Elvyra’s Web: Part Four: Deeper Still

Becky had left the house by the time Michael woke up from sleep. his dreams had presented him with images that frightened him. he had seen himself as a feminized slave to his wife, and in his dream he was not merely a crossdressed male – but a full-fledged shemale with large breasts and a hard cock – AND, he was a slave!

As Michael contemplated the dream and the events of yesterday, he got ready for the day. he showered – shaved – everything, except for that little patch the Mistress insisted remain. he skipped breakfast (had to watch his weight for some reason) – and then he slipped on a fresh pair of panties, a garter, black stockings, a bra – and concealed it all with a white shirt and a tan pair of slacks.

It wasn’t until he was in the car and nearly at work that he realized his underwear was feminine. he scratched an itch on his tit and felt the bra. “GOD!”, he thought – “i’m fading in and out of something weird!” he didn’t even remember having put on the feminine finery.

At a stoplight he adjusted the inside mirror to get a better look at himself. One could clearly see the black bra through the thin material of his white shirt. “What if i had gone into WORK like this?”, he wondered in panic. “i’d have been FIRED!”


Michael knew what he had to do. he had to go back to Elvyra’s Web to straighten this whole mess out. he’d do anything to have her break this ridiculous spell she placed on him.


“Come IN, my little pet”, the Mistress cooed as Michael stepped through her door – “I’ve been expecting you.”

“What have you DONE to me?”, Michael whined. “i’m wearing panties and girl stuff under my clothes. You have me doing things – things i don’t WANT to be doing. i don’t even realize i’m DOING these crazy, perverted things!!” he said in disgust.

“you’re only doing what you WANTED to do, Michael darling – what you begged me to MAKE you do”, Elvyra said with a wicked smile.

“i didn’t ask for this!”, Michael returned.

“But you DID!”, countered the Mistress. “Look at this!”

In her hand she was holding a video control with which she turned on a television. Within a second a tape of Michael’s last visit was being replayed on TV. He watched the replay of the Mistress luring him into deep hypnosis


What Michael saw on the screen was intriguing. The Mistress said, “ONE” and Michael had slumped into his seat. Then she continued:

“Answer me, Michael – what is your most wicked fantasy.”

“i want to be a slave – a sexy slave”, Michael said oh, so softly.

“Are you a boy slave or a girl slave, Michael?”, the Mistress asked.

Pausing a second, Michael said – “girl slave”

“you WANT to be a girl slave – a slutty slave. SAY it – say it LOUDLY, Michael”, Mistress had said as she towered over her hypnotized subject.

“i want to be a girl slave, Mistress – a SLUT!”

“Say it AGAIN, slave – like a GIRL!”

Michael’s voice went to falseto and he said: “make me a GIRL, Mistress. PLEASE make me a slut!””

“And a slut you shall be, my little slave”, the Mistress told him. “Do you have any limitations, Michael?”

“i don’t want Becky to find out – i don’t want her to know – i -i – i don’t want”

“SHUSH, Michael!”, Elvyra cooed – “you want only what I want – I’m going to turn your fantasy into reality. you are my slave! you wanted to be my slave! you begged to be my slave. TELL me, Michael – what are you?”

“i am your slave, Mistress”, Michael softly whispered.

“YES, Michael. you are my SLAVE! you have no will of your own – no thoughts except the ones I allow – you are a SLAVE, Michael – MY slave. SAY IT! SAY IT, slave!”

“i am your slave, Mistress”, Michael mindlessly recited.

“you want your wife to find out – you want the world to know that you are a pansy – my sissy boy”

“i am a sissy boy,” Michael repeated–

“THAT’S right, sissy! Sissies suck COCK, Michael – manly cock. Feel your mouth water, Michael, as you think about a man’s cock. Feel it slide into your waiting mouth – unable to stop – unable to do anything but what I command. sissies suck cock, Michael. YOU suck cock”

Michael licked his lips as his mind absorbed all the Mistress’ instructions — he found himself licking his lips once again as he watched the screen to see himself being taken down into a deep state of hypnosis. he was instructed to go from there to a mall, and to shop for the clothes he had brought home to Becky. he was to inform the salesladies that the clothing was for him and to tell them that he was a closet crossdresser who was finally coming out! Everything he had done, including his return to Elvyra’s Web was programmed into him – and then he left.

