Dangerous Passion – Zoophilia Story by Salty Vixen

Zoophilia Erotica Story-  sex-woman/dog: My friends call me Dee. I'm a young woman with milky white skin, average looks and a slender but curvy body. My hair has a tint of auburn mixed in with the blond. I am outgoing and enjoy my circle of friends very much. We are well connected socially and go to many parties. I have a roommate named Beverly. She is really nice, we mostly get along, but sometimes I wish I lived alone. Especially now! It's been several weeks since I witnessed two women making love to a dog at a party. Not everyone at the party knew this was going on, but I bumped into this guy that convinced me to watch. He took me back to the pool parlor and got me in the door. At first I thought it was gross, but as I watched I was turned on by it. So much so, that I am desperately trying to do it myself.

There was something about the passion that this dog and these women exhibited that is driving my lust for a good dog fuck? I am frantic to experience their passion.

I have always been attracted to male dogs. They seem to like me. Sometimes if I am in the park or outside they will just wander up for a hug and a good pet. As a curious teenager, I would play with their penis if I had a chance. I liked the feel of the sheath and the hardness inside as I stroked them. Several times I was able to make them cum. I just never thought about making love to one of them. But I do now! I am so horny with the thought; I can't get it out of my mind. The overwhelming dream that I have while masturbating is looking between my legs as I am on all fours under Sam and watching his cum and the blood from my cherry mixing and oozing down my thighs. I masturbate in this position almost every night.

I mentioned my roommate because she factors into the frustration I am having. There is this wonderful jet-black dog that belongs to one of my neighbors. Like I said, dogs search me out. Sam searches me out a lot. Every time I go out the back door he is there. We have a good time together. I really enjoy a good mouth kiss from him. He gives good French kisses. Since the party I have been trying to mate with Sam. Every time I think that I have worked out a way for us to be alone, my roommate shows up and ends our encounter.

After the party I began to think about this wonderful passion that occurred between the dog and these women. I can only describe it as magical, exhilarating, without boundaries, intense beyond imagination, totally uninhibited where the women and the dog were fulfilling and fulfilled. It didn't stop till they were completely spent. All the while the lovemaking was going on there was total focus and no way to distract or deter them.

My relationship with Sam started awhile back. Like I said, dogs search me out. Sam does especially. If I walk out the door, he is there in a matter of moments. We kiss, pet and play together. Since the party, I am suddenly aware of how much he nuzzles my breast and smells my crotch. Before I just played with him. Now there is a sexual purpose to our encounters... Not just on my part, on his too.

I used to push him away if he made much of an advance on my breast or crotch. Now I allow him to get his tongue on my tits and on my crotch if we can be the least bit private. I am so exhilarated and turned on by the thought of discovery sometimes that I get risky in public. It's like not wanting to be discovered but wanting to be caught so the secret is out and I don't have to pretend anymore. I long for the day that I can have his cock buried inside me.

The other day Sam had his head stuck in my blouse licking my tits. I was close to an orgasm when I spotted some people approaching down the sidewalk in front of my house. I just couldn't stop myself and they got pretty close before I orgasmed and pulled his head out of my blouse. Sam was so turned on, his cock was out of its sheath and he was moaning and trying to mount me when they went by. One in the group stared at us pretty hard. I think he had figured it out. I was so full of lust for Sam I didn't care. I was beginning to experience the single-minded focus that those women had.

So for Sam and myself we are beginning to gather that level of intensity in our relationship. I was really happy about this turn of events. It didn't start out this way, but now that we have tasted it, we want more of it. We just go at each other every time we can be alone. Which now is defined as no one else in the near vicinity. If Beverly leaves the room for a minute, I have Sam's head in my blouse and I'm stroking his cock. We go at it till the very last minute before she is back. If we don't mate soon, I don't know what I am going to do. I may have to give up eating so I can kick Beverly out and still afford the house so we can be together.

Since the party I started increasing the amount of time I spend with Sam. Our sexual experience with each other grew out of our curiosity for one another. I played with this sheath and he explored my crotch. I caressed his balls and he discovered my breast. It started with touches and sniffs, and grew to stroking, caressing and licking; and now to wanton sexual exploitation of each other's bodies every time we see each other. I can't keep my hands off him. I feel just like I did when I was a teenager with my first boyfriend.

