Love’s Entrance-Erotic Poem by Salty Vixen

Welcome to Salty Vixen Erotic Poetry Corner- today's poem is titled 'Love's Entrance". Enjoy!

I wait at the entrance of
the dream we have shared so long
You are often late but I know
eventually I'll hear your voice
and feel the warmth of your fingers
tracing the lines of my lips
before the demanding heat
of your mouth covers them
and your tongue seeks out
it's brazen dancing partner

Are you feeling the fire?
Are you breathing the same air?
Do you taste the sweetness
of soft lip kisses and crave
the hot flowing honeyed
flower wine of nether lips?
Are you lost in the sensation
of rotund pleasures, hard buds
suckled deeply beyond
the gates of your longing lips?

Love words whispered against
the bareness of my satin shoulders
Words tempting and hot enough
to make the devil blush!
I feel the exploration of your hands
over each sensitive mound and
every trembling aching valley
The tender forceful possession
of intimate orchid folds by
hungry lips and thirsty tongue

Do you feel the pleasant weight of
long legs draped over broad shoulders
in sweet open thigh surrender ?
Fingertips of fire play against your back
entangling in your soft dark hair
while your hands cling to soft roundness
and your face moves with passion's beat
as you savor each drop of love's dew
Until your insistent touch releases
a river of hot liquid tongue delight

I can feel the wet warmth of
my soft sheath enticing, inviting
surrounding, caressing
hard throbbing masculine sword
in the depths of feminine need
I surround you and you fill me
completely... with the pleasure of
your hot passion, your tender love
your molten explosion of life
I wait at the entrance of a dream
and exit in the arms of love

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