Cuckold Femdom Fantasy Addiction Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

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Photos of new prospective cuckoldresses (NPCs) are given to the closest possible 5-year age group, within a geographical proximity, that matches her current age. Pending birthdays are ignored.

Older or younger age ranges may be requested by NPCs. NPCs requesting younger age ranges are strongly cautioned that this often results in a match with an AM that has a lower PDR. Prospective cuckolds are not allowed to request AMs outside of PDR age ranges. As you might expect, most initial approaches to C-TUG are made by prospective cuckolds, not prospective cuckoldresses.

NPC photos and info files are then passed to the first eligible (one who has fewer than 2 or 3 current triads, depending upon length of time in the program) AM with the highest PDR. That AM either elects to accept or pass on the file. If he passes, the file works its way down through the PDR ranks, until her file is claimed by an AM. The system makes sense, because it tends to match the most attractive NPCs with the most attractive AMs, and vice-versa.

The AMs do not know what any of their PDRs are. NPC photos, along with basic but non-identifying details, are posted on a webpage which requires AM username and password access. AMs are notified via e-mail, which includes a link to the specific NPC webpage. NPC photos and info cannot be downloaded, printed, or copied to another medium, until an AM claims her file electronically. After selection, the AM then goes to work on the assigned file.

Nikki is 39, so Steele must be 36-40. Since Nikki is a slender and particularly attractive woman for her age, I guessed that Steele probably had a high PDR. While race never mattered much to me, I selected white, light brown, or medium brown, only because I felt that this is what Nikki might feel most comfortable with.

In any event, I walked upstairs to the bedroom, no longer on the fence. I finally decided to meet Steele on Tuesday. I quietly and gently got into bed with Nikki, and laid there awake for over an hour, armed with a pair of scissors and a small plastic baggie. When I felt absolutely certain that Nikki was deeply asleep, I snipped off a small lock of her naturally wavy and chestnut colored hair, quietly placed it in the baggie, and put it under the bed along with the scissors.

The next morning while Nikki was in the bathroom taking a quick shower, I put the scissors away and hid the baggie in my coat pocket. I also quickly looked through her soiled panties in her hamper, wondering if I could buy a new replacement for any of them. Having a pair of her panties noticeably disappear could later prove to be a huge problem, and I felt quite concerned about the prospects of dealing with that possibility. But it was already Thursday morning, and Nikki typically did her laundry on Saturday mornings. So I knew that Thursday and Friday would provide me with the most options.

I quickly looked through her clean panties, to see if any of them matched her soiled panties, but none of them did. I had no idea where she bought any of her panties, or for that matter, how old any of them really were. I quietly closed the drawer, and looked through the soiled panties one more time, concentrating on their labels. I noticed that the newest looking pair had a Victoria's Secret label on it. I decided to take this pair with me and stop at Victoria's Secret in the mall tonight on my way home, to see if I could find a match. Just then, I heard the shower water turn off. Another close call!

I quickly but quietly left the bedroom, and placed the panties in my coat pocket. Even though Nikki had never even remotely suggested checking my coat pockets ever before, I still felt a fairly high level of anxiety, and wanted to leave the house as soon as possible. It's amazing what the emotion of guilt does to logical thinking.

I prepared to walk upstairs to tell Nikki that I was leaving a few minutes early, due to the prior evening's snowfall. Only an inch or two had fallen, and I knew that the roads should have been cleared away several hours earlier, but I couldn't think of a better excuse at the moment.

As I started towards the stairs, I noticed a wet feeling in my crotch. I backed away into the kitchen, so that I couldn't be seen by Nikki if she left our bedroom to come downstairs. I quickly reached down my pants, and felt the unmistakable slipperiness of precum. I didn't expect this, since I hadn't felt anything near a full erection all morning. At best, my cock had been only half-erect while I inspected Nikki's soiled panties. And my semi-erection hadn't lasted any longer than a couple minutes.

It occurred to me that this phenomenon of leaking precum without having had a full erection all began around the same time that I contacted C-TUG. And it seemed to be occurring more frequently over time. I unbuckled my trousers, unzipped, and pulled them down just far enough to gain access to my cock. I quickly squeezed down the length of my shaft to press out as much precum as possible, wiped it on a paper towel, and threw the towel in the garbage. What a waste of perfectly good lubricant, I thought.

