Romantic Feng Shui

Feng Shui: The Chinese Art Of Placement

Feng shui (pronounced 'fung shway') literally means wind and water. It is the Chinese art of placement. The ancient Chinese believed that everything was connected by the flow of universal energy. Wind and water communicated what kind of energy was flowing through the environment. The Wind is the Yang (active and dominant energy) and the Water was Yin (passive and receptive energy). Feng shui is the channeling of these two forces.

Early Feng Shui practitioners relied on this art to plan the placement of their homes, gardens, furniture and offices to achieve the optimum harmony and balance. Ancient Taoists used Feng Shui to decide not only the placement of their homes and belongings, but also to increase their sexual energy. By creating and/or changing the spaces in your home you can enhance your energy for better overall well-being. This of course can help in your romantic relations. This short guide will cover a few of the placement techniques for promoting romance and better relationships in the bedroom. For more information try searching a bookstore or google for Feng Shui techniques for lovers.

Feng Shui Quick List

Color is quick mood setter in any form. Decorating is no exception. For a list of the moods that different colors evoke view the color guide.

Mirrors reflect energy. Some things to keep in mind in caring for your mirrors: always keep them clean, avoid cracked mirrors and don't sleep directly in front of or below a mirror.

Wind Chimes can bring a subtle energy flow in your environment. Place wind chimes in areas you want to moderate (not trap or redirect) energy that enters or leaves your room. They can also be used to tone down the noise of a busy street. When choosing your chimes be certain to choose one that sings to you. If you have more than one make sure the music created by all is harmonious.

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Water may need to be brought into your home if you do not live near a natural lake, pond or other water source. Water helps relationships flow. A few common sources of water are: aquariums (only if the tank is consistently clean); a waterbed; or an indoor fountain (many stores now sell table top fountains). If you can not or prefer not to have an actual water source, pictures of ocean, water or waterfall scenes can substitute.

Light can bring optimism and daring into your love life. For romance use candlelight. For an erotic and/or serene room use soft or subdued lighting. Bold lighting can create dramatic energy to use in bed but may also take away some of the romance.

Flora is the easiest way to bring a natural element into your space. It is also probably the easiest way to receive direct beneficial energy! Unfortunately, there are a few "bad seeds" that promote negative energy. They consist of the following: ivies and/or trailing plants can depress; speckled plants promote dissension between partners; upright plants need an abundant amount of space; dried flowers are best in the winter; and spiky plants invite conflicts. For a more harmonious atmosphere use plants with soft, rounded leaves.

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