My Mom’s Drunk Friend-NonConsent/Reluctance Story by Salty Vixen

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twenty year old Cody Henry slumped back on the couch, his eye's glazing over with boredom as he watched a repeat of some dumb reality show that wasn't all that good the first time round. It was a Saturday afternoon and he was stuck at his parent's house with nothing to do.

All of Cody's friends were in San Fransisco, there to see the annual Science Fiction and Comic Book convention. Cody would have loved to be there with them, but unfortunately he couldn't afford the trip and had been too lazy to get a part time job so he could go.

Cody pushed a button on the remote control, changing channels to a sports show that was screening highlights of the weekend's college football games. Cody never had much interest in sports, he sighed and pressed the remote again. His friend's were probably getting their photo taken with Seven of Nine from Star Trek by now, Cody would have killed for a photo with the busty Jeri Ryan, she was so hot!

"Go and get changed Cody!" his Mom yelled out from the kitchen, "my friend's will probably be here soon."

Cody groaned. He'd completely forgotten about the party tonight. His parents were having some sort of get together that he was forced to endure for lack of a better place to go. He would end up spending the night pretending to be enjoying himself, and having to be polite to all his parents old, and no doubt drunk friends. There was a rerun of the Empire Strikes Back on TV that evening he'd miss too. Just great. The worst part was that all the older adults would be getting drunk, while he wouldn't be allowed even a drop of alcohol if his parents had anything to do with it. At least if they let him have a couple beers then the boring party would be bearable. Maybe he would be able to sneak a couple if they were busy entertaining, but he didn't like his chances much. For some reason his parents very strictly adhered to the rule that he wasn't allowed to drink till he was twenty one, even at home.

"Okay Mom!" he called back at last, switching off the TV. "I'm going." He pulled himself to his feet and headed towards his bedroom, dreading the evening that lay ahead.

Cody threw on a brown striped shirt and a pair of clean jeans and gave his hair a quick brush. By the time he was ready, guests were already starting to arrive. Cody slunk out into the kitchen and grabbed a coke, finding a seat in the corner of the room as his parents cheerful greeted all the new arrivals and made sure they all had drinks.

The party guests ranged in age from early thirties to somewhere in their sixties. For older folks, his parents seemed to hang with a pretty cool crowd and the music was soon pumping and the beer and wine bottles emptying rapidly. Despite the party atmosphere Cody wasn't having a good time, he so wished he could be with his friends in San Fransisco, instead of stuck here with a crowd of old people he'd either never met or barely knew. A few of his parent's friends came up to him and politely engaged in conversation, but Cody's mono-syllabic answers soon had them excusing themselves and returning to the other guests.

The two highlights so far for Cody had been the arrival of Anne, the Henry's next door neighbour, and Codys father's boss sneaking him a beer. Anne from next door was in her mid thirties, one of the younger party-goers. She had long blonde hair, a killer body and was a total babe for an older woman. Cody had always had a little bit of a thing for Anne so her arrival was somewhat of a highlight, he hadn't realised she would be coming. His Dad's boss, Jim, greeted Cody with a rough slap on the back, saying how much he'd grown up in the last few years since he'd seen him last. He then slapped a can of beer into Cody's hand and looked around with a conspiratorial wink in Cody's direction.

"Don't let your old man see that," Jim grinned and slapped Cody on the back once more before heading off to greet a group of people from his Dad's work.

Cody returned to his boredom and quickly worked his way through the can of beer. He had to hide it behind his back for a brief five minute period when his Mom came into the kitchen, so when she left he skulled back the last quarter and got up for a wander round, hoping to catch another glance of Anne.

By now the party goers were starting to get rather drunk and rowdy and the music had gone up a couple of notches. Cody chuckled as an old guy in his late forties stumbled past him, looking rather green and barely able to walk straight. These old people can't handle their liquor he thought to himself with a smile.

The young teenager made his way through the house and into the lounge which now seemed to be the centre of the party. The lights were turned off, so he could barely see inside. There was just enough light from outside and from the hallway for him to make out a mass of people dancing in the lounge like some sort of disco, the stereo going full blast with some dodgy '70s Hits' CD his mother loved. Cody stepped slowly into the lounge, his eyes adjusting to the dark as he looked around and watched the drunken revellers dancing to the disco beats. Most of them looked very intoxicated.

