Cuckold Femdom Fantasy Addiction Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

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"No, probably not." I admitted.

"And you would have spent the rest of your life wondering what if." he added, as his partner turned the key over and pressed it into the other piece of clay-like material.

The man then handed the key back to Steele, and promptly stood up. Steele looked at him and told him they would talk later. The man immediately left without another word being said, presumably to make a key.

"How many computers do you have in your house, Michael?" Steele asked, handing the key back to me.

"Only the one in our office, downstairs." I replied.

"And does Nikki use this computer too?" Steele inquired.

"Yes, frequently." I said.

"Good. Does she have a computer at her workplace?" he asked.

"Yes, but her employer strictly prohibits private use on company computers, just like my employer does. They monitor employee activities on their computers, so nothing we do on them is private." I explained.

"Excellent. That should make my job easier." Steele replied.

"Y-you're going to access our computer?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied.

"Why?" I inquired.

"Why? Because most women have some secrets too, Michael. And the more I know about Nikki, the easier it will be for me to seduce her." Steele explained.

"But if Nikki ever found out I gave you access to our home and computer, I'll lose her for sure." I protested.

"You're probably right. But she's not going to find out, unless you tell her Michael." Steele calmly explained.

"How are you going to access our computer without passwords?" I asked.

"Let me worry about that, Michael. But I will inform you in advance, which day I'm coming out. And on that day, you will leave your computer on and accessible for me. This will allow me to get in and out of your house a little faster. You will do that for me Michael, won't you?" Steele asked.

"Y-yes... okay." I agreed. I wondered for a moment if Steele had hypnotic powers of some sort, of if I merely became a victim of my own addiction.

"Congratulations, Michael. You've finally faced your fears after all these years. Within a few short weeks, you will be living the dream of your fantasies. You'll be serving your wife as a sexually and domestically submissive cuckold, and your wife will be serving me." Steele said.

"You sound awful sure of yourself, Steele." I commented in a questioning tone.

"That's Mister Steele to you. And don't doubt me, Michael." he said, in a somewhat instructive tone.

"What's with this Mister stuff? It feels awkward and uncomfortable. Besides, you're at least 10 years my junior." I protested.

"I'm 36, so I'm 13 years your junior, Michael. But remember, I'm the alpha male of our newly formed triad, and you're the beta male. Nevertheless, I understand your psychological makeup, and it doesn't call for humiliation publicly, or for submitting to a male. Therefore, I intend to treat you respectfully at all times... provided that you follow the rules, and show me due respect by addressing me as Mr. Steele." he explained.

"But you want me to address you as Mr. Steele even in front of Nikki, when the time comes?" I asked.

"Yes." Steele replied confidently.

He waited a moment to see if I would respond. I did not. So he then added, "Are we on the same page, Michael?"

"Yes." I acquiesced.

"Very well. Now, let's take a look at your file here." Steele said, as he opened up his black leather folder.

"According to what you've told me, you and Nikki have sex together an average of two or three times a week. Is this correct?" he asked, looking at one of the pages in the file.

"Yes, but lately the average has been more like 2." I replied.

"And it says here that your foreplay includes cunnilingus about half the times?" Steele inquired.

"Yes." I confirmed.

Steele flipped a few pages, until he found what he was looking for.

"But it also says here that on a scale of 1 to 10, you rate cunnilingus as a 10. Is this accurate?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"So, why don't you do it more often?" Steele asked.

"Well, Nikki seems to enjoy reciprocating by using fellatio to initiate lovemaking. After a few minutes of going down on me, she usually gets so worked up, that we go from fellatio straight to genital intercourse." I explained.

"But it also says here that you rate fellatio as a 5. Is this correct?" Steele commented.

"Yes, and maybe even less." I replied.

"Explain yourself, Michael." Steele instructed.

"Well, it feels okay, but I could never cum just from this. I just can't get into a positive headspace. It seems like such a submissive thing for her to do. So looking at it from a physical standpoint, I rate it a 5. But from a psychological standpoint, I'd rate it a zero" I explained.

"I see. Have you ever cum in her mouth?" he inquired.

