my reflection and at the thought that the bra and panties fit perfectly. Tom was observant when going through my clothes as well as perverted.

I returned to the bed and picked up the next item. Tom had certainly followed Rosebyanyothername's recommendation in sending a clear message to me. There was no doubting that message. What I was holding in my hand were Fuck Me Heels! They were sky blue, matching my nails and the purple of the lingerie, but with a red sole and top piece of the heels (like Louboutin's but not - Tom's internet community weren't that generous!). There were stiletto pumps with a closed toe and were vertiginously high. You couldn't stand or walk in them for long but I rather got the impression that Tom didn't intend for me to do much walking. The vamp was low cut, revealing a generous amount of toe cleavage that I knew Tom would find alluring. I placed the shoes on my feet and immediately felt even sexier. I giggled as I walked up and down the room a couple of times, strutting my stuff in front of the mirror. God, they were amazing, the way the jack-knifed my feet and tightened my calves and my ass.

The final item was in a plain black square jewelry box. I opened it and was surprised but delighted to see a simple sterling silver ankle bracelet with a silver pendant in the shape of a heart attached. It felt wonderfully symbolic and made my feet look even more feminine I thought as I clasped Tom's heart around my right ankle and admired it in the mirror. My last piece of preparation was to sit at the vanity table and to add the finishing touches to my makeup - the red lip gloss that turned my mouth into a shimmering crimson bow that was just begging to have a cock thrust into it.

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Incest/Taboo Sex Stories

I made my way unsteadily to the door and called out in as calm as voice as I could muster, "Tommy, I'm ready." I heard Tom's steps on the stairs - slow, methodical, not rushing, totally in control of the situation. I returned to the bed and sat down, crossing and then uncrossing my legs nervously. Eventually, Tom appeared at the doorway, camera in hand, dressed in just his boxers. "Tommy!" I gasped. He grinned.

"I figured it might make you more comfortable Nancy. I've heard it happens sometimes on closed sets. You don't mind, do you?" He said. I shook my head.

"No, no baby, not at all. You look delicious...I mean, really nice," I blushed furiously. He did, though. His chest was shaved and he had a much better body than I had realized before. He was slim but toned, tapering down from the shoulders to his waist in what might be called a swimmer's build. His thighs, dusted with light brown hair were firm and shapely and that cock was already stirring beneath the thin material of his black cotton boxers.

"You look good enough to eat yourself Nancy," he quipped back and I blushed again at the compliment from my own son. "Now, get on the bed like a good girl won't you Nancy?" He ordered. I bowed my head and murmured my assent, my pussy leaking into my new panties at his commanding, confident tone. "Just sit with your legs crossed at the ankles, hands over your knees and then look at me over your shoulder," he told me and I did as he asked. "That's it Nancy, very nice," he said and clicked the first couple of photos.

We were off, him moving me around again into the positions that he wanted. I adored his touch on my bare skin and I was sure I must be burning up and scalding his fingers so much was the heat radiating from my body. It felt different in just my lingerie, far more intimate than before and my body responded to his every touch with a supple grace that I never knew I possessed. I was putty in my son's hands, being molded exactly the way he wished. I couldn't have been happier.

One of my favorite poses was lying on my stomach, my face right at the edge of the bed, my legs kicking up behind y to expose the gorgeous, sexy heels Tom had bought me, the arch of my back emphasizing the delicate panties sculpted onto my tight ass and my chin resting on my palms, my elbows splayed either side of my body. Tom knelt directly in front of me, barely inches from my face, camera in hand. He reached out and brushed my long red hair out of my face, tucking strands behind my elfin ears and stared deep into my eyes. I was sure he was going to kiss me. He seemed to lean in slightly and I closed my eyes and puckered my lips slightly. This was it. Now it was finally going to happen.

"That's great, Nancy," I heard my son's voice in a low, amused tone. "You have such a sexy pout, you know?" You teasing little bastard, I thought with pride. It was coming, I knew it was coming soon, the smile on his lips told me so. I was itching, frustrated, more horny than I think I've ever been in my entire life and Tom's raging hard on told me that he was in the same boat. I wanted to reach out and claim it as my own but I relented.

I waited as each pose became sexier and more raunchy - posing up against the wall with the camera focusing on my ass, my long legs and my anklet; standing one arm up behind my head, arching towards the camera, my breasts all but spilling out of the bra; on all fours; lying on my side, resting on my elbow, both facing towards and away from him; lying on my back with my legs reaching up to the sky ( a pose Tom seemed to take an inordinate amount of time getting right); and one with me sliding off the bed, my hair splayed out behind me, my back arched as I slid from the end of the bed to the floor. That last one made me giggle and then shriek as Tom slapped my butt as I stood up. "You ruined the sultriness with your giggling Nancy," he said sternly.

