Painfully Shy- A Hot Loving Wives Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

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I met my wife, Emily, in college during our junior year and it was love at first sight for both of us. We were in a bar where all the locals and college kids had gathered to celebrate our win over a hated rival. I'd never seen her before, and I was to find out why that night.

I had just ordered a beer when I heard the sweetest voice during a momentary lull in the noise say, "Please don't do that!" I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Emily. A very drunk older guy had his arm around her and was trying to kiss her. She tried to walk away but the guy was insistent that she stay as he pulled her back against him. She was silently pleading for help with her eyes when they spied me looking at her. She held the stare long enough to let me know my help would be appreciated.

I'm not a big guy but I knew I was going to do whatever it took to help her out and began walking her way. "Hey, sis. Sorry we're late but your boyfriend's car ran out of gas. Good thing he's as big as he is because he had to push it two blocks to the gas station. He's waiting outside. You ready to go?"

"Yes," she said. "I was just getting ready to call you." Then she turned to the guy harassing her and said, "See ya later, Earl."

She then took my hand and we left Earl with a, "What in the hell just happened?" look on his face. We got outside and she turned to me with the cutest smile and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for saving me..."

"Jerry," I said, filling in the blank. "We should probably leave before Deliverance there comes looking for you. Can I offer you a ride somewhere or do you have your own car?"

"I'd appreciate a lift home. I came with two girlfriends but I don't feel like looking for them right now. I don't ever go to bars, but I'm kind of glad I did now."

That made me feel very special as I smiled in response.

As we walked to my car, we just kept looking at each other. She was dressed pretty conservatively, but you could see her big firm tits and gorgeous ass. I offered to take her for some coffee and she readily accepted. From that point on we were inseparable.

We were married six months after graduating and we enjoyed sex at least five times a week during our engagement.

Emily looked super in clothes, but naked, she was absolutely breathtaking. I was so proud whenever I saw both men and women checking her out, especially at the beach in her bikinis. She was too shy to wear anything other than a maximum coverage bikini, but she made them look so much better than they actually were. I bought her a tiny French-cut bikini once but she refused to wear it outside our apartment because it "showed way too much." "What a shame," I thought, but she didn't like to draw attention to herself. She was one of those people that wouldn't say shit if she had a mouth full of it.

We talked about having kids, but we both decided that it would be better to wait until we were more financially secure. She wanted to be a stay-at-home mom to raise them and I agreed. About a year after we were married we bought a house in the suburbs with a six-foot privacy fence around most of our yard. This really was the biggest selling point to Emily as it would allow her to tan in the back yard by the small pool without anyone seeing her.

Emily always did the yard work. It was something she really enjoyed. One day I suggested that she wear the bikini I got her while doing the yard work. I told her I thought she'd enjoy it on really hot days and I'd love to see what it looked like outside the house. She said she'd think about it, but I wasn't holding my breath.

After I got through with work on a very hot Saturday in July, I drove home and was looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend with Emily.

I called out to her when I got home, but got no answer. As I was changing clothes I glanced out the window to see Emily tanning herself in the bikini I got her. My cock began to harden and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had apparently just gotten out of the pool. She was soaking wet and there was a very pronounced camel toe staring back at me. Without realizing it, I began rubbing my cock through my shorts as it became painfully hard.

It felt deliciously wicked spying on my wife while I pulled out my cock and started jacking off right there at the window. I was getting close to blowing my load when she sat up and looked around. I thought she might have heard something and I tried to get off before she came in. Next, I saw her reach behind her neck and untie the string to her top before doing the same with the one behind her back, freeing those gorgeous tits of hers. I came all over the window as her bra hit the ground. I have never been that turned on in my life.

As she began to rub lotion onto her tits, my cock began to harden again. I was so hot. I was getting ready to jack off again when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh, shit!" I thought. I had forgotten that my colleague from work, Jordan, was going to stop by for some prints of the job we were both working on. I was so bummed that he was interrupting me at this particular moment. All of a sudden though, my mind started going to a weird place. I wanted Jordan to see this. Stuffing my junk back in my pants I went down to let him in.

