Naughty Office Slut NonConsent/Reluctance Story by Salty Vixen

I drank the coffee my boss left on my desk this morning. It seemed an unusual gesture, but I took it to indicate that there might be an increasing familiarity between us, just a bit of human warmth would be welcome. Now I think of the coffee with a different mind, and with a certain ambivalence. It's just that it marks the place when I started to feel different. Physically, I don't think I've ever felt such a surge of lust, preceded by no conscious thought or stimulation.

My clitoris is tingling, and it feels like it is swelling. I can imagine what it might be like to be a man, with an incipient erection. Yes, it is actually swelling and throbbing. I'm not touching it. I'm not having a sexual fantasy. Yet my pulse is quickening and so is my breathing. Lewd thoughts are beginning to distract me. I can't concentrate on my work at all now, and my mind is racing with images of penetration, straddling enormous cocks, bending over while being taken forcefully by anonymous rapists, anything that represents the simple raw fucking of my cunt that I am beginning to crave desperately. My desires have overtaken me, and I think at last that I must go to the restroom, where I can masturbate and relieve the turmoil of my mind.

I get up and walk, as naturally as I can manage, toward the ladies' room. I can feel the slipperiness of my outer labia as I walk. My panties are sticking to my vulva. Each step sends a little jolt of sensation through my clitoris as my legs move together and apart. If I can just make myself cum I will be alright. It's simply one of those moments when the sexual urges that you don't realise you have built up, come unexpectedly to the fore. This is what I tell myself as I close the cubicle door with haste and sit down on the toilet, reaching for the irresistible ache under my skirt. I run my fingers teasingly over the puffy labia enclosed in my tights, and gasp with delighted anticipation.

Just as I begin to reach my hand into my tights, I am jolted from my reverie by the ringing of my mobile in my pocket. This is the way my boss normally contacts me if he wishes me to appear in his office. He doesn't like to use an intercom. I don't know why. So I have to check the phone, and it is him. I hastily attempt to gather my wits, and I answer the phone.

Miss Preston, will you come in at once please?

Yes, of course, Sir.

I rush back to the office, trying to erase the flush from my face and the physical demand from my body.

I knock and enter the inner office.

Yes, Sir?

I hear a click behind me, and look around.

It's just the door Miss Preston. I would like to be sure that we have privacy for this particular procedure.

Of course, Sir.

I don't like to waste a lot of time on niceties when it can be better spent on achieving my more important aims. Do you agree?

I don't know what he is referring to, but I feel I must agree, so I do.

Come and stand in the centre of the room, please.

Thank you.

Why were you in the ladies' room, Miss Preston?

I am startled now.

I..I needed to use the toilet, Sir.

What for?

For...what? um, I am urinate, Sir

How delightfully formal. But as I said, I don't want niceties. I want truth. And this is not the truth, is it? You went there for another reason, didn't you?

My face is burning, and I don't know what to say.

The door is locked, Miss Preston. Everything that transpires here is strictly between you and me. Unless, that is, I am forced to call in help to facilitate my wishes and your cooperation.

I was completely flustered and beginning to be very alarmed. This was no ordinary encounter with my employer. What did he mean by locking the door?

Tell me what you were doing in the toilet cubicle. Now.

I just stared at him in horror, and all the while my clitoris was throbbing and my pussy was swelling. I couldn't stop it.

You were beginning a masturbation session, weren't you?

I gasped and bolted for the door, rattling the handle futilely.

HA! I told you it was locked. What exactly are you trying to do? You will soon find, Miss Preston, that everything I tell you is the way it is and the way it will be. There is no escape from that fact and that reality. Now, I will ask you once more, what were you doing in the toilet?

I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say. I still stood staring at him.

Come over here now.

I walked fearfully toward the desk.

Come around to this side.

I walked around to where he sat in his big padded office chair.

I know what is happening to you, dear, because I engineered it. No matter how much embarrassment and humiliation you feel, and I certainly hope and expect that you will feel a lot of those things, you will also find yourself irresistibly driven by your own slutty dripping lust to fulfil my commands. You won't really be able to refuse because your body will be desperate for the things I have in store for it. That's a very powerful aphrodisiac I put in your coffee.

I was trembling, suspended between the urge to run and the urge to lay myself in front of him and beg for a fucking. I could see there was no point in running, but I was terrified of what he would do to me.

Now, if you do exactly as I tell you, you will experience the minimum of pain and the maximum of pleasure. There will be pain, I assure you. It is part of my pleasure. But certain kinds of pain will be used simply as incentives to force compliance. Others will be for fun. You might even learn to look forward to them. Bend over the desk...Do it! Now!

Startled, I bent at the waist and laid the top half of my body across the side ell of his desk. Quickly, before I knew what was happening, he snapped a cuff around each wrist and attached them to a steel bar at the far edge of the desk. I squealed in fear and shock.

Silence! He snapped, and slapped my ass with a sharp flick of his hand.

