The First Night Together (Interracial)

Eight years it has been since they last seen each other. Eight years, the average length of time for a politician to serve in public office, but as for both Jared Smith and Natalia Gomez, eight years felt like a generation ago.

The last time they seen each other was in 1991. They attended Seward Park High School in Lower Manhattan and were in a few classes together, but never spoke to each other until she graduated.

The two were amongst different people then. Natalia was one of the popular girls in high school; a senior that was well-known and liked among her peers. While Jared, then a junior, was much of the loner-type and only hung around with a few people.

They never paid any attention about each other, until the beginning of summer when she was visiting her cousin, who was working at a local fast-food joint in the Lower East Side. There, she met Jared working and recognized him from her classes. The two talked briefly.

From their short conversations, she learned there was something about Jared that was very interesting. He wasn’t like all the other guys that acted very immature. He was a mature seventeen year old that was able to carry a conversation, make her laugh, and always had a cool, collective attitude. However, the only thing she probably was picky about was his physique.

Jared wasn’t at all ugly, but he was a tall scrawny-looking runt that didn’t appear well to Natalia’s liking. She had a thing for guys with a muscular build, but many of them guys treated her wrong. They always treated her more like she was their possession, rather than someone special to them. On top, the men she encountered were always self-centered and Jared was nothing compared to them.

The two later exchanged phone numbers and became friends over the summer. They would hang out at times, going to department stores around Midtown or to a museum, like The Met or The Hayden. For some reason, she liked the intellectual side of Jared. Many of the guys she hung around with only wanted to get drunk and party.

The two came from different sections of Manhattan as well as their backgrounds. Natalia lived in an affluent neighborhood called the Upper West Side with her father. Jared came from the housing projects of Lower Manhattan, near the Financial District, with his mother and siblings. Even though, they come from different backgrounds, they were the best of friends.

Jared was an intellect, but not a square. Where he lived, he needed to fit in with his environment, but he was not like the rest of the guys. He had a goal in life after high school; to graduate, get into college, and out of the projects to become a school teacher. Natalia, on the other hand, wanted to work in the business world. She loved to travel and was fascinated with the financial industry.

The two talked about where they wanted to be years from now, but as the summer rolled by, their companionship came to an end. Natalia received an acceptance letter from a university somewhere in Florida. She was scheduled to leave New York very soon for her enrollment.

On their last day together, they shared a kiss that left a memorable feeling. It was the kind of kiss that left Natalia with a tingling sensation inside. She thought about having him over to spend the night at her Upper West Side apartment, but her father was home and there was no way she could spend the night at his place, he too had his siblings living there. And they were left wondering how their night would have been like if they spent their first night together.

As the summer came to an end, they remained in contact and wrote each other a few times. But in 1991, the costs of long distance charges were impossible to get around. Not only that, Natalia was living the college life as a freshman in Florida, while Jared was enjoying his senior year in high school. They two mutually stopped contacting each other by the end of the year and went on with their lives.

The time moved on to 1999. Jared, now twenty-five, was working as a high school teacher for the public schools. Much of New York has changed and so has the technology. The age of the internet has boomed and the world of social networking became a very big thing that year.

He received an email from someone he hasn’t heard from in such a long time and discovered that it was from Natalia Gomez. The last time he heard from her was when she moved to Florida for college. He assumed she was still living there, married with children, but it turned out to be the opposite. She moved back to New York right after college and is now living single in the Park Slope Section of Brooklyn, while working in the Financial District.

What was really amazing was that Jared teaches at Stuyvesant High School in Lower Manhattan, just blocks away from where Natalia worked. She works for a firm located at the World Financial Center. To think they were just blocks away they would see each other, wouldn’t they? Not really, according to their work schedules, things were tough to get around.

Jared was a dedicated school teacher. He worked tirelessly with the students teaching summer classes and tutoring them afterwards. Natalia worked countless hours and frequently went on business trips; required by her firm. They hardly had the time to visit each other, but over the next two months they stayed in touch, mostly through emails and occasionally the chat rooms.

As their conversations became more frequent, they exchanged phone numbers and talked for the first time in years.

