Give A Rebus Love Poem

To many people writing a love poem can feel like a daunting task. With a few creative supplies, and a great idea, you will find that it's not quite as unbearable as you may have thought.

You've heard the saying "pictures say a thousand words." Use this to your benefit and create a rebus love poem for your sweetheart. (for those who do not know what a Rebus Poem is, here is the answer: "A rebus is a code or reference where pictures, letters, or symbols represent certain words or phrases" source: )

Start collecting different pictures you can use. The following sources are excellent things to look for:

  • stickers
  • stamps & ink
  • magazine clippings
  • newspaper clippings

Once you've collected enough "pictures," you can start making your rebus poem. Remember, the entire poem doesn't need to be from pictures. You can do something like this as well:

You can make your rebus love poem even more unique by the paper you choose. Newspaper, colored file folders, posters and card stock are just a few ideas. Think about what emotion you want your partner to feel when they read it and go from there!

Here are a few ideas to begin with:


Homemade Card
Take a piece of construction paper and fold it in half. Write a short sentiment using your pictures on the front like "I love you!" On the inside create your rebus poem.

Huge Token
Purchase a presentation board from an office supply store. Decorate the outside of it. On the inside write your rebus love poem.

Elegant Sentiment
Your local craft store should have a memory book section. Within the section you will find many various styles of "decorated" papers. Purchase a few and create your rebus love poem on paper.

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