"No." I replied.

"So, do you always bring your submissive desires into the bedroom with you?" Steele asked.

"It's an effort not to bring them with me, so... yes, I usually do bring them into the bedroom." I explained.

"But you haven't discussed any of your true desires with Nikki, have you?" he asked.

"No. I've been afraid to. I dated several women in between my two marriages, and every time I admitted my true desires to a woman, it spelled the beginning of the end of the relationship." I explained.

"The more choices a woman has in men, the more likely it is that she will not settle for a submissive man as her mate, Michael. And in our culture, slender and attractive women like Nikki have the most choices in men. What about the women you dated between marriages, were they also attractive?" Steele asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Well Michael, its better that you've learned later rather than never. Converting women who have almost unlimited choices in men, into a female-dominated primary relationships is a long shot, at best. Most sexually submissive males never learn this. These men typically go on to either: settling for a lot less in terms of life partners; building a long string of short-lived broken relationships that never really address their sexually submissive natures; or they live very lonely lives." Steele explained.

He gave me a moment to let it all sink in, before adding, "Okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to reduce your lovemaking to once or twice a week until further notice. You goal is to include cunnilingus in as many of your lovemaking sessions as possible. The next time Nikki tries to fellate you, tell her you appreciate her attention, but that you much prefer giving head as opposed to receiving it. Are we clear on this?" Steele asked.

"Yes." I simply responded.

"But if she insists, don't stop her or get into a confrontation with her. Let her have her way, but be sure to remain primarily emotionless. Don't caress her hair or face, or express any pleasure while she's doing it. She'll eventually lose some of her enthusiasm. And finally, be sure to follow all of these instructions every time she tries to give you head, Michael." he added.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Now, it also says here that you rate giving analingus as a 10. Is this correct?" Steele asked.

"Yes, it is." I admitted.

"But it also says that you don't perform it very often." Steele commented, while reading my questionnaire.

"No, I don't. Nikki often urges me to fuck her after I've gone down on her for a few minutes, and I typically oblige." I explained.

"Okay. I want you to concentrate on including analingus in your lovemaking sessions as often as possible. And here's how I want you to do it. Start giving Nikki slow and loving back massages as a prelude to sex. You will start up on her neck, and work your way down her shoulders, upper back, lower back, and finally her derriere. But you will softly kiss each part of her body prior to touching it with your hands and massaging it. And you will be kissing the next part of her body simultaneously as you massage the prior part of her body that you just finished kissing. So, when you're massaging her lower back, you will also be kissing her ass at the same time. The endgame to this massage technique is to be kissing and eventually softly and lovingly frenching her anus, while you spread and massage her derriere. Continue performing analingus for as long as she allows you. And by all means, if she arches her back and raises her pussy off the bed, reach under her with one hand and play it while you're still frenching her anus. See if you can possibly give her an orgasm this way! But pay close attention if she raises her midsection up off the bed, for it may signal that her pussy wants attention. If so, try your hand first. Are we on the same page, Michael?" Steele asked, holding eye contact with me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Has Nikki ever let you eat her pussy right after eating her asshole?" he inquired.

"Yes." I replied.

"You're lucky. Many women are afraid of infection. Has your tongue ever bumped into anything unpleasant, while deep-frenching Nikki's asshole?" Steele asked.

"No." I responded.

"And how many times have you deep-frenched her ass over the past year?" he asked.

"Four or five times." I replied, aroused by the conversation. .

"And over the course of your marriage?" Steele continued.

"Oh, I don't know... twenty, maybe twenty-five times." I guessed.

"Then she's certainly open to the idea, and there's a good chance that she enjoys it more than you think. Try to get her addicted to having your loving and adoring tongue deeply up her ass, Michael, for it will at least subliminally reinforce in her mind that you are a beta-male. I also want you to slowly shift the focus of Nikki's penis-driven orgasms over to face-driven orgasms. If she should ever protest what you are trying to do in bed, act mildly disappointed for a moment, but never sulk or let the lovemaking session come to a halt. Don't confront her under any circumstances. Go along with what she wants, but just bring your enthusiasm level down a notch whenever she discourages cunnilingus or analingus. Eventually, she'll get the message; and in the process, start losing some of her own enthusiasm for penis-driven orgasms with you. Do you have any questions about any of this?" Steele asked.