"Jesus, Jordan. Believe it or not, I forgot you were coming by."

"Yeah, well if I had a distraction around like you have, I'd forget a lot of shit, too. By the way, where's your better half?"

"I'm not sure. Probably working out in the yard," I told him. That's when the idea hit me that there may never be a better chance for someone to see her. I was burning up. "Why don't you go on out by the pool and I'll bring us something to drink after I locate those prints."

"Sounds great," Jordan said as he started heading to the pool."

I shot up the stairs ready to see what everybody's reaction was going to be, but when I got to the window I realized that in my brief absence, Emily had removed her bottoms as well and had put on her head phones. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and knew that Jordan was going to see all of Emily. He was approaching her feet first when he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at her glistening shaved pussy. He just stood there taking it all in before he unconsciously began to rub his crotch.

I looked back at Emily just as she was spreading her legs to put her feet on the pool deck on either side of the lounge chair. I could see from the window as her pussy began to spread open and stay that way. Turning back to Jordan, he hadn't moved and seemed incapable of deciding what to do next. My cock was so hard as visions of Jordan sliding his cock into Emily had me cumming in my pants, untouched.

Luckily, for both of us, Jordan began a silent retreat before Emily ever noticed him. When he began moving, I finally found the will to move myself. Grabbing the prints, I went downstairs with the idea that I would be none the wiser unless he said something about it.

When he got back in the house I was getting us something cold out of the fridge. I acted surprised to see him. "Hey, what's up. Too hot out there for you?"

"That's one way of putting it, I guess."

I gave my best cryptic look and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Hey, man. Emily is tanning out there."

"Yeah? So what? That's usually what people do at a pool."

"Dude! Your wife is stark naked. It was all I could do to tear myself away from that vision. No offense."

"Holy shit!" I said. "I didn't know she did that! Did she see you?"

"I don't think so. She probably would have screamed, or something. Again, with all due respect, I'll never see her the same way again!"

"I hope not."

"I'm serious, man. She's so shy and demure all the time. Now I've seen what you get to see on a regular basis and I'm unbelievably jealous."

"I understand, man. She is fucking hot!" After a moment, I said, "Look, why don't you head out before she finds out you were here. Oh, and by the way, keep it quiet, huh."

"I will if you get me a picture of her like that."


"Just kidding, man. Don't worry. Mum's the word," and he left.

I immediately ran up the stairs to get the camera after Jordan gave me the idea. I had no nude pictures of her and now was one of those chances that almost never happen. I did close-ups of her tits, her face and most of all, that glorious cunt. I was still on fire with all that had happened in such a short period of time.

As I was turning to leave the window, I caught a flash of light or a reflection of some sort coming from the attic window of the house next door. It belonged to a couple in their early forties along with their son, Brandon. His parents described him as somewhat of a lady's man and I had no doubt he probably had a good show through his binoculars. Oh well, that'll be a memory for him for all time.

I saw Emily sitting up and putting her bikini back on, so I put everything away and acted like I had just gotten home when she came in.

"Wow," I said. You wore it!"

"I did more than that you silly man. I actually took it off for about 15 minutes and tanned in the raw."

"Shut up!" I said like I didn't believe her.

"No!" Really! I did!" It was actually kind of exhilarating being nude outside."

"Wow! And I missed it?"

"Sorry," she said. "Maybe next time if I work up the nerve."

That night I fucked her three times while fantasizing about strange men using her repeatedly. She asked what had gotten into me and I more or less confessed to being turned on by her showing herself off.

"But I was alone," she replied.

"Well, a guy can dream, can't he?"

"You'd actually enjoy somebody seeing me naked?"

"God, yes!"

"I would die if that happened. You know me!"

"I don't know," I told her. "Maybe you're starting to loosen up a bit. At least, I hope you are."

"Get over it silly man. You're the only one that will see me naked."

