Hidden Fire-A Romance Story by Salty Vixen

Over the Mundane Mountains and beyond the Sorrow Sea, nestled in the Mystic Mountains lies the tiny Kingdom of Rêves Doux (Sweet Dreams). It was there that I was born, Princess Fleur Rouge (Red Flower), only child of King Puissant (Power), the ruler of all Rêves Doux and his lovely Queen Passionné (Passion). My father was indeed a powerful ruler and my mother a magical beauty of red hair like mine and eyes as light blue as the sky. She was a descendent of the sorceress Circe, through her one son she bore to the great Odessyus.

Life was good in our placid kingdom of Sweet Dreams. Nothing to harm or frighten was allowed within our boundaries. I grew up wild and free to roam all the enchanted forest lands within our province; free to climb its trees and rest beneath them, free to swim in its blue lakes and to eat the wild berries and nuts that grew in abundance.

My parents being especially fond of animals, provided a large menagerie for my pleasure. There were birds of many species, peacocks and exotic birds of bright plumage, some who could talk! Large animals to ride and small animals to play with. Wild animals tamed to be as docile as lambs. My favorites were my own unicorn, Ami Argent (Silver Friend) and the lioness, Feu Caché (Hidden Fire). Ami was a most beautiful unicorn, silver in color and softer than the snow that fell on the top of the Mystic Mountains all year and always gentle as she carried me swiftly on her back wherever within the kingdom I desired to travel. She was so magical that she could talk, her voice a soft, feminine whisper, such a pleasure to the ears.

Next to Ami, with whom I spent most of my time, my favorite creature was the mighty lioness who was powerful and lithe and had the very distinctive characteristic of emerald eyes, not the usual honey brown or gold. Caché had eyes only a shade darker than mine and when we would stare into each other's eyes an intangible bond seemed to form between us, an understanding, a transference of energy. The imposing lioness was as tame as a pet, having been raised by humans since her birth, but just beneath the calm gentleness was the brave and wild heart of a beast that I could see gazing out of her jeweled, emerald eyes. At times I wondered what she saw looking back from mine.

My parents were loving, doting parents who allowed me the freedom to be a child and relish my childhood. Although I was taught impeccable manners, I was allowed to take every liberty that would in no way harm myself or others. The one thing I was not allowed to do was cross the boundaries of Rêves Doux and pass over into the outside world of the wild Mystic Mountains. I was never told why but whenever my mother reminded me, which was every time I left her presence to go play, a look of fear would come over her lovely face and her fingers would reach out and entangle themselves in the long red strands of my hair.

"Be careful, my precious," she would say, "there are powerful forces outside our kingdom, too powerful for us to save you from, should you fall into their hands."

When the years had passed and I was no longer a child but a young woman of long legs and feminine soft curves I finally learned the reason for my mother's fear when she came into my bedchamber one night and sat next to me. Her smooth, soft voice explaining the reason for all the years of caution.

"My Dearest," she began. "There beyond the Mystic Mountains in the North country beside the Turquoise Sea in the beautiful but dangerous Kingdom of Amour Chaud (Hot Love) there lives a powerful wizard, Le Grand Celui (The Great One). He is king of all that realm, mighty in magic mysticism, capable of taking whatever he desires, including a lovely young woman such as you. The tale is told that he is capable of changing form, sometimes appearing as an eagle and others as a blue-eyed, white wolf.

He is searching for a queen to share his power and throne and though several have dared to lay claim to his love, none have been able to hold it and have been banished from his kingdom of Amour Chaud forever. Once they have known the powerful love of such a man, they can no longer be content with that of ordinary men and so are destined to spend the rest of their lives alone and bitter. It is said he is seeking a companion of magical qualities and wild inhibitions such as his own and that she must have eyes of green. So you can see why your father and I have so diligently protected you from the outside world, lest you fall into his hands, be possessed by him then discarded as the others, never to again know love or to bear children, our grandchildren! I beg of you, Fleur Rouge, do not cross the boundaries of our kingdom, most especially now that you are a woman, lest we lose you, perhaps forever."

"I promise, Mother, I will stay within our borders, but I would like to have a glimpse of such a powerful man!"

"No, My Child. Even a glimpse is dangerous. It is rumored that he has eyes of blue-volcanic, fiery power so great that when you gaze into them you cannot help but surrender to his lusts."

"I will be careful, Mother, I promise," I assured her, but deep in my heart I longed to look into those eyes of fire.