We were at each other when we were together. We would sneak around playing out our sexual curiosity. It stopped short of actual intercourse since we were only 13 at the time. It was very hard to stop every time we got intense. After a while my nipples stayed hard all the time from the built up sexual tension. I finally gave in to masturbation to cool off. Man, I couldn't believe what I had been missing. I've masturbated every day since then. I haven't given my cherry to anyone, but I am going to give it to Sam. I can't wait!

On several occasions Beverly has returned home or back in the house unexpectedly and nearly caught us in a passionate embrace. Either Sam has his tongue in my shorts or I was bent over licking his cock when she came in the house. I'm sure that every time we have these guilty looks on our face, hair a mess, and sometimes Sam's erect cock is protruding from his sheath.

The other day I was lying on my back on the couch with Sam on top of me. We had been going at it for a while and he was on me trying to shove his wonderful cock in my pussy. I had my shorts pulled to the side and we were both desperately trying to get it in when she came in the back door. All I could do is let my hand go and start giggling like we were playing. Beverly came into the den and looked at us suspiciously. Of course Sam's entire cock was bare. His sheath was pulled back over his glorious knot. She asked what he was trying to do to me and I played dumb. All of this foreplay and interrupted encounters has us both worked into a passion-starved frenzy. We both need to complete our sexual fantasies soon or we will bust.

Last week I thought that I had a plan that would put us together for several hours without Beverly. We both left for work and she remarked that I didn't have to pick her up because she was working overtime. That put my wheels to spinning and by the time I got to work I had a plan. I left work at lunch, went home, found Sam and put him in my yard so I was sure that he would be there when I got home. I let him lick my wet crotch to reassure him that this was going to be the day. I left work early to have more time with Sam.

I got home and let Sam follow me into my bedroom. I undressed for him and let him caress and lick me as I got rid of my clothes. We were both working into a pretty intense frenzy when I heard Beverly open the front door and enter the kitchen. At that moment, Sam had his tongue buried in my pussy and I was on the verge of the most intense orgasm that I had ever felt coming. The bedroom door was open and I had to stop him and at least get the door closed. He mounted me from the behind as I got off the bed and I had to drag him with me to the door. I just got it closed when Beverly came down the hall...

It took me fifteen minutes to calm Sam down so I could get my clothes on. Beverly came to the door twice asking if I was all right. Sam was whimpering loudly and growling so much she wanted to know what was going on. She gave us some strange looks when we came into the den. We just passed through and headed out the back door.

I ran to the closest private space I could find, ducked into the trees and let Sam ravage my pussy with his tongue. I took his swollen tool in my mouth and gave him the first blowjob of his life. It was my first blowjob too, but I was so horny and frustrated that I had to disappoint my lover again, I had to do something. We were both a little more settled after this, but the intensity of our desire for each other was higher than before and was driving us both crazy. I had to come up with a new plan.

I thought of the garage. I had one. It was clean and I could leave the car outside. I could get up in the middle of the night and sneak out to the garage with Sam. This could work. So that night I set my vibrating watch alarm for 2 a.m.

I was so keyed up with excitement; it reminded me of being with my boyfriend. We would sneak out and meet in a tree in my back yard at 2:30 in the morning. We had some intense petting sessions in that tree. I came close to loosing my virginity in that tree one night.

I didn't sleep much and was up before my alarm went off. I was sitting on the edge of my bed looking at Sam through my bedroom window when the alarm went off on my wrist. I checked on Beverly. She was fast asleep, so I crept out the back door, and went to the garage, Sam following with his nose in my crotch. I had stashed a blanket there. I got it out, lit a candle, and Sam and I started kissing. It didn't take long for both of us to be really turned on. When I got Sam in the garage his cock was already out of it's sheath and with a little coaxing, he was fully erect and drooling with precum. My pussy was just as turned on.

I got on all fours and turned my cunt into Sam's face. He licked greedily at my wetness and mounted me. He felt so good on my back and my pussy was aching for a doggie entry. Neither of us knew exactly what to do, but our out of control lust for each other was driving us to get his cock inside me. He was thrusting and I was trying to get my pussy in the right position. I found out real quick that the easy hole for Sam to hit was my ass. So after a few jabs I learned that I had to arch my back down at the waist to get my pussy up and my ass out of the way.