Cody made his way through the small crowd of dancing middle aged drunks and sat down on the couch, enjoying the anonymity the dark room provided. He could just make out the dancers in front of him. Then he saw her.

Directly in front of him was Anne from next door. She was swaying to the beat of the music, and swaying a little from drunkenness as well by the looks. Her eyes were closed and her hands held above her head, apparently completely caught up in the beat. She was wearing a tight fitting v-necked t-shirt that was stretched taut across her heavy breasts, and a pair of snug blue jeans that clung to the womanly curves of her hips and ass. Although it was very dimly lit, Cody could make out Anne's big tits jiggling slightly as she danced, her buxom physique was definitely one of the things that attracted him to her.

Cody's groin tingled as he stared at his sexy neighbour dancing, for an older woman she was incredibly hot. Certainly more alluring than any girl his own age that he'd met.

Cody was about to get to his feet and approach her, when suddenly a pair of hands appeared on her hips and a head emerged from the darkness to rest on her shoulder. One of his Dad's workmates seemed to have pressed himself up against Anne from behind and was dancing with her. A big smile spread across the drunken blonde's face and her hips dived with the beat, pressing her ass back into her new companions crotch as he ground himself against her.

Anne's smile was blissfully unaware as the man's hands slipped up from her hips, sliding casually across her full breasts and giving them an eager squeeze. She turned around in the man's arms and started dancing face to face with him, her lush body pressed tight against his.

"Wow," breathed Cody softly. He rubbed his hard crotch through his jeans as he watched Anne dancing with the older man. Forget the Sci-Fi Convention! What Cody would have given to be that man dancing with Anne! Lucky bastard.

The man's hands once again moved over his drunk dance partners voluptuous body. Cody's eyes went wide as he watched the man's hands move to Anne's succulent ass and give it a squeeze through her tight fitting jeans. The two tipsy dancers were practically dry humping each other on the dance floor, joint at the hip as they moved with the beat of the music. The old man was kneading the firm cheeks of Anne's ass, thoroughly groping her for all he was worth.

"She's so hot!" whispered Cody, his cock was fully erect inside his pants now.

Suddenly the dancing pair broke apart. It appeared Cody was not the only one watching Anne get felt up on the dance floor. A woman, in her late fifties Cody would guess, yanked the man away from Anne and slapped him hard across the face, apparently the man was married.

Anne swayed unsteadily on her feet as she watched her dance partner get dragged away by his wife. The busty blonde gave a chuckle and then staggered off to the side of the lounge, straight towards Cody!

She moved past him and snatched up a glass from the coffee table and took a long sip from whatever it was, some kind of spirit Cody guessed from the looks of it. Anne then looked around the room, searching for something. Her gaze took in the entire dimly light lounge, till it finally rested on Cody, sitting on the couch right next to where she stood.

"You'll do!" she announced, her voice a little slurred from alcohol as she reached down towards Cody.

His hands were resting on his lap and he gasped in surprise as she grabbed at his hand, her hand bumping against his crotch a couple of time before she seized his wrist. If she noticed his erection however she didn't say anything.

"Dancesh wif me," Anne burbled, pulling Cody to his feet.

"Um, okay..." stammered the nervous teen as he was dragged out onto the dance floor.

Anne immediately pressed her lush body tightly against Cody, swaying to the beat of the 70's music that filled the lounge. He could smell the alcohol on her breath, she was even more drunk than he had thought and he felt a little guilty for the enjoyment he was getting from the sensations of her body writhing against him. But it was not his head he was thinking with, the throbbing hardness that was now pressed firmly against Anne's sleek thigh was guiding him.

Cody was breathing quite heavily, he could feel Anne's heavy breasts crushed tightly against his chest, and the way she was straddling his thigh and rubbing against him was driving him wild. Anne threw back her head and laughed, blissfully enjoying their dance and apparently unaware of her young partner's arousal. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter, rubbing her breasts against his chest as they danced.

Remembering her previous and more unfortunate dance partner, Cody decided to try his luck and cop a feel of the gorgeous blonde in his arms. He slipped one hand down from her hip, resting it on the small of her back so that the tips of his fingers were just touching the swell of her tight posterior. She didn't react to the movement of his hand so he moved it lower, slowly sliding his hand down on her ass and cupping her firm right buttock in his palm.

