Creating facial masks from common items in the kitchen

Creating facial masks from common items in the kitchen is not something new but has been done for years. Even the most common and ordinary products make great beauty treatment - facial masks. Nature has given us great bounty and in many cases it is not necessary to purchase expensive beauty treatment products, often made from chemicals, from stores in order to enhance the quality of the skin.

Right in your own kitchen, you can find plenty of products that can help you with beauty treatment to enhance the quality of your skin and can even help you feel great.

These beauty treatment products are a testament to the great qualities that are inherent in the most ordinary things that can make us beautiful, and brightening the complexion while cleansing the skin.

While special clays and essential oils and can be very effective as beauty treatment ingredients, there is no need to use these items if you do not wish to.

Simply head to your refrigerator and kitchen cupboards and create any one of the following face masks, and feel the good effects almost immediately.

For best results, it is recommended that you apply a facial mask once a week, rinsing your face first with warm water and then rinsing with cold after you finish removing the mask. This last step will close the pores.

Beauty Treatment made from your home: 4 Homemade Facial Masks You Can Make Right From Your Own Kitchen

Egg mask (print face mask recipe here)

Some people may find it a little strange to create facial masks using eggs, but it is a tried and true method for toning the skin. The egg mask can actually helps tighten the skin, giving you a firmer face that is less wrinkled and less prone to sagging.

To start, simply beat one egg white until it is stiff. Then you just smooth it evenly over your entire face. Leave it for 20 minutes, then remove the mask.

You can also adjust the mask to suit your skin type by adding just one drop of lemon juice to the egg white if you have oily skin or putting in a bit of honey for dry skin. For acne treatment, you can make use of the skin on the inside of the shell.

Just place the skin over the breakout and leave on for about 30 minute or even overnight. This will help reduce the appearance of the acne.

Honey Mask (print face mask recipe here)

This is a very easy facial mask. This beauty treatment has a cleansing effect, and the honey acts in the same way as an antibacterial. You need warm, runny honey.

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You can run your honey container under warm water or soften it in the microwave to get it to the desired consistency. However, do be careful when you use the microwave, as you may get the honey too hot.

The idea is to get the honey warm and runny, not scalding. Once done, smear the honey evenly all over your face. Even those with sensitive skin can usually use this beauty treatment. You will start to feel as though your skin pulling after about two minutes.

Now is the time to rinse the mask off with warm water, and followed with cold as soon as all of the honey is off of your face.

Homemade Acne Mask (Print Face Mask Recipe Here)

If you want to help control your acne, make a simple mask made from what you keep in your kitchen to assist you fight against acne. For a major breakout, use one half cup strained tomato pulp and powdered milk to form a paste.

Once there is enough to make a paste, blend until the mixture is smooth and no longer pasty. Then apply and leave for about 20 minutes and wash this off with warm water. This will also help your skin heal from the acne because Vitamin C and Potassium are found in tomatoes.

You can create a variety of nourishing masks if instead of tomato you use banana, carrots, or cucumbers. Simply mash whatever you are using (you will have to steam the carrots first) and substitute it for the tomato pulp.

Strawberry Alpha Hydroxy Mask (print face mask recipe here)

Take 4 or 5 large strawberries and mash them up until they become a thick pulp. Then cover the face thickly with the pulp.

Relax and lie down quietly for about 20 minutes before washing with warm water and followed by cold water. However, it is important to beware that this treatment is not a good idea for extra sensitive skin.

These facial masks are easy to make with inexpensive items found in your kitchen is also fun as well as quite effective. One more  that can help with rough facial skin is to use mayonnaise.

This also works on your elbows. However, note that you should only leave a light layer on for no longer than 15 minutes before washing it off.

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