Holly’s Home Invasion (Torture, Lesbian sex) by Salty Vixen

This story is a HEAVY torture story, containing sequences of nudity, bondage, extreme cruelty, violence, and torture. So by now you know whether or not you're going to like this story, right? And if you don't, then you can skip it.  NOTE: You must be over 18 to read the following story. The writer of said story does not condone rape or violence in any way, shape or form. This is a work of fiction depicting a sexual fantasy that involves forced sex. Read responsibly.

There was a knock on the door. Holly had been sitting on the couch of her apartment that she shared with her roommate. Holly was five foot one inch tall with light brown hair which hung in slight curls to just above her shoulder. She was a small but lovely girl -- a fine slightly pointed nose, lovely legs, a smooth curved ass and beautiful feet and toes. She was dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a grey "Notre Dame" sweatshirt. She got up and walked to the door. "Who is it?" she asked in her soft, beautifully silky smooth voice. A woman's voice answered. "I need to check the bathroom. I won't be a minute!" Holly looked through the peep hole and saw a young woman, slightly older than Holly's own twenty five years. Holly unhooked the latch, unlocked the door, and opened it.

As soon as she did, the door was pushed wide, flinging her back onto the floor with a cry. In walked four women in their late 20s or early 30s. All were dressed in black leather and boots. They gave a whoop when they entered. One of them immediately closed and locked the door behind her. They started walking around the apartment looking at things and knocking them over. They were laughing, joking, and Holly lay on the floor and stared at them with fear. She decided to speak up. She stood up and faced them. "What are you doing here? Get out or I'll call the cops!" Holly stood a good five inches shorter than any of them, and her high melodic voice didn't seem to intimidate any of them. Their attention was immediately turned to Holly.

One of the intruders, who had a snake tattooed on her forearm, strode forward to Holly. "Well, well, look at what we have here. What do you think, Mora?" A woman who had a ring through her nose replied, "I think we're gonna have some fun, eh, Spike? Ha-ha-ha!" Spike grabbed Holly by the hair. Holly cinched up, her hands flying up to her head. Spike held her by the hair as the other three surrounded her. One of them, an overweight and unattractive woman who was called Denny, stroked Holly's face. "What's your name, hon?" Her face was strained with the pain of her hair being pulled, but Holly answered, "Holly." "Holly!" cried the fourth one, who had red hair cut into a crewcut and who was called Sal, "like 'Have a Holly Jolly Christmas?'" They all laughed. Denny put her face close to Holly's. "Pretty, pretty, Holly, eh? You're a pretty, pretty girl, my pretty pretty Holly! Well, let me tell you what, my pretty pretty Holly," and she grabbed Holly's hair away from Spike, snapped open a switchblade and held it to Holly's lovely smooth cheek. Holly's eye's went wide and stared with horror at the blade. She gasped and tried to turn her head but Denny grabbed her hair even tighter and pulled her face next to hers. Holly listened with terror as she felt the cold blade on her cheek. "We are going to have some fun with you. If you do exactly what we tell you to do, you'll live through the next few hours.

Otherwise I'll personally cut you open and pull your guts out. Do you understand?" Holly tried to nod, being too terrified to speak. She could hear the laughter of the other three women, hearing them say things like "Yeah, we're gonna have fun!" "She'll do it too, girl, I'd listen!" Denny pulled Holly's lovely face close again. Holly's face was a mask of terror. "First of all, you are going to strip naked. When I let you go, you've got ten seconds to take every stitch of clothes off and stand there as naked as the day you were born. That mean no clothes, shoes, jewelry, nothing. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME??? TEN SECONDS AND YOU'RE GONNA BE FUCKING NAKED!!"

As she said this she tightened her grip on Holly's hair and pulled her closer. Holly cried out and winced in pain. Her mouth flung open as she gasped in pain. Denny threw her to the floor. "TEN SECONDS AND FUCKING NAKED! ONE.... TWO...." Holly realized what was happening and began to wildly take her clothes off. Sal started to laugh, "She's doing it! This is great! Ha-ha-ha!" They all were laughing and taunting her, except for Denny who continued to count. Holly pulled her shirt off, revealing a white bra which covered Holly's small breasts. "FOUR... FIVE..." She pulled her sneakers off without untying them. She undid her jeans and pulled them down, standing only in her underwear and socks. "SEVEN.. EIGHT.." She was crying with fear, thinking, "Why are they doing this to me, why?" as she pulled her socks off, pulled down her white panties, ripped her bra off. "NINE... everything! TEN!" Holly remembered her ring. Weeping, she pulled the ring off her finger and threw it to the ground just as Denny spoke the work "ten."

She stood before the eyes of the intruders, stark naked, shaking. Holly had a lovely body. Her pretty face gave way to a soft, smooth neck, smooth round shoulders, small but firm breasts with a small, round dark nipple in the center of each one, a smooth flat stomach with a small but perfectly shaped belly button, supple curved hips, a patch of light brown pubic hard covering her genitals, supple, shapely thighs, knees, and calves, and luscious feet which ended in ten perfectly formed toes. She had never felt so humiliated and terrified in her life.

Here Holly was, naked before these women who were tormenting her. She could feel the cold of the floor on her bare feet and supple toes. She attempted to cover herself, holding her left arm over her small breasts and her right hand covering her pubic hair. Laughing, Spike and Sal walked up to her and each grabbed an arm. They pulled her arms away from her body, exposing her naked body for all to see, and they held her upright and firmly. Holly looked around in fear. "Oh, Denny, let me, huh?" said Mora. Denny laughed and said, "Sure, there'll be plenty to go around." Mora laughed and walked up to Holly who was firmly held. She stroked Holly's face, and then moved her hands down to Holly's breasts, which she fondled lightly, all the while saying, almost chanting, "Pretty, pretty Holly. Pretty, pretty, pretty Holly!" Holly closed her eyes, moaned, and tried not to think about the hands and fingers which were roaming down to her stomach.