The days and years passed and I often thought of the great wizard and wondered if he had found his queen. My parents were now in amazement at the mystic abilities that had begun to surface in my life. When visitors came to visit at our palace, I could look into their eyes and tell them of the joys and pains of their lifetime and also at times the future of events to come. Often if one of the servants or even one of the animals was ill, just a touch of my hand and they would be well again. As these abilities began to become strong in me, once again my Mother warned me of Le Grand Celui and the dangers of ever leaving the safety of home at which time I promised once again not to cross the borders of Rêves Doux, being content to dwell there always and yet I could not help but wonder about the Great Wizard and his exotic kingdom of Amour Chaud.

One day I decided to leash Feu Caché and take her for a walk with Ami in the forest. Spring had come to the Mystic Mountains and a warm breeze carried the fragrance of all the many flowers that grew wild in the mountains while the sun shone down his warmth.

After bathing in warm water scented with aromatic oil. I dressed in the long sheer white dress that my father said made me look like a Summer Goddess. The filmy material molded to the full, rounded curves of my bosom and firm hips, the low neckline giving just a hint of the smooth, porcelain skin-pleasures beneath it. My long copper tresses hung loose down my back entwined with a few white wildflowers.

After tying a long length of red ribbon around the muscular neck of my lioness, I sat atop Ami as Cache walked on the ground beside me on the path into the thick forest. After passing through the coolness of tall trees for quite some time, we came to an opening and a meadow of wildflowers as far as the eye could see. Dismounting, I begin to pick a huge bouquet of them all varieties and colors laying them in the skirt of my dress I had folded up to hold them.

In my joy at finding the meadow and my haste to pick the flowers, I dropped the ribbon that held Cache and failed to tie it to Ami's reigns. Cache, wild creature that she was beneath all her assumed tameness saw her opportunity for freedom and bolted swiftly away to the other side of the field. I knew she had crossed the border of my father's kingdom but I couldn't just let her go. Being fed and cared for by humans since her birth she had no idea how to hunt or care for herself in the wild. I had to catch her for her own safety. If I could just get close to her she would come when I called her name. Just this once I would have to break my promise not to leave the borders of Rêves Doux. I would be quick and no one would ever have to know.

After dropping the wildflowers to the ground I ran as swiftly as I could to the other side of the meadow. Cache sat perfectly still as though waiting for me to come and capture her! Her emerald-jeweled eyes flashed with flecks of fire as I called her name and approached her slowly, reaching for the end of the ribbon that trailed beside her.

It was then that I heard the sound of hovering wings and looking behind me I witnessed an amazing sight! A huge winged horse of black had touched down and stood pawing restlessly at the ground. Never before had I seen a creature of such power and beauty and never before such a man as sat upon his back.

He was dressed in black semi armor. The black cape that covered his shoulders flowed gently behind him in the breeze as did his long, sand-colored hair. He was not a large man but his shoulders appeared broad beneath the clothing. His face was ruggedly handsome and of the age to no longer be considered a youth. There was a presence, an aura, about him of power and as I looked up at him seated on the tall winged creature, he looked down at me with the most amazing pair of bright-blue, mesmerizing eyes I had ever looked into. There was a blue fire within them that captured and held the gaze of mine and I could feel the hot blood rushing past my bosom to my face and neck. I dared not speak to him for I knew he must be Le Grand Celui and the instantaneous attraction between us was so strong I knew not whether to run away from him or to him! My heart literally skipped a beat when after a long silence he spoke to me, through his full sensual lips, his voice deep and smooth and with a most hypnotic hint of an unfamiliar, exotic accent.

"So, Enchanting One Of Emerald Eyes, I see you have lost your lioness, but perhaps not, for the real wild creature is inside you."

Deciding that I must speak to him or allow the risk of appearing dumb, I said,
"I am Fluer Rouge, daughter of the king and queen of Rêves Doux."

"Yes I know, I have been watching you from a distance, riding your unicorn and playing with your lioness here in the meadow. I am Le Grand Celui, wizard and king of Amour Chaud. My real name is Vrai Amour (True Love), but you may call me Amour. I called to the lioness and she came to me. I can't cross the border of your kingdom. I couldn't come to you, so I made you come to me. You are unhappy with your life and want to live at last, why don't you take my hand?"

"If I take your hand then what will happen?" I asked.