Now, you will tell me what you were doing in the toilet...tell me...He smacked me again, harder, and I jumped.

But I couldn't bring myself to speak the words.

Miss Preston. You have a new name, which I will use when you are in here with me. You are a slut, I know it and you know it. Right Slut?

I was becoming so aroused and confused that all I could do was say yes. Yes...

Tell-me-slut-what-you-were-doing-in-the-toilet—he slapped my ass with each word. Then he lifted my skirt and pulled down my tights and pants and continued on my bare ass. I yelped and wriggled as the pain increased.

Don't you ever come to this office again in tights. From now on you wear stockings and nothing else under your skirts. Your skirts are to be no longer than half way between your cunt and your knees. Is that understood? Answer with Yes, Sir.

Yes, Sir.

He gave me another smack, as if to emphasise my agreement.

Tell me now slut, as you are bound and helpless, if you don't want any further pain, what you were doing in the toilet. Let me help you, you repeat after me: I took down my panties and I was touching my pussy, sir.

I took down my panties and I was touching my pussy, Sir. I gasped, as he slapped my bare ass.

I felt the slippery wetness in my cunt and I wanted to make myself cum. I slipped a finger in and it felt so good.

I repeated.

I thought of many lewd things. I am so horny now that I will do anything for sexual gratification. Please do what you want with me.

I reapeated.

Please touch my wet cunt. Sir. I beg of you.

Again, I repeated what he told me, my face burning with shame and my cunt burning with need. He slid his finger lightly along my slit, prodding into the wetness ever so slightly. I moaned and found myself pushing backwards, and he withdrew.

Hold still, Slut. Don't you dare attempt to gain gratification unbidden. Now, keep talking: Please tease and punish me until I grovel, Sir, and make me your office Slut, to satisfy your every depraved wish.

I repeated.

Please fuck my cunt Sir, I am a desperate slut who needs your cock swabbing the inside of my slimy pussy until it milks you dry.

I said what he asked, and then felt his finger spreading my juices, prodding my cunt lips delicately until I started to grind the desk top. He smacked me hard.

Hold still! I can see you need some training before I can fuck you. This is most annoying, because my balls are like rocks and I need to fuck. I'm not pleased that I will have to delay my pleasure to teach you a lesson, but I suppose it has to happen. You're an ignorant slut who knows nothing of my ways and you must learn if you are to be any good to me.

Punishment here is graded by severity. There are five levels. Each level has various tactics and methods that can be used, all of approximately the same degree of intensity and each level is suited to a different level of transgression. You can accumulate misdemeanours and be placed on a higher level of punishment if I wish to deal with you in that way. Also, each time I need to punish you, you will move up to the next level. So, now we start with level one. You will learn to comply, I assure you.

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He reached into the drawer next to where I was lying, and pulled out two more cuffs, which he attached to my ankles. He then clipped the cuffs, which were fitted with clasps, to screw eyes in opposite legs of the desk, so that my legs were fixed open, and I could hardly move. He reached in the drawer again and pulled out a short whip that looked like a riding crop. I squealed and squirmed, but was completely helpless. He also produced a ball gag and a jar of Vaseline. And put them on the desk where I could see them.

This will keep you a bit quieter, Slut, while I punish you. I won't after all, be requiring your opinion on the proceedings.

He slipped the ball gag in my mouth and attached it around my head. Then he flicked the crop against my bottom, and I yelled into the gag, my ass twitching helplessly.

Good girl, squeal into that gag like a pig, wiggle that ass, yeah, let's make you squirm. He thrashed me harder, and I screamed, jumping in my bonds. No! No! I tried to shout into my gag, but the word was nothing but a ridiculous mumble.

What did you say, Slut? I can't understand. E-nun-ci-ATE! He articulated, flailing me with each syllable. The crop burned like fire and began to feel like it was cutting into my skin.

Your cheeks are getting red and sensitive, aren't they. Does this hurt?


WHAT? He slashed me again. I reared up off the desk, held in place at my hands and feet, my pussy still so hot and needy that the pain was almost like another form of pleasure. He cropped me again and again, until I was screaming into my gag and begging for him to stop.

What are you saying slut? I can't understand a word. Here, let me take this gag off so you can tell me what I want to hear. He pulled off the gag.

Please Sir, please stop. Whatever you want me to do, I will try to do, If you will just stop whipping me.

No, not TRY to do, you WILL do. Tell me again,

I will do whatever you want me to do.

Good, just remember that if at any point you fail to comply perfectly, I will crop you again. Save yourself pain and try to do what you are told, you strapped up piece of meat. Now, I need to relieve myself after all this excitement. Hold still!

He replaced the gag, and then I heard him unzip his trousers and felt the hot fleshy tip of his cock lightly against the opening of my cunt. He rubbed it gently, and I moaned and pushed against him. Suddenly the flash of the crop burned my ass.

I SAID be still! And I mean it.