She squirmed as Mora's hands rubbed her stomach, her cunt, and then went around to hold her firm, gorgeous ass. She had never felt such humiliation or terror. Holly moaned quietly and tears started to form in her eyes. She prayed that it would stop soon. "Pretty, pretty, Holly," Mora repeated, and then suddenly punched Holly in her bare stomach. Holly had never felt such pain before. Her mouth gasped open and her eyes went wide, and she buckled and doubled over, gasping in pain. Spike and Sal tightened their grip and held her up. Mora punched Holly in the stomach again and again and again and again. The beating seemed endless to Holly. In between each blow, Holly would beg for mercy. "Oh, please, no, no more, please, don't hurt me, oh God, please, no, UUUHHHHH! (gasp) (gasp) please... oh please... no more, please stop, please UUUUHHH! UUUHHHH! (gasp) (gasp) (sob, sob)" Holly felt her bare feet on the cold hardwood floor, her toes grasping for something to grab, as if instinctively trying to save her from the pain.

After a few blows, Holly would lift one of her legs to attempt to put her knee before her stomach so no more blows would be able to land. The sight of Holly standing on one foot, with her other shapely leg bent, her lovely toes hanging down displaying her unpainted toenails, in a futile attempt to save herself from more punishment was very exciting to her tormentors. It was to no avail, however. Mora would just put her hand on Holly's bare knee, force the leg down and deliver the dreaded blow. Finally, with Holly's body drenched in sweat, she stood there panting, sobbing, moaning, and gasping, with the two women holding her naked body firmly.

Mora said, "I'm a little tired now." Holly thought that she was finally done, that the beating had finally finished. But Mora went to her right arm and grabbed it as Spike let go. Spike went in front of her. "How're you doing, pretty Holly?" Holly looked at her, tears running down her face, gasping in pain. "Oh, please, (sob) don't (sob) hurt me anymore, (sob sob gasp), please, no..."

Holly was pulled up straight, and Spike grabbed Holly's hair, forcing her face close to hers. Spike's hand ran down the front of Holly's gorgeous naked body and stopped at her small right breast. With a wicked smile, Spike grabbed Holly's breast and squeezed and twisted. Pain shot through Holly's body. "UUUHHHH! No, no, no more, please, no more..." Spike grabbed both of Holly's breasts and start to squeeze, sending pain through her body. Spike smiled a wicked smile and she brought her face to Holly's right breast. Holly looked down in terror as Spike began to play with Holly's nipple. Spike looked up at her, smiled, and then bit Holly's nipple with all her might.

A scream of agony shot from Holly's throat. "AAAAHHH!! NO! PLEASE! Please, (gasp) (sob) no more, no more, no mo.. AAAIIIHH!" Spike had gone to Holly's left nipple and was biting it now. Then she delivered another blow to Holly's midsection. Holly doubled up in agony, begging for mercy. "No more, please, please God, stop, (sob) please stop, please (gasp sob gasp) no more, please, oh please, no more..." Spike reached down and grabbed Holly's pubic hair and pulled with all her might.

This pain wrenched a scream of pure agony from Holly's throat, and then Spike delivered a hard knee directly to her crotch. Holly's eyes went wide with sheer anguish, and she doubled over, sobbing and crying and gasping. If she hadn't been held firm, she would have collapsed, her knees bent and she was literally being held up, with only the tips of her supple luscious toes touching the ground. They dropped her. She curled into the fetal position, pointing her lovely feet and beautiful toes, and began to weep with pain.

But within seconds she felt hand and fingers on her body. "No! No, no, please, please no, I'll do anything, I'll do anything, only no more, no more!" Spike grabbed her arms and Mora grabbed her beautiful, smooth shapely legs. They lifted her off the ground, and held her face down. Holly's luscious naked body squirmed, trying to escape the hands that held her firmly, but to no avail. She was suspended with her perfectly formed ass facing up. Holly buttocks were magnificent -- firm, smooth, and round. Sal walked up to them and began to stroke them. Then she grabbed Holly's shapely right buttock and squeezed and shook the lovely ass cheek. "No, please, " Holly whimpered pitifully, "no, no, no..." Sal looped her belt from around her waist and swung it with all her might on Holly's ass. WHAP! The pain shot through Holly's body. "You're a ba-a-a-d Holly!" taunted Sal as Spike and Mora laughed.

A red welt where Holly had been hit formed on the surface of her ass. The pain was so great and so sudden that she couldn't even scream, only gasp in agony. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Again and again and again the belt came down, leaving a red welt where it stuck Holly's superb ass. She heard the taunts and laughter of her tormenters as the belt struck her ass and back over and over and over again. "Please, please, UUHH! UUHH! (gasp) (sob) no more, please no more, I'll do anything, please God no UUHH! UUHH! (gasp gasp sob sob) UUHH! PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!! I CAN'T STAND ANY MO.. UUHH!" She twitched desperately, trying to escape the torture, but Spike her arms tightly. Holly's lovely, smooth legs tried to kick, but Mora had her arms wrapped around Holly's lovely shins and calves and held her gorgeous legs firmly.

Holly's feet twitched, her beautiful toes curled and uncurled as her suffering continued unabated. In between the strokes, sometimes Mora would stroke the smooth, sensitive sole of Holly's bare foot and played with one of her lovely toes as a small bit of additional torture on Holly's helpless naked body. Sal draped the belt around her neck and began to stroke and squeeze Holly's gorgeous buttocks.

Holly moaned with misery and humiliation as she felt the fingers grab first one buttock, then the other. Sal squeezed Holly's luscious ass, firmly kneading both plump cheeks with her hands. Holly moaned in misery and anguish as she felt the hands and fingers dig into her flesh. Sal spread Holly's ass apart, displaying Holly's asshole. "Awww, I wonder if there's anything in there?" And with that, Sal grabbed Holly's left ass cheek firmly and pulled it aside, and slowly pushed the index finger of her right hand into Holly's asshole. Holly's eyes went wide and her mouth opened in a gasp of misery. Sal removed her finger, which had some shit on it.

