The Bet-Salad Tossing First Time Anal Story by Salty Vixen

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The commentator said, "It's Alexander-Arnold. OHHH, BRILLIANT!"

"YES!" Bri jumped up. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" She hopped and clapped. "I knew we'd come back!" My girlfriend clenched a fist and pumped it. Then she smiled at me and sat down.

I'd never been hurt more by a goal in my life. I honestly believed her team was too good. It was a great looking goal. Albeit that's coming from someone who hadn't seen too many. Still, I knew it was exceptional, judging by the commentators' opinions.

I managed to smile, though. Despite the equalizer, I was happy she was happy.

The game restarted once again, and we watched, sitting on the edge of our seat until the half time whistle blew.

I was entertained--forty-five minutes had never gone by quicker--but was worried West Ham wouldn't be able to pull this off. All the hope their goal had given me had been taken away by the free-kick. Momentum was on her team's side.

"Well, that was interesting," she said.

"Yeah. Liverpool's really that good."

"Tooold yaaaa," she sang, smiling.

"You know the game's not over, right? You're not even in the lead."

"Oh but it's only a matter of time."

"You know, arrogance isn't a pretty color on you." I stood, and then, sounding more confident than I felt, said, "But we'll see what happens. I know we can still beat you."

"We're all allowed to dream," she sang, with a big smile.

I smiled back. "Gotta use the bathroom."


I grabbed a handful of potato chips and took a swig from my second can of beer as the whistle for the second half went off.

I looked to my right. Intensity had returned to Bri's eyes. She looked nowhere near as relaxed as she had during the break.

I found her enthusiasm seductive.

I gazed at her long silky smooth legs. God, they were stunning, and hardened my cock, somewhat. I placed a hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle rub.

I mulled over the plus side of her team getting the W. It would put her in a good mood. Which meant I could probably get another blowjob from her and drop a load inside her pussy.

This wasn't too bad of a consolation prize. But I didn't want to be a dishwashing slave for the next six months. Worst of all, anal would be further away from me than ever.

Come on, West Ham, I thought, removing my hand from her leg and turned my attention to the game.

West Ham had earned another kick from the corner. I crossed my fingers and hoped lightening would strike twice. The ball came in, a West Ham player rose to it, struck the ball with his head and--

"Ohhhh"--I launched back into the couch--"that was so close. It just hit the, the top bar thing. "

Bri chuckled. "Crossbar."

Play continued. I was back on the edge of my seat. Liverpool skillfully worked the ball up the park. It was passed to the far end of the field. Then the ball got kicked into the goalkeeper's area. "And Mané's there!" the commentator yelled. "Good save..."

"Oooooh." Bri ran on the spot, still sitting, as I let out a sigh of relief. "I thought that was a goal. Mané's actually our second best forward, after Salah."

We watched, chewed and sipped on our snacks as the ball went back and forth between the teams.

"You know what; this is actually pretty fun," I said. "I think I'm gonna watch more games with you in the future."

"See? I told you football's a great game." She beamed. "And yes, you're right, this is a lot of fun."

My focus returned to the TV. West Ham had control of the ball. They passed it up until the halfway line of the field.

One player received the ball and instead of passing, he ran and ran with it. He kept going. I thought he'd get tackled at any second but somehow he got through. He passed the ball forward to a teammate, leaving him practically one-on-one with the goalkeeper.

My heart hammered.

"And it's on for Fornals!" the commentator cried. "And it's in, it's gone through..."

"YES!" It was my turn to jump off the couch. "What a goal!" I said, feeling the same joy as the roaring home crowd. Hope was renewed in my heart. Now if only they could hold on to the lead for twenty more minutes, sweet victory would be mine.

I sat down again and looked over at my girlfriend.

"I wouldn't look so smug if I were you," she said. "The match isn't over. And trust me, we've come back from much worse than this. Just ask Barcelona what we did to them in the Champions League a couple seasons ago."

Her words wiped the smile from my face. Her team did have more than enough time for another equalizer.

The game restarted and I took another sip from my can.

My eyes kept shifting to the corner of the screen, to hone in on the game clock as it ticked down. It seemed to move at bullet speed before West Ham's second goal. The opposite was now in effect.

It was torturous.

I couldn't even enjoy my new hero Fornals' next golden chance at a goal. Although it would've been ruled out for him being "offside."

