How To Incorporate Exercise Into Your Life

Having trouble exercising? Here are simple steps to follow to become more active.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: All Day
Here's How:
  1. Get up 15 minutes earlier than normal and go for a walk, or do some pushups, sit ups and basic weight training.
  2. When you get to work, park your car in a far-away parking space and speedwalk to the door.
  3. Instead of taking the elevator up several floors, walk up one flight of stairs and take the elevator from there.
  4. If you sit at your desk all day, get up every hour and stretch or walk around for five minutes.
  5. When you go to the restroom, use one on a different floor instead of the one closest to you.
  6. On your break, take a brisk walk around your floor or down the stairs.
  7. On your lunch hour, save 15 minutes for a walk before you sit down and eat.
  8. When you feel the 3:00 slump coming on, stand up and stretch for a moment, then walk to a friend's office and say hello.
  9. Rather than send an email, get up and go talk to the person face-to-face.
  10. When you get home from work, immediately change clothes and head out for a walk or a run, or simply work in your garden for a while.
  11. While you're cooking or waiting for dinner, pick up some dumbbells and do some light weight training.
  12. Before you go to bed, lay out your workout clothes or pack your bag for the club. That way, you can get up and go!

  1. Plan your workouts the night before.
  2. Schedule times throughout your day for walks or other activities.
  3. Enlist a workout buddy to motivate you.
  4. Keep track of your exercise and eating habits.
  5. Consider hiring a personal trainer for expert advice.
What You Need:
  • A workout journal
  • Walking/workout shoes
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