She walked to Holly's face, grabbed her by the hair and said "Lick your shit off!" Holly's eye's went wide with terror and she pleaded, "No! Oh, my God, no!" Sal grabbed Holly's hair and twisted, sending waves of pain through her. "DO IT, BITCH!! DO IT!!" screamed Sal at the miserable girl. The pain shot through Holly and she began to cry and whimper. As soon as Holly opened her mouth, Sal stuck her finger, covered with shit, in her mouth.

Holly closed her eyes, and tried to lick the finger, but as soon as her tongue touched the foul matter on Sal's finger, she began to gag. Sal tugged at her hair and pulled her face up. Holly let up a whimper and twisted her face as the pain shot through. "If you puke, I swear to God, bitch, you'll eat every drop." Somehow, Holly managed to keep the gag down. "Now, LICK IT!" Holly's tears flowed down her face as she stuck out her tongue and tried to lick Sal's shit covered finger. But as soon as the tip of her lovely tongue touched the filth finger, Holly burst into tears, gagging, crying, and pleading for mercy. Sal dropped her head and walked away and wiped off her finger.

When she came back, she went straight to Holly's luscious ass and started to knead and fondle it as she spoke to her helpless victim in a taunting tone of voice. "You've been a bad girl" said Sal, grinning a wicked grin which filled Holly with terror. "Bad, bad, Holly! I think pretty Holly needs a spanking!" taunted Sal, and she smacked Holly's luscious ass with her bare hand. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Sal would spank Holly with all her might, and in between she would caress Holly's lovely ass. Holly had never felt so miserable in her life -- besides the searing pain, the humiliation of being spanked and having the woman fondle her ass overwhelmed the wretched girl.

She wept openly, her pleas for mercy muffled in the sobbing and crying that came from her while she was being beaten. After spanking the helpless girl for a while, Sal started squeezing and caressing Holly's shapely ass again. She brought her face closer to one of Holly's shapely buttocks, and said, "Oh, I know I should be a vegetarian, but I just can't resist!' And with then she bit Holly's gorgeous right ass cheek and continued biting with all her might for a while. Holly shrieked in pain, and continued to shriek in agony when Sal said "Oh, I can't have just one!" and dug her teeth into Holly's luscious left ass cheek. While Holly continued to moan in anguish, Sal looked at the teeth marks left in Holly's ass and said, "Well, I guess we should just make the rest of her match!" and with that, she took the belt in her hands once again and laid into poor miserable Holly with a vengeance. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The belt found its mark on Holly's luscious naked body. "OH GOD, PLEASE NO MORE (sob gasp pant) NO MORE.. AAAIIHH!! NO MORE, STOP, PLEASE STOP PLEASE.. AAAIIIHH!!!" Holly's pathetic cries for mercy filled the room but only encouraged Spike and Mora to hold her more firmly and for Sal to swing the belt with even more vigor. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The belt struck Holly's gorgeous ass, shapely curved back, and her stunning thighs. Complete and utter misery engulfed Holly as she squirmed, screamed, suffered, and begged for mercy.

The beating continued for what seemed like an eternity until they finally dropped her on the floor. Instantly, Denny walked up and put her boot near Holly's lovely face. "Lick my boot" hissed the woman. Shaking with fear, Holly stuck out her soft tongue and licked Denny's boot, while the other three intruders laughed and taunted her. "She's doing it!" "Denny, you're a card!" "This is a blast!" After Holly had spent several miserable minutes licking Denny's boot, Denny put her boot on Holly's face and forced it down. The humiliation only made Holly's pain all the more unbearable, and then Denny removed the boot from Holly's superb face and delivered a solid kick to her midsection.

Yet another rush of agony swept through Holly's luscious naked body, and she curled up into the fetal position and began to cry, all the while whimpering, "Please, please, please no more, no more, please no more (sob gasp whimper) ..." In the fetal position on the ground, Holly had brought her legs up so that her knees were near her chest. Holly's lovely feet were displayed, and her luscious toes curled, displaying her lovely toenails, the soft pads of flesh on each toe and the tender bare soles of her feet. The women laughed. Spike, Mora and Sal turned their attention to the apartment while Denny knelt down and, while Holly shook and whimpered in terror, bound Holly's lovely wrists and ankles firmly together with rope, and then went to join her comrades. Holly lay on the ground, firmly bound, and thought that she was finished, that they had finally tired of hurting her.

She was left alone in the room for a while and managed to take some stock of herself. She was still in pain, but the piercing agony had stopped and was replaced with a throbbing, intense soreness that seemed to encompass her entire body, from the top of her pretty head to the very tips of her luscious, perfectly shaped toes. She decided to try to escape. She squirmed across the room towards the door. She would pull her legs up and try to use her lovely toes for leverage. She was halfway across the room when she heard a voice -- "Hey, guys, come take a look at this!" Holly saw, to her horror, that the four women had returned. She twisted her body to face them, and sat up, bringing her knees up to her chest so that her breasts and genitals would be covered.

Her lovely feet were flat on the floor, and her luscious and perfectly formed toes pointed towards her torturers. They surrounded her and began to laugh and taunt her. Holly looked around in terror, and Denny approached her and leaned down to where Holly sat on the floor. "Pretty, pretty Holly! Are you going someplace?" said Denny, with her face near Holly's. Suddenly she grabbed Holly's hair and pulled her face near her own. "You ain't going no place! You hear me?? YOU AIN'T GOING FUCKING NO PLACE!!" screamed Denny. Holly's lovely face contorted in fear and pain as the woman screamed her threat at her. She decided to beg for mercy. "Please, no, I wasn't going to go anywhere, I just needed to move a little, please don't hurt me anymore, please, I'll do anything, just don't hurt me anymore... UHHH!" Denny threw Holly down.