I heard Nikki walking down the stairs, so I quickly zipped up, and opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. I announced that I was leaving early. Nikki gave me what seemed to be an odd look. Or had I just imagined it? We exchanged a quick peck-like kiss, I fetched my coat, and felt most relieved to get behind the wheel of my car!

As I pulled out of my driveway, I asked myself "What the fuck are you doing?" I second-guessed myself about meeting Steele during most of my commute, and felt momentarily back on the fence once again. After I parked, I decided to leave Nikki's panties and lock of hair in the car. I placed them both in the glove box.

Work was a disaster, in terms of concentration. I couldn't wait to get out of there. But at some point during the day, I realized that I wasn't on the fence at all. I knew damned well that I would be stopping at the mall on the way home looking for a close match to Nikki's panties. .

When I pulled into the mall parking lot, I began to feel nervous. I parked far enough away from the other cars, so that no one could watch me. I pulled Nikki's panties out of the glove box, and studied them. I really didn't want to carry them into the store with me. I almost put them back in the glove box, but then decided to take them with me. I reasoned that I would only take them out of my pocket if I really needed to.

I walked into Victoria's secret. Within seconds, a pretty, young salesclerk asked me if I needed any help. I politely declined, but let her know that I'd call upon her if I needed any help.

I quickly found the women's panties. I looked through them for a few moments, when I came upon a pair that looked a lot like Nikki's. I couldn't recall getting that excited about finding something while shopping since I was a kid. The panties looked very similar to Nikki's, but the color seemed like it may have been just a little darker. I couldn't tell for sure.

I tried discreetly looking around to see if anyone had been paying any attention to me, but doing this only increased my anxiety. Not noticing anyone looking my way, I quickly pulled Nikki's panties out of my pocket to do a quick comparison.

"Can I help you with anything, sir?" I heard a voice say from behind me.

My heart skipped a beat, and I instinctively put Nikki's panties back into my coat pocket.

"Umm... no thanks. I've already found what I'm looking for. I'll take these." I explained, handing the new pair to the woman.

And what a woman she was. I found myself face-to-face with a stunning, olive-skinned beauty, probably in her mid-thirties. Her eyes studied mine, in an almost piercing manner.

"Only one pair?" she asked, in a disarming tone.

"Yes." I responded, feeling my anxiety level rise.

"Are you sure?" she asked, looking down at my coat pocket.

My mind raced, as I felt my face flush. I quickly decided that I'd be better off dealing with her than dealing with security.

"Oh, you mean these? These belong to my wife." I explained, pulling Nikki's panties out of my pocket, and handing them to her.

The clerk took the soiled panties, inspected them for a brief moment, and looked up at me without saying a word. She still had a serious expression on her gorgeous face. For a split second, I imagined that she would have made an outstanding Femdom.

"I just wanted to match them as closely as possible." I explained, snapping out of my brief fantasy.

"I see. Yes, they are the same. Your wife's pair may have faded just a little from washing. Will this be all, sir?" she asked.

"Yes." I responded in a croaked voice. Though embarrassed, I felt relieved.

"Follow me, please." she directed.

As I followed her, it occurred to me that I only had ten dollars cash in my wallet, plus some pocket change. I hoped that I had enough, since I really didn't want to use a credit card, and identify myself. And I certainly didn't want Nikki to come across the charge on the statement.

The clerk rang up the sale. "That'll be $10.88 please." she said.

I quickly pulled out the ten, and dug into my pocket for my change. I pulled it all out, and started counting. I came up three cents short, and felt frustrated.

"Hmm... I can either owe you three cents, or I can charge it. What would you prefer?" I asked, hoping like hell that she would let me slide, as my anxiety continued to rise.

She looked at me intently, and said, "I have a feeling you really don't want to charge this, so your cash will be fine."

She looked like she was trying to hold back a smile, or maybe even a smirk. I gratefully handed her my cash. She completed the sale, and handed me the package. I took it, and quickly left. I couldn't help but think that she knew I was up to something sneaky, and I wondered how guilty my face had looked to her.

