Lover’s Arm Romance Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

She opened her eyes into darkness. Heavy curtains snugly covered the windows, and peering in front of her she could see a silhouette of an extremity sticking out from under a duvet pointing toward her. She touched this silent member of his sleeping body, tips of her fingers crawling along its length, patting, caressing-his arm.

Her fingers walked up stepping on every little mole and freckle, tracing a blue mermaid tattoo. Gingerly they dug under the skin feeling every fiber and muscle. She caressed the forearm, the very part where it was so delicious and meaty to bite. She moved in closer, her nose almost touching his shoulder, breathing in deeply a light scent of the sunscreen and sun-burnt skin.

Wanting to smell more of him, she placed her face into a gentle crinkle where the arm meets the body, digging her nose into the armpit. Faint odor of sweat embraced her smell buds. She drunk it in for a few moments while still caressing his shoulder. Slowly her palm slid down his forearm across the tan-line from a t-shirt sleeve, over the elbow to the part where his arm became hairy-the very part that she usually rode placing it between her legs and squeezing it with her thighs. She rubbed her pubis on it, whether clothed or bare with added sensation of his arm hair tickling her clit.

This was the very arm that gave her a comforting hug, that embraced her tightly as they waltzed, that she held on to when they strolled in a park, that supported her whenever she slipped, that gently patted her back when she cried in distress, and held her close when they spooned.

She grabbed the arm in her both hands, caressing, tracing the blue web trails of his hot blood and messing up short silky hair. She tickled the thinner part of the arm where it becomes wrist which she usually tied to the bed when she straddled his dick.

Her fingers slid over the top of his palm stroking every hot inch of his skin. She flipped his palm over to study its landscape of lines. She remembered the roughness of the blisters caused by a hammer with which he had built her a house, nail by nail. This was the same hand that carried bags full of groceries, folded family laundry, and made the bed in the mornings.

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The Cabin Romance Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

She melted into his hand that cupped her breasts, giving them warm, sensational, welcome home, hand that caressed and massaged her, perfectly fit on her buttocks, had her wrist pinned to the bed like a handcuff when he fucked her. With that hand he probed her face and covered her mouth to silent her passionate cries.

Her fingers slid between his, tangling as they did when they walked holding hands, causing warm waives to wash over her whole being. His fingers were long and knotty, and she wanted to feel every cell, as if looking to find a small hole through which she could seep into his body, mix within his being.

These were the fingers that navigated a lathery sponge in a bathtub when they showered together, covering her back and tips of her tits with white fluff. Fingers that slid all over her skin, probed her clit, crawled in and out of her, twirled within, pinched her nipples, and pulled and tangled her hair. Fingers that cut vegetables to make wraps for her lunch. Fingers that cooked her dinners. Finger that dipped in wine painted contours of her lips.

They were lollypop fingers that she loved to kiss, suck and chew on, that fed her deserts and disappeared into her mouth. She remembered them trace her lips, part them softly and push in with demands for a tongue caress. She even caressed his nails, remembering how they felt sliding along her genital lips. They were the same naughty fingers that sometimes played with her anus while they made love.

This was the arm that belonged to her and to which she belonged, the most beautiful, sensual, divine member of his body, the one that took care of her, fixed broken toys, utensils, furniture, knead the dough of her body and mended her heart.

This arm possessed the eternal knowledge of love, and resting on the puffy duvet, looking lifeless and almost neglected, it held together her life. So hugging it, she drifted away in a peaceful sleep.