"Hold her up," ordered Denny. Holly looked from side to side in horror and Spike and Sal approached her, and, laughing, leaned down and grabbed Holly's arms and pulled her up. Holly's lovely feet were shaky trying to stand with her gorgeous ankles bound, so Mora opened her switchblade and cut away the ropes which held Holly's ankles. Spike stood Holly up, holding her bound arms around the biceps, and held her up, displaying her nakedness once again for all to see.

Relieved at the removal of her ankle bonds, Holly spread her legs to get some balance and once again could feel the cold hardwood floor under her soft, supple bare feet and tender luscious toes. Denny approached her and stroked Holly's soft hair. Fear shining in her eyes, Holly looked at the woman. "Time for some more fun, pretty, pretty Holly. Some real hot fun!" And with that Denny reached into her pocket and pulled out a cigarette lighter and lit it. Holly tensed at the sight of the flame and began to beg. "No, no, no, don't, no, no, please..."

Denny reached out a hand and grabbed Holly's small right breast and brought the flame near. Holly screamed and twisted her body and brought one of her perfectly shaped legs up and pushed Denny away. Spike tightened her grip even more as Mora and Sal jumped up from where they were sitting. Sal knelt down next to Holly and grabbed both of Holly's gorgeous legs at the knees and held them firm. Denny got up and went to Holly and grabbed her hair and screamed in her face. "Oh, you're going to get it now, bitch! Pretty Holly! YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING GET IT NOW!!" Holly winced in fear and pain. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, please, no, please, I didn't mean it, please, it just hurts so much, please, oh, no, oh, no, oh please..." Mora put one arm around Holly and with her right hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it so Holly's small, brown, and luscious nipple stood out.

Denny lit the lighter and brought the flame nearer. "Be careful you don't get burned" Denny said to Mora to which the woman holding Holly's breast replied "I'll take care, thanks." Holly watched in terror as Denny slowly brought the flame nearer to Holly's nipple until finally Holly's tender nipple was directly in the tip of the flame. "Oh, no, please, stop, don't burn me, no I can't stand it, no, please, oh God, please, no, please, please, plea.. AAAHHH!! STOP IT!! STOP IT!! OH, GOD, PLEASE STOP!!"

Holly's lovely naked body desperately tried to twist away from the pain giving flame, but Spike and Mora held her upper torso firmly and Sal's hands and fingers held Holly's stunning legs tightly. Mora let go of Holly's breast and grabbed her left breast, forcing the tender. supple nipple out to where Denny would be able to subject it to the same torture. And Holly watched, tears streaming down her face, sobbing, gasping, and begging for mercy, and Denny brought the flame towards her nipple. "Oh, please, (sob sob) no more... (gasp) please, oh please, stop, no more, no more, I can't stand anymore, I'll do anything, please stop, please no more, please have mercy, mercy please, no more, please , PLEASE!! NO, GOD PLEA,, AAAAAHHHH!! STOP IT!! OH, GOD, STOP IT!! PLEASE STOP!!" The flame burned her left nipple and Holly's naked body continued to writhe in a futile attempt to escape from the torture these women were inflicting on her. Her feet tried to flap from the floor, her toes curled and uncurled un sheer agony, but Sal held her legs tightly and her gorgeous feet and toes were staying just where her torturers wanted them to be. Denny put out the lighter. "Now the nose" she said, and Holly looked at them in utter disbelief and terror. Mora let go of her breast and stood up.

She grabbed Holly's hair with her left hand and with her right hand grabbed Holly's chin and tightened her grip so Holly couldn't move her pretty head. Holly whimpered in misery, trying to beg for mercy but she couldn't even open her mouth to plead with her torturers. Denny smiled and lit the lighter and held it in front of Holly's lovely face. Holly's eyes went wide with horror as Denny spoke to her. "Isn't this nice? Ever wonder how a lighter smells, my pretty, pretty Holly? Well, now you'll find out!" Holly desperately struggled to free herself, but to no avail -- the hands and fingers which held her firmly were unyielding. Denny brought the flame close and finally positioned it so the tip of the flame entered the right nostril of Holly's picture perfect nose.

Holly tried to scream but the sounds were muffled in her throat. The agony was intense, and Denny held the flame in place for a few seconds and then moved the flame to Holly's left nostril. Holly's beautiful nose was afire with pain. The pain was so intense she thought she would pass out from it. "Spread her legs!" ordered Denny and Mora let go of Holly's face and knelt down and grabbed Holly's perfectly shaped right leg. Sal, who was already holding Holly's legs, let go of the right leg and grabbed her left leg, which was also perfectly formed. They spread her legs and held them tight, forcing her lovely feet and toes to be flat on the floor. Holly could feel the floor on the soles of her feet and the pads of her supple toes.

Denny lit the cigarette lighter again and knelt down herself. Holly began to twist and shriek as Denny moved the flame towards her crotch. "NO! Oh, no, please no, no, no, oh God please no..." Denny put her left hand around Holly's ass, holding her steady and positioned the flame so it singed Holly's genitals. "AAAAHHH! GOD, PLEASE STOP!" Holly shrieked as the pain shot through her. Finally, Denny put out the lighter, and Mora and Sal let go of Holly's superbly shaped legs. Spike still held her, and Holly hung her head and sobbed in utter pain and misery. Denny grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up. Holly's eyes went wide and her lovely pretty face, with tears streaming down it, looked at Denny with terror. Denny smiled, and, holding Holly's hair, pulled back her fist and delivered a powerful blow to Holly's midsection. The poor girl gasped and whimpered in pain and curled forward. Denny pulled her up by the hair and delivered another blow. Denny continued to pound the helpless Holly until she seemed to tire of beating the defenseless girl and turned away. Holly collapsed, seeming to have lost any ability to stand on her own power, and Spike let her fall to the ground.

