Have Fun With Your Partner- Tips & Ideas

One of the most important things in a relationship is to have fun! Listed below, you will find a few ideas to add a little fun to your relationship.

Did you ever go camping when you were young? Remember the feeling of freedom and of sleeping out doors? Get away this weekend, even if it is in your own back yard. Pitch a tent and sleep under the stars. And see if you can spot the different constellations.

Play Twister together and get all tangled up. If you're in the mood for fun, this game is a classic. Clear some space on the floor, put on some up beat music and see where the night takes you.

Have a water fight with toy guns from Toys R Us. Another great idea is to visit your local toy store and buy some high powered water pistols and soak each other in a water fight. This could be done anywhere, around the apartment complex, home, back yard or in the local park.

Pack up some sandwiches and go to the local park to watch the people there. Make up stories about each person and their life as they walk by. See how creative you can get!

For an unusual date, set a theme from your favorite movie and act it out. One example of this is to start the date by sending your love a "Mission Impossible" like tape and make it her mission to find you. If you have a little time to plan this, go to different stores and purchase some gifts for your love. Have each clue lead them to a different place and have the store manager give them the gift, along with the next clue.

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Go to a Karaoke bar and sing a duet together. Pick an old romantic favorite or a modern tune and sing the night away!

If you can spare the cash, set a budget and go to the nearest airport. When you get there, take the first flight out that you can get. It doesn't matter where the flight is going just jump on the plane and go. When you get there, explore the local area and have fun.

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