God she felt good! Cody's hand slid over Anne's delightful butt, stroking over both of her buttocks, then giving her ass a squeeze as his other hand moved down to join the first. Holding the older woman by the ass he was able to press his rock hard crotch against her, thrusting slightly with her hips so that he was practically humping her on the dance floor. Anne either didn't realise what he was doing or didn't care as she did nothing to stop him, she merely continued dancing.

Cody moaned into Anne's ear as he kneaded the firm flesh of her ass through her tight fitting jeans. Anne appeared to be getting turned on herself as she started to grind her crotch back against his. Cody was glad that the darkness of the lounge was hiding their lustful dirty dancing from the rest of the crowd.

Emboldened by Anne's reaction to his groping, Cody let one hand slide up from her ass, rubbing up the side of her body to her armpit. His hand then moved over the side of her full breast, feeling the swell of soft flesh the jutted out from where her tit was squashed up against his chest.

Still grinding in time with the music, Cody turned her slightly and managed to slip his hand between their bodies and onto her big boob. He gave another moan as the large orb filled his palm, the round melon felt incredible in his hand, even through the protection of her t-shirt. As he humped against her and rubbed her big tit he could feel the lace of her bra. He gave her breast a squeeze, feeling her hard nipple against the centre of his palm.

He was so turned on he was surprised he hadn't already creamed in his underwear by now. Here he was, at one of his parents' drunken parties, dancing with Anne, the gorgeous, busty blonde from next door, feeling her up on the dance floor, her big tit in one hand, her beautiful ass in the other. It was way too good to be true.

Suddenly, Anne pulled herself back away from him. The movement took him by surprise and his right hand remained fixed on her tit, but she didn't seem to notice or complain.

"I'm tired," she announced. "Let's sit down," he speech was still a little slurred.

"Ah," Cody stammered as he snapped out of his daze and snatched his hand back, away from her tit. "Okay."

He led Anne back across the dance floor and sat back down on the couch where she had found him a few minutes earlier. The drunk blonde collapsed onto the couch right beside him, breathing heavily from the efforts of her dancing.

Cody glanced around the room, but no one appeared to take any notice of them, the party was still going strong and the drinks flowing. He turned towards Anne, trying to think of something to say, to make some small talk, but when he turned he saw that she had passed out, either fast sleep or unconscious from over consumption.

"No more dancing then I guess," he murmured quietly in disappointment. He was about to ease himself up off the couch and go try and find an untended beer, when Anne slumped over sideways, her head landing right on his lap as she fell into an even deeper sleep.

"Oh," he replied with the shrug, not really sure what to do with himself as this beautiful woman slept on him, with her head resting right on his erection. He considered trying to slip out from under her, but didn't want to risk waking her, and besides, it felt kinda good to have her so close.

Cody sat awkwardly on the couch for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do. Then finally he reached down and grabbed a blanket, laying it over the slumbering woman and sat further back in his seat, getting comfortable. He gently reached down and softly stroked Anne's long blonde hair, causing her to murmur contentedly in her sleep. He was distinctly aware of her soft cheek resting against the hard swelling that filled the crotch of his jeans.

It wasn't long before Cody gave in to temptation again.

Still stroking her hair with one hand, he let his other hand slip under the blanket and onto Anne's shoulder. Looking around the dark room and confirming that no one was watching, he dropped his hand down to Anne's breast, once again filling his palm with the round orb.

"Oh yeah," he moaned as he gave his neighbours big tit a squeeze though her t-shirt. Anne didn't even stir. His hard cock pressing insistently against her cheek, Cody let his hand slide down to Anne's other breast, giving it a similar treatment, squeezing it eagerly above her top.

Her tits felt great in his hand and he moved back to her other breast, kneading the wonderful orb through her clothing. Cody hunched his hips upwards and pressed down slightly on Anne's head so that her cheek pressed more firmly into his crotch.

Concealed by the blanket he had draped across her, Cody's hand slipped down inside the v-neck top of Anne's t-shirt. He breathed rapidly as his hand stroked across the bare upper swell of her breasts and then moved right down inside her t-shirt, cupping one of her tits with just her bra between him and her flesh. He could feel her hard nipple, jutting against the material of her bra and into his palm as he squeezed her big breast. Cody pinched her nipple through her bra and she moaned softly in her sleep.