Read this hot story:
Candle in the Window BDSM Horror Sex Story by Salty Vixen

Holly lay panting on the floor. Her mind had realized that for a few seconds, anyway, the torture had stopped. She moaned pitifully, as her agony consumed her. She struggled weakly, straining her supple wrists against the rope that held them together, but to no avail -- they still held her securely.

Everywhere Denny had burned her hurt fiercely. All the strength had been sapped from her. Her body was absolutely drenched in sweat. Her breasts heaved with air. She could only whimper as she curled her perfectly formed legs up under her smooth belly, her gorgeous feet and toes curling, as if for protection. She opened her eyes, but through her tears, she saw that these women were truly enjoying her suffering. "Please... (gasp sob) don't hurt me anymore... please, have mercy, in the name of God, please no more.... please, no more... don't, please don't hurt me anymore, I'll do anything... please, no more..." Denny seemed to ignore her, as she left the room for a short time and then returned holding a soldering iron and a plunger.

She plugged in the soldering iron and put it down, and then took the plunger in her hands and motioned to the others. "Come on guys, grab her." "No, no, no, please, no, no more, no more... (gasp, gasp, whimper, whimper) " sobbed Holly as Sal grabbed her around the neck and by her arms, and Spike and Mora each grabbed a leg and stretched her out. They lift her and carried her luscious naked body over to the coffee table and put her on it and then tightened their grips so she was held firmly. Holly whimpered and begged for mercy as they did this, but to no avail. Holly could see the look of determination on their faces - they were determined to hold Holly's naked body firmly in place. Holly watched in horror as Denny approached with the plunger and put the wooden handle near Holly's face. "My pretty, pretty, Holly. Pretty, pretty, Holly..." she kept repeating as she stroked Holly's body with the plunger handle, running down the length of her body, around her smooth lovely breasts with their burned nipples, teasingly inside her beautifully shaped navel, and then around her cunt. "Gonna fuck you now, pretty Holly, now you're gonna get fucked!"

Holly realized what Denny was about to do to her and started to plead for mercy. "No, no, please don't, no, no, for God's sake don't, AAAAHHHH!" With a taunting look, Denny rammed the plunger into Holly's cunt and began thrusting and twisting. The pain was intense, especially since some of Holly's genitals had been burned. Holly twisted and screamed in agony. "NO! STOP! NOOO!! PLEEAASE STOOOP!! OH, GOD, NO MORE!! NO MO.. AAAHHH!" Denny continued to pump and twist the plunger inside Holly and each movement made it feel like Holly was going to be ripped apart. Holly had never felt such agony in her life. Finally, Denny removed the plunger. She brought the plunger, which was sticky with juices and blood pumped from Holly's cunt and put it near Holly's pretty mouth. "Now, lick it!" Spike leaned close to her ear and whispered "Yeah, Holly polly, lick your last cock! Ha-ha-ha!!" Engulfed with misery, Holly took the disgusting plunger in her mouth and sucked it. She had never felt so miserable in her life. She felt like she was going to vomit, and began dry heaving. But it quickly subsided and she lay in the grasp of her torturers.

After removing the plunger, Denny went to Holly's face and smiled. "Ready?" she asked, and Holly could only tremble in anticipation of what was to come. Suddenly, Denny grabbed Holly's throat and started to squeeze. Holly gasped in horror as her breath was completely cut off. "I can't breathe!! Please, please, oh, God, stop, I can't breathe!!" she cried out in misery. Holly could feel the room start to spin and then Denny stopped. Holly gasped for air, and then the fingers were back around her throat, squeezing the life out of her. She twisted in misery, desperately trying to escape while Denny squeezed her neck and then, just when Holly felt certain she was going to faint, let up. After several times of this almost unendurable torture, Denny let up.

Holly gasped and coughed, praying that the torment had finished. "Oh, God, please no more..." she whimpered in misery, and then Sal laughed and held Holly's pretty head still while Denny covered Holly's mouth with her hand and held her lovely nose shut with her fingers. All of the air was cut off from Holly and she panicked, kicked and struggling while her tormentors laughed with glee. Again, just when she thought she would pass out from lack of air, the hands would remove themselves, Sal would stroke her face, and just when she started to regain some strength, Sal's grip would tighten, holding Holly's pretty head firmly and Denny's hand would cover Holly's mouth and Denny's strong fingers would hold Holly's lovely nostrils together. Holly would helplessly struggle, desperately trying to get air into her lungs, whimpering miserably until she felt like she would pass out, and then they'd let her breathe. Just for a few minutes, of course -- then the evil laughter would begin again and the hands would clamp down and shut off Holly's air once again. This torture continued for what seemed like an eternity -- Holly was beginning to believe they were going to kill her when they finally stopped and let her breathe normally.

Holly lay there breathing, sucking in oxygen as she lay in the firm grasp of her torturers. They let Holly catch her breath, but continued to stroke and taunt her. Then, after Holly seemed completely ready for more torture, Denny picked up the soldering iron. She went and leaned over Holly and held the sizzling iron hear Holly's beautiful face. Holly could feel the heat emanating from the iron, and she closed her eyes in terror and turned her head away and began whimpering, "No, no, no, no..." Denny went over to Holly's beautiful, perfectly shaped feet.

She bent down to the luscious, perfectly formed right foot that Mora was holding firmly in her grasp and began to stroke the bare sole, tweaking the pad of each luscious toe. The slight tickling sensation was humiliating as well as terrifying, and Holly twisted her foot and curled her toes to try to avoid Denny's touch. Holly closed her eyes and rolled her pretty head from side to side, moaning and whimpering, "No, no, no more, oh, no, no, please, no..." Denny then put Holly's lovely, smooth, round heel in the palm of her hand and held tightly onto Holly's luscious ankle, her thumb and fingers grabbing onto the smooth knobs of bone at the side of Holly's beautiful ankle. Denny began to stroke the top of Holly's lovely foot. She stroked the top of each of Holly's toes, sometimes putting her finger on one of Holly's delicate toenails and pushing down to ensure that Holly's feet and toes were pointing. Holly continued to moan in misery as she could feel her tormentor's fingers caressing her bare foot and sensitive toes.