Looking up from the screen to his Mistress’s eyes, he was again transfixed upon the crystal which she now held tenderly between her fingers as it hung between her soft and full breasts. “you’ve done WELL, Michael”, Mistress said – “you’ve come back to me – and now it’s time to go deeper .. deeper .. look again into the crystal – fall again under its spell ..

Michael managed to squeak out a feeble “please, Mistress” before sinking again into his hypnotic state.

“Are you my slave, Michael? My pansy?”, Elvyra asked.

“yes, Mistress”, he answered.

“How did you feel showing Becky and all those other lovely ladies what a sissy you are – I want you to remember EVERYTHING now.”

Michael’s face immediately turned beet red as he remember the looks — the smirks directed at him behind his back — the back laughter and ridicule he endured buying his first feminine wardrobe.

“you want WHAT?”, the young 20-something salesgirl had asked him.

“i want some panties and bras – some pretty girlie things to wear. my Mistress wants her little sissy to come out of the closet.”, he had told her. The next 45 minutes saw him measured publicly as several other female salesladies and customers joined in the search for some pretty things for Michael to take home.

“Were you a sissy, Michael?”, Mistress asked him with a wicked smirk.

“Yes, i was, Mistress”, Michael whined back.

“Deeper, Michael – we are going DEEPER and DEEPER. From now on you will remember everything as it is happening to you. Inside you will feel the most incredible humiliation you’ve ever felt in your life – but you will be helpless to resist doing what I command. DEEPER, Michael – you are unable to stop the humiliation – with every passing breath you are becoming more and more my sissy.

“you no long merely have a desire to wear feminine things, Michael – your desire has become a raging compulsion. you must make yourself as feminine as possible in every way. Today you will beg Becky to destroy your male underclothing – no more jockey shorts for you. you will return to your store and beg your saleslady to complete your wardrobe. you will accept nothing that doesn’t scream femininity. The only pants you will wear from now on will have zippers either on the side or in the back. They will ALL be extremely tight! And you will buy SHORT shorts – pink ones and yellow ones. Only GIRLS wear such slutty outfits, Michael. YOU wear slutty outfits. YOU are my girl.”

Read this hot story:
The Long Tease Incest/Taboo 12 page Story by Salty Vixen

“i am your girl”, Michael repeated.

“I want you in skirts, Michael. sissies belong in SKIRTS and frilly DRESSES. And you WANT to be a sissy, Michael – you HAVE to be a sissy. you will be unable to act or behave in any manly way anymore. You’ve become my SLAVE, Michael – my wimpy, sissy slave.”

Michael listened to every word as his mind accepted every instruction his Mistress was giving him. She paused for a few moments to leave the room, leaving Michael staring blankly into space. Returning, she held two silicone breast forms in her hands. “Open your blouse, Michael – a slut needs TITS!”

Michael took the breast forms from his Mistress’s hands, and inserted them into his black bra. His shirt could now barely button over the DD inserts his Mistress had supplied. “These will do until you grow your own breasts, Michael”, Mistress said. “Repeat that for me, slave!”

“i will wear these tits until i grow my own”, whispered Michael – “i MUST have my own tits”

“That’s right Michael”, Mistress smiled – “you WILL have your own tits – SOON. Your life will be unbearable – without them!”

Deeper and deeper Michael fell into Elvyra’s web. HE thought this was a game – for HER it was a vocation! Many men had fallen into her web only to find themselves changed forever.

“And now, Michael – before tomorrow’s sun rises you will become a slut – a cocksucking slut. YOUR will no longer exists – you live only to obey my commands – my commands are RIGHT for you – they are your own thoughts – your own desires – your own obsessions.

“When you leave from here, your eyes will notice every male crotch and you will wonder size cock is hiding under there. your mouth will water and your own pathetic puny cock will quiver every time you think about the cock you know you must suck. Lick your lips, Michael. Lick your LIPS for me, my little cocksucker.”

