Ready for Dessert? (romance, Seduction)

It has been such a long week. A small misunderstanding escalated, and neither of us wanted to be the first to bend. Facing each other at a stand off, our stubbornness overshadowed our love. And yet, the aching, the yearning, the simple raw desire to cast it aside was growing with each passing moment.

All the things said and unsaid this past week, all the accusations and angry could we move past it? By recognizing who we are. Two passionate individuals bound together by a love greater than either of us ever thought possible. When our stars collided, there were bound to be explosive moments. Tempers flare, and passion gets mistaken for anger, leading to more fights than are probably necessary. But tonight...tonight I will make it up to you.

Thinking about all this, I eagerly await your arrival home at the end of the day. I have missed you so. I've ached for your arms, your voice whispering in my ear, your breath on my neck. Ached to feel our chests pressed so close that we can feel the others' hearts beating. Ached to physically feel how right we are for each other, to just let our bodies speak the language our words cannot. I wonder how to make this homecoming special. I want you to know how perfect we are together, so you don't want to ever leave again. I suddenly am struck with an idea. You will never forget this night.

With breathless anticipation, I await your imminent arrival. I have spent the entire day planning a surprise. I have set the table for dinner and lit dozens of candles. The candlelight flickers, casting a warm glow over the entire room. Romantic music, a selection of songs we chose together and made a CD from, is playing in the background and I am dressed in a lovely dress, one that reaches the ground. Underneath the dress I am wearing nothing, even my feet are bare. I know that once you arrive home and we have our meal, I won't need even the dress anymore.

I have prepared a simple dinner for us to enjoy, because dinner is merely a prelude to dessert, which will be very special. As you open the door, I strike a pose at the entry. A warm smile spreads slowly across my face as I see my man finally home. Slowly stepping towards you, I stand on my tiptoes and turn up my head. I place my hands on your shoulders to steady myself and lean in, brushing my lip against yours. No words have been spoken, yet plenty has been said. Wrapping my arms around you, I know you have longed to hold me as much as I have longed to be held. Our eyes meet and everything is clear. We belong with each other. My eyes are shining and I whisper, "I've missed you so much. I am so glad you are here now."

I tell you dinner is almost ready and that we can talk while we eat. We sit down at the table and enjoy our meal. We catch up on the past week's events, the things we didn't talk about, the moments we didn't share, and the conversation makes the meal even better. Everything is comfortable as we eat and visit together, our eyes never leaving each other, our hands continually reaching over the table to touch. As we finish the meal, I stretch my foot over to your leg and just caress your calf. You feel my toes reaching under the hem of your pants and tickling your ankles. Every place our bodies have touched is dancing with electricity.

"Let me clear the table and get our dessert," I say. Following me with the plates as I clear the table, you see me grab an orange. Standing by the sink, I start to peel the rind from the orange. Ripping the peel off the orange, exposing the flesh and sectioning it with my fingers, the juice from the orange is running over my hands. I lick the orange juice from my palm and set the orange sections on a plate. Dropping the shoulders from my dress, I let it fall to the ground. I stand naked before you. "Dessert is almost ready, just let me place it on the table." I take the plate of orange pieces, and lay down on the table. Setting the sections on various parts of my body, my shoulders, my breasts, my tummy, my pelvic bones.... then inserting one fleshy juicy piece between my legs into myself, I look at you slyly and say.... "Ready for dessert? Oh gee, I forgot utensils... can you make do?"

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Finding A Soul Mate (romance)

You are rock hard with arousal as you see I have placed myself on a symbolic altar before you. I want you to make all of me belong completely to you. I want you to know there is no limit to what I would do to please you. All this is unspoken, but completely known. I have placed myself in complete trust of you because even through the frustrations, the love is absolute.

Seeing your girl laying completely naked on the table with orange sections balanced over my body and one section inserted inside my most intimate of places, you shake your head in awe. I never cease to amaze you with my creativity when it comes to making love. The erotic sensuality of knowing there are no physical boundaries between the two of us continually leaves you breathless.

As your eyes travel to my squared shoulders, you lean down and where the orange section is and take it into your mouth, tasting both the sweet juice of the orange and slight salty taste of my skin. As you are finishing your first section, you kiss me full on the mouth. Tasting the mix of orange with my kiss is driving you wild. I laugh and say, "Surely your appetite is stronger than one section, don't stop now." Licking my chest, over to the other shoulder, you quickly suck that piece in and linger on my shoulder blade. Then, kissing little kisses down to my breasts, you take your hand and slowly lift a section from my nipple, you feed it to me. My tongue licks the juice off my lips and licks your fingertips slowly. I have never tasted a better orange, but we know there are still more sections to eat.

As you suck another orange piece off my other breast, the nipple becomes erect in your mouth, the firmness mingling with the soft flesh of the orange. Licking and kissing down my torso, alternating between feeding me and eating a section yourself, you make sure we are thoroughly enjoying our dessert. As you get to my pelvic bones, my hips are beginning to move involuntarily. As you kiss and eat another section, the scent of my womanhood is assaulting your nose. The juices of my arousal are mixed with the section inside of me. A citrus, salty, metallic smell like nothing you have ever known is hanging in the air.

Finally, you are to the last orange section. Grabbing my ankles and sliding my body to the edge of the table, you spread my legs apart. You see my wet spot glistening with desire as you drop to your knees to finish dessert. The orange section is sticking out from me, the color and shape almost reminding you of how I look when I am completely engorged with desire. Sucking deeply between my legs, swirling your tongue around my opening, I moan deeply as the section slips right out of me into your mouth. The taste is more wonderful than the smell. My juices have soaked the orange section and the mix of citrus fruit and female arousal is unreal. "Kiss me now, honey, I need to know what you are tasting," I beg, as your mouth is overwhelmed with new sensations. Standing and leaning over me, you pull my naked body close to you and mash your mouth to mine. I taste your kiss and the sweetness of the oranges all together. I have never wanted to be taken so badly in my life. "Take me now, honey, fill me with yourself. Make me yours forever."

Quickly disrobing, you set about showing me your love in the most physical and intimate of ways. Over and over you pound yourself into me as we writhe on the kitchen floor in a passionate embrace. As we achieve a mutual climax, I snuggle in close to you and you grow soft in me. "I love you always.... I never want us to be apart."

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