She was happy to hear his voice, but there was something about his voice that really turned her on. His voice was dark and deep, but filled with personality and intellect. She remembered how interesting he was eight years ago and now eight years later he is still the same interesting person.

For a while, they discussed what had happened to them since they lost contact. There was so much catching up to do, they would talk for hours until it was time for them to go to sleep. On weekends or days they didn’t have to work, they would stay up and talk until the sun came up.

As their conversations grew more comfortable, they would flirt and then test the waters to see how far they can go with each other. Their flirting went as far as discussing things intimate and later something erotic.

They brought up the conversation about spending their first night together. They expressed their feelings about that night, how much they wanted to do it with each other but couldn’t. But their intimate conversation led to something they never done before, for the first time, they had phone sex. At first, it was one-time thing, but every time they called each other, they were doing it frequently.

The kind of things they expressed over the phone brought them to the conclusion that they couldn’t have phone sex anymore. It was time that they meet in person and share their first night together. They agreed to meet Friday night at her place, for a simple dinner and a night of passion. She gave him the address and told him to be there by 8:30. At the time they spoke, it was on a Tuesday. They agreed to meet on Friday.

For several days, they expressed the anticipation over the idea of spending their weekend together. It was hard for them to concentrate at their jobs. For those three days, they couldn’t stay away from the paper towel or vibrator. Every time they brought up Friday Night, they would masturbate over the phone.

Then Friday evening came around. As Jared rode the subway, he took montage over the breath-taking view of the Brooklyn and Manhattan skylines as the train passed over the Manhattan Bridge. The view of the Brooklyn Bridge, along with the East River gave a beautiful, reddish-like reflection from the September sunset.

He sat there wondering what Natalia will look like after eight years. The last time he had seen her she had long, dark wavy hair, beautiful deep-set eyes, and a craving voluptuous figure that was hard to ignore. In the summer of 1991, she used to wear baggy jeans, a tank-top, and a light flannel shirt, but the style has changed after eight years, including his.

When he was in high school, he had a short-top fade, and his physique was the likes of the “Pink Panther”. Eight years later, he now has a clean-shaven head that reflected against florescent lights. He was no longer the runt when he was in high school. He still has a thin-build, but a muscular one. The man has been hitting the gym since she left, and when she sees him for the first time, her panties might melt away over his physique.

Jared was getting anxious just thinking about her. Sweat was beginning to drench his long-sleeved sweater shirt, and every time he thought about her his hard-on would press against his jeans. Having to ride the subway with a hard-on was a self-conscious thought. He worried what others would think if they noticed it. It wasn’t easy to stop thinking about her. The closer his destination the more his heart pounded with anxiety.


Meanwhile, inside Natalia’s apartment, she was getting off the phone after placing an order for the Chinese restaurant to send a delivery.

Her apartment was a cozy-looking one bedroom, with a grand view of the Lower Manhattan skyline. Where her building stood, there was a great view of the Statue of Liberty and the New York Harbor from a distance as the September evening sky began to darken with a blissful wonder, indicating a soft beautiful night.

In her living room, the lights were dimmed with soft lighting to set the mood for intimacy. As her stereo played a soft mix of R&B and soul, Natalia paced back and forth in her living room over the thought of Jared’s visit. She was very excited to see him, but nervous because it had been so long, and she wasn’t sure how the night will pan out.

She was dressed in a very sexy outfit that would give Jared a distraction during their conversation. She wore a little black dress, along with black thigh-high stocking, and a pair of high heels that wrapped around her ankle.

She quickly stepped into her bedroom to get a view of herself. As she stood in front of her full-length wall mirror, she moved her body around to see if there was anything out of place. Apparently, there was nothing with her appearance. She was stunning and maybe it was her nervous tension taking over.

Natalia had a figure that many would describe buxom. She was tall, but Jared was taller than her by a few inches, and she always had a voluptuous figure. Even in high school, the guys in her class would either stare or be intimidated by her beauty. She hardly made female friends; they would talk mean shit behind her back and she always got along better with the guys.

