Sex Quotes

In one, read by Heard’s attorney Ben Rottenborn, Depp wrote, “The only reason we go for the throat is love.” Heard wrote back, “My throat is yours. You’re going to be the death of me, but I don’t care.” Depp wrote back, “I have other uses for your throat which do not include injury.” (NOTE: This is BDSM sex talk)

“I like to hurt women when I make love to them. . .to see them bleed.” – Mike Tyson

“I have committed adultery in my heart many times.” – Jimmy Carter

“His lust is in his heart? I hope it’s a little lower.” – Shirley MacLaine referring to Jimmy Carter.

“My big fantasy has been to seduce a priest.” – Linda Ronstandt

“You’re only as old as the women you feel.” – Groucho Marx

“Because sheep can’t type.” – Senator Armbrister of Texas when asked why God invented women

“I’ve been sucked by the biggest names in Hollywood.” – James Dean

“I was too polite to ask.” – Gore Vidal on whether his first sexual experience was with a man or a woman

“Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don’t have time.” – Roseanne (then) Arnold

“We are powerless in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it obstructs with interstate commerce.” – J. Edgar Hoover

“I need sex like I need food.” – Barbara Streisand

“The first time I masturbated, it flew across the room.” – Jack Lemmon

“If it hadn’t have been Errol Flynn, I wouldn’t even have remembered it.” – Truman Capote

“There is no greater pleasure than that of bodily love.” – Plato

“She has lilacs for pubic hair.” – Blake Edwards discussing his wife, Julie Andrews

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Sex Dictionary

“Do it quick, my wife would say. Get it over with as fast as you can.” – The Boston Strangler

“If I had as many love affairs as you give me credit for, I would be speaking to you from a jar at the Harvard Medical School.” – Frank Sinatra

“The way to resolve a situation with a woman is to jump on her.” – Lee Marvin

“I’m never done with a girl until I’ve had her three ways.” – JFK

“He’s hung like a horse.” – Clara Bow commenting on Gary Cooper

“There are some things you can get in the mood for all the time and sex is one of them.” – Jimmy Connors

“Nothing. She just has to lie there.” – Richard Burton on what makes a woman good in bed

“The first time I slept with a girl, I didn’t know where to put my peter.” – Baseball manager, Billy Martin

“I love men. I love sex and I don’t care who knows it.” – Margot Kidder

“Will you invite me to come here again?” – Errol Flynn to Hedda Hopper after he masturbated on her front door.

“When a woman comes, it’s a sensual experience you cannot have when screwing a man.” – Tennessee Williams

“I’m pure as the driven slush.” – Tallulah Bankhead

In his later years Groucho Marx said that he would trade all of his fame and fortune for an erection.

“A vacuum with nipples” – Otto Preminger describing Marilyn Monroe

Despite having no problem that plenty of women wanted to sleep with him, Clark Gable still went to prostitutes because “I can pay them to go away.”

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