Read this hot story:
A Classic Fart Erotica Story (Fart, Taboo) by Salty Vixen

"No." I replied, feeling my swollen cock ache from pressing into my pants for so long.

"I have one last item that I want to cover today, regarding your physical relationship with your wife. According to the information you've provided, you rate foot worship a 10; but you never even touch Nikki's feet. Start giving Nikki a nice little foot massage at least once a week. Don't always use it as a prelude to her back massages though. Mix it up, so that she perceives it as more of a loving and subservient act than a sexual act." Steele instructed.

"I understand." I replied.

"Good. Now, in terms of domestic work, it says here that you do most of your own laundry, you cook an average of once a week, and you usually help Nikki with the dishes. Is this correct?" he asked while flipping a page.

"Yes, it is." I responded.

"I'm sure you realize that this won't be enough in the near future. By the time we are all in full swing together, you'll be doing all of the domestic chores, unless there's a chore that provides particular pleasure for Nikki to continue doing herself. But we don't want to move too quickly with these chores just yet. These changes should be subtle and gradual. For now, I just want you to cook one more day per week, and start doing some of her laundry. I see from your schedule here, that you both work out together at the gym on Thursday nights. I also see that you do a load of your laundry on all three of your workout days. From now on, include her gym clothes along with your wash on Thursday nights, and include any other of her clothing that she lets you wash. But if she's not ready for this for some reason, again; don't get into a confrontation with her. If she should protest, simply back off for the time being. At this stage of the game, your primary purpose is to demonstrate a willingness to do more for her, not to control or force any issues. Are we clear on all of this?" Steele inquired.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay, that's all we need to cover for now. Take out your cell phone, and add my phone number to your contact list." Steele instructed, as he closed his folder.

"What name should I put it under? I don't want to use your real name, just in case Nikki looks through my phone for some reason." I said, as I pulled out my phone.

"Just use Tug for now. You can change it later if you want. But if you think Nikki might snoop around in your phone, you'd better have a cover story prepared." he replied.

I keyed in Tug as the name, and then looked up at Steele.

"One, six three zero, five five, five, six three six three." he enunciated.

"Got it." I announced.

"Okay. Now, you may only call me in urgent situations. Otherwise, continue to communicate with me via e-mail." Steele instructed.

"Okay." I agreed.

Steele stood up, and I followed suit.

"I'll give you further instructions as you need them. Tonight I'll be sending you a video. Make it a point to ensure some private time for yourself so you can check your e-mail, download, and watch this video, Michael." Steele instructed.

"Okay." I replied.

Steele extended his hand and said, "Welcome to our new triad, Michael. I know I'm going to enjoy working with you and Nikki."

We shook hands and promptly left the premises, going our separate ways.

Driving home, I felt more relieved than I have for days, and possibly weeks. I still felt apprehension in many areas, and didn't know whether I could trust Steele completely yet. But I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off me, simply from getting off the fence and finally taking the plunge.

Naturally, my cock found itself rock hard for most of my trip home, from thinking about all the things Steele had said. As I neared home, I tried to "think my cock down." But it didn't work very well, so I opened up the windows to let the freezing air into the car. I soon got so cold, that my cock finally subsided.

When I arrived home, I announced my arrival. Nikki greeted me from the office, so I assumed that she was on the computer. I took the opportunity to quickly go down into the sub basement to throw my clean gym clothes in the clothes washing machine, and start washing them, to cover my tracks. I then went upstairs to fetch the rest of my dirty laundry, and quickly went back downstairs to add it to my wash. Who needs to do stairs at the gym, when you live in a tri-level with a sub basement, and do laundry three times a week, I wondered.

I walked up from the sub basement, and poked my head in the office.

"Whatcha doing, honey?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing important. Just reading mail and stuff. You're home a little early. Short work out tonight?" Nikki replied.