Many of them said she had a body of a goddess; large perky tits, perfect ass, and a wonderful build. Even in her mid-twenties, the men at work would fantasize. If they knew only Jared was seeing her, they would envy him and say he’s a lucky man to have an attractive woman at his side. But her looks wasn’t much of an issue to Jared. These two had some sort of history together as teenagers, and Natalia has always accepted him for who he was.

She was comfortable about her appearance after looking in the mirror, but forgot to put on perfume. She went into her dresser and pulled out a perfume spray bottle. She sprayed it once across her cleavage. The sudden thought of Jared coming over made her feel very anxious. Her thong was completely drenched over the thought of him. She could only imagine how their weekend together would end up. She looked at her alarm clock, it was 8:30. At any moment, he should be at the door.

Then a sudden buzzing noise came from the intercom. She wondered if it was Jared or the delivery guy from the Chinese restaurant. When she answered and heard Jared’s voice over the intercom, she quickly buzzed him in. She stood by the door, wondering what he will look like. Then, came a knock on the door. She opened it and greeted him with a surprise expression.

At the second he stepped inside her apartment, her eyes widen over his appearance. He looked nothing like he did eight years ago. Her heart melted for a man who resembled a male model; tall, dark, and sexy.

The second thing she noticed was his physique. He wasn’t the skinny little runt she remembered years ago. When she hugged him, her body quivered when she felt the muscles underneath his clothes. The man was ripped. His body filled out and wherever she touched him she was feeling a well-toned man.

Now, the only thing she could only think about was how much she wanted to rip his clothes off and run her fingers all over his chest.

Jared too was amazed by her appearance. Natalia looked stunning in her little black dress. His mouth watered with temptation as he looked head-to-toe. Her hair was styled differently than he remembered in 1991. No more of the long, curly hair that extended to her upper back. Her hair was chopped down, barely at shoulder-length where the ends curved around her beautiful face.

The two saw a fiery attraction. They just wanted to skip the formalities and share a hot, mouth-watering kiss, but neither one attempted the move; they hesitated.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here! How are you?” she asked as she closed the door behind him.

“I’m doing great. Wow! You look beautiful,” he responded along with amazement.

“Thank you. I hope you’re hungry. I ordered Chinese food.”

“A little bit, but –“

“Anxious?” she asked.

He nodded, “Yeah.”

“Me too.”

They stood a few feet away from each other as they contemplated their next move, but her intercom rang a buzz and they were snapped away from their lustful thoughts. She remembered the Chinese delivery guy coming over to bring her order.

“The food’s here,” as she crossed the living room to go for her purse. “Look, there is a bottle of wine standing on the counter with two glasses. Why don’t you pour us a glass, while I pay for the order?”

He nodded with a spellbound expression, “Yeah… uh sure.”

Jared went into the kitchen to open the bottle of wine, while Natalia paid for the order. There sat two glasses beside the wine bottle and a corkscrew. He studied the bottle it read Cabernet Sauvignon.

He smiled and replied, “Cabernet Sauvignon, my favorite.”

She returned, responding “It’s mine too. I hope we don’t have too much in common.”

“Well, we differ with our taste for horror movies. You like vampires and I like werewolves.”

“We’re an opposite attract.”

“Not really, we’re just compatible,” as he stepped forward to give her a kiss.

Natalia wrapped her arms around his back and the two slipped their tongues into each other. The kiss was about to get hot and heavy until she backed off, saying, “We better eat first. The food’s getting cold.”

He let off a sigh, getting grip on himself, “Yeah… let’s eat.”


“Yeah?” he responded.

She smiled with a comfortable expression, “I love the way you kiss, it brought me memories.”

He smiled with a sense of confidence as he poured two glasses of wine for each other.


The two ate and drank together as they listened to the slow jams that were playing on the radio. They shared a conversation and a few laughs about their everyday lives; their jobs, their co-workers, and other things that came into their mind, but they didn’t come up with the topic about sex. Maybe it was the timing, or the way the conversation carried out. It didn’t yet seem appropriate to bring it up.

But they were they feeling very comfortable and tipsy from the wine bottle. The alcohol in their system brought out their spirits of joy as they began reminiscing over the songs they heard on the radio.

