
"How could you even think about leaving ME! I have given up my whole life just to be with you! And you just..." Annalyn sobbed, no longer able to hold back her tears she covered her hands with her face and let them fall. Darwin couldn't look at her anymore. It was tearing him up inside to see Annalyn like this. But he had to go on with his life, without her.

 "Annalyn, we had fun...we were really good together and I liked you, but I have to think about my own future too. I have a business to think about now and I just don't have the time for a serious relationship right now," Darwin said.

 Annalyn looked up at him through red, tear drenched eyes... "Oh, right, I'm a liability to you now. You certainly don't need someone like me holding you the fuc* down." Annalyn screamed as she grabbed a vase beside her and threw it at Darwin's face. Darwin ducked out the way and looked up to see Annalyn running to her bedroom.

"Annalyn, please wait! I didn't mean it like that!" Darwin said.

 "Get OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" Annalyn yelled as she slammed the bedroom door behind her.

Darwin stood there for some time staring at the door. He starts to think back to the time when he first saw Annalyn, two years ago. He was in a business luncheon in a California bar when he noticed this beautiful phillippino looking up at him from the other end of the table. He was a decent looking guy, mid-thirty's and saw himself as quite handsome, but was surprised he was getting attention from such an exotic and attractive young women. Well, he knew better than to pass up good fortune and walked up to her and offered to buy her a drink. After a couple of rounds of drink and small talk, Annalyn told him she was a Clinical Hypnotist and had a practice in the area, and always came here after work and wouldn't mind some company. They continued to talk and hit it off really well. After a couple of months, she even left her life in California and moved out with him to Atlanta to be with him. And that's when things between the couple became strained. Annalyn felt pressure from her decision to leave everything she had to be with him. She was constantly arguing with Darwin. She didn't know if she made a good career choice and was constantly possessive of Darwin and his time. Always asking him where he's been, who he's been out with, why did he come home late again. He was tired of her possessiveness and he had now convinced himself that he had done the right thing by leaving her and he could now get on with his life. He has another person in his life that can make him happy, he thought to himself...and it's time Annalyn found someone else too. Darwin turned to the front door and left, slamming the door behind him to let her know he was gone.

Annalyn spent the next hour softly crying to herself. She knew she made a mistake thinking he was the "one". It felt right at the time, but as time went on, she realized how he was spending less and less time with her...and more time doing late night projects. Projects that were 5'10" and big breasted. She had thought she could change him, but now knows it was hopeless from the start. But as much as she did like Darwin, she liked their lifestyle even more. She was used to working 40-50 hour a week shifts in California before she met Darwin. And now with him she still works, but for pleasure. She can buy whatever she wanted because of him and his money. She was used to this lifestyle now and wanted to keep it. She doesn't want to imagine what it would be like without him and his money around. She had to get him back now; anyway she could...no matter how unethical the methods are.

 Darwin returned to his home only to receive a call a few minutes after settling down.


"Darwin, it's me Annalyn. Please don't hang up."

"Annalyn, why are you..."

"I want to apologize for what happened today. You caught me off guard because I really thought we were good together. But if our relationship must end, I don't want my last memory of you to be seeing you duck from me trying to hit you with a vase. Do you think we can have one last dinner  together...and at least end it on a good note?" Annnalyn cringed inside, hoping that she sounded sincere.

"You know, I think that would be a really good idea. I feel really bad about the way we ended things. Yes, I would like to go out."

"Great, pick me up in about 2 hours if that's alright with you."

"Consider it done."

Darwin hung up the phone and went for a shower. He thought to himself how suprising it was that Annalyn changed the way she felt so quickly. She usually will stay mad for days and not change her mind about anything. But if she was willing to make peace and possibly still be friends, then so was he.


 "Good Evening Darwin," was the greeting that Darwin received as Annalyn opened her door. Darwin took his time to look over Annalyn. Annalyn was tall, at least 5'8", just 2 inches shorter than Darwin. She was very lean with a dancer's body and full, large, firm breasts. Her long, dark, lustrous hair framed an achingly beautiful, exotic, phillippino face. Annalyn's eyes were very large and compelling. Her legs were muscular and very, very long.

     She was dressed in an expensive business suit, a dark jacket and a matching skirt that was both professional and sensual, accentuating just the right amount of those long sexy legs. Darwin noticed that Annalyn didn't even try to button the top buttons on her blouse, revealing to him a good view of her full firm breasts and Annalyn's long slender neck. She wore dark stockings and high, red heels. In one word she was stunning!

     "Won't you come inside for a second, maybe we can talk a little and have a couple of drinks before we leave?" Annalyn said, opening the door wider.

     "Sure, I'd like that." Darwin said as he walked into her apartment.

    Annalyn closed the door and looked up into Darwin's face. Specifically into his eyes. You can tell a person's true self by looking in their eyes she had been told. And all that Annalyn saw in Darwin's was contempt and pity...pity for her no doubt. She could sense it and it offended her. If she had any second thoughts about what she was going to do to him, they were all but done away with now. "So I hope your business is going well yes?" Annalyn asked.

     "Yeah, I hope to have enough soon to start expanding internationally soon." While Darwin was talking, he was stealing glances at Annalyn's chest and his eyes kept drifting towards a crystal pendant that hung from Annalyn's necklace. Annalyn noticed him staring at this and smiled, as if to say "gotcha".

