For The Love of Botany- Nonhuman Sex Story by Salty Vixen (chapter 1)

Sarah couldn't wait to find out about the new botanical project Mr. Sanchez had asked her to work on. She quickly ran down the hallways towards the laboratory deliberately ignoring the stares of her males co workers. She knew why they watched. It wasn't everyday a tan brunette beauty in a short skirt ran down the hallway each step exposing more and more of her beautiful thighs, and causing her 34c tits to bounce.

She liked their attention and frequently went home and enjoyed secret fantasies of some of her co workers fucking her virgin cunt. She never had had sex though or even a relationship, because for her, her work had always been first. Finally she arrived at the labs massive double doors. She entered her security code and watched the doors slide open with a small woosh.

She walked through and heard the doors close and lock behind her. The lab was totally dark except to a chair in the middle of the lab floor where experiments took place. Next to it were some ropes. Curious, Sarah walked towards the chair. As soon as she passed the last set of computers she knew something was wrong. Suddenly, a large strong hand closed over her left wrist and another clamped her right wrist. She screamed as she was pushed forward towards the chair. She was pulled down onto the mans lap as he sat. She heard him laugh as she kicked at him unsuccessfully. She recognized it! It was Mr. Sanchez.

"Hello Sarah, I'm so glad you decided to come. I wanted to show you my special plant." She screamed again and realized no one could hear her through the sound proofed doors. Not that it would matter. No one was here anyway she realized. Mr. Sanchez cruelly gripped both her hands in his massive right hand. He picked up something off the ground. The rope, Sarah realized. The new revelation brought her too sobs. "Please, don't don't hurt me," she said through her tears. He wrapped the rope around her shaking wrists, the rough surface cutting into her beautiful skin. He lifted her hands above her and attached them to a hook she had not realized was there. She kicked furiously again this time almost succeeding in knocking the chair over. She was stopped by a painful punch to the back of the head. She almost lost conciousness and felt her head spin in pain.

"Don't struggle, or it will only get worse." Mr. Sanchez said. "This should turn out to be quite pleasurable to you", he continued. Now Sarah's head shot up with the sudden realization that he wasn't going to beat her, kill her, or kidnap her. She was going to be raped.

With this sudden realization she screamed, "NO!! Please Mr. Sanchez anything but that." He chuckled evilly behind her as he bound her legs to the chair. Sarah began to sob again as she realized she was completely helpless. She felt his hands began to run up her waist to her chest. She sobbed as he began to knead them painful and slow. She groaned as he pinched her untouched nipples and twirled and spun them between her fingers. Horrified that she was experiencing pleasure in all of this she began to cry again. She felt his hot quick breathing on her neck as he lowered his head and began to lick her ear and kiss her neck.

"Please" she weakly moaned. His hands ran down to her waist again this time pulling her shirt up and out of her skirt where it had been tucked away. His hot hands ran slowly squeezing rubbing up to her tanned tits, where they began to pinch and play again. This time the heat and touch of his hands to her bare tits brought an uncontrollable moan of pleasure to her lips. No no, I won't enjoy this she screamed to herself.

He chuckled again as he played with her hard nipples. "You'll be having a lot more fun in a little bit, don't you worry," she heard him say. Suddenly his hands ran back down her body to her skirt which he began to pull away. The buttons popped free quickly and easily. No she screamed inside her head. Its over she thought. He's going to rape me and kill me or something. Instead he threw her skirt to the side. He ripped the shirt from her tearing it down her beautiful back. She now only had her panties to protect her from this bastard.

"Now, I want you to meet that plant I originally had you come to study." With that he reached in his back pocket and pulled something out. She heard a click and a mechanical groan as the ground in front of her slid away to reveal a dark pit. A smell like that of her cunt juices after she masturbated wafted up to her nose. It filled the room scenting everything of sex. Then she heard a faint rustle as a long vine like tentacle appeared at the edge of the pit and moved outward in circles gradually homing in on where she sat.

"This is the only plant of its type," she heard Sanchez whisper in her ear. "It feeds on female orgasms." He laughed again as she gazed wide eyed at the approaching tentacle. Could it really be? No, he must be joking no plant ever fed on sexual activity. But then again why hadn't he raped her and gone through all the trouble just to get her here. She began to believe that it actually might.

When the tentacle got within a foot of her it shot forward with amazing speed between her spread thighs. It paused for a moment right in front of her pussy which was still hidden behind her white panties. Then it retracted and ran back to a silver pole that ran from roof to floor. It wrapped around. As it did 3 more appeared each wrapping around the pole.