“Oh my god, I love this song from Aaron Hall. I was in my junior year of college when I heard this jam,” Natalia said, kicking of her high heels.

“I was at BMCC when this song came out. Damn, lots of memories.”

“I know. Jared, I’m having a wonderful time with you.”

“Me too,” as he gave a half-smile, wondering when will the moment happen.

Jared was aching to make his move on her, but couldn’t find the opportunity to do so. He stood by, listening to what Natalia was telling him, but he could barely pay any attention to what she was saying. The thought of having sex with her has turned him into a hard-on zombie.

Natalia, on the other hand, wondered why hasn’t made the move on her? She took off her high heels and began resting her legs next to his. Plus, she could sense the conversation fading out, and they couldn’t think of anything more to say. Just when they thought their night was over, a familiar song came up. The two quickly remembered this song. It dated back when they were in high school together. The song was described a particular New Jack Swing, but the beats were very sultry and the chorus to the introduction was intimate.

“Damn,” she said as the beat touched her memory. “Remember this song?”

As he nodded his head from the song by Color Me Badd I Wanna Sex You Up, “Damn yo, this was the jam.”

She giggled with reminisce, “I love this song! It brought me lots of memories when I was in high school.”

“Yeah, do you still remember the words to this song?”

“I still do, but right now I want to dance,” as she got up from the couch and began swaying her body to the jam. The music was filling her body with pure sensuality as she extended her hand to Jared.

Jared wasn’t just going to sit there and watch her dance. He rose up and joined her as he placed his hand around her body. The two moved sensuously as they let the music fulfill their desire.

Jared was very sure where this dance was going. They danced close until the song reached the bridge, and then things got very hot and heavy as they slow-grinded themselves.

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The feeling of her body pushing against his, made his cock ache under his jeans. As he felt her sensuous body, he placed his hand on her lower back and moved it further down to her ass.

Natalia loved the way his hands moved around her body. Not only did it give her sensations, but his hardness pressing against her body left a twinge building inside her body.

As the song moved towards the end, they inched closer and closed their eyes, letting their mouths find each other and their tongues make the very connection they’ve been longing for.

Their kiss began with a soft tongued-touch, but soon their tongues sunk deeper into their mouths, leaving her a moisture building in her body. She could only imagine where it will lead next.

The song landed a perfect opportunity for each other. All these formalities between them was bullshit. They knew what the get-together was for; a weekend of pure, unadulterated sex; eyes closed, lips locked, and their satisfactions guaranteed.

“Natalia, I want you,” he whispered in her ear as he raised up her skirt to cop a feel of her legs and ass.

“Me too,” she whispered, kissing him around his neck. She asked breathlessly, “Jared, where do you want to do it, on the couch or in the bedroom?”

“I don’t care,” he replied. “We have the whole night to ourselves, remember?”

“Better yet the weekend. I’m so glad to have you here.”

“I’m so glad to be with you. We have a three-day weekend… of –“

She displayed a sensuous look of hunger, “Pure…hot… fucking sex.”

He grinned at her, replying, “Oh, I love it when you talk dirty.”

“Oh there will be plenty more of dirty talk. Let’s fuck!”

The two moved in on each other and kissed. She exhaled hard as their mouths ravaged against each other.

She began to undo his jeans to reach for his bulging cock. She was eager to feel his manhood as well as he was eager to feel her fold. She hurriedly unzipped his pants and lifted up his sweater shirt. She was nearly stopped at her tracks when she noticed of his chest. Jared’s body was muscular, and she was creaming in herself when she crossed her hands all over his abs and his chiseled-shaped pecs. Just sight of his muscular body suddenly gave her a frisson of pleasure. She imagined looking at his body in another event.

Jared helped undo her black dress. His hands found the zipper and pulled it all the way down as she exposed her delicious undergarments. What he unraveled was something only a privileged man would get the opportunity to see on a voluptuous body; a pair of black thigh-high stockings, along with crotchless panties that came along with garter straps. He gave notice of her lacy black bra as his hands copped a feel around her beautiful cups. And he look down, noticing a black thong that hid the very treasure he had wanted all night long.

