
Ahh, stories, I have a story to tell.  The story of my first childe, the one who persuaded me to make others like me...sit back and listen, listen to the words of an immortal my dear, and learn. 

The rain came down cool through the window to kiss the bare pallor of my well-fed body, and as the moonlight caressed every inch of his form, he stared at me.   I could tell...this time, just once, I was the prey.

I tugged on the chains that bound me, not caring much if I could break see, I was staring at my beautiful captor.  His body moved like steel coils of muscle under golden satin skin.  His sharp, sparkling oriental eyes glistened from across the lavish room, calling to me without ever saying a word. 

I could almost swear that my long silent and cold heart beat once more with the warmth of life.  I trembled and grasped at my collar, pulling hard, the metal scraping my skin.  The form of my strange captor approached swiftly, raven waves of shining hair flowing behind him.  A gentle warm hand reached out for mine that was like ice.  “Don’t.”

I looked at him astounded and insulted.  This...mortal, this mere man would dare keep me here a prisoner without explanation, and then order me like some slave.  “Don’t?” I spat, “Don’t?  Do you have any idea to whom you speak?  You are nothing and you have no right to treat me this way.  Let me go!  You have no idea what you hold, set me free, and no harm will come to you.”

He laughed at me.  Of all the nerve, this midnight dinner would dare to laugh at me.  I was enraged.  I thought my offer fair and he a fool for not taking it.  “You’re laughing?”

“Yes sweet Aisling, I am.  I am not ignorant, I know precisely what you are, and that is why I have brought you here.  You will give me what I want.”

My head was spinning with confusion.  Could he really know?  I cocked my head to the side and inquired with an insolent smile “I haven’t the slightest idea of what you want Sir...”

“IMMORTALITY!!” He bellowed and I was greatly taken aback.  “Immortality is the one thing that I do not have and you can give it to me, vampire.”

I found the mortal charming now and was slightly amused at his cleverness.  And even so, my own arrogance was an itch to scratch.  I could not let it rest.  “So, you do know me?”  I asked with a catty grin.  “Very well, I do not deny myself, I am what you say I am, and I have what you want.  Now mortal,” I purred the word, elongating every syllable to watch him squirm, “the question is, will I give it to you?”  I could see his anger building and I allowed myself a true smile.  You see, I adore games.

“You are in no position to argue WILL give me what I want.”

I was purring at this sign of emotion.  I loved to watch mortals hit their emotional heights and then turn them completely around.  “How do you know I can’t escape?  How do you know you have me held prisoner?  Could it be that I simply choose to stay here with you?  Tell me, my dear captor, what is your name?”  I could even smell the almost immediate change in attitude, the elation emanating from this beauty thrilled me.  I had won and he would think he had.  Either way, everyone would be happy, so there were certainly no losers.

Read this hot story:
Night Lovers

“Kitsuo, Yamashi Kitsuo.”  He knelt searching my eyes.  He was pleading now.  I could tell and he didn’t have to say a word.  On a whim I leaned forward to kiss my beautiful Kitsuo and my body thrilled to feel his warm lips shuddering against mine.  “Aisling...please.”

This mortal was begging me, I could barely contain my joy.  I was in chains and he was begging me.  I shifted my naked body on the bed and rattled the metal gleaming chains.  “You have to unchain me...”

Kitsuo stared for a long moment.  “No,”  He smiled, “you will remain.”  I could not help but to laugh.  I could see how very obviously anxious he was.  “Kitsuo,” I whispered as I arched my body rising above the bed like mists over the still waters of the night.  “Come to me...set us both free.”

I laughed inside.  The purest joy was knowing the touch of a mortal and something told me that his obsession made Kitsuo feel the same for me. 

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His body shook visibly.  Deep breaths making his waiting lips part.  Under his kimono, his flesh was rising, brushing against the silk with anticipation.  He fell on his shaking knees and I thought he was going to faint.

I decided to play with him a little more, thinking I could possibly get him to unchain me if I could intimidate him just a bit.  I bore fangs and tossed my head, thrusting my body in his direction.  To my surprise, he was only more enticed, and I watched, feeling anticipation now rise within me, as his beautiful trembling hands tossed off the fluttering silk of his kimono, and he slowly moved over me.  My breasts heaved as I began to quietly gasp, arching with all my strength, I tried to move, but was helpless.  We kissed then, like long lost lovers, found once more.  I cried tears of blood as the beauty pleasured my body in the ways of his innocent explorings.  When he kissed the tears away, I felt the chains loosen, and I knew he was mine. 

I broke free and pinned the handsome youth on his back.  He was shuddering and afraid and in that moment I decided to give him what he wanted.  I straddled his hips and drove him deep into my waiting body, my inner muscles grasping his hard flesh.  My tears of fell to his lips as my head lowered and I gave him my immortal kiss.  His blood filled me and when he was dead, my tears alone were enough to wake him.  He drank of my flowing tears and has walked this earth with me ever since.  I have never had any regrets.

Now child, do you see?  Do you really want this?  Forever does mean, if you’ll just unchain me...

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