I left the mall still a bit flustered. I cursed myself for handling the entire affair so clumsily, and being such an idiot. But I soon settled for the fact that I at least I accomplished what I had set out to do.

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Let's go for a Naughty Drive (BDSM, femdom, spanking)

I wanted to get home before Nikki did, so I could place the new pair of panties into her hamper. As I approached our driveway, I studied the tracks in the snow. It didn't appear that Nikki had arrived home yet, but I couldn't be sure until I clicked on the garage door opener. I felt relieved to find the garage empty. I parked and quickly hid Nikki's soiled panties and lock of hair carefully in the trunk, while listening intently for any cars approaching behind me.

I then went inside and walked directly upstairs to our bedroom, even before taking off my coat. I lifted out about half of the dirty clothes, placed them on the bed, and dropped the new pair of panties in the hamper. I then covered it up with the rest of her dirty clothes.

I went downstairs to hang my coat just in time to see Nikki's silver Audi pulling up the driveway. Still another close call, I thought.

The evening proved to be a typical and uneventful Thursday night. We ate leftovers from the day before, and later both went to the gym work out. I decided to join Nikki in the act of retiring for the night, with the thought of being receptive to any of her advances, but not initiating anything myself. Neither one of us made any advances, so we briefly kissed each other and went to sleep.

I knew that I couldn't write Steele a check from our only joint checking account, so I would need to open a new account in my name only. What a hassle, I thought, and wondered why Steele didn't want cash. I decided to wait until Saturday morning to open the new account, when Nikki would be away taking her art class at the community college.

Fortunately, during our five years of marriage, I had managed to slowly save almost $2000.00 in mad money that Nikki knew nothing about. It would be the first time I ever had a need for any of this money.

I opened the account for $1500.00 on Saturday without a hitch, and even had time to get back home and go online for a half hour before Nikki arrived home. I spent the entire 30 minutes rereading Steele's last message, and reliving the events of preparing my requirements of meeting with him. I became sexually aroused, of course, but refrained from masturbating. Nikki and I were several days overdue to fuck, and we were going out to for dinner, drinks, and a little dancing that night. I knew this would put her in the mood.

With each passing day, I experienced greater and greater levels of both excitement and apprehension about meeting Steele. The turmoil of riding these two emotions made my head spin! Yes, I wanted to move forward badly, but I also had great fear that the whole plan would backfire, and I'd lose my lovely Nikki as a result.

Tuesday finally arrived. I proved to be almost useless at work. I don't think I've ever felt so relieved to see a workday end. I struggled to stay focused on my conversation with Nikki during dinner. I helped her clean up after dinner, and then told her that I wanted to read my e-mail before I went to the gym.

I work out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Nikki works out on Mondays and Thursdays. Even though we go to the gym together on Thursdays, we mostly do our own things there. Of course, Steele already knew our schedules thoroughly when he chose Tuesday night for our meeting.

After growing aroused from reading Steele's message several more times, I logged off and went upstairs to pack my gym bag. I drove to Oakbrook, growing more nervous with each passing minute. Prepared with printed directions from MapQuest, I found Macy's Starbuck's with ease.

I walked in, and quickly spotted a man with a black topcoat and a black leather folder on his table. The closer I approached him, the better he looked. He had light to medium brown skin and softly chiseled facial features, but I couldn't tell if he was Italian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, or what.

I walked up to his table, and stopped. He looked up at me and in a low pitched, emotionless tone, he said, "Hello Michael. Sit down, please."

Steele showed no sign of surprise whatsoever that I had shown up. It seemed quite clear that he expected me. I didn't know what to make of the fact that he didn't stand up or offer to shake hands. But I didn't have long to think about it.

"Did you bring the items I asked for?" he asked calmly, looking me straight in the eyes.

He didn't smile, but his deep voice showed no hint of aggression or intimidation. Nevertheless, he exuded an aura of confidence. This exceptionally good-looking man was all business.

"Yes." I simply responded.