God he was turned on! The hand that wasn't stuffed down inside Anne's t-shirt rubbed at his crotch, he was hard as a rock.

Cody licked his lips and glanced around the room again, giving her tit another squeeze through her bra as he looked about. When he was sure that no one was paying any attention to him on the couch he pulled the blanket up higher so that it was now over Anne's head and covering his lap from view.

Cody slid his hand out Anne's shirt for a moment and gave her soft cheek a stroke, then he carefully reached down and unzipped his pants, sighing with relief as he reached into his pants and pulled out his hard cock. It felt so good to be finally released from the constraints of his tight jeans.

His loins tingled as the underside of his cock brushed against Anne's soft blonde hair. Although he knew it was wrong he couldn't resist the temptation to go further.

Cody slumped down a bit in his seat, carefully pulling Anne's head further up his lap so that her soft cheek pressed against his now exposed cock.

"Oh wow!" he gasped softly as he felt her skin against his penis. If she woke up now, or if someone saw them he was screwed, but it felt so damn good!

Cody pressed down gently on the top of Anne's head and jiggled his hips slightly so that his cock rubbed against the side of her face. Then he had a better idea.

He hunched further down in his seat, until Anne's head was resting on his lower belly and his cock popped out from beneath her face, fully erect and trembling slightly. He reached under her head and grabbed his dick around the base. Biting his lower lip and mentally praying she was too far gone to wake up, he guided the tip of his cock to Anne's lips. Cody moaned as he rubbed the head of his cock over her soft lips.

He prodded the tip of himself against her lips a few times and then turned her head slightly in his lap. At the same time he pushed upwards with his hips and guided his cock right into Anne's mouth. Cody moaned softly as her lips parted around the end of his cock and he slipped into the warm wetness of her mouth. Holy shit! This hot blonde actually had his cock in her mouth!

The angle was awkward, but Cody pushed up with his hips and cock the end of his cock right inside her mouth, the feel of her tongue on him was amazing. He pushed down on her head slightly and the head of his cock jabbed against the inside of her cheek. She felt so warm and wet, it was amazing!

One hand now resting on the top of Anne's head, holding her face down on him, his other hand moved back inside her t-shirt and grabbed an eager handful of her tits, squeezing at them through her bra. This was way better than any trip to San Fransisco, that's for sure!

Kneading Anne's big tits through her bra and pushing her head down into his lap, Cody began to hump up against her face. His hard cock slid between her full lips and rubbed over her tongue, pushing against the side of her cheek and the roof of her mouth.

He pulled out of her mouth and briefly rubbed the head of his cock across her lips, chin and nose, slapping his cock against her face a couple of times like a porn star. Cody moaned, giving her bra-clad tit a particularly tight squeeze and then he stuffed his cock back into her gorgeous mouth and resumed his thrusting.

He could feel his balls churning as he fucked her face, despite the tricky angle of her mouth if he continued he knew that he would soon blow his load. He stopped thrusting for a moment, wondering if he should continue and give his lovely blonde neighbour a mouthful of his cum. Would it wake her up? Or drown her?

The decision was taken out of his hands however as sudden the music was abruptly stopped. Cody froze briefly in shock. He could hear his mothers voice, the party was coming to an end. He quickly pulled his throbbing erection out of Anne's mouth and his hand out of her t-shirt. He pushed her up off his lap, getting her into a sitting position beside him on the couch just as the lights came on. Not having enough time to do up his pants, he managed to snatch the blanket back over his lap, covering his exposed cock just in time.

"Oh, there you are Cody!" said his Mom as she spotted him on the couch. He was carefully stuffing his rock hard erection back into his pants under the blanket as she approached, God his balls were aching for release!

As his Mom, who was a little tipsy from too much wine herself, got closer she saw the slumped over form of Anne and smiled.

Read this hot story:
Mall Sodomy NonConsent/Reluctance Story by Salty Vixen

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"I see Anne has had a few too many," Cody's Mom said to her son with a smile. Cody was inching his fly up slowly, trying to not make any movements under the blanket.

"Yeah, she passed out a few minutes ago, right next to me," Cody said.

His Mom leant over Anne and shook her gently. "Anne, wake up honey the party's over." It took quite a few minutes to wake the sleeping blonde, giving Cody a chance to finish zipping up his fly and throw off the blanket with relief.