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     "I see you noticed my new pendant I bought today. It is lovely isn't it. I saw it in the jewelry store today and I knew I had to have it. Its just so beautiful to look at and it feels so cool against my skin. Here, take a closer look at it. Isn't it beautiful?' Annalyn leaned a bit closer to Darwin now. She began to slowly run her fingers along her neck and down to her chest. Her fingernails were painted and polished to a deep rich red luster. She ran them slowly up and down her necklace.

     "It's very lovely, Annalyn."

     Darwin couldn't understand why Annalyn was doing this. But he found his eyes being drawn to her pendant as her fingers moved up and down so rhythmically as she spoke. There was something so sexy about what she was doing that made him feel funny somehow. Annalyn then took one of her hands and placed it in Darwin's own.

     Just look into my pendant, hon, and hold my hand...all that exists for you is my pendant, my voice and my hand...listen to me...look into my pendant...feel my hand...so warm...so soft...hold it tighter....tighter...don't let go, Darwin... deeper darling...look deeper....deeper...deeper"

     Darwin's attention was fixed on the cool feel of her hand and the beautiful, hypnotic crystal pendant dangling before his eyes now. And he also noticed that Annalyn's voice had changed too. It seemed to be coming from far away, yet it sounded so soothing and relaxing.

     "Hold me tighter Darwin...don't let go...you mustn't let go...no matter how hard you try...you can't let go...so tight...holding on to my hand tighter and tighter...just following my instructions...looking deep into my pendant...listening to my soooothing voice so deeply...so deeply now...holding soooooo tightly. You can't let go now...you CAN'T let go because I don't want you to...because I tell you not to let go...even if you try to let go you will have to hold on even tighter...because that is what I want... you can't let go darling..."

     Annalyn was looking into Darwin's eyes now as Darwin now sensed something was very wrong with this situation. He tried hard to move his hand away, move his eyes away...anything to break the spell Annalyn was so skillfully weaving but much to the Annalyn's delight Darwin's grip slackened and then quickly tightened and remained firmly in Annalyn's hand. Annalyn again smiled to herself.

     "Very good Darwin. I am very pleased with you. So very, very pleased. You will be able to now see a glow coming from the center of the pendant if you just relax and look deeply into the center. That's right, relax and concentrate on the pendant and you will see even more of the glow. You want to see it now. Nothing else matters except looking at the pendant and the glow. Nothing matters...nothing matters...nothing...nothing but the pendant and my voice now...nothing but the pendant and my voice now. Watch and listen...watch and listen...and notice how important my voice is becoming to you now...let my voice wash over you...wash over you...and it feels soooooo good. Feels soooo goood. Soooooo ssooothing and rreeelaaxing as you watch the pendant...moving back and forth...back and forth...back and forth on it's slow journey...back and forth." Darwin seemed to be frozen in his spot. He couldn't move nor stop watching the pendants back and forth motion. He felt compelled to watch its movement. Darwin doesn't know why but he now found Annalyn's voice intoxicating. He wanted to listen to her voice forever.

 "You feel so relaxed now. So very, veeerrry relaxed. Just watching my pendant, concentrating on the glow from my pendant. Listening to my voice. Listening to my soft, sooothiing voice. Nothing else matters to you now. Just watching and listening...watching and listening to me...listening to me and relaxing...just relax and feel all your cares floating away now...floating...floating away now...far...far...away. You are feeling so peaceful now...so relaxed...that you feel your mind slowing down...slowing down...till you are thinking of nothing now...thinking of nothing...nothing. All that fills your conscious is the pendant and my voice...nothing else enters your conscious...nothing...nothing." Darwin had no thoughts or cares now. He seemed to be just floating away and he couldn't snap out of it. He couldn't fight any longer.

"Darwin, darling...as you continue to look deep into the pendant you know that most of all you want to obey me...not to resist my commands...let my thoughts become your thoughts now...my thoughts...becoming your thoughts now. Obeying each and every order I give to you...you must obey me, darling...obey me...obey...obey...you must obey...nod your head if you understand..."

Darwin nodded, without hesitation, "I must obey," he thought to himself. It felt good to him to have such simplicity in his thoughts again...finally!

Annalyn kept talking in her most soothing voice. "Darwin...just keep relaxing...let me have control...don't try to resist...you want me to be in command...you want to obey my commands...you want to obey me. You must obey me because you love the way I'm making you feel...you love the sound of my voice...the soothiing sound of my voice...and you love me. You love me and want to please me sssooo much. You want to please me sssooo much now that you will do anything for me. You will do anything for me now. You know that there is no need to resist me...no need to resist me...because you love the way I'm making you feel. That's all that matters to you...to keep enjoying the feeling of total relaxation and surrender. Total surrender and you love this feeling of surrendering to me. Surrender to me and relax into total and complete submission...submission to me and my desires. My will is your will now. My will is your will now and you love my control of you. You want me to control you. You NEED me to control you because it feels ssooo good. It feels so good. You want to obey me. You want to obey Annalyn. Annalyn. You want to only obey Annalyn. You know this is true...it's true. Tell me now who you want to obey...who you will always obey. Who now owns you...tell me."


If you ever visited the newly married Darwin and Annalyn Williams, you would notice how happy they seem to be. And you couldn't help but notice how Darwin always seems to be so gracious and willing to do almost anything for his wife at anytime. And the way Annalyn is dressed nowadays...always in high-class expensive clothes. Nothing less would satisfy her. People have commented to her how they would kill to have a husband like Darwin. Annalyn always smiles at that statement. If only they knew the truth..

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