I didn't bother to ask Bri to explain how the rule works. As fun as the game had been, all I wanted was the final whistle to go off, which was still a while away.

Then something miraculous happened. West Ham earned another kick from the corner of the field. I soon learned it's called a "corner-kick," paying attention to the commentators.

The ball got whipped in. It flew over Liverpool's goalkeeper. A West Ham player jumped. He nailed the ball with his head and it squeezed past the goal post to his left. The home crowd roared.

"Oh, yes!" I jumped.

"It's Kurt Zouma this time! And it's three, one now!" the commentator rejoiced.

It felt as if I'd fallen into a dream. Even I knew Liverpool needing to score two goals in sixteen minutes was a tough ask. And them scoring three for the win? I couldn't see that happening, at all. It looked like the dishwashing duties would be divided as normal.

I smiled and sat down, again. I was on the cusp of having full access to my girlfriend's sweet derrière. My smug face returned as I turned my attention to her.

She didn't want to look my way. Anger, disappointment and worry were blended in her eyes.

I took no joy in seeing her this way. In fact, it made me feel bad. I kept my mouth shut and turned my attention to the TV. There was no need to rub salt into her wounds.

With West Ham's extra goal in place, watching the game became easier. Time still dragged by--probably not so much for Bri--but I was far less anxious.

But nothing good in life ever comes easy, does it? Liverpool wouldn't give in and fought hard to find their way back into the game. They passed the ball up the park and managed to get it into the keeper's area. It bounced off a player's foot and popped up into the air.

"That's on towards Alexander-Arnold...Just couldn't take it," the commentator said. "Origi can! And will..."

"YES!" Bri was back on her feet, clapping. "C'mon, Liverpool, you can do this!" She clenched her fists, curling her arms. Then sat down again, still refusing to acknowledge my existence.

I shoulda known it was too good to be true. I palmed my face and watched the replay through my fingers. It was another good looking goal from Liverpool.

Yes, West Ham were still in front, but momentum had taken another turn.

My eyes glued back on the game clock. There were only six minutes left of play. However, I knew it'd feel more like sixty.

Barely able to watch, I instead thought about the consequences of Liverpool finding a way to snatch back one last goal.

That meant our wager would result in a draw--rendering it null and void. Which wasn't as bad as losing, but would feel that way with how close West Ham were to getting over the line.

Bri and I watched with bated breath as minutes dropped off the clock.

My heart thumped with anticipation as the ninetieth minute came up. YES, they did it! Oh, West Ham, you've just earned yourself a brand new supporter. I smiled.

I expected the referee to end the game at any second, but then learned about "stoppage time." Four extra minutes were added to the game.

When will this agony end? I fell back into the couch, placing my hands on my head.

The clock creeped to the end of play. The tension around the ground could be felt from where I sat.

Liverpool were gifted another free-kick outside West Ham's goalkeeper area. Oh no. Please don't let that Arnold guy take it.

My wish was denied. He kicked in the ball. It flew over everyone waiting in the keeper's area, except for one Liverpool player who dived and rammed the ball with his head.

"And Mané's THERE!" the commentator cried.

My heart leaped into my throat as the ball whizzed past the post.

"AAAAHH!" Bri screeched like the victim of a stabbing, cupping her mouth with both hands. "Oh God, that was so clooose!" She buried her face into her lap as she ran on the spot on her tiptoes.

Indeed it was close. But West Ham were still ahead.

The clock ticked down as a couple more chances came up, but nothing significant. The home fans whistled, hoping the referee would emulate them. He obliged by placing his whistle to his lips and gave it his final blow. Cheers erupted around the ground.

I raised both my fists over my head in triumph.

Bri looked devastated.

"Wow. That was a really good game," I said.

She sighed. "Yeah...It was." She thought. Then she finally gave me her attention and added with hesitation, "I guess this means...we have to"--she exhaled--"give anal sex a go."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I smiled.

Bri stared. "Please don't make me do this, hon." She placed her hands together and gave me puppy-dog-eyes. "Can't I pay you off in some other way? What if I gave you a blowjob for the Yankees' entire next game?

"All nine innings. Ad breaks included. No complaints about my jaw being sore. I promise."

I pretended to think her offer over. It wasn't a bad one, but--in my opinion--nowhere near as good as what my new soccer team had won me.