Anne starting giggling drunkenly when Cody's mother finally got her awake and sitting up again.

"Home time Anne," his mother said.

"Oh, party over?" slurred the buxom blonde.

"Yes, are you okay getting home?" Cody's Mom asked with some concern.

"I'm fine," Anne waved her off as she hauled herself to her feet. The drunk blonde lost her balance as she stood up and tumbled back onto the couch.

"Um, Cody honey, can you help Anne home," his mother said, turning to her twenty year old son. "I don't want her hurting herself or sleeping on the lawn or something."

"Sure, no problem Mom," Cody said, standing up.

Together they managed to get Anne to her feet. The lovely blonde hooked her arm into Cody's and let him lead her towards the door. Cody was very aware of the side of Anne's full left breast pressing against his arm. His crotch stirred slightly at the memory her mammary filling his hand when he'd felt her up earlier.

"Make sure she gets safely home," his mother instruction as she followed them to the front door, shutting it behind them as Cody led his neighbour back across the lawn towards her own house, her drunken steps very unsteady as she leant heavily on her young guide.

"The key's in my pocket," Anne told him as they reached the front door of her house, she was leaning heavily on his arm and he was sure he could feel her nipple jutting against his bicep through her top.

"Okay," Cody said, slipping his hand into the back pocket of her jeans.

"Front pocket," Anne corrected him.

"Okay," he repeated, unable to help himself from giving her ass a quick squeeze before he moved his hand to her front pocket. He dug deep into her pocket, feeling the heat from her crotch as his fingers dug out her key ring.

"Mmm," breathed Anne, unconsciously grinding herself into his hand as he searched her pocket.

Cody pulled out her keys and unlocked her front door, helping her into the house.

"Thank you for taking me home Cody," Anne told him as he kicked the door shut behind him and started to lead her towards her bedroom.

"Um, guess we're here," he said when they reached her room. "Goodnight Anne."

Before he could pull away from here, Anne took hold of his hand and drew it up to her right breast. Cody sucked in a sharp intake of breath as she pressed his hand to her tit. The large orb filled his palm, and although this was hardly the first time he'd felt her boob that evening, it still excited him, the bulge in his pants immediately growing.

"Oh wow," Cody murmured, squeezing Anne's ample breast through her t-shirt as she clutched his hand against her bosom.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Anne whispered to him, her voice husky.

Cody gave her tit another squeeze, "I think you're seducing me," he corrected.

"Oh," Anne giggled, releasing his hand and stumbling into her bedroom. "Silly me."

As she walked into her room, away from where Cody stood dumbfounded in the hallway, she peeled her t-shirt up over her head and tossed it aside, revealing her lacy white bra.

"So are you coming in?" Anne asked the stunned teen, glancing back over her shoulder.

"I..." Cody's eyes widened as the beautiful older blonde reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She pulled off the piece of lingerie and tossed it away, revealing her sleek bare back. He could see the side of one heavy breast as she turned slightly to look over her shoulder at him again.

"Well?" she asked with a sly smile.

"Yes," Cody managed to stammer, stepping into the bedroom after her. He moved right up behind her and wrapped his arms around her topless body.

"Mmm," murmured Anne as she leant back against her young companion. Cody's hands immediately slipped up to cup and squeeze her bare breasts.

"Oh wow!" groaned Cody as his hands finally touched the bare flesh of Anne's big boobs. Her tits had felt great through her top or with his hands directly on her bra, but naked they were fantastic! They felt so warm and soft, overflowing his palms as he lifted and squeezed the ample mounds. His fingers found and pinched her hard nipples before he again covered her tits and fisted his hands over the firm flesh.

"I'm so horny!" breathed Anne, grinding her jean-clad ass back against Cody's bulging crotch as he groped her bare tits.

Cody gave Anne's big tits another squeeze, then let his hands drop to her jeans. He unbuttoned her fly, pulling them open and then let one hand slide down Anne's smooth belly and into the front of her jeans.

"Oh yeah!" moaned Anne as Cody's hand slid down over her panty clad mound, she rolled her hips forward, pressing against his palm as he cupped her sex.