"We will fly away on my winged horse, Mystique Vol (Mystic Flight), to my Kingdom of Amour Chaud where we will discover if you are the queen for whom I have been searching. I can see the pain in your heart, you want to live. You want a life beyond the one you have known only in dreams."

Looking deeply into his eyes and feeling the bond of soul to soul I began to reveal to him things only he knew, things of past years, past loves and the painful wounds within his heart; and as I spoke of the wounds, a tear like a sparkling diamond fell from one of his azure-jeweled eyes onto my hand that was now touching his. I went on to say,

"People are afraid of you because they can't understand you. They sense the power you have and their hearts are filled with fear, not knowing that it is the intention of your heart to use your power for good, just as I use mine, to heal and enlighten but you have been misunderstood. I also suffer the wounds of those that say the light in my eyes pierces the soul and is evil as well as the power in my hands. I understand you for I see that our souls are alike. You also have an animal side of you, that you keep hidden, revealing it to almost no one for you are frightened of it's great strength and wildness."

His eyes grew wide in surprise and aknowledgment of the truth of my words and he then replied,

"You also, Lovely Fluer Rouge, have an animal side, one you yourself are afraid to face, a lioness within you that claws at the bars of restraint, longing to come out and hunt her prey."

His revelation took my breath away for it was something I had never discussed with anyone, even my mother when she talked to me about the carnal pleasures between women and men. It was my deepest secret that I feared to face or ever divulge to a soul, and he knew what was within me, just as I discerned what was within him.

"So," he remarked when he had regained his composure, "It seems as though we know things about each other no one else has ever known. Will you take my hand and come with me as we fly away toward the sunlight to the land of Amour Chaud. If you are my queen I will give to you anything you ask of me, up to half of my kingdom and the whole of my heart into your hands."

A strange trembling overtook me and a hot fire seemed to sweep over my body causing little beads of sweat to form between my breasts and slide downward. Everything in me wanted to go with him and yet I feared to leave the land of Rêves Doux and all that was familiar to me to enter the kingdom of Amour Chaud with it's unknown challenges and flaming dangers.

"And if," I asked, "I go with you Amour, to your kingdom of Amour Chaud in the frozen North Country and you find that after possessing me, I am not the queen you seek, what then shall become of me?"

The sapphire depths of his longing eyes locked to the emerald ones of mine, sending shivers over my shoulders and down my spine as he said, "Do you really think there is a chance that you are not the one?"

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"No, not a chance," I replied as the strength of his hand clasped the delicacy of mine and he pulled me up into his arms, seated in front of him on the magnificent black winged horse."

"But what of my animals? I can't leave them here in the meadow. And my parents, they will grieve themselves to death not knowing what has become of me?"

Ami had joined us by that time and in her soft whisper she assured me, "Tie Cache to my halter and I will take her home with me, I know the way. I will tell your parents that you have gone with your Amour to the North Country. Go now My Beloved Fluer Rouge and find at last the dream you have only wished for."

"Goodbye My Dear Ami, when I am settled I will send for you and Cache. Goodbye until then!"

Dismounting Mystique Vol, Amour tied the end of the scarlett ribbon to Ami's halter and after a gentle caress of her silver mane, he remounted Vol behind me and reaching around me to hold me securely he grasped the reins whereupon Vol thundered forward a few feet then rose upwards toward the sun.

The thrill of gliding far above the earth, the closeness of his body pressed against my back and the strength of his arms around me filled me with such wonder that I felt I would faint with joy. He said little to me as we flew toward his home but occasionally he would lean forward and lifting my hair away from my neck he placed soft kisses causing my body to tremble against his. As we neared the North Country the air became colder and large white flakes fell gently against us, melting on our hands and lodging in our hair. Amour removed his cape placing it snuggly around my shoulders. It was filled with the clean scent of his skin along with a woodsy fragrance that fueled my desire to be even closer to him without the heavy armor between us.

At last, I saw it at a distance, his castle, nestled in a gap in the snow covered Mountains of L'inconnu (The Unknown). An awe-inspiring dwelling built of smooth stones in a myriad of colors. It stood on a cliff surrounded by large evergreen trees and far below sparkled a placid sea of dazzling, bright turquoise.

"We are here, My Love, this is my castle, our home, Le Désir de Château(Castle Of Desire) and just below is the Turquoise Sea. You see, my queen must possess eyes of green so that symbolically when they are joined with mine of blue they become as the magic turquoise water that surrounds our home."