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"I'll even let you cum inside my mouth as many times as you want," she sweetened the deal. "I'll swallow everything you give me. I won't waste a drop."

"Hmm." I scratched my chin. "That does sound tempting. But I think you know how much I'd rather do what we already have in place, Bri."

Sadness filled her eyes. Again, I took no pleasure from it. Although I wasn't about to cave in, either.

"But it's gonna hurt."

"Actually, I read somewhere online that anal sex isn't really painful. A lot of people only describe it as feeling 'uncomfortable.' Plus, we're gonna use a ton of lube. And if you really do find it painful, we can always stop."

"Fine then." She folded her arms, frowning. "If you really want to end up with shit on your dick, then it'll be the very least you deserve."

I laughed, hard. "That's fine by me. Not a single part of you grosses me out."

Her hazel eyes looked up as her facial expression lightened. She looked close to smiling. She sighed. "When do you want to do it?"

"Honestly, if we could do it right now, I would. But I know you have to write your article. How about after you get done?"

She gave it thought. "Okay." Bri got up. "A deal's a deal. I know I wouldn't have allowed you to back out of cleaning the dishes had I won."

"I'll take care of these"--I pointed at the coffee table--"and all the dishes in the sink, right now."

She smiled, leaned over and planted her lips over mine. "Now that's how you turn a girl on."


As I washed the dishes, I thought about the best way to enjoy anal with my girlfriend. I knew simply shoving my cock in her ass would be amazing in terms of my pleasure, but I wanted Bri to enjoy herself, too.

If she did, who knew: it could become a regular part of our sex life.

I washed plates, cutlery, cups and glasses as ideas formed in my mind.

A couple of the items I'd need were already in the apartment. However, I also needed to buy a few more. I normally shop online, but there was no time to wait for everything to arrive.

Once I finished my chore, I put on a pair of jeans, and then found my phone, wallet, mask and keys. I walked out the apartment, down to the street and hailed a cab.


On my return, I found Bri sitting on the couch with her laptop open. I placed my keys in their bowl, and walked into the living room.

"Still busy?"

"Nope." Her head shook. "Just finished. I'm sending the article to my editor. Only came in here to get a few more details from the recording. Where were you?"

"Out to a few stores." I walked toward the kitchen and placed the brown paper bag I carried on the counter.

"And what did you buy?" She rested her laptop on the coffee table, stood and closed the gap between us.

"You'll find out in due time." I placed my hands on her hips. She was still in her Liverpool jersey, but had added on a pink pair of shorts. "But for now, I want you to head to the bathroom, run the shower for us and I'll be right with you."

"Really? You want us to take a shower together?" Her blonde eyebrows rose. "I thought you'd want to take my poor bottom as soon as you got the chance."

I smiled. "Good things come to those who wait."

Once she was on her way, I stepped into the kitchen, opened a cupboard and fished out two wineglasses.

I pulled out the bottle of sweet white wine I bought at the store from the paper bag. I uncorked it and poured its contents into the glasses. The smell was strong, but good. I placed the bottle and glasses on a tray.

I opened another cupboard, took out the bottle of honey and placed it in the bag. I had everything I'd need. I gathered it all and headed to the bathroom.

I pushed open the door and found Bri removing her lacey black panties. Her soccer jersey and shorts were in the washing hamper, leaving her as naked as a Playboy model. I'd seen her in the state of undress a thousand times. Yet my cock swelled.

"Wine?" Her eyebrows rose. "Is that what took you?"

"Uh-huh." I handed her a glass and rested the tray on the sink's countertop. "I thought it might help relax you for the rest of the day."

"You mean help relax me for my buggering." She smirked.

I chortled.

"Why not, though?" Bri shrugged and took a sip. "It might actually help."

I removed my sneakers, shirt, jeans, watch and boxer briefs. Then I took Bri by the hand and we stepped into the shower.

Water splattered off our skin and cascaded down our bodies. The temperature was perfect: not too hot or too cold.

Bri took a swig from her glass and placed it on the knee-high ledge which held our shampoos and soap. With her back to me, I reached for her bottle of shampoo and squeezed it into her long honey colored hair.

The smell of roses wafted through the air.