"Bend forward," Cody instructed. She did as he asked, leaning forward with her hands on the bed in front of her, the pose pushing her lovely round ass out towards Cody. The horny teen held his older neighbour by the hips and rubbed his crotch up against her ass, enjoying the feel of her nicely rounded posterior pressing back against him. He stroked his hands over her smooth, bare back, then scooped them underneath her body to capture and squeeze her heavy, hanging tits.

Giving her breasts a firm squeeze he then grabbed the waist of her jeans and tugged them back and down over her panty clad ass, dropping them around her ankles as he squeezed her buttocks in both his hands.

"Oh wow!" groaned Cody for the fifth time that night as he gazed at her posterior. He gave another grunt of lust and then tugged off her panties, leaving her completely naked. Cody gave Anne's bare ass a light slap. The firm flesh barely jiggled.

Anne giggled at his slap and then fell forwards on the bed, turning over and parting her thighs to give Cody his first look at a woman's naked pussy.

"Oh man!" gasped Cody as Anne licked her right index finger and then seductively ran it down between her heaving breasts. She stroked her fingertip down across her smooth, flat belly, downwards through the trimmed thatch of her pubic hair. Cody's eyes went wide as Anne lightly stroked the lips of her pussy, parting them with her fingertip and pressing her digit up inside her moistening entry.

"Take off your clothes," she breathed, very slowly sliding her finger in and out of her vagina.

"O..Okay," stammered Cody, his eye's glued to Anne's finger. In a rush he tugged his shirt up off his head and tossed it aside, then he hurriedly yanked off his jeans, almost tripping himself up in rush. Anne grinned up at the eager twenty year old as he pulled off his underpants revealing a fully engorged penis, jutting straight out towards the buxom object of his desire.

Anne sat up on the bed and reached out for Cody. "Very nice," she murmured in appreciation as she gently ran both her hands over the length of Cody's erection.

"Oh God!" groaned Cody at her touch. He rocked back on his heels, looking up at the ceiling, his knees going weak as Anne gently stroked his balls with one hand.

"So what do you want to do?" Anne asked with a wicked grin. She let go of her eager young companion and climbed up onto the bed, lying back to prepare for him.

Cody's thoughts immediately went to earlier that evening, on the couch when he had his cock in her pretty mouth. "I want you to suck my dick," he breathed lustfully, climbing up on the bed.

Anne paled a little as Cody started to climb up her body. "I'm not sure," she said, hesitating for the first time. "I'm not a big fan of oral..."

Cody didn't paused however, moving himself up so that he was squatting over her chest, grasping his cock by the base and aiming it towards Anne's lips.

"Taste me," he told her, leaning forward and pressing his dick against her mouth, much like he had done earlier on the couch whilst she was passed out.

Anne had no more time to protest as Cody slid his penis into her mouth. The teenager gave a moan of pleasure as he pushed his cock deep into her mouth, the head sliding over Anne's tongue and pressing right against the entry of her throat.

Anne's eyes widened in surprise as she found herself face to face with Cody's abdomen, her lips sealed around the base of his cock.

"That's it! Suck!" gasped Cody, withdrawing slightly and then thrusting back, deep into her mouth. Cody moaned as he felt Anne begin to suck on his prick. This was so much better than on the couch, from this angle he could go so much deeper and she was now actively sucking on his hard cock!

Cody groaned and began to thrust against Anne's face, pistoning his dick in and out of her mouth as the busty blonde did her best to avoid gagging and suck him, her tongue fluttering around him as he pumped her mouth.

"Yeah baby!" grunted Cody, thrusting faster, jackhammering against her mouth, his balls slapping her chin.

After a few minutes Cody pulled out of her mouth and slapped his cock against her face. "Mmm, suck that cock!" he breathed, full of lust. He shoved his cock back into her mouth as resumed thrusting, holding his cock around the base of the shaft and guiding it's movements.

After about ten minutes of this, Cody finally withdrew from Anne's mouth, her lips and chin glistening with saliva and he moved back down her body.

"Fuck me Cody!" she gasped, turned on from the rough blowjob he'd forced her to perform, but relieved that her mouth was finally free.

Cody didn't need to be asked twice, he moved down between her parted thighs, lining the head of his cock up with the hot, wet entry to Anne's sex. He was about to do it, he was about to fuck his gorgeous next door neighbour.

Kneeling between Anne's thighs, he thrust forward with his hips, sinking his cock deep into her tight pussy.