I got this technique mastered and the glorious moment came. I arched my back and guided his sheath into the opening in my pussy. I felt the end of his hot cock search the entrance to my pussy. When Sam had the same sensation, I felt his hips slide forward and his wonderful penis enter me. O the relief we both had at that moment even through the pain of me giving my virginity to him. I finally had his cock inside me. It felt so good as the pain wore off. Not as painful as I had imagined. I guess my lust was overshadowing it.

But then our pleasure came to another crashing halt. Sam hadn't thrust himself into to me more than two minutes when the back door opened and I heard Beverly calling my name. The garage was dark, so she didn't know where I was. I had to get Sam off of me quickly, blow out the candle and sneak out through the garage window and come around the garage from the back. I was out of breath and Sam had his nose in my ass as I rounded the garage. I made an excuse that I had heard something and we went back into the house. I had to leave my poor lover on the porch whimpering.

Beverly said that I was going to have to do something about that dog; he always seemed to have his nose in my crotch. I told her that I didn't mind; she smiled and went back to bed.

I went into the bathroom and cried silently for a while. I discovered that I was bleeding down my legs from giving up my virginity. What I had been dreaming to see for weeks was his cum mixed with my lost virginity running down my legs as I supported him on all fours. That would have been the ultimate sensation. Needless to say, I was disappointed that I lost it this way and didn't sleep hardly at all and Sam kept whimpering at the open window to my bedroom making matters worse.

The next afternoon, I came home from work, put on one of my tennis skirts, no panties and took off for a jog with Sam. We explored several wooded areas and I found one that we could use at night, but not during the day. There was a tree house and several small kid clubhouses made from scrap lumber inside the woods. They were full of kids, but I knew they would be vacant after dark. We found a quiet area and I let Sam devour my pussy. He got so excited that he put his paws on my shoulders and was trying to shove his cock in my body, somehow. I grabbed his sheath and stroked him to an orgasm. I had doggie cum all over the front of my tennis skirt.

We came back after dinner around 9:00 p.m. Sam and I had teased each other all the way to the woods. He was sticking his nose in my crotch and I would stroke his penis when he put his paws on my shoulders. By the time we got there we were already turned on. We inspected the clubhouses and found one that had a carpeted floor. It was quite cozy inside. I lit my candle and we went directly into a passionate round of kissing and caressing each other.

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It wasn't long before I had my back arched and was guiding his penis to my pussy as before. It felt so, so good when his cock entered me. I had been dreaming all day about this moment. Sam was stroking in and out of me with intensity and I was changing my position letting the feel of his wonderful cock embrace different spots inside my vagina.

This was going to be it. We were finally alone! We could enjoy each other to the fullest. I was anticipating being tied to him. I so wanted his cum driven in me by his mighty blast. I wanted to feel the same ecstasy that I saw on these women's faces as their dog lover shot them full of cum.

We were getting into a glorious rhythm. I was ecstatic with the feel of him inside me when I heard voices coming into the woods. Ooo, if they could wait five more minutes. We were so, so close. I had to scramble fast, pull Sam out, get him off me and blow out the candle just in time for them not to discover us.

Sam and I sat inside the club house cooling down in frustration while a young couple came into the clearing surrounding the houses and started necking and fondling each other. It wasn't long before their clothes started coming off. They were getting pretty intense when the girl said they had to find some shelter. Luckily, there was a clubhouse close to them and they went inside it rather than the one we were in. Watching this was driving me crazy. After a few minutes I could hear moaning.

Sam and I slipped out and headed down a path with Sam's nose firmly buried in my crotch. I found a grassy area and got on all fours. There was no way that I was going home without getting Sam's cum blast in my pussy. We had enough privacy to finish what we started but not to enjoy each other the way I had planned. This was now going to have to be a quickie.

Sam mounted me and we went at each other with fury. I did every thing I knew to do to bury his cock deep inside me and he was pounding as hard as he knew how. It certainly wasn't the dream I had, but screw it I had to have his cock. We pounded at each other for several minutes before I felt Sam tense his muscles and drive hard. I pushed back just as I felt the first blast of cum shot from the tip of his penis. On the second or third blast I came hard. At that moment I realized how hot his cum was. I was feeling the glow of my own orgasm and the warmness in my vagina from his cum.

