Neighbors-Voyeur Fantasy- Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s episode is titled “Neighbors”  Dear Sir, my soul explodes in flames of fire whenever we are together.

Your touch.. oh yes your touch...

Burning a path on my skin, Igniting the kindling of my

Own desires.

Your eyes rip through me, Like reading the pages an erotic story.. Leaving me breathless, as you continue to invade my mind to write my fantasy

Your soul enchant mine as we are bound together, full of passion and lust. As we are Twin Flames, with a strong connection coming together as one.

An obsession that brings out the burning flame from our souls. As it makes it hard to control our strong sexual desire for each other in that passion that ignites the fire...

I wonder, Sir, if you still have those videos..of me doing what you asked me to do… an erotic thought came to my mind for a future story… let’s begin…

Pushing the latch on my window, I opened it halfway, releasing the heat that had built up in my bedroom after being closed up all day. It was about 6:30, just getting dark. The light in the apartment across the way came on and a handsome man was pulling his half-naked girlfriend behind him. I don’t consider myself a voyeur by any means, just a nice middle class career woman clawing my way to the top like everyone else.

But, before I could lower my shade, and let them get on to the business at hand, he noticed me. Smiling, he turned her around quickly, a silk scarf appearing out of nowhere, and blindfolded her before she had a chance to see me too. I found it too intriguing to turn away then.

He led her to the bed next, directing her to sit, then looked over his shoulder for a moment to see if I was still watching.

I was and he was obviously pleased by that because he smiled again. Leaving the bedroom, he returned quickly, a kitchen chair in hand and set it directly in front of the window so that I could have a nice view. Hell, as close as the buildings are here, I could have almost reached out and touched him if I wanted too.

I pulled my desk chair out, turning the back towards the window, then straddled it as I continued to watch him. Tugging the silk shirt I had worn to work that day from the waistband of my shirt, I unbuttoned it, showing off my nicely rounded D sized tits by propping them on the back of the chair.

He nodded his approval, as he returned to his girlfriend, taking her by the hand and tugging her to her feet. Cupping first one black laced covered breast; he ran his tongue along it’s swell, then moving to the other. I could tell she liked it, her tongue tracing her lips seductively, egging him on.

Even though their window was closed, I could almost hear her moan. Or was that me? Looking down, I saw my fingers tracing the swell of my own mounds in unison with his tongue. I watched as his fingers deftly unclasp the lace, freeing her breasts, then turning again to see if he still had my attention. He did.

Circling her nipples with the edge of his thumb, he led her to the chair, easing her down on it. Moving away from her once more, I watched him digging through her lingerie, reappearing with one of the economy packs of pantyhose almost identical to what I had in my own drawer. Pulling them out a pair at a time, he pulled her hands behind her back securing them neatly.

I half expected a look of horror to appear on her face, but the only expression that was apparent was one of lust. Pushing up my own skirt, I smiled at him as he moved to the front, he becoming the watcher as I unfastened the garter hidden beneath, giving him a bird’s eye view of the red silk panties that were growing wetter by the second.

Read this hot story:
The whip is purple- Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

As he pulled her hips forward, her own skirt rode up her thighs, exposing a thatch of soft blonde fur. Panti-less, even more interesting. I decided that whatever had transpired in the living room had been the reason for the lack of them now. Her ankles were next, and he fastened them as neatly as he had her wrists.

Running his hands from her ankles to her thighs, he stopped just short of her mound, moving to the side so that I would have a full view. As his tongue stroked the tender flesh at the crease of her thigh, his eyes never left mine.

My own legs widened, my fingers imitating his tongue. I shuddered, my eyes closing for a split second as I imagined his tongue doing that to me. When I opened them, he was smiling again, his index finger opening her lips and disappearing deep inside of her.

My breath caught in my throat as I slid the red silk aside, slipping first one, then another finger into my own pussy, pumping then in and out in rhythm with his. His girlfriend was obviously enjoying it as her breasts rose and fell almost in time with his thrusts. What I would have given to be bound in the chair.

Mimicking me, he slid a second finger in, curling them upward as he went massaging her lips, her hips straining towards his fingers, as he continued watching me. My own pussy was sucking my fingers in deeper, clenching down as I imagined them to be his and I was getting closer to cumming.

Just as I was about to hit my peak, he stopped, withdrawing his fingers, the girl’s hips erupting violently, as she voiced her protests. But, he just shook his head, mouthing the words, "Not yet," so that I could see him and I withdrew mine. God, what was he doing to me?

Sliding out of his jeans I could see the juiciest bulge I’d ever laid my eyes on, and wished that I could will him to leave her and finish what he’d started with me. But, I knew that wasn’t going to happen so I had to content myself with whatever he had in mind for us both next.

Pushing a pair of tiny thongs over his hips, he let them drop to the floor, freeing the bulge that had obviously been building since the living room.

Turning his attention back to me, he smiled again, slipping his juice-laden fingers between his lips, as he brushed the tip of his cock against her lips, her mouth opening eagerly, sucking it in.

I did the same. Curling my tongue around them, tasting myself, I moved them in and out. I wanted him to see what he’d be getting if it were my tongue wrapped around his prick, first sucking the tip, then tracing down the shaft with my tongue. I could see his lips moving, telling her to do exactly as I was and it was my turn to smile, knowing he was imagining just like me.

His eyes closed as I watched his balls tighten the closer he got, and he stopped her just before he came. Opening them he looked at me, my tongue still devouring my fingers as if it were him, then shivered, as a stream of white hot cum sprayed over her chest and belly. Kneeling beside her, he turned back to me mouthing the words, "Your next", as he plunged his tongue deep into her pussy, sending her over the edge.

I didn’t imitate him this time, because I knew he meant he was taking care of it personally. I just sat and watched till her hips stopped convulsing under a tongue that I knew would be soft, yet ferocious at the same time, waiting.

And, he didn’t disappointment me. A few minutes after the lights went out across the way; I heard a soft wrap at my door. It was my turn now.