Anne arched her back, her arms coming around Cody's body to pull him against her.

"Oh my God!" she cried out at his sudden and deep entrance. "Oh, fuck me Cody!"

The teenager's hips began to pound against her, his hard cock sliding deep up inside her with each thrust. Anne clutched his body tight against her as he fucked her, each time he buried his cock to the hilt in her pussy she gasped with pleasure.

"Oh yeah, that's it honey, fuck me, fuck me hard!" Anne gasped, clearly turned on from the vigorous pounding Cody was giving her.

Cody bent his head forward and captured Anne's right nipple between his lips, sucking heavily on it as he fucked her. The movement of his hips increased in pace and Anne's breathing became faster.

The bedroom was filled with the sound of sex. The smacking of Cody's hips against Anne's inner thighs. The slurps of his mouth on her tits. The slapping of his balls against her ass. The sounds of Cody's grunts and Anne's gasps as they humped against each other.

Anne's hands slid down to Cody's ass, pulling him deeper against her as he pounded her. "Oooh yesssss!" Anne suddenly screamed out in orgasm, her whole body thrashing on Cody's cock as her climax ripped through her body.

Cody didn't slow his thrusts as he was close to losing it himself. He felt her pussy almost squeezing against his cock as she orgasmed and he could hold out no longer.

"Fuck yeah!" grunted Cody, his face scrunching up as he slammed his cock deep into Anne's cunt and exploded. His whole body tensed up and his balls churned as wave after wave of cum burst from the end of his cock and flooded into Anne's pulsating pussy.

"Oh wow!" gasped Cody as the last of his climax slipped from his body and he slumped forward on top of Anne, gasping for breath. Anne's own orgasm had also run it's course and she fell back against the bed, breathing heavily.

"That was so incredible," murmured Cody once he had recovered his breath. He withdrew from her, his cock twitching slightly as the sensitive shaft slid out of Anne's slick passage.

He rolled off her, lying beside her on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Thank you so much for that," he gasped, a large grin spreading over his face, what a night this had been!

Cody lay there for a few minutes, smiling happily up at the roof as his sexy older neighbour Anne lay on the bed beside him, his cum no doubt leaking from her pussy. The thought of her naked beside him made his balls tingle slightly, but his spent cock didn't stir.

"Wow," he breathed once more and sat up. He turned towards Anne and saw that she was sleeping, passed out from too much drink or exhausted from their sex session. Cody's eyes were drawn to her large bare breasts, that were rising and falling with each slow even breath she took. He gazed over her naked body, it was perfect. Her flat stomach, long slim legs, and the kinky thatch of her pubic hair, trimmed into a small strip above her vagina. God she was sexy!

Cody leant over and kissed Anne's cheek, it felt so soft and warm beneath his lips, she was incredible. The kiss made Cody realise that he hadn't actually kissed his pretty neighbour yet. He'd had his cock in her mouth twice but not his tongue. He bent over again, and this time kissed her on the lips. Anne didn't wake up or respond to his kiss, but it still felt wonderful.

Cody moaned and kissed her harder, his hand coming up to stroke her soft cheek as he passionately pressed his lips to hers. Anne slept through, oblivious, as the horny teenager pushed his tongue between her lips and into her mouth to seek hers. Although she didn't respond or kiss back, the kiss still felt incredible to Cody.

He pressed his body against hers, his hand dropping to her bare breast as he made out with his sleeping neighbour, his tongue hungrily probing her mouth. Cody pinched Anne's nipple and rubbed his cock against her hip as he licked the inside of her mouth. He groaned, his cock stiffening slightly as he pressed up against her.

"Anne, wake up," Cody said, shaking her slightly. "Wake up, I wanna do it again," he said, grinding his crotch against the soft swell of her shapely hip, his cock hardening at the prospect of fucking her a second time.

Anne lay there, complete comatose from the alcohol she'd drunk, not responding to Cody's attempts to wake her.

"Come on, wake up! Let's fuck!" Cody said more loudly, a little frustrated but her lack of reaction. He sat up and shook her again, harder this time. "Anne?" he repeated, pinching and twisting hard on her left nipple, still she didn't stir.

"Fine," Cody announced, if she didn't wake up he still intended to have his way with her. He remembered how much fun he'd hard earlier on the couch when she had passed out beside him, so there was no point in denying himself so more fun just because she was sleeping.

