The Best Romantic Gifts EVER!

Sometimes getting a gift for your partner can feel overwhelming. How do you pick the perfect token that will reflect how you feel? To get the answer, asked 500 women and 250 men what their idea of the perfect love token would be. Their answers should help clue you in on the best way to woo your special someone!

The Top Ten        
Gifts Women Want Gifts Men Want
 1. Jewelry
 2. Flowers
 3. Engagement Ring
 4. His Kisses
 5. Her Love
 6. His Heart
 7. Love Poem
 8. A Card
 9. Love Letter
10. A Personalized item
 1. A Kiss
 2. Her Love
 3. Love Poem, Letter, Card
 4. Flowers
 5. A Sensual Encounter
 6. A Hug
 7. Her Picture
 8. Her Hand In Marriage
 9. A Romantic Night
10. Her Heart

For Her...

Surprise her with something unexpected...something she actually wants! Here are few of the creative ideas some of the women we polled suggested!

  • Flowers delivered to her work
  • Personally written love poem rolled up and held together by a ring
  • A key to his heart
  • Ring with your names and a special date engraved inside
  • Locket with our or his picture in it
  • A gift that reflects an personal interest, so she'll know you understand and listen to her
  • Anything handmade
  • A puppy named "Kisses"
  • A key to the house you will be sharing
  • A new wedding band
  • A picture of you
  • Quality time "alone" together
  • Tickets to a vacation or cruise
  • A personally written love song
  • A week of massages
  • Sexy lingerie
  • A symbol of your love
  • A piece of clothing to remind her of you when you're away
  • A bubble bath followed by a massage

    For Him...

  • It isn't always easy finding the perfect romantic gift for the man in your life. Let these ideas for the men we polled shed a little light on what he really wants!

  • An evening alone with her
  • Her touch
  • A pass for a day of pleasure
  • For her to move in
  • A surprise trip
  • An affirmation that you still love him
  • An erotic love letter
  • A wallet
  • Something that reminds him of your first meeting or date
  • Love coupons
  • A picture of you with a poem or personal note written on the back
  • A new wedding ring
  • Satin boxer shorts
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