Doing Laundry Exhibitionist & Voyeur Sex Story by Salty Vixen

Damn, there he was again! He was such a hottie, with his dark hair and deep, denim eyes. He walked with such assurance, not really a swagger, just a gracefulness that sent quivers through Gina's body. It was her nearly daily sighting of him. Apparently, he was a resident of the hotel too.

Today, he was on his way out for a run, all long, tanned limbs and smooth muscles. Gina felt her body begin to ache for him, to melt for him, the juices running into her panties and making her wet again. It happened every time she saw him.

What she liked best was that he was a chameleon. Sometimes, he was dressed to kill in a suit and tie, very businesslike. Sometimes, like today, his outfit left little to the imagination. Either way, he was just hot! He had a dazzling smile and eyes she could lose herself in. When he looked at her, she could have sworn that he saw her heart and soul.

She had casually quizzed her friends at the front desk and gotten his name and some facts about him. Andrew was from Montana, single, in management for a software company, and staying here for a few more weeks. The other thing she knew, against her better judgment, was that Gina wanted him!

She had made a vow to never pick up men on her travels. Now that vow was haunting her and she found herself making exceptions and adding multiple provisions. She would never pick up men... except Black-Irish runners. Or, she would never pick up men...except executive-types who wore crisp blue broadcloth shirts with madras ties. Or, she would never pick up men... except the ones who made her blood run hot and her body drip with desire.

Gina's particular form of a workout took place indoors, in air conditioning. One thing she liked about this hotel was the laundry/fitness room. It was cool and comfortable, with every form of fitness machine one could want, all gleaming chrome and grey leather. One entire wall was mirrored, and she could watch herself as she ran on the treadmill or rode the bike. Most days, she would go down very early in the morning, placing her clothes in the washer and then working out in the adjoining 'fitness' room as she waited.

She liked going very late or very early, because it gave her exclusive use of all the machines in both the laundry and the workout area. If she waited until normal hours, Gary, the apartment maintenance man, would rush in. There were no visible cameras in either area, but Gina noticed that every time she began working out and got all sweaty and hot, Gary showed up to casually lean on the machine and talk to her.

She felt sure he had installed some secret cameras for his own enjoyment. Sometimes, when she first started living there, just to test the theory, she worked out in really scanty outfits. Gary seemed to pop in even faster on those days!

The last time was the same. She started the washers and hopped onto the treadmill, intent on a news program on TV, and Gary just appeared. He lounged against the stationary bike and eyed her sweaty body as he kept up inane chatter. She tried to be polite, but she really wanted to watch the program. He didn't seem to take the hint and kept talking with her, asking her questions. Finally, with a sigh, she clicked off the TV and turned her attention to him. He was cute, in a smarmy sort of way. She just nodded and said "uh-huh" as he rambled, her mind returning once again to Andrew and his effect on her. Having Gary there, babbling away, just reinforced her resolution about late night washing. She wouldn't do this again. From now on, she would wash really late or really early, and have the peace and quiet she craved.

Later that week, she looked at her laundry basket and realized it was time to do wash again. Sometimes, it seemed a little leprechaun filled the basket, keeping her at the machines more often than necessary. Before going to sleep that night, she set her alarm for 3 A.M, thinking that would give her an empty room and lots of solitude.

When the alarm went off, she was slightly befuddled. Then she remembered why she was awake at that hour, and slowly climbed from her warm pillow nest and cozy quilt to gather her laundry supplies. She slipped on a loose, dark blue denim dress over her naked body, feeling pretty confident she wouldn't see anyone else downstairs. She padded barefoot down the hall and the stairs, entering the silent, cool room. She released a sigh, happy to be alone and have the place to herself.

Gina quickly separated the clothes and inserted the coins, pushing in the plunger full of quarters and starting the cycle. She was a little nervous about being down there all alone, and was suddenly hopeful that there were hidden cameras watching her. Just as that thought entered her head, she heard a noise. The elevator was coming down to the ground floor. She heard the doors open and footsteps approaching the room. Gina gave a thought to hiding behind the washers and even turned to scope it out, her heart pounding. She found herself hoping it was Gary, coming to hit on her again. Her mind raced as she questioned the wisdom of wearing a dress with nothing beneath it, of doing laundry in the middle of the night, of not being safely locked in her apartment.

She held her breath as the footsteps grew closer. Then, she nearly stopped breathing as Andrew entered the room. He had had the same idea. He was wearing tiny blue jogging shorts and carrying a laundry basket under his tanned, muscular arm. He, too, was surprised to find someone in the laundry at this hour. But, as she watched, Gina saw the look of amazement turn to one of utter delight. His eyes bore into hers, sending messages that would undoubtedly be X-rated, if spoken aloud. He dropped his basket and strode to her, never speaking, never breaking eye contact with her. He walked directly to her, until only inches of space separated them.