He gave her breast another squeeze as he stroked his cock, it was now fully erect, hardened by the prospect of fucking Anne again. Cody shuffled up to the top of the bed, reaching down and turning her head towards him and guiding his cock towards her closed lips.

His hard shaft was glistening slightly from the juices of her pussy as he rubbed it across her full lips, they felt soft and wet on the tip of his penis. With a long moan, Cody pushed forward, parting Anne's lips and sliding his cock into her mouth.

"Oh wow!" he breathed as the hard pole slid over her tongue, pushing right into her wet mouth. Holding the back of Anne's head with both hands, Cody shoved his cock further into her mouth. The angle was much better than it had been on the couch and he let out a satisfied groan as he fed most of his length into her mouth.

"That's it baby!" he breathed as he moved her head back and forth on his cock. Her lips were not the tight seal they had been when she was awake and actively sucking on him, but his cock sliding over her tongue still felt good. "Suck on it!" he gasped, but of course the sleeping woman didn't.

Cody molested her mouth for a few more minutes, but her lack of active suction made it much less exciting than the blowjob he'd forced on her when they had first arrived in the bedroom. He reached down with one hand and resumed playing with her tits as he pushed his cock deep into her mouth once again and he got a better idea.

Cody let her head drop back onto the bed as he moved down the bed a little, swinging a leg over her so that he was straddling her chest. He took hold of a large firm breast in each hand, leaning forwards so that his cock dropped into Anne's deep cleavage. Cody licked his lips as he pressed her big tits together, forming a tight sheath around the hard shaft of his cock.

"Oh yeah!" he gasped as his cock was enveloped by the soft, mountainous flesh. With a lustful groan he back to pump his hips, sliding his cock between Anne's huge boobs, titfucking her.

He clutched tightly at her breasts as his humped his cock against her chest, the tunnel formed by her tightly pressed cleavage felt almost as good as her cunt had felt earlier. Cody's balls slapped against the underside of Anne's heavy tits as he titfucked her, each thrust causing her big boobs to jiggle and quiver delightfully, turning him on even more.

Cody paused his thrusts for a moment, grabbing his cock around the base and giving it a few strokes in his hand. "You have such great hooters," he told the sleeping beauty, slapping his cock against the nipple on her right tit. He then moved his cock back into her cleavage and grabbed the sides of her heavy breasts. Cody jiggled her big tits in his hands, slapping them together around his cock a few times.

He then once against pressed them together into a tight sheath and resumed titfucking her, thrusting lustfully between her massive jugs.

"I can't believe I'm finally fucking your titties," said Cody, breathing heavily. He'd stared at and lusted after these funbags for so long, now he finally had his hands on them and his dick between them, even if Anne was passed out while he did it.

Cody titfucked his busty neighbour for close to ten minutes before he finally stopped, it was time to fuck again.

The horny teen climbed off his sleeping companion, trying to decide what would be the best position to fuck her again in. He could do her again missionary position, but for some reason felt the need to experiment and try something else, even if Anne was hardly in a state to help him out.

Cody clicked his fingers as he got an idea, doggy style. At first he'd thought that would be impossible with her asleep, but then he realised he could bend her over the edge of the bed and do her that way. That should work perfectly.

He rolled her onto her stomach and dragged her over to the edge of the bed, pulling her legs right off so that she was bent over the side of the bed, her lovely firm ass pointed upwards invitingly. Despite the rough treatment Anne slept right through it. Whatever she had drunk had certainly done the trick. Mind you, if the rough mouthfucking she'd endured earlier hadn't roused her, getting moved around the bed hardly would.

Cody gave Anne's ass a whack, the slap echoing through her bedroom, her firm ass jiggling and reddening at the impact.

"Oh yeah!" he breathed, kneeling down behind her, the bed was the perfect height for his entry. Cody slapped his cock a couple of times against Anne's lovely right buttock and then grabbed her ass in both hands, giving it a firm squeeze.

He pulled apart the succulent cheeks of Anne's buttocks, surprising himself as he exposed not only the glistening lips of her pussy, but also the tight, puckered hole of her ass. Cody froze, staring down at the sight. He'd never even consider anal sex when he'd bent Anne over the bed, but now he found himself with opportunity staring him right in the face. His cock trembled at the thought, stiff as a flagpole.

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