My Valentine’s Magic Love Night Romance Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Your voice resonates in my ears as I spritz some cologne behind my neck and on my wrists. I inhale deeply and smile. Black tie affairs with you are such a pleasure. I look at my handsome prince waiting at the bottom of the stairs, my luxurious fur wrap held up for you to drape on my shoulders. You look so striking in your tuxedo, and for one evening I feel we are absolute royalty.

I saunter down the stairs leisurely, as my shimmering red halter dress hugs every curve of my body. I take each step deliberately as I balance gracefully on high heels and extend my hand towards yours. Diamonds sparkle on my wrist and fingers, scattering rainbow prisms around the room.

"Just exquisite, you are completely breathtaking," you smile adoringly and cover my shoulders with care, "I will be the envy of all the men there."

"And I, the women," I beam back at you, taking in your chiseled face, your intense eyes and strong profile.

Tonight is our big night of the year, the night I look forward to because we really dress to the nines and have a lovely night of dinner and dancing. This year is no different. I spend the day at the salon having my hair and makeup done. I have a massage and facial as well and I feel like a princess. I cannot wait to dance the night away.

We get ready to go you open the car door for me. As I get in, you catch a glimpse of my ankle and calf and know that when the evening is over, you will see much more of me.

We arrive and the excitement is in the air. Everyone looks so elegant and the band is playing dinner music. The food is delicious and I devour every bite. You are always amazed at the amount of food I can eat, while the rest of the table all has food left on their plates, mine is practically licked clean. Eating good food is such a sensual pleasure. You smile because you know my appetite for food parallels my appetite for life in general.

The band starts playing a few slow songs and you take my hand and ask me to dance. Standing close to each other, I follow your lead perfectly. We are laughing and humming along with the music and having a fantastic time. We stay on the dance floor when the band shifts to a fast set and again, you lead magnificently. We are in perfect rhythm.

Getting a little winded, we take a short break. My feet are tired and I want to kick off my shoes for a minute. You offer to get us something to drink. While you are gone, I reflect upon us. I never imagined such happiness and compatibility with another. There is nothing I am not comfortable doing with you. You make everything we do together exciting and fun simply by virtue of us doing it together. I feel so blessed to have found each other and stayed together in spite of all the obstacles we faced. Every obstacle only made us stronger and more determined.

You return and say, "Penny for your thoughts."

"My thoughts are priceless," I tease back.

We dance the evening away, twirling and dipping, holding each other close and laughing and hugging. Each moment is a precursor to the rest of the evening we spend privately. But alas, the band plays the last song and it is time to go home. Walking out arm in arm to the car, I snuggle and whisper, "I want to make love with you until the early hours of the morning."

I lace my hand inside your jacket and cuddle close. Driving home, I find myself unable to restrain myself and lean over and drop my hand between your legs. Your manhood pulsates hungrily beneath the fabric of your trousers.

"Mmmmmmmm," we simultaneously moan.

Caressing tenderly, I feel him to spring to life with my encouragement. While you try to concentrate on the road, I undo your cummerbund, unbutton your trousers and reach into your pants. I feel the warm throbbing between your legs and know that he is eager to come out and play. I do not want to distract you too much while we are driving, so I just run my hand gently over him, feeling his hard strong pulsations beating in time with your heart.

You reach over with your free hand and hike up my dress exposing my muscled legs, only covered by thin pantyhose. My dark curly pubic hair presses against my pantyhose, and you rub so that the pantyhose stimulate my lips as you massage with your finger on the outside of my pussy. One hand on your most intimate place and one hand on mine, we play with each other's most personal parts, marking our ownership.

I pause momentarily and impatiently ask, "Can you make this car go any faster? I want to get home!"

We finally pull into the driveway and you cannot stand it another moment. As soon as the car is in the garage, you tilt my seat back so I am lying almost completely horizontal, and pull my dress higher, exposing my soft thighs.

Your voice husky with lust, you say, "My little minx, I am going to fuck you so hard."

I can only reply, "Please?"

Spreading my legs apart, you tuck your head down between them, and smell me through my pantyhose. The musky, salty woman smell of arousal is enough to make you passionate with desire. You nibble on the outside of my pantyhose just inhaling the scent and getting a little taste. I feel your warm breath on me and it makes me even more aroused. I thrust my hips into your face and you are overcome with passion. Pulling at my pantyhose and completely ripping the crotch, I now am completely uncovered. My pubic hair tickles your face and you insert a finger deep inside me while you lick and nibble on my clit. Coaxing and teasing me, you know just when you have hit the spot that drives me wild. My head tosses back in pleasure and I moan, "Oh Jack... don't stop."