His hand slid further down and got a feel of her thong. It was wet. His fingers moved her wet thong to the side and got a feel of her soaking wet pussy, while simultaneously running his middle finger under her slit as he got a good feel of her clit.

She exhaled a sensuous moan, widening her legs, while leaning herself against his body. She couldn’t resist giving him kisses to his neck. She imagined something more than his fingers running inside her body. She couldn’t take it any longer.

Mid-orgasm, she kissed him furiously, moving her hand inside his boxers and reached for his cock. His hardness left her feeling aroused. She stroked his tip with her fingers and gently pinched up his pre-cum that was seeping through his tiny slit.

The stickiness of his pre-cum left her compelled to sample a taste of him. She dabbed her index finger to her tongue and smiled, while giving a complimenting expression to his flavor. She pulled down his boxers and palmed his member.

She moved closer to his ear and whispered, “I want to taste your cock.”

Before she knelt to her knees, she moved her kisses to his chest, slowly working her way down, leaving savory wet kisses all over his pecs. His chest drove her crazy, she wanted to leave sex marks of herself, indicating that he belonged to her.

Once she was on her knees, she grabbed his cock, holding it like a lollipop, and enveloped her lips over his juicy tip. She needed him in her mouth, licking him slowly first and working her way to take him entirely.

Jared was trying to say focus from the luscious feeling of her mouth. He tilted his head back, simultaneously running his fingers through her dark hair. He trembled and pushed his cock in and out of her mouth.

She pulled his cock out of her mouth, letting it marinate with her saliva. The sensation itself gave him a tingling feeling that ran down his spine. His curved cock was aching for a release, but he concentrated on taking care of her needs.

He moved her over the couch, having her to lean on the armrest as his mouth found his way to her hard nipples, after pulling her bra below her busts. She exhaled hard as she rubbed her clit, while holding on to his cock. She guided the head of his cock between her juicy wet slit, rubbing it along her clit, but kept it at bay from entering her pussy.

The foreplay was phenomenal to them. She felt his hands and mouth ravaging her nipples with soft pinches and kisses. At the same time, his cock was letting off bits of his juices around her clit; the sensation nearly took him to heights.

She whispered in his ear, “Can you feel the wetness out of my pussy?”

“Uh-huh,” he responded, cupping her breasts together. “It feels so fucking good.”

She placed his cock under her slit and rubbed her juices all over the top of his shaft. The temptation to push inside her loomed his mind, but he had to break his temptation by moving her on the couch, with her legs open like a spread-eagle.

He knelt on his knees down began running his tongue all over her slit. Her juices were mouth-watering. She placed her hand at the back of his head, panting heavily from his tongue flickering around her clit. She began to grind against his face.

He inserted both his index and middle finger inside her. His fingers were instantly soaked upon entry. Natalia let out a heavy exhale of pleasure she felt his fingers moving in and out of her slit, while his tongue ran across her clit.

Her body began to tighten as she placed her hands over her breast, gently pinching her nipples. She felt amazed at how he pleased her body. No man in her lifetime has ever made her feel this good by going down on her. It gave her a narcotic sensation from head-to-toe.

She was getting this kindled feeling inside her body. Her moans were growing heavily as she grinded against his face. Jared could sense that she was cumming. He took his fingers out and pressed his tongue further into her clit, until she bucked her hips and shudder with an ultimate feeling.

“Oh god! Oh FUCK!” she bellowed out, arching her back from her orgasm.

Jared held on to her thighs and pressed harder until she squirmed, indicating no more. Her clit felt very sensitive to his touch, and his chin was completely drenched from her juices. As he raised his head up, he noticed how limp she was, but ecstatic from the pleasure.

“Fuck, you were wonderful!” she expressed. “I want you in me, right now!”

He climbed on top of her and rammed his cock inside. Her soaking wet pussy gave no resistance to his entry. He held on to one of her legs and pumped deeply inside her. She was extremely turned on by the sounds of their bodies clashing against each other. Her tits jiggled along with his thrusts as she wrapped her hands over his back. By now, she was screaming with pleasure.