Then suddenly she felt Denny's strong fingers surround her foot and grab it tightly. Holly's eyes flew open and she looked down and saw Mora holding her leg and smiling at Holly's lovely foot, which was now held firmly in Denny's grasp. Denny smiled and brought the iron close to the bare, twitching foot. "Oh, my God, no," begged Holly in a desperate plea for mercy, for she could feel the searing heat on the tender sole of her lovely foot and was terrified, "no, NO, NO, DON'T, PLEASE, OH NO OH NO, GOD, DON'T, PLEASE, NO, DON'T .. AAAAAHHHH!" The iron seared the sole of Holly's smooth bare foot. Holly had never felt such pain in her life. She strained with every ounce of energy she had in a futile effort against the hands and fingers that held her lovely ankle firmly in place. Spike tightened her grip on Holly neck and whispered into her ear, "Well, we're having some fun now, eh? What's the matter, does it hurt Holly?

Is pretty, pretty Holly hurting? Ha-ha-ha!!" Denny carefully move the iron to another portion of her smooth, lovely bare foot. She changed the position of her hand so that the thumb was on Holly's sole and her fingers were on the tops of Holly's lovely toes, holding the five perfectly formed toes in place, just right for torturing. Holly looked up through her tears, and saw her tormentor give a wicked smile and then place the iron on her foot. "AAAAAHHHHH!!! PLEEAAASE! AAAAAAAHHHHH!! NO MORE, NO MORE, OH GOD PLEASE, GOD, PLEASE NO MORE! NO MORE STOP, OH PLEASE STOP, PLEA.. AAAAAHHHH!!!" Then Denny grabbed Holly's luscious, supple toes and bent them back, placing the sizzling iron on the part of her delightful toes that curled under. Holly's screams of pain and pleas for mercy would have been pitiful to most, but it was music to the ears of the four women subjecting Holly to these tortures.

Finally, it stopped. Holly gasped, panted, unable to think clearly and began to whimper in sheer agony. "Oh, please, stop, no more, I'll do anything, oh, please, (sob, sob) no more, please have mercy, please, mercy please, no more, (gasp) I can't stand any more, please no more, I can't stand it..." Her voice trailed off into sobs and gasps as she pleaded and begged for mercy. Then she felt the delicate sole of her bare foot being stroked again. She looked up and saw Denny with a pair of pliers, and smiling wickedly. "Oh, please, don't hurt me any more, I can't stand it, please, oh God, please, no more..." Denny grabbed her foot firmly, holding Holly lovely foot in her hand. Denny began to snap the pliers just above Holly's toes. "Oooooo, the pretty toes!" taunted Denny while she continued to snap the pliers.

Holly wiggled her toes, terrified of what would happen if Denny grabbed her supple toes with the pliers. Denny snapped the pliers, and rubbed them against the soft pads of Holly's toes. Holly continued to wiggle her toes and continued to beg for mercy. "Oh, no more, no more, please, please no more, I'll do anything, please no more, oh God please, please, please..." Finally, Denny grabbed Holly's foot near the ball of the foot, with her thumb on the smooth top of the foot and the fingers wrapped around the tender sole of Holly's bare foot.

The top of Denny's index finger brushed against the tender pads of flesh on Holly's toes, and with her thumb and index finger she grabbed the smallest of Holly's toes and bent it away from the rest of her toes. Denny brought the pliers up and grabbed Holly's toe in the grip of the pliers. Holly felt Denny's strong fingers holding her foot and toes, and then felt the cold steel of the pliers surround her toe and she began to shake and beg. "Oh, God, (sob pant sob) please, no, don't, no, please, I'm begging (sob pant) I'm begging you for mercy, please, please ..."

Denny smiled a wicked smile, and began to squeeze and twist Holly's toe with the pliers. Unbearable agony shot through Holly's body. "NOOO! Oh NOOOOOO! STOOOOOOP!!!! PLEEAASE" she begged, but Denny just giggled and twisted and squeezed Holly's toe until the bone snapped with an audible crack. Agony and pain the likes of which she could never have dreamed about tore through Holly's body and she screamed hideously. Her luscious naked body strained mightily against the hands and fingers which held her firmly, but to no avail. She screamed and screamed as the women laughed and firmly held her luscious, smooth body in place. Holly's struggles were of no concern to her torturer, she just continued to twist Holly's mutilated toe. "OH GOD!! STOP!! STOP!! NO MORE!! PLEEEAASE!! Oh, God, please, no more, no more, no mo.. AAAAHHHH!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Denny let go of the broken toe and grasped the next toe firmly in her thumb and forefinger. She grabbed Holly's lovely toe with the pliers, and twisted and squeezed until it, too, cracked. Holly's cries of agony and pleas for mercy got even louder. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, NO MORE PLEASE GOD NO MORE NO MORE NO MO... AAAHHH!! AAAHHH!! STOP!! GOD, PLEASE STOP!!!" And then, to maximize Holly's pain, the soldering iron was back. The woman torturing Holly was alternating between the pliers and the iron. Despite the fingers that held Holly's lovely foot firmly, she wiggled her toes. Denny smiled at Holly's foot. "Oooh, look at the pretty toes twitching! Oh, I can't catch it!"