With his hands at his sides, he bent his head and captured her mouth in one very smooth move. His lips touched hers, and slid along the length of them, inciting nerve endings and causing Gina to moan softly. The kiss continued, the only point of contact between two hungry bodies. His tongue slid out, tracing her lips, delving into the corners and probing there. She sucked softly on it, pulling it into her depths, the totally erotic experience washing over her, making her knees weaken. Their tongues continued to play, teasing, sliding, washing and, finally, resting together, sending sparks through Gina.

Andrew's hands moved from his sides and he captured her upper arms, pulling her closer. Now, no space remained between them. He pressed his firm body against hers, leaving no doubt about his desire for her. Still, they kissed. Gina leaned into him, melted into him, needing to feel every bit of his sinewy form along her heat-ravaged body. They kissed for what seemed like hours. Gentle, deep, teasing, soft, needy... each kiss something new and exciting. His hands burned her arms, leaving his touch forever imprinted there. Finally, he broke away to look into her eyes.

Gina shamelessly looked up at him, all the desire she felt for him evident there. His hands slid down her dress, catching the hem and pulling it up, moving under it. The look of surprise when he found no panties was delightful. His hands slid up her hips, capturing her waist and encircling it, then moving up her sides, sliding under her arms and pulling her close once again. All the while, his kisses continued, matched by hers.

He caressed her back, sliding sensitive fingers along her spine, tracing her curves and indentations, making her body tingle and her breath short. She found herself thinking of what she wanted, instructing him in her mind of where and how to touch her. It was as if she had spoken aloud, his hands and fingers followed her silent instructions, doing for Gina everything she wanted.

He had the most magical hands, smooth and powerful. He knew how to tease, how to arouse. Her flesh was covered with the hot trail of his touches, her mind and body begging for more. Still, he hesitated. He found the areas most men disdained and made love to them. Her shoulders, waist and hips, all were areas of intense interest to him. As her nipples hardened and ached, as her thighs grew wet with her juices, he continued to make love to the 'unimportant' places, making them incredibly important.

She could feel his erection pressing against her, feel it throbbing and the heat against her naked skin, yet he didn't seem in a rush to appease his needs. His kisses grew even more intimate, his mouth connecting to hers in a way she had never felt before. She lost herself in him. Her mouth followed his, taking and molding and giving, as her body melted under his palms.

In one tiny, rational part of her mind, there was a thought, a little thought trying to be heard, but she couldn't formulate it, couldn't quite catch it. All she knew was that she had wanted this man for so many weeks, and now he was here with her. They hadn't spoken a word, but they both knew and agreed. This was their time and both of them planned to take it.

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Even as her mind was trying so hard to focus on the little nagging thought, her body was on fire, aching for Andy's touch. She couldn't get enough of his fingers lightly caressing her, of his palms trailing along her flesh, of his mouth matching hers.

Gina willed Andy to touch her aching nipples, to give her some relief from the exquisite pain. As if she had spoken aloud, his hands moved to her breasts, cupping them, reverently holding them in his warm palms. His thumbs worked in unison, sliding back and forth over the taut skin, tightening it even further. She moaned into his mouth, her body arched forward, praying he wouldn't stop. His thumbs moved faster, slipping over the bumples of her nipples, lightly scratching them with his fingernails. Again she moaned, and cried out softly, the incredible desire causing her to nearly cease breathing.

When he held those nubbins between his thumb and forefinger, and began rolling them gently, then less gently, Gina nearly lost all control. Her mouth covered his, her tongue plunged roughly into his hot pinkness, washing the velvety smoothness needily. She sucked hard on his tongue, pulling it into her own mouth, begging him silently to use his tongue as she wanted him to use his cock, to ravage her, fill her, satisfy this incredible need he had created.

Her hands slid up and down his bare skin, feeling the muscles ripple beneath her palms. She felt his erection pressing against her, felt it throb and burn into her. Her mind reeled with desire. She wasn't sure what she wanted, she just knew she wanted. This man before her, his hands intimately fondling her naked skin, this man was what she wanted. No, she needed him. Her entire body was alive with desire and refused to be denied. His palms soothed her even as they incited her. She could feel her flesh respond to him in a way she had never experienced before.

Suddenly, he pulled his hands from under her dress and took her shoulders firmly, almost hurting her. The red haze that had gathered in her head made it difficult to see clearly and she just fought to get back to his mouth, his touch. But his strong arms kept her apart from him and finally, she shook her head as if to clear it. She looked at him, saw the desire raging in his eyes too, knew that he wanted what she wanted.

She stood very still and just looked into his deep blue eyes, sending the message to him, telling him silently how much she wanted him. She watched the emotions pass through him, hoping the final decision would be to make love to her. For what seemed like hours, he looked into her eyes. Then, he stepped forward again and pulled her close, holding her against him with both arms wrapped securely around her. She could feel his heart beating, hear his breath, harsh and shallow. Gina gazed up at Andy, looked into his eyes and nodded, still not speaking a word. His head bent, his mouth captured hers expertly, pulling her lower lip between his own, sucking and nursing on it hungrily.