Michael licked his lips as his mind devoured his Mistress’s words.

By evening, your whole world will revolve around your first cock, Michael. There will be no sleep until you feel it grow and harden in your painted mouth – there will be no rest until you feel it respond to your lips and tongue – until you feel it grow hot with desire and finally explode into your cocksucking mouth.

“But before you seduce your first man, you will be dressed in the most sissy outfit you own Tight shorts, Michael. Pink short-shorts to show off your smooth, shaved, stockinged legs. And I want midrift, Michael – I want your blouse to be short and tight – tight enough to allow your bouncing boobs to scream “fuck me!”. And you should wear some MAKEUP, Michael. Your lipstick will be bright cocksucking red – and your face will be vastly overdone. You will find yourself unable to walk without seductively swaying your ass and hips like a whore. This is what you wanted, Michael – this is what you got!”

As Elvyra brought Michael out of his trance, he looked down at his newfound breasts and waves of embarrassment enveloped him. “Touch your breast for me, slut”, Mistress ordered. Michael raised his hand and felt the incredibly soft breast beneath his bra. “KISS it”, she ordered. As he raised the large tit to his mouth, his lips kissed the fabric of his blouse. He had wanted to play the part of a slut and a whore – only now he had been turned INTO one.

As Michael left Elvyra’s web, his breasts bounced under his white shirt. he was on his way to buy the rest of his female wardrobe – and his eyes caught the crotch of a young stud. Michael’s mouth watered and he knew that before morning, his lips would be wrapped around a cock as he entered a new profession to raise the money he would need for his new medication.



“Is that YOU, sweetie”, asked Becky as Michael entered the doorway of their new apartment. “you’d better have a good excuse for being so late!”

Michael entered his new home – the home Mistress Elvyra had arranged for him and Becky to move into. his sandy blonde hair was wind-blown and his short red dress, the one he had brought to Becky some six months ago, was a bit wrinkled – as though it had been slept in. It clung to his now shapely body – a body which nightly attracted the attention of many male customers. his makeup needed fixing and he looked as though he had quite a night. “How many tonight, slut?”, asked Becky.

“Fourteen, i think”, said Michael.

“Look at you! Straighten that skirt! Better yet, take a shower and get into something clean and sexy for me! I feel like having a little bit of FUN tonight!”

“Please, Mistress Becky”, Michael whined. “i’ve had quite enough!”

Becky came into the front room. She was wearing a leather bra and panties. Around her neck was a leather studded collar – and at her waist she wore a large black leather cock, harnessed up and ready to fuck her now enslaved husband. There was no doubt that SHE was now his Mistress – a transformation that had occurred the night she went to confront Elvyra with what she had done to her husband. Michael had suggested the confrontation – just like the Mistress had ordered, and now there was a different order in Michael and Becky’s new home – a home set in a more appropriate neighborhood for a leather Mistress and her shemale slave.

Michael got his dream. his curiosity had driven him to Elvyra and his wicked male fantasies had allowed him to be caught in Elvyra’s Web — and he now was anything BUT a man. Large breasts of his own – smooth, girlish skin – a tiny waist and broad hips revealed anything BUT a man. Seeing the black phallus protruding from Becky’s waist Michael’s mouth immediately began to water. The pathetic stub of what used to be a cock quivered as Michael fell to his knees. Elvyra’s conquest was complete. Another man had been emasculated and reduced to shemale flesh.

Meanwhile, from somewhere in her web, Elvyra awaited another victim, knowing that she had not long to wait. Already an email message appeared on her screen. Smiling Elvyra read: “I am interested in your advertisement about Erotic Hypnosis. I am a respected clergyman, but even so I have some fantasies I’ve never had the courage to experience first hand. I have to be careful because I have a wife and kids and, of course, I can’t have my congregation finding out about this, BUT I would be interested in learning a little more about Elvyra’s Web.”

A wicked lustful laugh came from the lovely Mistress as she typed: “Tell me a little bit more about yourself. You’re safe with me – come a little closer!”

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