As time went by, the visions of that day consumed me. I began to wonder how I could arrange even more risqué moments with my wife. It began to affect my work because of the time I was dedicating to setting up scenarios of exposure for my wife. I found myself going online and reading stories about men who were trying the same things I wanted to do.

Read this hot story:
Wife Submits to Her Husband's Fantasies BDSM Non-consent Story by Salty Vixen

About three months later we got a knock on the door. It was the kid from next door. He'd been sent over by his parents to invite me and Emily to a Halloween party, costumes and all. What little time he was there, he could hardly take his eyes off Emily. She was just on her way out to do some yard work dressed in tight shorts and a halter top with no bra. I saw her begin to get red around the face as she became aware of his stare.

I told Brandon that we'd be there. He told us to wear any kind of costume we fancied and that all the food and drink would be provided by them.

After he left, Emily said something to the effect that Brandon was looking at her like he wanted to eat her.

"I wouldn't hold that against him. Hormones rule his world and you are a very hot lady."

"Jerry, you are so bad."

"I know. I'm hoping it rubs off on you. By the way, what kind of costume are you going to wear?"

"The only one I have is at mom's house. It's a Little Bo Peep outfit. I think I should get something a little less revealing though. The dress is above the knee and it shows to much of my top."

"Sounds perfect to me!"

"You would say that, you pervert."

"Aw, c'mon, baby. Wear it for me. Nothing but old people are probably going to be there." I was doing everything I could think of to have her start showing a little more skin.

"I'll think about it. If I do, though, I'll need a few belts in me before hand." Then she turned to me and asked, "Why are you trying to show me off to people?"

"All I can tell you, baby, is that when I see people look at you with desire, it makes my dick hard enough to cut diamonds. You have one of the most beautiful bodies I have ever seen and it excites me tremendously when someone looks at you with obvious desire."

She just shook her head at me like I was daft before saying, "We'll see. You know I don't like drawing attention to myself."

The night before the party, Emily tried on her costume. The swell of her tits was the first thing I noticed. My dick was hard immediately and I fucked her while she wore it. She was shocked at my reaction.

"Wow, I guess I will have to reconsider some wardrobe changes if this is what I can come to expect."

"You know it, Em!"

What costume did you get for the party?" she asked me.

"Jordan loaned me his clown outfit," I told her.

"How apropos," she chided me.

I already knew what the answer was going to be, but the mood had been set as the words started coming out of my mouth before I could think to edit them. "Would you consider doing me a favor concerning the party?"

She looked at me with that "now what" expression. "You want me to go naked now?"

"Oh, no," I said, ignoring the sarcasm. "I know you can't wear a bra with that costume, so I was wondering if you'd go without your panties, too."

Her eyes got big as she just stared at me for the longest moment. "Are you serious?"

While I couldn't help but pick up on the incredulity in her question, my answer was, "Deadly!"

"My God, you really are serious!" she stated in disbelief.

I just let my request hang there with her, waiting for a yes or no answer and looking at her like a kid at the age of 8 that just asked for a 4-wheeler for Christmas.

"Jerry," she started as she fumbled for words in her reply, "You know I could never do that!"

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding me? I could never do something like that, and you know it! What if somebody found out? I don't think I could ever show my face in public again! I'm just not built that way."

"What way is that, Em, like lying naked in the back yard?"

That had her speechless for the moment so I continued speaking. "Emily, the only people that would know about it would be you and me. It's not like you'll be wearing a sign saying, 'Look guys, no panties!' Look, Em, I just want you to think about it. I know it's outside your comfort zone, but it could be how you described being naked outside. You know, exhilarating."

"You really are serious. And what, exactly, do you get out of this?"

"Just thinking about it happening has me ready to fuck you into oblivion. It would be the hottest kind of experience for me, and once you were settled into the party, you'd probably find yourself equally turned on. Every time we looked at each other our secret would be ever-present. We'd probably end up leaving early and fucking each other's brains out."

"And it means that much to you?"

"In the grand scheme of things, no. I love you, Emily. That could never change. All I'm suggesting is that you think about it as a game two people can play together, to instill a little taboo heat for just the two of us. Just for grins, tell me what was going through your mind when you were laying naked outside?"