I wimpered and held myself still as I felt his cock rubbing and teasing against my slit. I was so wet that the cock started to make little squelching noises as he poked it slightly into my cunt and out again, repeatedly. I moaned helplessly and held myself rigid, trying desperately not to wiggle against him.

Good girl. I don't want any movement from you unless I order it, do you understand? This isn't for you, it's for my cock, so don't let me see you getting off. He slid his cock a little further into my hole, and out again, a little further still, and out, and more, and I began keening into my gag, so aroused that I was blind to all other sensation.

I'm going to fuck this cunt until I cream, and you are not to make a sound or move a muscle, do you understand?

I moaned.

The crop burned.

I squealed into my gag and mumbled yes sir.

Good. Don't forget it.

His cock slid slowly and steadily into my swollen cunt, and I used all of my will to stop my hips from rotating on it and to avoid making a sound. I was so hot that my mind was spinning. He began to fuck me with slow steady strokes until I felt faint and my fingers we clawing the bar that restrained them.

Uhhh Uhhh Uhhh, good slut, nice slippery cunt, Uhhhh, don't you move slut. Oooohh, that hot cunt. Be still...

He held my hips tightly and pushed into me slowly, again and again, seeming to savour each movement as he moaned and grunted.

I don't even want to feel your cunt muscles clenching. Hold them open and loose. Don't even let me feel you moving from the inside, you horny slut. Oh yeah, you're so wet, I don't want to cum too soon. Ah clenching! He said and gave me a light flick with the crop as a reminder.

I used all the willpower I could muster to keep from squeezing myself on his cock, trying to hold my cunt still and open. I knew if I didn't it would probably make me cum, and bring on more whipping, or who knew what worse punishment. All I could do was moan continuously in my gag, my excitement mounting to a fever pitch.

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, good slut, I'm gonna cum. Yeah, good girl. Aaaaaaargh.

He pounded himself into me fiercely, cumming with a growl of triumph.

Good girl.

He gave me a slap on the bum and withdrew abruptly.

Heh, he chuckled. I bet you'd like an orgasm now, wouldn't you, slut? Need to get off, you horny bitch? Well, I have a little treat for you. You've done so well that I think I can introduce you to one of my special pieces of equipment.

He undid my cuffs and ordered me to stand.

Return to the centre of the room please, slut.

He zipped his trousers and walked over to a wall of the office, pushing a panel to one side, and revealing a room beyond.

Look! My secret space. A lot of interesting things happen in here.

In the middle of the room was what looked like an exercise bike.

Approach, slut, and have a look at your new friend.

The bicycle seemed to be mechanically correct up to where the seat would be, but there, to my shock, I saw, protruding through a hole in the seat, a large dildo on a piston, which was attached to a mechanism running to the pedals.

'Get up on the bike!' Commanded my boss. 'Be careful now, slut, to impale yourself well before you sit down!'

I hesitated, but only for an instant, as I suspected what the cost of delay might be. I Lifted my leg over the bike and aligned my pussy over the fat rubber cock that pointed up at it. My cunt was so wet and open that I found the head of the dildo slipping in effortlessly, pushing the lips of my cunt open as I carefully lowered myself. I had to lift myself up, then down again and slide down the long pole of the dildo as I lowered myself to the seat of the bicycle. I felt the shame and humiliation burning my face, and the lust spurring me onward. At last I was nestled on the big dildo, feeling it pushing against the walls of my engorged cunt.

'Put your feet on the pedals, slut, and get ready to do some work!'

I lifted my feet off the floor and onto the pedals. As I shifted my weight slightly, getting my balance, the pedals turned slightly, and with their movement, I felt the dildo shift slightly on its stem. Oh God! It was connected to the movement of the gears!

I felt a sharp thwack on my rear, as my boss nipped me with the whip. I jumped and flinched, and the rod in my cunt moved.

'Get busy, cunt, and ride!'

I started to work the pedals around with my feet, and with each rotation, the dildo in my pussy moved up and down.

'That's it, slut, take a little trip. Keep moving. Work hard!' goaded my new master.

I felt the waves of lust and pleasure coursing through my body as I pumped the pedals faster.

'That's it cunt, get yourself off on that rod!'

I was gasping and squealing now, pushing the pedals faster and faster to work the dildo in my cunt. I was desperate for orgasm, and had to keep pedalling to keep that big rubber cock moving in my desperate snatch. If I slowed, my boss gave me little flicks with his crop to keep me moving. I worked those pedals desperately as my climax built and built.

'Work it, slut, put in those miles and stroke that cunt until it creams.'

At last, in a frenzy of pedalling, I wailed and screeched into a gut-wrenching orgasm, while my boss laughed behind me, and flicked my red ass in delight.

'Good show, slut. You're going to be a star her in my special room. Your training will be thorough and cover a multitude of uses I have in mind for your slutty body. Get down off that bike and get dressed. I'll be seeing you later.'