Read this hot story:
I'm your boss, Bitch! A Bondage Sex Story by Salty Vixen

Then Sarah watched in horror as they began to obviously strain. The rustling sound returned again causing chills to run down Sarah's spine. Suddenly the sounds source appeared at the pits edge. A plant with a massive bud appeared and began to move towards her. It stood about 7 ft tall without counting the bud. The bud itself was about 14inches long and 5 inches wide. As it grew nearer to her the tentacles shot forward and grasped her legs using her to pull it closer. 2 tentacles shot out and replaced Sanchez's hands on her tits. They

ran around each of them gently squeezing rubbing and releasing. Two suction cups on the ends of each tentacle fastened on her nipples. The slow wet sucking was amazing. Despite her horror she felt pleasure and excitement growing. Then another tentacle shot out and ran up her thigh to the edge of her panties. It pushed inside and back out again on the other side. Suddenly with a small flick of the tentacle her panties were ripped from her body and sent flying across the room. She was now totally exposed to Sanchez and the plant if you could call it that.

The massive bud opened exposing a long cock like pistol dripping with wetness. The sight suddenly brought her back to her senses," No, Sanchez please please don't let it do this. I'll do anything!"

He laughed at her pleas and said," Well since its taking care of your tits and cunny Ill cover the backdoor. The thing moved directly between her legs its massive leaves leaving a satin like feeling on her naked thighs. Finally the tip of its pistol pressed against her naked tight cunt lips and began to push inside. After one inch it seemed it wouldn't go in any further so it eased back out and slid back in. 2inches. It repeated the stroking motion. 3inches.

She heard a noise and realized Mr. Sanchez was unzipping his pants. He lifted her tight soft easily and lowered her on his massive cock head aimed right at her puckered virgin anus. Then he gripped her thighs and forced her down hard on it. Pain shot through her body and when she opened her mouth to scream a dripping tentacle pushed its way inside fastening around her tongue. Sanchez bucked again forcing more of his cock inside of her tortured hole. He began to steadily buck at a strong pace.

Meanwhile the plant had broken through her cherry and was buried about 10 inches inside her hot cunt. The steady stroking in and out of her cunt and the sucking on her tits and tongue felt amazing. Sarah had resigned her self to her shame and was accepting everything without resistance. Even her anal rape was beginning to add to the already building pleasure in her cunt. The steady thumping of the plant against her mound and Sanchez steady fucking of her ass were amazingly good.

She began to realize she loved every sound, every twitch of the two cocks inside her. Her cunt and anus were spasming on the cocks gripping and twitching adding to their pleasure. She heard Sanchez groan as he released a hot shooting load of cum into her ass. The feeling was amazing and she realized she was moaning and begging for it through the tentacle in her mouth. The plant continued to force its way inside her, its cock now buried in her womb. The stroking of the cock on her clit and twitching wet pussy lips was beginning to cause her to near her orgasm. She felt the familiar feeling of pleasure building finally she could contain it no longer and screamed through her tentacle as her body spasmed and twitched gyrating on the two cocks.

Suddenly a sucking began inside her cunt drinking up all the juices her orgasm released. It brought her back from her relaxed state to a more lustful one. The plant eagerly rammed farther inside of her sucking more of her juices inside it. The sucking pulled and released on her clit and sensitive cunt walls causing her to scream as another orgasm hit her. Mr. Sanchez was hardened again and her screams caused him to eagerly fuck back into her ass. He pulled the tentacle out of her mouth and let her talk.

"So how do you feel now Sarah?"

She could only reply with another moan as the sucking and fucking continued. Finally she began to beg for more. "Fuck me Sanchez, fuck me you damn plant, I want ohhhhh I want more ahhhhh moreeeee!"

All fourteen inches were now buried in her of the plant's massive cock. It continued to move steadily in and out of her now stretched cunt lips. Sanchez began to groan as he neared his orgasm. Her tight hot gripping asshole was too much. He clenched her thighs and screamed as he came inside of her filling her asshole with his sticky seed.

"Well, Sarah, I guess I better be going home, the wife is waiting ya know," he said as he pulled his limp cock out of her ass. He slid out from under her and zipped his pants up.

"What about me?" Sarah screamed. Although she liked the fucking for one night, she had family and friends. "Oh yes.... I'll let the plant have you for awhile longer, hah...oh by the way in case you get hungry between the fuckings, you can eat the fruit that they bear after each orgasm."

He unhooked her as she orgasmed and began to spasm again and untied her ankles. Then lifting her from the plant, he dropped her into the pit. The plant eagerly followed. Then he closed the door thinking that maybe he should check on his employee and her plant again soon. God he loved botany!