Andy's hands again traveled down her body, molding and shaping her. He caught her hem and pulled the dress up and over her head, dropping it in a heap behind them. The cool air hit Gina's passion-heated skin, causing her to shiver and her nipples to harden. In response, Andy picked her up and set her on the edge of the laundry table, the cool Formica causing goosebumps all over her naked body. He moved forward, stepping between her legs, and captured a hard nipple, suckling it with tender lips. She felt the rhythmic pull of his mouth as he nursed on her, his hands still sliding slowly up and down her bare back. Again, she had the little niggling thought, but it wouldn't come to fruition, her mind couldn't concentrate on anything but Andy. She looked down and saw his intent face, his eyes closed, the look of absolute pleasure as he sucked and licked her erect nipples. Her back arched forward and her hands slipped into his hair, pulling him closer. She wanted him to never stop.

Andy continued his ministrations, but his fingers began seeking between her legs. He caressed her inner thighs, softly and seductively, until her legs just fell open. He inhaled deeply, filling his nostrils with her excited smell. His fingers combed her curlies, letting them wrap around his fingertips, enjoying their incredible lushness. He ran one finger up and down her swollen slit, loving the way her hips were wriggling against his hand. She moaned softly, throwing her head back and just abandoning herself to the pleasures he was offering. Slowly, his finger slipped into her, immediately enveloped by her slippery wetness.

Andy loved the feel of her. Without even looking, he knew that Gina had the most velvety pinkness he had ever encountered. It slid further, until he was deep inside her, his finger wet and slippery. Slowly, he pulled out and then inserted two fingers.

Gina gasped and began softly saying, "Yes, yes, there, please!"

He thrust into her several times, but then needed more. This time, he inserted three long fingers into her warmth, to be welcomed and embraced by her satiny pussy. Her hips were thrusting in complement to his movements. His mouth had found hers again and possessed it fully. Still, Gina had a thought, something she should mention, something he should know, but she couldn't voice it.

Andy pulled her from the table, turned her around and leaned her forward. He quickly dropped his shorts, allowing his erection to spring forward freely. He moved toward her long enough so she could feel his naked, hot cock against her skin, then stepped back and grabbed her hips in his iron grip.

With burgeoning desire, he leaned forward, guiding his cock to her sweet pussy, being pulled there by a force beyond his control. He slid between her legs and found her curlies, all damp and warm. His dick continued, seeking the warm slit he had just fondled. As he made contact with her warmth, Gina pushed back against him, completely accepting him into her deepness.

Andy sighed as he found home. He stayed still a moment, to acclimate to her. Finally, he began thrusting, deeper and deeper. Gina met him, stroke for stroke. He filled her in a way she loved, a way she needed. His hands made bruising handprints on her hips, but she didn't care. She just wanted him there, deep inside her, making her feel the excitement that was quickly overwhelming her.

Again, that thought tried to make itself known, but the joy of being with Andy cancelled any rational thinking. She pushed back against him, feeling him slide in and out of her needy little pussy. Her nipples brushed against the cold table surface, making them ache even more. Again and again, she pushed back against him, then teased him by pulling slightly away. Gina looked over her shoulder at Andy, her eyes begging him to continue.

Gina felt herself tightening, her legs locking. The heat began in her toes, working their way up her bare legs, moving at an unbelievable speed to her very center. Again and again, Andy thrust into her, each thrust massaging her already overwhelmed clit. She knew she wouldn't be able to control it much longer, that her orgasm was imminent. She tried to slow down, tried to think of anything else. Looking around the laundry room, she wanted to distract herself, to slow down her headlong rush to orgasm.

Then... she remembered! The cameras! The possibility of cameras! The thought of cameras!

The very possible chance that they might be on camera, that someone or many someones might be watching them, only incited Gina further. Her mind went crazy, thinking of strangers watching Andy as he thrust in and out of her. They were watching as his cock slid from her depths, all shiny and hard. People were watching his hands on her skin, watching her react to him, watching her... then she felt the rush of orgasm and she lost all thought. Her body arched and she cried out, spasming uncontrollably. She gripped the table edge as Andy continued to pound into her, ravage her.

He couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop. He could feel her tight little pussy gripping him, feel her wetness multiply, hear her cries of pleasure. It was impossible to stop now, as he rushed to release. His body stilled for a moment and then he began to come, filling her body. He held her hips even tighter as he spasmed, finally over the edge.

As his strokes slowed, she matched him, until they were just still, Andy leaning over her, holding Gina against him. He kissed her neck, his breath tickling. His hands slid softly up and down her arms, caressing her with his smooth palms. As he softened and slid from her, she sighed, already missing him.

Andy reached for her dress and helped her slip it over her head. He held her close, kissing her cheeks and eyelids. They smiled at each other, reluctantly parting. Gina moved her clothes to the dryers as Andy loaded the washers. They sat together waiting for the laundry to finish, finally speaking, making plans for later that day.