Denny snapped the pliers, pretending to be unable to grab Holly's shapely toe. "Look at the toes! Oh, I've got it now!" Denny grabbed the third of Holly's lucious toes, and Holly moaned in misery. "What are you going to do now?" laughed Mora. "I'm going to twist this toe! Ha-ha-ha!!" said Denny, and she squeezed and twisted Holly's toe with the pliers, grimaced, and cracked it, wrenching screams of pure agony from Holly's lovely throat. "Man, that must hurt, ha-ha-ha!" laughed Mora. "Yeah," chuckled Denny, "You know how much it hurts when you just stub your toe? Well, imagine what THIS feels like!

Ha-ha-ha!!" Holly heard their taunting, and misery overwhelmed her. Denny then started twisting the three mangled toes of her helpless victim, and Holly's agony overtook all other thoughts. "OH, GOD, NO, STOP, PLEASE STOP NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE AAAHHHH!!! OH PLEASE MERCY NO MORE PLEASE GOD STOP OH NO PLEAA... AAAAAHHHHH!! AAAAAHHHHH!!" Holly's tormentors just held her firmly and laughed at her pleas and cries.

Holly was twisting and screaming and begging for mercy, almost insane with the pain. Sheer agony had taken the place of everything else in her life. All she could think about was the hideous pain that was being inflicted on her. Her throat was raw from screaming and begging. Her entire body was one great mass of unbearable agony, from the top of her pretty head to the tips of her perfectly formed toes. Finally, Denny had broken four of Holly's tender toes and burned Holly's tender foot almost completely. Denny began to twist Holly's big toe and said, "I think this toe deserves special treatment, don't you?" Denny brought her face close to Holly's lovely foot.

She had grabbed Holly's big toe with her thumb and forefinger (her forefinger rested on the lovely toenail), and was moving it up and down all the while watching the delightful toe with cruel interest, and then tenderly kissed Holly's big toe. Holly began to whimper, her voice reduced to a raw rasp from her pain. "Please... (gasp pant sob) no more, no more, I'll do anything, please God no more, no more..." Denny took Holly's lovely big toe in her mouth and bit it with all her might. Holly shrieked in agony. Then Denny grabbed Holly's lovely foot in her left hand and grabbed it from the top with her fingers wrapped around the lovely foot and digging into her tender sole.

Denny picked up the pliers and grabbed the toenail on Holly's big toe. Holly felt the cold steel of the pliers on the tip of her toe and tried to struggle and move her foot away from the pain giving pliers. Holly's luscious toenail was cut smoothly and closely with none of the nail overhanging the gorgeous toe, so it was hard for Denny to get a firm grip on Holly's toenail and she had to try several times, each time pushing the tip of the pliers onto the soft, tender tip of Holly's big toe until finally the ends of the pliers got a firm grasp of Holly's toenail.

Holly could feel the tugging begin and began to sob even louder. Denny grimaced in determination and pulled with a slow, steady tug, but with all her strength. "NO! NO! NOO!! AAAAHHHH!" The pain built to a massive crescendo. Holly twisted her head from side to side and screamed in agony as the nail was wrenched from the toe. Then, still holding Holly's delicate foot in her left hand, Denny tossed aside the pliers and grabbed the big toe with her right hand and twisted it back and forth, up and down, with Holly screaming and screaming and screaming in unbelievable agony, until Denny broke the lovely toe with her own hands. Denny let Holly's mangled foot drop limply, her leg remaining in Mora's firm grasp. Blood dripped from each toe and before she left the foot Denny inflicted one last piece of torture by grabbing Holly's mutilated toes and squeezing. A wave of uncontrollable agony wrenched through Holly's lovely foot. Holly had never experienced such pain in her entire young life, and she was sure she couldn't stand any more.

Denny walked to Holly's face. Holly lay there, held firmly by the three women, crying in anguish, tears streaming down her face, and moaning in agony and misery. The wild shaking of her head she had done while she was being tortured had left her hair splayed all over her face. Every inch of her foot and toes were engulfed in pain, and Holly closed her eyes desperately trying to forget what was happening to her. But she still felt the agony and also felt the vise-like grip of the hands and fingers that held her naked body firmly in place.

Holly began crying again, and the tears pushed their way out through her closed eyelids. Holly felt her lovely face being stroked, clearing the hair away, and looked up through her tears and saw the smiling face of her torturer. Denny smiled and brought the pliers up to Holly's face. The pliers -- which had inflicted so much pain on her -- had some blood on them (Holly's own blood) and Holly trembled at the sight of them.

Denny snapped the pliers in front of Holly's face several times, and each time Holly twitched in terror. "What should I take off?" mused Denny as she ran the pliers down Holly's face, snapping them from time to time. "Your pretty lips? Your nice teeth? Ahh, your pretty nose!" and with that Denny grabbed Holly's nose with the pliers. Holly moaned and whimpered "No, no, no, no, no ..." but Denny let go after only a few seconds of grabbing Holly's nose, and she hadn't grabbed it tightly. Denny just wanted to terrify the miserable girl, and she succeeded. Holly looked up at Denny with wide, terror filled eyes.

Denny stroked Holly's face for a while, and Holly moaned in misery as she felt the hand over her soft face. She closed her eyes and started to moan and whimper, and then Denny grabbed her by the hair, pulled her face up close to Denny's said, "You ain't through yet, pretty, pretty Holly!" and then walk back to Holly's left foot. Denny took Holly's bare left foot and grabbed it by her luscious heel.

Denny began to stroke Holly's bare foot. "I think this little foot needs some work, too!!" Holly moaned and pleaded in misery as Denny stroked and tickled the sole Holly's bare foot, tweaked her supple toes, kissed them, played "this little piggy" with her toes, stroke the top of her foot and the top of her supple luscious toes and toenails, all the while to laughter from the women who held Holly's naked body firmly. "Oh, please (whimper sob pant) no more, don't hurt me don't hurt me anymore, please God, no more, I'll do anything..." Holly's right foot was afire with sheer agony and the thought of her other foot being treated the same way was driving Holly almost insane with fear.

