Do I have anyone in mind when writing my stories?

When people read/listen to Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen, especially people who know I am writing and producing erotica audio stories (and non-audio stories aka Loverotica), might think I am writing about someone or anyone. Truth is, I am not. Some of my intros I will add things that happened to me over the years such as, the clarinet flirting I did in band back in high school. I added that to  F**king you for the first time audio story.

Yes I did lick my clarinet reed as if it was like a cock. I did take my hands and slide them up and down my clarinet while looking at the hot guys in the percussion section (they were hot, add hormones, add in being bored when teacher was giving his announcements that most of us didn't pay attention..I wanted to be noticed and distract the hot guys. Not sure if it ever worked , although they were always looking my way lol- I must have done something right haha!) those were the days.  Since that thought was on my mind I added that to my story.

The car story? The one called "Hot sex in the car", I was remembering when I had a hot make-out session with someone I liked a long time ago. I thought, why not write about car sex, make that a story with the idea from what happened at the time. Perhaps the dude was my muse at the time. In truth , we did almost fuck in my car. I stopped it due to the fact he didn't have a damn condom with him! (sorry for the dude who reads it, but I will apologize for my past self for not speaking up about it to you then. You are an excellent kisser! best french kiss I ever had!)

When I am triggered about something that happened in the past, my ex husband.... or an ex boyfriend who pissed me off/ hurt me so damn bad , I will do my best writing. In fact Alanis Morisette's "You Oughta Know", is my favorite song. The song is an angry message from a scorned ex-girlfriend directed at her former lover.  Funny thing is when that song came out July 6th, 1995, I was very pissed off at someone lol. That song has a lot of memories and meaning for many women who were pissed off at their former boyfriends/lovers. - the thing is I don't go all over social media to say what it is, I will keep quiet about it but I am hurting on the inside still. Keeping emotions bottled up is never a good thing - that is why I write.

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When I am triggered I will turn the negative into a positive. That is why I write and how I write my stories. So , the characters are not anyone but situation in my mind that I got triggered, is what drives me to write the story theme/idea.

So, in a nutshell, I don't have anyone really in mind when I write my stories. I am Salty fucking Vixen. I earned that pen name. Considering of the shit show that happened a few years ago. I am over it, but my emotions about it are now coming to light. To be blunt- for the situation - the 'shit show' that saved situation's ass, by lying, this message is for situation " you destroy somebody’s life....With lies…Take it as a loan. Because it will come back to you".  Remember there are two sides to every story, the villain the the hero. Situation is the villain and I am the hero. Nobody wants to listen to the hero. I found my voice and Salty Vixen is 100% me. We all have been a Vixen in a Salty situation. Just remember, don't fucking lie to me. That is all I ask. And this is one grudge I am holding. only because I am still pissed about it. But I am also over it. Situation tried to ruin my reputation. That is why I am pissed.


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