Read this hot story:
Pillow Talk (romance) by Salty Vixen

You continue to work me into a frenzy until I am a quivering mass of person. My heart is pounding and I am overcome with ardor.

"You have to get me in the house and take me right now." Barely inside the door, we make it as far as the kitchen.

"Take off your dress," you command.

I comply. Unfastening the neck, I begin an abbreviated strip tease for you. Dropping the halter down, my milky round breasts sway with joy to be uncovered. My nipples stand erect at the sudden exposure and I turn around so my nearly bare back faces you.

"Please unzip me?" I ask.

You lean in and kiss my bare shoulders as your warm hands cup my breasts from behind, just barely touching my nipples. They tingle with arousal as you quickly release them and come around to unzip the back of my dress, as my back is now completely bare and my dress top gathered at my waist. You kneel momentarily and run the tip of your tongue from the base of my now exposed spine to the nape of my neck. I shudder with delight. Planting a gentle kiss at the bottom of my hairline, you step back.

"Finish undressing for me," you instruct me.

I turn back around so you see my front, the top of my body exposed, tapering to a V at the waist. Wiggling the dress past my curved hips, it puddles to the floor and I take a step closer to you. I stand before you in my torn pantyhose and my high heels and my diamond bracelet. Nothing else remains.

"I knew you were beautiful in your dress, but now I see your body unclothed is just as stunning," you tell me as you step towards me. We are as close as two bodies can be without actually touching. I tilt my head up to receive your kiss as you enfold your arms around me, warming my shivering body. I trust you utterly and much like dancing earlier this evening, I follow your every move.

Laying my fur wrap on the counter, you lift me so I lie on my stomach, luxuriously soft fur beneath me. You peel the tattered remains of my pantyhose down, so my bottom and thighs are completely bare. I arch towards you, aching to feel you inside. You kiss my rounded cheeks and run your tongue between my crack all the way to my pussy. You explore and lick all around my lips and continue to pleasure me as you did in the car. Tonight you will not pleasure yourself until I have first exploded. I am so close as we've been in a state of foreplay the entire evening and it takes very little work on your part until I am bucking wildly, my heels kick erratically as you probe deeper with your tongue.

You bring me to the brink of an explosive climax, and then stop for a moment. "Now my princess, tell me what you want…"

Panting and aching, I am on the verge of losing control, and I breathlessly tell you, "I want to cum, please don't stop." My thighs are quivering in anticipation, and you calculate your question perfectly, knowing that at this moment, I want nothing more than to explode into ecstasy with you.

"Do you want me inside you when you cum?"

"Oh yes, I want you buried in me. I want us to feel each other."

You drop your pants quickly and your cock is rock hard. I am so wet he slides right in. You get such deep penetration and I am filled with your love and desire. Pulling my waist so you are ramming harder into me, I writhe with pleasure.

I am extremely vocal now, as you slide in and out of me vigorously. Moaning with delight, I beg you, "Harder my love, harder…" We really work it now and meet each other with explosive force, our intimate areas crashing passionately against each other. Your balls slap my clit as you continue to grip my waist for leverage. Our bodies are one in unison. I tremble with my impending climax and you time our pleasure perfectly, with your innate understanding of my body and its desires. As my inner walls begin to contract, my clit swells. My body jerks almost violently as I soar to cross over to another plane of being. Planes where no thoughts other than pleasure exist and nothing but our climaxes can transport us there.

You know I've crossed that line and relax your body to join me. Your shaft begins to throb as you spill your arc of love juice into me. My insides feel they are melting, as I cannot tell at this point where you begin and I end. I practically scream with delight. "Oh Jack... oh Jack... ooooooooooooh Jack! Wow! I love you so much."

As we finish this first round, I slowly roll over and sit up, your hands never leaving my waist. My legs are weak and still wobbly. You kneel again, and lick my trembling pussy, catching our juices with your mouth. Standing back up, you kiss me deeply, sharing the taste of our love. Our tongues intermingle as the sweet, salty taste of our lovemaking tantalizes our taste buds. Our eyes meet, speaking volumes of passion, as wordlessly, you lift me into your arms and carry me upstairs to finish our evening.