"You may give them to me one at a time, starting with the lock of hair, and ending with the check." Steele instructed, never breaking eye contact with me until I looked away to fetch the small baggie that held Nikki's hair.

I handed Steele the baggie. He opened it, removed the lock of hair, and held it up to his nose. He then inhaled slowly and deeply while maintaining eye contact with me. He then placed the lock back into the baggie, pressed out the air, sealed it, and placed it into his coat pocket.

Steele then looked me in the eyes, but said nothing. I could feel my pulse quicken, as I reached into my other pocket for the baggie containing Nikki's soiled panties. I handed it to him, and quickly looked around to see if anybody was watching us as he opened the baggie. Fortunately, there were only 5 or 6 other customers in the entire place, and none of them seemed to be looking our way.

Steele removed the panties, and held them up to his nose. Just as he had done with the lock of hair, he inhaled slowly and deeply while maintaining eye contact with me. I felt my cock begin to stir.

Steele lowered the panties to the table, and without breaking eye contact, said, "I'm really going to enjoy fucking your wife, Michael."

I felt my cock press harder into my pants.

"And you'll enjoy it just as much as me, won't you Michael?" he asked.

I could sense the power of his confidence, as his eyes locked on mine.

"Probably." I admitted.

He slowly placed the panties back in the baggie, pressed out the air, sealed it, and put it in the same pocket with the lock of hair. He then looked up into my eyes, said nothing, and waited.

I reached into my inside pocket, pulled out my new checkbook, and placed it on the table.

"How would you like the check made out?" I asked.

"Make it out to Rod Steele." he responded.

I wrote the check, and handed it to him. He reached into his inner pocket, grabbed his own checkbook, placed my check inside it, and put it all back into his pocket.

"Very well. Now, there's one more item I want from you tonight." he added.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Give me your house key." Steele instructed.

"What??" I responded with an incredulous tone.

"I said, give me your house key." he repeated confidently and calmly.

"What for?" I asked.

"I'm going to have a copy made for myself." he explained.

"I don't think so." I responded.

"Michael, I'm not interested in stealing anything from you. Besides, if anything ever turned up missing, the first thing the police will ask for is a list of all the people who have keys to the place. I'm not about to jeopardize myself or C-TUG by being a common thief. Besides, I love what I do, and don't have any intentions of risking it. My purpose is to learn as much as possible about Nikki. The quicker I learn what I need to know, the sooner we'll be able to put this all together. Now give me the key, Michael." Steele said.

"No. I can see that this isn't going to work out after all." I said, while standing up.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. Goodbye Michael." he said calmly.

I stood there and looked at him for a moment. He looked me straight in the eyes, but said nothing, nor showed any emotion.

"May I have my things back, please?" I asked, trying to mask my nervousness.

"No, you may not. I made it perfectly clear in my last message to you that if you met me and brought what I asked for, that there would be no turning back. Go ahead and leave if you want to. I'm going to seduce and fuck your wife anyway, with or without your future help or approval. I only need your help to seduce her in a way that she'll still love and stay with you. Without your help, she'll most likely leave your sorry ass in no time at all. The four items you just delivered to me tonight is all the help I'll ever need to satisfy my desires. So make up your mind, Michael. What's it gonna be?" Steele said.

I hesitated for a moment, and then slowly sat back down. Steele immediately looked over my shoulder, and motioned to someone. I turned around to see another man approach our table. The man sat down, and opened a small box up in two. Both sides of the box had some light grey, claylike material inside them.

"Remember, there's no turning back now, Michael. I'm very good at what I do. So just give me the key, and let me do my job." Steele said, as he held out his right hand towards me, with his palm upwards. And of course, his eyes locked upon mine.

I stood up for a moment to fetch my key ring out of my pant pocket. I sat back down, took the house key off the ring, and reluctantly handed it to Steele.

"Why didn't you forewarn me about this?" I asked.

Steele handed the key to his partner, and turned back to me.

"Simple. Because too many guys like you would back out. Think about it. How many times did you go back and forth with the idea of meeting me tonight before you finally decided to move forward? If I made your house key a fifth condition, would you have come here tonight?" Steele asked, as his partner pressed my key into the clay-like material on one side.

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