Denny continued to stroke and tickle her foot and Holly, shaking with terror, continued to plead and beg and twist her foot. "No, please (sob moan) no please no more no, please let me go, no more, please..." The constant stroking and kissing and playing with Holly's delicate bare foot and luscious toes and toenails was a torture in itself, since Holly was terrified that the same cruel torture that reduced her other foot to sheer agony was going to happen to her other foot, and she begged and pleaded for mercy -- anything but to have to endure any more pain.

Finally, Denny grabbed her tender delicate foot, brought close the soldering iron, and began the torture. Holly moaned, shrieked and twisted in misery as Denny burned and mutilated Holly's absolutely gorgeous left foot the same way she tortured her right foot. "OH, GOD, PLEASE, PLEASE, NO, NO MORE, NO MORE... AAAHHH!! AAAHHH!! AAAHHH!!" Holly continued to struggle and scream and beg for mercy as Denny fondled her supple toes, burned her soft tender foot, put the hot iron under the pads of her tender toes. "Awww," taunted Denny.

"Does it hurt?" Holly managed to whipmer a "Yes" through her tears. "Should I give you a break?" "Yes!!!" pleaded Holly, desperate for relief from the torment. "OK," said Denny, and Holly felt an enormous wave of relief, but then Denny added, laughing, "in a minute!" and grabbed one of Holly's toes with the pliers and began to squeeze. Holly was engulfed in misery. Her toes were crushed in slow, painful style, one at a time, with Denny immobilizing each tender toe with her fingers and then cracking the bone with the pliers. "NO MORE!!! AAAHHH!!! OH PLEASE OH PLEASE.. AAAHHH!!! NO MORE I CAN'T STAND ANYMORE, OH PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOOPP OH GOD PLEAA.. AAAHHHH!!" Each new torment caused more screams and pleas to be torn from the miserable girl's throat. And to add to the cruelty being inflicted on Holly, Denny made sure that each of Holly's lovely toes was squeezed, twisted and bent after being broken to make sure that Holly suffered the maximum pain from each piece of torture.

First one, then the second of Holly's luscious toes was firmly held by Denny's strong fingers and then snapped in the icy grip of the pliers. Holly was almost insane with pain. Her head flung from side to side, her screams of agony and pleas for mercy responded to with laughter, taunting, and more torture. Then the third of her lovely toes was ready, but to increase her cruelty, Denny held her luscious toe carefully, and grabbed the tiny but perfectly formed toenail. Once again, Holly's terror was unspeakable when she felt the cold steel of the pliers on the tip of her toe and tried to struggle and move her foot away from the pain giving pliers. The toenail on Holly's gorgeous toe was also cut smoothly and closely, so it was difficult for Denny to get a firm grip on Holly's toenail and she had to try several times.

Working carefully, Denny grabbed Holly's supple toe firmly and pushed the tip of the pliers onto the soft, tender tip of Holly's toe until finally the ends of the pliers got a firm grasp of Holly's lovely toenail. Holly felt the tug on her toe start as a pulling feeling and then turn quickly into searing agony as Denny pulled the toenail from Holly's lovely toe slowly and carefully. A shriek of pure agony tore from Holly's throat. The toenail came out eventually, and then Holly felt the cold grip of the pliers surround her mutilated toe and screamed when she felt the unbearable agony of the twisting and breaking of her perfectly shaped toe. As Denny crushed Holly's lovely fourth toe, Holly's entire being had become consumed with pain. And once again, Denny finished by holding Holly's foot in one hand and holding her big toe in the other and then breaking Holly's delicate big toe with her bare hands. In the greatest agony she had every know, Holly screamed and moaned and struggled but to no avail -- the hands and fingers still held her firmly.

And, after what seemed like an eternity of sheer torture, they let her go and threw her on the floor. Holly lay on the floor where she was thrown, curled in a fetal position, crying and sobbing. Her body was a complete mass of pain. Her head ached from where her torturers had pulled her hair, her eyes were red from crying, her pretty nose felt like the fire was still inside it, her throat was raw and torn from screaming and begging for mercy, her supple breasts ached from where they had been twisted, and her tender nipples throbbed as the pain from the burns and bites continued.

Her smooth, firm midsection was a mass of pain (she was certain that during the beatings they had fractured some ribs and the massive pain in her sides now convinced her she was right) and her magnificent ass and curved back still burned from the whipping that had been given her (each red stripe felt like a slash of a knife). She felt massive pain in her cunt, because as painful as the burn had been, the wooden plunger handle had broken some of the burn blisters inside her and even left some wood splinters in her cunt, increasing her pain to a level even beyond what she had felt during the burning of her delicious cunt. And Holly's gorgeous feet and luscious, supple toes were absolute masses of pure agony. It was as if both her feet were in a furnace -- the sheer, massive agony that enveloped both her lovely feet and all ten of her beautiful toes was beyond anything she had every felt in her life. A small pool of blood was forming under where her feet were (blood was dripping from all ten of her tortured toes), and small drops of blood dripped from her cunt. She had never been such a complete mass of sheer pain before. Then, Denny leaned down and grabbed her by the hair.

As soon as Holly felt the hands in her hair, absolute terror overwhelmed her and she began to thrash and shake "Uhh, please, please, no more, please no more..." begged the pitiful girl, and she twisted her face away from the woman who had inflicted so much pain on her, but Denny turned her face close to hers. Holly's face was contorted with terror as Denny spoke to her. "We're leaving now, but if you tell the cops -- or anybody else -- about us, we'll be back. And next time, we won't be so nice. You understand me? WELL?!?" Holly nodded her head in terror. Denny brought Holly's terrified face close to hers one last time. "Remember.. if you say anything, we'll be back. See you again, pretty Holly!" The four women opened the door and left. Holly collapsed on the floor, weeping, crying, sobbing, engulfed with pain.