Lucky In Love- Romance Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by leaving life’s stresses behind for a day of festivity. Because the anniversary of Saint Patrick’s death is March 17th, during the Catholic tradition of Lent, the celebration has a unique energy in Ireland, where Catholicism is a predominant religion. The prohibitions of Lent (fasting, usually food) are waived and the public gathers for a feast and parade. They celebrate life with their friends and family, sharing fond memories and just loving life together. This year, make St. Patrick’s Day another holiday to count your lucky stars and celebrate your love. Here are five special ways to let your man know you care.

Four-Leaf Clover Memory Collage
Photos are the classic way to bring back fond memories and say, “I love you.” One of our favorite gift ideas is the Four-Leaf Clover Memory Collage. It is a creative way to display photos and memorabilia for the one you love. Here are the simplified instructions: Make a scrapbook page (or scrapbook style) shaped like a four-leaf clover and find photos that will fit into the leaves. Get creative with different shades and patterns of green, stencils, cut-out frames, words, poems and memorabilia to make it a gift he will cherish. Insert it into a love journal or couples’ scrapbook, put it behind glass, or give it as-is to hang like a poster.

I’m So Lucky Box
Over time, it is easy to forget to recognize your love for their special qualities and the wonderful things they do. You can be sure not to let the good things go unmentioned any longer by making them a sweet homemade gift called the “I’m So Lucky Box.” The idea is to set up a physical reminder for yourself to recognize his qualities and good works. The box (or envelope, jar, or even a list stuck on the refrigerator) is in plain view and accessible to you both all of the time. Keep a pencil nearby so that it doesn’t take any effort at all to write a short note to them anytime, day or night. Your partner will be thrilled to see an ongoing collection of praises and you can be sure that he really knows why you are so lucky to be in love with him.

Lucky Stickies
Unlike the Lucky Box, the Lucky Stickies is a one day celebration instead of an ongoing project. It is a silly and romantic way to douse your partner with compliments. All you need is a stack of post-it notes or stickers (clover ones would be cute). You are going to stick one on everything that reminds you how lucky you are in love. You can do your sticking while he’s not around and then take him on a tour of stickies, or have him walk with you as you post them. Either way, explain each one to him in detail, telling him of fond memories, special things about him or your life together, the wonderful little things he does to show you love, and things that symbolize his character. Finish up by sticking them all over him, wherever you like, and telling him how lucky you are that he has those eyes, that hair, those pecs, etc.

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Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • On the hood of your car – because he always makes sure it’s running well.
  • On the laundry basket – because he always picks up his dirty clothes.
  • On your shoulder – because he kisses you there.
  • On your ring – because he gave it you with a promise.
  • On the door – because he comes home to you every day.
  • On the seat of his pants – because he’s got the bum you can’t get enough of.
  • On his vitamin bottle – because he takes good care of himself.
  • On your child’s toy – because he loves your children.
  • On his pillow – because it smells of him.
  • On your foot – because he rubs them at night.
  • On the shower wall – because of the hot sex he has with you in the shower.

You get the picture.

Magazine Love
Magazine Love is a creative way to say how much you care without making or buying anything (other than a magazine if you don’t have one). Cuddle up with your love and a magazine you like. Scan the pages for anything that reminds you of your partner in any way and go with it. When I did this with my guy, I found a travel page with an airplane insignia on it and told him that I love the way he talks about being a pilot, how it is beautiful to see his face light up with excitement. I saw an ad for a bed and it reminded me of when we went bed shopping as newlyweds to get a bed big enough for the two of us and the little ones, and how we both loved the idea of a “family bed.” I spotted an article on ingredients in facial cleansers and told him how much I loved his soft smooth skin and that it wasn’t fair that he didn’t have to do anything but wash it with bar soap to get it looking like that. There were things on almost any page that I could point out and the fun thing about it was that some of the things I said were sweet and others were silly. We had fun and he couldn’t get enough of my doting.

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