"I'm sorry Tommy," I said, bowing my head submissively. He tilted my chin up and grinned.

"Don't worry, you look gorgeous when you laugh Nancy," he said simply. Oh God, I loved him. He could turn me to jelly with the simplest words. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before he pushed me in the shoulders and I fell back onto the bed, giggling and gasping again, wriggling in shock and excitement as suddenly he climbed onto the bed after me. He straddled me, the camera pointing right down at me, his rigid cock within easy reach. I just couldn't resist any longer. I brushed it, with my open palm, so lightly but I felt the dampness of his pre-cum and I felt it twitch beneath me.

"You'd better make sure this isn't in shot Tom," I said softly. He reached down and I felt his hand close around my wrist, holding it there right next to his tent. His grip was so strong, it almost hurt. Those other false dawns drifted away to reveal the true moment of truth. Our time had come. Our eyes met, both blazing with passion and Tom decided in that moment to make it happen.

"We'd better do something about it then Nancy, hadn't we?" he said and pulled my hand to his bulge. My fingers closed around it and my mouth uttered a long, low "Yesssss!" which was part an answer to his question and part a cry of long-repressed triumph at finally claiming my prize. He was thick and hard as steel and even through the boxers I could feel its scalding heat. Greedily, my fingers searched for the key hole opening to his underwear and snaked inside. Another "Yesss," passed my lips as I looked up at my son in joy to see him with his eyes closed, his lips moving slightly but no words coming out. A silent prayer of thanks, perhaps, to the god of incest who was finally releasing us to pleasure each other.

His cock felt so smooth, so hot, so fucking hard as I began to jerk it upwards. I tried not to rush things. I wanted him to feel so good, to know that I was better at this, better at everything than his girlfriend was. He didn't seem to need much persuading of that. His hands were now on my head, playing with my hair, twisting the strands around his strong fingers.

"Yes Mom, God yes, that's so good," he groaned, the taboo of what we were doing emphasized by his reuse of the word Mom. "Don't stop." I grinned up at him.

"I won't baby boy," I whispered. "I promise, Mommy will never stop." He smiled as I ratcheted up the taboo.

"You're not worried about this? About us?" He asked earnestly. I looked up at him, bit my shiny red lip and shook my head.

"No baby. I want this as much as you do," I said simply. "I'm yours, all yours from the tip of my head to toes of those feet I know you love so much. You wanna kiss Mommy's feet baby?" I pouted. Tom grinned.

"All in good time Mom," he said slowly. "All in very good time. First," he pulled me up into a sitting position and slid his arms around my body, "I'm going to kiss those sexy lips of yours," he told me and proceeded to do so. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. It felt like shocks of electricity running through my body from one set of lips to my other lips down below and I rocked back and forth against him, trying somehow to push my groin against his. To do so, we needed to get on our knees and we did so, holding each other lips to lips, torso to torso, groin to groin as our hands ran over each other's bodies. His hands cupped my ass and pulled my tight against him. I moaned sexily into his mouth as our tongues danced together and then gave a shriek as he slapped my ass hard once again. I pulled away and pouted sultrily.

"What was that for baby? Mommy didn't do anything wrong did I?" I asked. He looked stern, or as stern as a boy whose mother is half naked in his arms can do.

"That was for being such a prick tease these last few weeks Mom," he told me. "I've wanted you so fucking badly," he said. I smiled coyly and put a finger to the corner of my mouth, pouting again.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. I just wasn't quite ready," I explained.

"But you are now?" He asked, knowing the answer already. My smile grew even more coy. I nodded.

"Yes darling. I am," I said simply. "You're not going to punish me are you?" I gasped in mock horror, my eyes wide with an innocence I neither felt nor conveyed. Tom grinned wolfishly.

"You bet I am Mother and you know why?" he asked. I bit my lip again and shook my head.

"No baby, why?" I asked hoarsely.

"Because you want it. You want me to put you over my knee and spank you like a Mommy-whore don't you?" I gave a whimper in response, more pussy juices gushing into my panties, as a fantasy locked away deep in my subconscious bubbled to the surface.

"Yes," I breathed, almost gasping for air, "yes Tommy. Mommy's been such a bad girl," I moaned, almost unaware of the taboo words that were spilling from my mouth uncontrollably. Tom grabbed my wrists again and pushed my down to the bed, kissing me as I writhed beneath him, his hard cock against my belly one moment, now my thigh and now my pussy. I reached down and tugged his boxers down his thighs. He completed the job by kicking them off and then peeling my panties from my soaked pussy and down my legs, hooking them over the impossibly high heels that still adorned my feet. He brought them to his nose and smiled in triumph.

"You're fucking soaking Mom," he told me. "Look how badly you want me. See how much you want to fuck your son. You know how wrong that is?" I nodded as I stared at white juices staining the purple panties.

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