Savior’s Kiss

A cool breeze coming through the open balcony window caused the brunette in the canopy bed to slowly wake up. Hazy memories surfaced of how she came to be in a room with antique furniture and lace curtains. Tracy remembered a bit of what happened the night before. She was lost on a lonely road where her car broke down. The long mile walk until finally she collapsed in exhaustion. The cold night air quickly draining her of energy.

A knock sounded on the large wooden door. Tracy sat up in the bed and pulled the comforter up to her chin, shielding her nude body from whoever was on the other side of the door. She found it rather funny, since whoever was on the other side of the door had stripped her.

"Come in," she called out, knowing that whoever was out there could have come in at any minute they wished. The door opened and a twentyish looking redhead entered the large bedroom. She closed the door and leaned against it. She stood there, not moving and staring into the fire in the stone fireplace. Following her line of vision, Tracy saw her clothes neatly folded and sitting on a chair before the fire, warming.

Outside the wind howled and rain began to fall. Soon it would turn to freezing rain, then to snow. The redhead quickly walked to the balcony and closed the doors. She then moved to the bed and leaned against the canopy post on the right side of the foot of the bed.

Seeing her silently standing there, just staring at her caused another of Tracy’s memories to surface. She was picked up in the petite redhead’s arms and gently carried for what seemed like hours until finally they arrived at the redhead’s house. Moments later, she was laid upon the bed and her clothing removed. The covers were pulled about her and her eyes drifted closed. That is where the memory ends.

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She glances up to see a small smile play about the redhead’s lips. Tracy slid closer to her, for some reason she was drawn to this fragile, yet surprisingly strong woman. Being in her early thirties, she thought herself beyond such rash moves, but obviously she was wrong. The ladies smile grew wider and more tender. She reached out a hand and tucked a stray wisp of Tracy’s hair behind her ear. Her touch was cold, but left a trail of warmth.

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A spark of desire ignited inside Tracy’s body. For a moment a feeling of deja vo assaulted her delicate senses and frayed nerves. Then, in a moment of remembrance, she knew why.

The night before, the redhead had quickly undressed her and covered her. Tracy had dozed for a while, then awoke in a strange room, alone and scared. She must have called out because the door opened and her gentle host rushed into the room. She had sat on the side of the bed and held her, comforted her.

Something about her had drawn Tracy’s lips to hers and they shared a kiss of passion to satisfy anyone’s wildest dream of a first kiss between two people. A second kiss, then a third. Each better than the last, and each causing a dizzying sense of desire to curl about Tracy’s body. Soon the two ladies were lying on the bed, kissing and caressing. The redhead kissed Tracy’s neck as her fingers caressed her sweet body, arousing and then beginning to fulfill. Gently, she slid her teeth into Tracy’s neck. Tracy jerked in shock, it didn’t hurt but it was unexpected. Then, out of nowhere, an orgasm hit. That was the last memory she had until waking up a few minutes ago.

She knew what the redhead is, she is a vampire. Tracy also knew she wouldn’t hurt her. She hadn’t last night and there was no need for her to hurt her today.

Tracy smiled. The redhead woman had done more than save her from death, she had shown her how to truly live. This time Tracy made the first move. The comforter dropped and her eyes met the redhead vampires gentle green ones. They reached for each other and again they shared a night of passion. Just one more, of an eternity.

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