I squeezed more of the white liquid into my palm and lathered my hands. I reached up, placing my hands on her head and pushed my fingers through her hair. I slowly and firmly manipulated my fingertips into her skull.

"Hmmm," she moaned with a sigh. "Well this is nice."

A couple minutes passed as I massaged her skull and washed her hair. And once we rinsed out the suds, I grabbed the loofah sponge and coated it in soap. Bri squeezed her hair and placed it over the front of a shoulder. I rubbed circles into her back.

"Is this your plan? To pamper me so I'll put up less of a fuss when I finally get sodomized?"

I smiled and scrubbed her back. "Nope."

"If you say so. Planning on washing my arse, too?"

Not answering with words, and with a smile I worked the loofah down her back, past the small of it and on to her left buttock. I rubbed it in slow circles before crossing over to her other cheek and gave it a scrubbing, too.

My free hand reached down and grasped her firm left buttock. I pulled it away from its partner and pushed the loofah between her cheeks.

Bri laughed. "That's not necessary. I actually douched that area the last time I used it."

"You can never be too safe." I moved the sponge up and down her crack twice.

When I finished cleaning her long legs, I grabbed the bar of soap and hung the loofah on a faucet. I put my arms around her waist, hugging her from behind and placing my cock between her cheeks.

It couldn't help but harden further.

"Oh God." She tensed up. "It's about to happen, isn't it?"

I chuckled into her neck. "No." I pulled my hips back, allowing my erection to point skyward between us. "Not yet."

I circled the bar of soap up her taut stomach, enjoying the soft feel of her skin. I reached her chest and lathered her left tit as my other hand stroked her soapy belly. I locked my lips onto her neck and sucked, pushing out my tongue.

Bri moaned, leaned back and pushed her fingers into my brown hair. I ran the bar of soap over and around her right breast as I tongued the side of her neck. I let the soap drop to the floor, pushed both hands up her frame and kneaded her slippery B-cups.

I forced a groan from her as I rolled her nipples between my index fingers and thumbs. My lips worked down her neck as my right hand pushed lower and glided over her mons. I cupped her vulva and I gave it a gentle squeeze before finding her button.

I worked my mouth up her neck and nibbled her earlobe, earning another moan. My left hand massaged her breast and squeezed its hard nipple. Meanwhile, my other hand's middle and index finger rubbed small circles into her clit.

"Oh, Dale..." she said, her breathing labored and voice was hoarse, "you're getting me there."

Once a couple minutes passed, I pulled my lips from her neck, hands from her body and spun my girlfriend on the spot.

She had a hazy look in her eye.

I placed my palms on her hips and pushed her backward, making Bri sit on the shower's ledge. I kneeled before her and spread her legs farther apart.

She reached to her left, picked up her glass and took a sip.

I leaned forward, pushed out my tongue and ran it up her wet lips, parting them to a small degree. I've always loved the taste of my girlfriend's pussy. And her natural body scent added to my enjoyment. Going down on her has never felt like a duty, but a sweet treat.

Before my tongue touched her clit, I slid it the other way until I reached her perenium. I slid my tongue back up her folds and moved it in a slow circle around her clit, making sure I avoided contact. Bri moaned, running her fingers through my hair.

At a slow pace, I ran my tongue up and down her labia a few times. Then I stiffened it and pushed it through her opening. "Mmmh. Yes, babe," she whispered as I wagged my tongue inside her, moved my head back and forth and fucked her with the organ inside my mouth.

Her moist flavor delighted my palate.

I worked my tongue inside her, up and down her labia and around her clit for about five minutes as the volume of her sounds amplified.

Then, deciding to put her out her misery, I took her clitoris between my lips and sucked.

She gasped and tightened her grip in my hair. I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue. She moaned and moistened further. I lifted my right hand and pushed my middle and index finger through her opening as I used my tongue to draw circles on her button.

"Oh, babe," she purred. "You're gonna make me cum...Just--uhh, just like that. Yes."

I made a "come closer" motion with my fingers inside her, trying to stroke her G-spot as I licked, kissed and sucked her clit. Bri squirmed on her seat, moaning and groaning.

Soon, her body stiffened before it shuddered as she painfully pulled my hair and let out a loud cry.

Not content with one, I pulled my fingers from her, pushed her legs up and hung them over my shoulders. I dove back in and continued my assault on her clit; kissing, licking, sucking.

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