Jared pulled his cock out of her snatch and sat down on the couch. He signaled her to sit on top his cock in a cowgirl position. She got up and straddled over his lap, grabbing hold of his cock while guiding it inside her pussy.

His shaft was engulfed as they remained entwined over the feeling of their sexes. The two fiercely kissed each other, while getting a taste of themselves. He encircled his arms around her back, managing to unhook her bra.

His sculpted chest intensified the feeling of her body as she held on to his shoulders, moving up and down on his cock. He leaned her forward, letting his mouth find his way to one of her nipples again as he gave her strong, hard thrusts into her body. Then for the second time, she was coming hard, digging her nails into his shoulders.

He stopped pumping her and the two remained entwined to catch their breaths. Their bodies were glistening with sweat, but they weren’t finished with their hot fuck. Jared was giving appreciation over the feel of her voluptuous body on top of his. He moved his hands around her thighs and gave a feel from her nylon stockings, all the way around her beautiful ass.

They continued to meet each other’s thrusts, while gazing into each other’s eyes. By now, Natalia’s hair was a wreck and her expression was transfixed with lust.

She managed to remove her bra in the process, tossing it on the floor. She moved his face between her cleavage, while leaving kisses the top of his head. Then she moved her kisses to his mouth and then over to his ear.

She whispered “I want you to do me doggy-style.”

Just the thought of what she said to him made her body tingled. She got off of him and kneeled on the couch, arching her ass in the air as she waited for his entry. Jared positioned himself behind her as he push inside her fold. His cock slid deep until his balls touched her slit.

He began pumping into her, while her ass check resonated from his aggressive thrusts. She was screaming and panting with pleasure. Every thrust he gave her was met by hers’. She was so turned on by his heat she began to move her fingers under herself and started caressing her clit.

Their bodies were drenching with sweat. She could feel his cock getting hard, really hard. His balls began to tighten and his breathing was growing harsh. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other hand on the side of her waist.

He pumped into her furiously as he let out a harsh growl and came inside her. Natalia was remaining still when she felt juices fill up her walls with enthusiasm. Once he felt spent, collapsed himself on top of her, catching his breath.

“Oh fuck,” he panted, laying kisses on her back.

Natalia was catching her breath as well. She could feel his juices running out of her. His cock was long pulled out after cumming, but she could feel his juices ready to run out of her.

She warned, “Oh shit, I need you to get off me. You’re dripping out!”

Jared quickly got off her, letting her run to the bathroom, while cupping his leaking juices on to her hand.

Jared laid on the couch and waited for her return. A few minutes later, she returned to the living room, carrying beautiful smile. She noticed how content he was feeling, and she laid on top of him, resting her head over his chiseled pecs, at the same time, running her fingers all over.

She said, “Eight years we wondered and here we are. You were magnificent!”

“So were you,” he returned a compliment, placing his arm around her body.

“You better be ready for round two, because I want more.”

“We got all weekend for extra rounds,” he laughed.

Natalia was feeling sexually charged. The last time she was this charged up was the phone sex conversation between his voice and her vibrator. Just when Jared was getting relaxed, she came up with an idea of food.

“Are you hungry? I’m in a good mood for ice cream after sex.”

He chuckled and said, “Ice cream?”

She nodded, “Uh-huh. I thought you might want to share a pint with me.”

She got off him and headed towards the kitchen. Jared watched her as she entered, but before she stepped in, she turned to him and gave a sensuous look of invitation.

“Are you coming? I want to share some ice cream with you.”

He got off the couch and walked towards her as she waited by the kitchen entranceway. The two entered and she opened her freezer, taking out a pint of ice cream. She placed it on the counter, leaving Jared to look at it while she went for the spoons in the drawer.

He checked for the flavor of the ice cream flavor and asked, “English Toffee?”


He shrugged, “I find it unusual that you have a craving for ice cream after sex.”

“It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. I only enjoy it whenever I’m horny.”

Jared gave a mischievous smile when an idea popped inside his head.

She looked at him with a half-stunned expression and asked, “What?”