Vol touched down in front of the castle door and we were met by a man-servant, clothed in fur against the now bitter cold. Amour dismounted and lifting me gently from Vol's back he carried me in his arms through the deep snow to the massive double doors of the castle, while the servant led Vol away, I assumed to a feed of oats and a warm stable.

Inside the huge,main hall a roaring fire burned upon the hearth but Amour did not stop to warm by it, instead carrying me upwards on the massive, winding, stone stairway to the top and kicking an oak door with his booted foot, it opened into the most enchanting room I had ever seen. Spacious with large windows covered in hangings of red velvet and the huge, canopied bed covered and draped with the same. A small table was set in the corner with bread, wine, cheese and fruit. The main focus of the room was a huge fireplace, built of the same smooth colored stones as the castle walls. Within its confines blazed a welcoming hot fire and before its hearth lay thick layers of softest fur coverings.

"I prefer not to waste time eating," Amour said, "But if you are hungry we can eat and have a little wine."

"No I'm not hungry," I replied as he placed me gently on my feet close to the fur coverlets in front of the inviting fire.

"I am hungry, famished to taste of your lips, your skin, the sweet buds of your melon breasts, the softly opening petals of your secret flower and its flowing nectar," He whispered into my ear as he lifted the cape from my shoulders and began to plant little kisses and nips against my neck while his arms reached around my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt the hot fever of desire coursing through my veins as he tenderly began to kiss and nibble at my neck and lifting the neckline of my dress, moved it below my shoulders. His soft, sensual lips and teasing tongue leaving trails of fire over each shoulder and down over the exposed tops of my breasts. My skin warmed and blushed at the flame of his skillful touch.

Pressing my body even closer to his, my hands moved up to the back of his neck into his long unbound hair, entangling themselves in its sweet-smelling softness. At last his lips found mine, tenderly tasting of first the upper, then pulling the pout of the lower between his lips with a gentle suck. His azure eyes locked with my verdant ones in a gaze so deep and melting that my heart skipped beating then his lips covered mine fully as they opened and his tongue moved slowly sensually against mine in a dance of passion. More kisses of flame fell on the tops of my breasts that by this time were swollen with desire and aching to feel his touch against their hardened rose buds.

His hands reached behind my waist and unlaced the cumberbund that cinched my dress at the waistline, it fell softly to the floor, followed shortly by the filmy white dress lying in a puddle around my ankles. I stepped out of the pool of white cloth and out of my slippers. Leaving me wearing only ribbon garters, stockings and a bit of white lace covering my most secret place. I had never stood naked before a man before and thought I would be shy but I burned to have him touch and pleasure every inch of my hot skin just as I wanted to touch, kiss and pleasure his.

With his hands on my waist he stepped back slightly to admire the beauty that awaited him. Porcelain ivory skin, long legs enclosed in sheer stockings and roundness of breasts already swollen with pleasure. Impatient to have flesh against flesh, I tugged at the armored jacket and he turned his back to me for me to unbuckle the clasps that held it. My hands worked quickly and pulling it off he cast it aside. My hands ran up and down under the linen shirt, long nails plowing small, gentle furrows in the hot flesh of his broad shoulders and his back.

He turned once again to face me our eyes meeting with flames of undisguised lust. He slipped the linen shirt off over his head, revealing the beauty of his hard sculpted chest to my view. I ran my fingers lightly, teasingly over the curves lingering against his nipples teasing, pinching them to hardness. His scent was so magnetic, clean and woodsy and I longed to taste of his bare flesh. My lips and tongue moved slowly, delibertly over the masculine terrain before me, trails of fire against his breasts. As I kissed, sucked and nipped at his hard nipples, soft moans began to escape from him as he entangled both his hands in my hair and pushed my head closer against his chest.

Pulling me up to his mouth while his hands moved up and down the contours of my back, he began a kiss so deep, so probing that it made me feel faint as our breath and very souls seemed to mingle while the full softness of my naked breasts pressed tightly against the hard strength of his masculine chest. The sensation of so much flesh against hot flesh set me on fire with desire. My whole body trembled, buds of my breasts swelled to the point that they felt as if they would explode with flames as I felt the white lace that covered the gate of heaven become moist with the dew of love. Slowly I moved my breasts against his chest the buds hard against his skin, the pleasure exquisite for me and apparently so for him as he moaned out his approval with my name.