"Yeah, sort of. Hey, it's almost 9:00. Do you want to catch a movie on TV?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Maybe. What's on?" she asked.

"I don't know yet. I'll go check." I replied.

The family room is right outside the office on the same level, so I quickly turned the TV on to the menu channel.

"Hey honey, there's a movie coming on Oxygen you'll probably like. But it starts in about 3 minutes. Finish up while I turn on the fireplace." I offered.

"What's the movie?" she called out.

"It's a romantic comedy, honey." I responded, while turning on the fireplace.

"What's the name of it?" she asked.

"I'm not telling. You'll have to find out for yourself." I teased.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." she promised.

I'm one of those rare men who enjoy romantic comedies almost as much as most women do. I also have a low tolerance for those implausible, one-man army movies with heroes who can dodge bullets and beat 20 men at a time. So generally speaking, Nikki and I were almost always on the same page in terms of movie preferences.

We soon snuggled on the couch together, and settled into the movie. With about a half hour left to the flick, I offered to "warm up" Nikki's feet, by giving them a massage. So she repositioned herself on the opposite end of the couch from me, laid her back against the left armrest, stretched her legs across the length of the couch, and planted her feet into my lap at a 90 degree angle. It proved to be a somewhat awkward angle to give a foot massage from, but I gave it my best shot.

After a few minutes of awkward attempt, I decided to focus more on Nikki's feet instead of the TV. So I turned my body around to face Nikki, resting my back against the right armrest. The TV was now somewhat behind me, and too difficult to watch. Nikki noticed this and said, "You can't see the TV now, honey."

"That's okay, I can still hear it. Besides, this is much more comfortable now." I replied.

Nikki gave me a wistful smile, and I proceeded to give her a nice foot massage. I began to feel sexually aroused, and felt tempted to start kissing her feet, but decided to keep my actions at a subservient level as opposed to a sexual level.

As I continued to massage Nikki's feet, I recalled that Steele would be sending me a video to watch. The movie wouldn't be over until 11:00, and I knew Nikki might have wanted us to go to bed together, especially after getting so cozy and all. So during the final commercial break at 10:50, I bent down a little, and raised Nikki's feet high enough to plant a quick peck-kiss on each of her big toes. I then immediately shifted my body in a manner which clearly indicated that the foot massage was over.

"Thanks sweetie, that was wonderful." Nikki said, pulling her feet away from me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it honey. We'll have to do it again soon. Listen... I haven't checked my e-mail all day. You wouldn't mind if I check it after the movie, would you?" I asked, knowing that it would be hard for her to say no, so soon after receiving a 20 minute foot and calf massage.

"No, I guess not. But you're not going to be on too late, are you?" she asked, with a slight tone of disappointment.

"Mmm... probably not." I responded, leaving myself a little wiggle room.

The movie came back on, and we turned our attentions back towards the TV. The moment the movie ended, I immediately got up and went into the office. Nikki had turned off the computer, so I had to turn it back on, and wait for it to load up. Meanwhile, I heard her turn off the TV and walk upstairs.

As soon as I felt safe, I logged onto my secret Yahoo account. Sure enough, I had a new message from Steele:


I took more time to study your file tonight, after I arrived home. I've decided that I want you to start masturbating at least once a day from now on, until further notice. This will help move our agenda forward by diminishing your desire to have sex with Nikki, which will leave her more vulnerable to my advances.

I am aware of your reluctance to masturbate while Nikki is in the house, however, I will not accept this as an excuse from you. Your once-a-day requirement starts tonight.

I expect you'll continue taking as many precautions as possible, to avoid getting caught by Nikki. However, even if you do get caught, it really wouldn't be such a bad thing for us. I believe this would probably help us move our agenda forward even faster.

As I promised earlier tonight, I've attached the movie I want you to watch. It's just a little over 20 minutes long. This is what I want you to masturbate to each day, until further notice. It will help reinforce and increase your desire for what lays ahead for you. But guard this movie with your life. Nikki is not to see it under any circumstance, at least not until I have completely seduced her! This movie is never to be shared with anyone else either.

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