He shook his head and answered, “Nothing. A thought came up to me.”

“What thought?” she pressed with laughter.

“Just a thought. Something naughty… that’s all.”

“Well I’d like to know.”

“Well, it’s hard to explain without a demonstration.”

She set the ice cream on the counter and handed him a spoon, “Well then, give me your naughty demonstration.”

“Okay,” as he took the spoon from her hand and grabbed a bite from the pint of ice cream.

“You see… you can’t have a pint of ice cream without the cake.” as he went for another scoop of ice cream

“Well, I don’t have any cake,” she said.

“Yes you do,” as he moved closer to her. “You see, you’re the delicious cake that goes well with any kind of ice cream.”

Natalia shuddered with extreme pleasure when she felt the ice cold spoon touch her shoulder. He gently smeared the toffee-flavored ice cream all over and moved closer to suck the melted ice cream off, instantly giving her body a tingling sensation she couldn’t control.

She whispered a question in a captivated tone, “If I’m a delicious cake, what does that make you?”

Moving to her ear, “The one who wants to eat you,”

“And where’s your fork?”

He placed her hand over his semi-hard cock, letting her palm it “Right here… ready to dig in when you’re ready.”

She replied sensuously, rubbing on his cock, “Oh papi, I’m always ready, but now you need a plate to have your cake and ice cream.”

He eyed at the spacious wall under the clock, between the pantry and window. The width of the wall was narrow, but barely manageable for the two.

“That wall behind you makes a perfect plate.”

“It’s a tiny plate for cake and ice cream,” as she kissed his neck.

He held her close, backing her against the wall, replying, “All I have to do is fill you up with a creamy filling.”

Natalia spoke breathlessly as her heart raced over his words, “My cake could use your filling.”

They gave each other a long hard kiss as Jared pinned her body against the narrow wall with her legs spread open. She felt herself being lifted while she cradled her fingers over his sculpted shoulders.

His cock found its way inside her body. She gave a shudder of excitement as he pumped her hard and rough against the wall, nearly tilting the clock off from her hand.

She could bare say a few words when she asked, “Are you always… like… this… Jared?

He responded, pumping her hard and grunting, “Only… with you… yes!”

The feeling of this aggressive fucking gave her an ecstatic feeling. She clawed his shoulders and back with her nails and by now she was panting and screaming with pleasure.

Her orgasm intensified when Jared held her by the hair and slobbered all over her neck,. She continued to climax until she felt his body shivered against her and his cum shooting inside her body.

Not only they were glistened with more sweat, but the kitchen was filled with aroma of sex. She leaned her head against his shoulder, wrapping her hand at the back of his head. She was ready for another round of sex, but she never thought he was this creative, but it turned out to be better than their first time.

When he set her down, she kissed him hungrily, slipping her tongue down his throat with absolute lust from a few seconds ago. He placed one hand around her body and the other hand through her hair as they continued sharing their kiss.

Natalia was feeling his cum leaking down to her legs. She pulled away and hurried for a paper towel, joking, “Damn baby, that was a hot demonstration!”

“Glad you liked it,” he joked.

“I’m kind of curious at what else could you demonstrate for me,” as she placed the paper towel under pussy before hurrying to the bathroom.

As he grabbed the pint of ice cream, this time it is half-melted, smiling, “I can get creative if you like. I thought we have all weekend.”

She grabbed him by his hand and said, “We do. Now you’re coming with me!”

“Wait a minute, I thought we were having ice cream?”

“We will, but now I want you to shower with me. I’d really like to see you get creative when water is running.”

“Natalia,” he chuckled, stopping her. “We have all night for that. Look at the time, it’s not even midnight.”

She took the ice cream off his hand, setting it on the counter. She moved close to him and gave him a kiss, confessing, “Jared, you don’t what you done to me. I’ve wanted you ever since we met eight years ago. Now that I have you here, I want to cherish the entire weekend before it’s over.”

“So I’m here for just the weekend?” he asked in hopes of clarity of what she said.

“No, but keep this up I might not let you go home,” she smiled, taking his hand as she led him out of the kitchen and into the bathroom.


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