She stood there in thought before speaking. "I don't know. I know it excites you and I think I tried it to see if I could maybe do it for you sometime. You have always tried to subtly get me to show more of myself. I did it with you in mind."

"And I appreciate that more than you know, but I was asking how it made YOU feel, to be outside and naked." I waited patiently for her answer which was much slower in coming than her last reply.

"Okay, now don't get crazy on me, but I began to imagine you looking at me and then telling me to spread my legs so you could look at my pussy."

"And did you spread your legs for me?" My cock was growing noticeably as I saw her glance down at it before looking me in the eye.


"Did it make you wet?" I saw the beginnings of a red flush appearing on her upper chest and neck.


Neither of us said a word after that as we simultaneously began to undress before one of the hottest fuck sessions either of us had ever experienced. As we relaxed while holding each other, my cock hardened again, only this time we made love.

We didn't mention our conversation again. I was determined to allow her to make an unpressured decision concerning the party. My patience came from knowing that both of us now knew that the heat that we could bring to bear on our relationship was going to be revisited at some point in time.

The day of the party, my car was in the shop and Emily had shopping to do so I caught a ride with Jordan. He came by as Emily was leaving and she kissed him on the cheek on her way out the door. She always liked him and they had become good friends.

He had a weird look on his face after she'd left.

"What's with you?" I asked him.

"Sorry, buddy. I just can't get that vision of her out of my head. She is so fucking gorgeous."

I started laughing at him.

"Hey, don't worry about it. She does that to me all the time."

"It really doesn't bother you that I saw her in the raw, does it?"

"Why would it? I'm secure in what we have. Truth be known, I've been trying for years to get her to loosen up on her conservative dress code. When I see people, even women, look at her with lust, it turns me on."

"Knowing that someone wants to, for lack of a better word, fuck her, turns you on?"

"Sure it does. I'm proud of her."

"Would it also turn you on to actually see someone fuck her?"

"You know, that's a hot kind of fantasy with me, but that's all it will ever be."

Jordan kind of chuckled while saying, "Well, if you ever want to make it a reality, I'd be glad to offer my services."

"I'm sure," I said with a laugh; "You and probably the entire straight population of men and all gay women."

"And you're not jealous."

"What for? She's not enamored with anyone else. She's like a beautiful work of art being admired by people with obvious taste."

"Then you should get me a picture of that beautiful piece of art so that I can admire it more frequently."

"The only way you're ever going to get a nude pic of Emily is if she gives it to you. You guys are friends so I don't see that happening."

"Do you actually have pics of her?"

"As a matter of fact, after you left when Em was still out by the pool, I got about half a dozen nice pics. They're the only ones I have."

"I'd love to see those."

It actually turned me on thinking about showing him pictures of Em. He was single and it certainly wasn't going to hurt anyone. "Why? You've already seen her?" I wasn't going to make it easy for him though. "Besides, she doesn't know I saw her out there. If that ever got out I'd be dead meat."

"C'mon, Jerry, you know I'd never say anything to anyone." In the end, I ended up showing him the pics. He practically slobbered on them and it made me about half firm having him look at them.

After viewing the pics, we went to the office. He was really hot for Emily which in turn excited me. To tease him even more, I told him about the outfit she was wearing tonight and how I fucked her when she tried it on the night before. "I don't think she was really going to wear it until she saw what it did to me. I practically raped her."

"Oh, my God!" was all he could say.

As we were getting ready to leave, I called Emily to say I'd be home in half an hour.

"Good. I'm putting on my makeup as we speak."

After hanging up I told Jordan what she said.

"If I had another costume, I'd go with you guys just to look at Emily all night"

There was about a five minute silence in the car when Jordan said, "Remember saying you'd love to watch someone fuck her."

"Yeah," I said waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Would you consider letting a man seduce her so that you could realize that fantasy."

"Only if it suited Em. The only thing is, I can't think of anyone I know that could pull that off." Jordan gave me a look that sarcastically said, "Puleeeze."

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