His hands moved slowly to the sides of my waist and gradually upward until the palms pushed against the hard nipples of my fevered mounds causing a gasp of pleasure to leave my lips as my back arched and pushed them deeper into the palms of his hands. I grasped his hair and pushed his head down toward my breasts that ached to be surrounded by the wet warmth of his mouth. His lips kissed and tongue caressed each nipple as his hands moved into the back of my hair grasping it and pulling my head backward slightly, causing my body to arch again and push my breasts toward him. I moaned with pleasure and the aching pain of wanting to feel them inside his mouth but he repeatedly moved his tongue just lightly against each bud until I screamed out his name begging him for release. His mouth closed over one breast, pulling it deeply within, suckling as his tongue continued to move against the nipple while his other hand moved to the other breast, firmly massaging it and rolling, pinching the hard nipple between his finger and thumb.

My hand moved down against the laces that covered his hardness and after skillfully unlacing them, I slipped my hand over his well-hardened, thick manhood. He moved back briefly and removed his boots and the clothing giving me a complete view of the masculine beauty of his muscular body and aroused manhood. As he stepped close to me once again and we kissed deeply my hands moved over his chest and down his hard stomach, to the place of his throbbing need. My fingers closed over and began to move slowly, firmly, up and down, pulling his hardness out and up toward me.

I knelt down and with my hands still surrounding his hardness, began to kiss and nip at the strong towers of his thighs. Moans became louder as my lips caressed his manhood, my tongue moving up one side and down the other then slowly in slight circles over the wetness of the head before finally taking as much of him as I could hold deep within my mouth. The red silk of my hair fell against his trembling thighs as my mouth moved against him and soon his hips began to move and pushing my head hard against him, he roared out his release as the warm cream of his essence filled my mouth more than once.

He kneeled down beside me on the fur coverlets and pulled me into the circle of his arms as once again his lips and tongue caressed the sweet heat of breasts and buds then pushing me gently backwards on the fur he untied each ribbon garter then slipped off the stockings from the long, satin length of both legs and then the lace covering that was now the only barrier between us and paradise. His cool hands moved slowly up and down my thighs followed by the wet warmth of his tongue, as he gently moved my thighs apart and his mouth moved up into the soft red down between them.

The scent of our bare skin mingling with musk as he found the soft petals of love's secret flower then pushing them gently apart with his thumbs, he begin to kiss first one lip then the other and as I moaned out his name, my hips beginning to move in circles, his tongue found passion's most treasured jewel. My hands grasped his rippling shoulders as the nails dug in.

The soft warmth of his tongue moved in circles and then in sharp, hard licks alternating with dipping deeply into the well of my passion. I was going insane with hot pleasure and then his lips pulled the bud of love into his mouth where it was sucked like a succulent ripe berry. I pushed his head down hard against the pleasured spot as I screamed out his name in total abandonment and the fountain of my hot wine of love flowed freely to quench his great thirst.

Afterward I pulled him up to kiss his lips, the taste of passion's sweet wine still upon them as my body writhed in waves of ecstasy and he whispered in my ear,

"Yes, that's it, the lioness the hidden animal beneath. Let her come out, My Love, become the lioness as I become the mighty lion!"

He pulled me up onto my knees, my body still moving with the hot pleasure of the last wave of ecstasy. He moved behind me and I felt the heat of his body covering my back as I spread my legs wide and his hard sword of fire entered my woman sheath, all the way to the hilt, causing us both to gasp with the pleasure of such heat. As he began to thrust forward harder and deeper my body thrust backward against him, matching his movements as with one hand he rolled and pinched the nipple of one of my breasts and with the other caressed the pearl of passion. His pulsating hardness filled me until it felt that I would implode as wave after wave of pleasure rocked our bodies and I felt the heat of my love potion covering and quenching his hard sword of fire, just as the warmth of his liquid love exploded deep within me.

He pulled me over into the soft fur next to him spooning against my back, kissing my neck tenderly as his hands cradled my breasts, while our bodies gradually came down from the heights of star sailing pleasure.

When once again we could breathe normally he nuzzled my neck and whispered, "Will you be my queen?"

"Perhaps. And what shall you give me if I consent to be your queen?"

"The whole of my heart to hold forever and up to half of my kingdom. So what do you wish for, My Red Flower?"

"I want you to do it all again!"

And he did, as often as I wanted and we lived happily, hotly ever after.