Make Your Own Facial Mask-easy recipe

Who was that Masked Woman? Things to consider include; which one will work best for your face and will you have an allergic reaction to something in it?

What is a facial mask? For some people, choosing the right face mask can be difficult.

The answer is to not choose one at all. Instead, use something natural and you will know exactly what you are putting on and into your skin.

Give yourself a quick and simple do-it-yourself beauty treatment by making a face mask at home right in your kitchen.

There are some ideas out there you can use, though you can certainly put together your own face mask based on your knowledge of your own skin care.

You will be sure you are avoiding additives and preservatives, regardless f whether you use the ideas here or make up your own. If you like, you can even strive for a 100 percent organic facial mask. (Print face mask recipe for dry skin here)

This first facial mask will work best for dry skin.

  • Take 2 ounces of fresh avocado,
  • an ounce of orange juice,
  • a teaspoon of acacia honey, and
  • a teaspoon of molasses and
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil

Put them in a blender for blending or a large bowl if you prefer to mash them by hand. Go ahead and add another ounce or so of orange juice if, for some reason, the mixture comes out too thick.

Once you have your paste together, use your fingers to spread the mixture over your entire face and neck. Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes, but longer would be better.

A warm flannel is best to rinse the mask off your face and will help exfoliate and clean your face as you wash off the mask.

You will find your face moisturized and feeling healthy after this homemade facial mask. If there is some left over, it can be kept in the refrigerator for a day or two.

This homemade honey face mask will likely work best for you if you have sensitive skin. Start off by warming a small pot or crock of honey in a double boiler.

Periodically check on your hand to make sure the honey gets warm, but it not hot. Rub the honey onto your entire face generously once it is at a comfortable temperature.

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Leave the mask on for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with warm, then cool water. After this simple home facial treatment, you will feel refreshed and your face will look healthy. (Print the Oily Skin Recipe Here)

Oily skin can be a problem with facial mask, but a homemade egg white mask will work great for your oily skin.

  • Whisk one egg white in a bowl until the peaks are stiff
  • Add 6 drops of witch hazel and
  • 6 drops of lemon juice to the whites

Then, gently put the mixture on your face but be sure to keep it out of your eyes. Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes before rinsing well with warm water. This will help with your oily skin without drying out your face.

If you have damage, sensitive, or sunburned, skin you may want to try a butter facial mask. (Print Face Mask Recipe Here)

  • You will need a tablespoon of unsalted butter that you have softened, and
  • a large mashed up strawberry.
  • If you have normal to dry skin use a 1 inch slice of cucumber pushed through a sieve,
  • use a tablespoon of lemon juice for oily skin, or
  • try adding 1 egg yolk if you have very dry skin.
  • In a bowl, beat the butter and your chosen ingredient.

Apply the facial mask as soon as it is combined and leave it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. With a wet, warm washcloth, remove the mask. With butter being a great source of vitamin A, this mask will really help your sunburned or damaged skin.

Facial mask can be fun and very helpful for skin care. There are times, however, that it is difficult to tell which one is right for you.

So, by making one of the face masks offered here or designing your own, you will know what is in the mask and can custom make it for your skin type and needs. Besides a place for making meals, kitchens can be your own private beauty spa.

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