Sam was trying to push his knot inside me. Oh, how I wanted it inside and feel it swell, locking us together. But I couldn't risk it. We walked home with his cum dripping down my legs into my tennis shoes. It wasn't the ecstasy I had dreamed of, but it served its purpose. At least I would be able to sleep. We still needed privacy to fulfill our fantasies.

The next night I awoke at 2:30 am and slipped out of the house to the garage. Sam and I went at each other aggressively. We were afraid of Beverly walking in on us again that we didn't take our time. Once we started fucking it seemed like there was so much built up sexual tension between us that we had to fuck and fuck and fuck just to get it out of our system before we could really enjoy each other. I have never experienced such a sexual lust that I have for Sam. We made continuous love to each other for over an hour. I mean we both had orgasm after orgasm and we didn't stop pounding on each other. There were no rest periods, pounding from one orgasm to the next without stopping.

Finally we both came together and just collapsed on the floor of the garage. We never locked. Our sexual tension was gone but our fantasies still remained unfulfilled. I needed complete privacy for at least one night so that I could become Sam's bitch. My pussy still yearned for Sam. The intense wanton feeling for him to pound me full of his cock and then drive his knot inside me, consummating me as his bitch, was still overwhelming.

The next day Beverly gave me the best news that I could wish for. She was going away for the weekend. It couldn't have come at a better time. She was leaving Friday and wouldn't be back until Monday.

On Friday, it was all I could do to stay at work. I did go home at lunch and find Sam. I brought him home and we petted heavily before I had to return to work. At 5:00 I blasted out the door and went straight home. Sam was in the back yard waiting for me. We went in and straight to my bedroom. I undressed for him and he licked me as I removed my clothes. I got my skirt off first. Sam had his head in my blouse searching for my breast. My nipples were like rock hard bumps when I got my blouse off. Sam has this way of getting his tongue down in my bra and licking my entire breast with one long slurp. My body shuddered with delight as his glorious tongue moved over my flesh awakening every pore in my skin. Not only did my nipples get hard, but the small bumps around the edges of my areola got erect too. You can see every one of them through my bra. I just stared at them in the mirror in total bliss. He made several passes at each of them.

I got so weak in the knees that I had to lay down on the bed. This was finally our moment. After the lustful sex we had several nights ago, we were more relaxed but the burning passion was still driving us. This was a long and wonderful evening of passionate lovemaking. I finally consummated with my lover.

I have stared for so long at his blue knot that my groin ached for the need to have it buried deep inside me. As I lay on the bed Sam came over me. We kissed for a few minutes before Sam slipped down and began to lick my wet pussy through my panties. I slid them aside for him. His tongue immediately slipped deep inside me. I responded by raising my hips to his face so that more of his tongue could find it's way into my being. I rocked my hips as he made tongue love to my canal. As I approached orgasm I pulled away and went after his cock. I took it in my mouth and stroked slowly savoring the taste of him. His precum started lubricating my mouth and our pleasure increased with every spurt. My taste buds were in overdrive from the taste of his skin and the taste of his precum. My tits were soaked with precum that drooled from my mouth. I got him close to orgasm and stopped. I wanted his first blast in my cunt. He licked the precum from my breast as we both let our pre-orgasm sensations subside.

I kissed him again and rolled over underneath him. I arched my back as I rose to my knees to meet his penis. I felt his hair on my back and slipped rearward to mate with him. His hair grazing across my ass raised goose pimples on my skin. My goose pimples seemed to explode as I felt the head of his penis searching the entrance to my pussy. He entered me by planting the first three inches of his cock inside my canal and then slid his hips forward slowly shoving the rest of his cock in my pussy. It felt so, so, so, good to feel him inside me. We both stroked slowly at each other. There was finally no reason to hurry.

I moved into him slipping his knot inside me. Man did it feel good slipping in and out of my canal. We continued our slow motion love making for quite a while riding the wave of growing passion for each other. As we fed each other our lust I could feel my focus narrowing. I was beginning to only be conscious of his cock. Nothing could take my attention away from making love to him and being loved by him.

Finally I had to have his knot. So I moved into him and pushed his knot inside me. I kept it buried inside me feeling it swell until it wouldn't come out any longer. I was so satisfied that I could lock with him I almost had my orgasm right then and there. I moved back and forth feeling his orange sized knot slide up and down the length of my vagina. Every time it crossed over my g-spot I shuddered in ecstasy. Sam was panting heavily.

I turned my head and took his tongue in my mouth, stroking and caressing it. Then I kissed his face. At his initiation, we started picking up the pace. Building, building and building speed. We were like two hammers going at each other.

Then I felt the first wonderful shot of cum. I had my own orgasm and shot my own cum on his tool. We both kept pounding as we shot our loads. Only when we were shooting dry did we slow our pace. I tightened my muscles clamping down on his knot and was rewarded by another load of his sweet cum. He moaned in delight with every shot. I looked between my legs and saw a wonderful stream on blood and cum oozing down my thighs. I had another earth shattering orgasm as my ultimate wish came true... I guess his knot took the rest of my virginity.

I was so, so happy and satisfied. I now knew how those women felt that night. The world could have crashed around us and it wouldn't have mattered. We would have kept making love to each other. How satisfying this had been for both of us. I licked him clean and we lay together on my bed for a long time. This is the best I had felt in my whole life. So, so fulfilled.

The next three days were continuous repeats of this first time. We made passionate love to each other resting and playing in between. It was our honeymoon. Every sexual encounter was a learning experience. We learned how to be more satisfying to each other. I couldn't have been more satisfied with Sam.

Beverly came home on Monday and our lovemaking had to go underground again. The best times we had were in the middle of the night in the garage by candlelight. Sam stayed in my yard almost continuously. His owner was beginning to be concerned, but I said that I really didn't mind having him stay. He was a good watchdog. Little did he know that I was Sam's bitch and he wasn't going to leave me, ever?

Wednesday night I slipped out again. Sam and I began to make beautiful love. Our intensity was growing as we refined our rhythm and technique. I had him locked in me and on the verge of a wonderful orgasm when the door of the garage opened. There was Beverly looking straight into my eyes. I was on all fours with Sam locked in my cunt. My eyes were half rolled back in to my head and I was thrusting at Sam with all I had.

She smiled instantly. She walked around us surveying the situation. Sam and I continued pumping. I was totally focused on orgasm and bringing Sam to climax it didn't matter that Beverly had found us.

Her first words were, "Wow! What took you so long?"

She got on all fours next to me and kissed me on the lips. She smiled and explained that she was a dog lover too. She liked Sam, but had her own lover further down the street. She just didn't know how to open the subject up with me. Beverly had arranged for me to witness the dog love at the party. She hoped that Sam and I would get together and then she could walk in on us and the whole issue would be out in the open.

She rolled on her back and kissed my breast while Sam and I finished our lovemaking. I came very hard and intense. Maybe it was the thought of being watched by Beverly that brought me off so hard. When Sam had shot me full she licked his cum from my legs as we waited to unlock.

Over the next week Beverly joined in on our lovemaking. She taught both of us a lot. She mated with Sam several times showing me how to regulate my rhythm to bring Sam off with more intensity and then showed me some tricks on how to use his knot. She showed me when to actually lock with him and demonstrated how to use his knot to milk every ounce of cum from Sam, heightening his satisfaction.

I licked her breast and Sam's cum from her legs as they finished. When she was through she remarked that Sam had come a long way since she had experienced him. Beverly also taught me how to start from a position on all fours waiting for Sam to really get turned on and when his knot first started to grow lower on to my shoulders placing my back at a steep downward angle burying Sam all the way inside my cunt. From this position I could feel his knot grow inside me until we were locked. I had several screaming orgasms just feeling his knot grow inside me from the intense pleasure generated by his knot. When we were locked Sam would then slam my head into the floor as he rammed himself into the depths of my love canal.

I was definitely learning how to be a dog slut and enjoy every last moment of being taken from behind. Beverly said if Sam had been this good the first time she encountered him she would have stuck with him. But she had found this big husky that just pounds her silly. So she has stuck with him. Beverly believes there is a certain animal magnetism that helps identify your mate. Once you find it you're hooked. Sam and I have it. She said that there are several other women in the neighborhood that have mates. She is planning a coming out party for Sam and I this Friday night. She is so pleased that I finally have Sam and all of this is out in the open. Believe me, I am too.

Beverly wasn't so bad a roommate after all. In fact she was going to be perfect. I can't wait till Friday night! I wonder who loves their dog the way I now love Sam? I hope that the yuppie single on the corner is one of them. There is nothing I wouldn't give to see her passionately writhing under the belly of her Great Dane.