Salty Vixen Definition

Salty Vixen- what is it? Why did I chose that for my Pen Name? I have said many times I was a Vixen in a Salty situation- correction: I was a Vixen in Salty Situations- many of them over the years. While I am over it and moved on, at the time, took one thing to push me to my limit to finally find my voice!

Yep! My voice. A voice that was hiding somewhere inside of me waiting to come out. I don't like drama. I don't like to yell but most of all I suck at being assertive. Look, if I ever tell you about my past, it’s never because I want you to feel sorry for me but so you can understand why I am who I am.

Yes, shit happens. Shit happens to all of us at some point. For me, I was bullied a heck of a lot growing up. I never understood why people treated me the way they did and instead of me speaking up about it, I let them continue to use me as their verbal punching bag. I regret that. Again I don't like drama. That is why I kept quiet.

I never dated during my school years. Nobody asked me. I would have- if they asked me. Prom? oh I went with a friend, who was in 10th grade. Nobody in my class thought, maybe I wanted to go. Sucked, but it is in the past. So I focused on my music, I focused on what keeps me happy. I lived in Europe, had the time of my life. Partied with royalty (true story! I was in a tabloid 25 July 2004),  I supported Prince Harry's charity for a number of years as Patron. Got married. Had a family. My husband was abusive, so- divorced I became. 

I have a college degree and world experience but nobody was hiring at the time. I thought, fuck it. I will write a story and sell it. history is my passion. Doesn't sell. Romance? Made a little bit but erotica? I dipped my mind into the world of smut and it sold, holy cow! Money! It fell into me as a business and when I think about it, as I look back on my life, I realized that every time I was being rejected from being something good, I was actually being redirected to something even better. So erotica is what I will write and continue to write -50 Shades of Grey kind of stories! and after a few years of doing it, I created this website (, realized I wanted to make a digital magazine and grow from there- even added Loverotica & Erotic Audio stories. And that has grown.

Look, not everyone agrees with smut stories. That is fine. You don't have to. It became my thing out of , emotional stress and shit happening in my life. Yeah, there is one more thing that pushed me over to the edge to finally find my voice, that thing will remain a secret. In truth, I am still holding secrets of people who betrayed me at one point. They don’t deserve my loyalty, but I always keep my word. I am over it, but still a little pissed off about it. I don't dwell on it. I guess, due to me blocking my emotions, I haven't understood them yet. I have't unleashed (processing emotions) it and I am a Sagittarius, you know that is a fire sign.

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When we are hurt,

Sagittarius folk might display sarcasm and bitterness in their interactions. We feel the need to protect ourselves by putting up a wall of biting humor. Our normally light-hearted nature could darken and become uncharacteristically negative.

When we are angry,

We belong to the Fire element, so they can express themselves very clearly when angry. We hate being betrayed and lied to, so when mad, we can act in strange ways. As a matter of fact, we need to be given space when angry because we are a ticking b*mb waiting to detonate..

Funny thing is, according to Zodiac, Sagittarius doesn't hold grudges. I think that is bullshit. When we are hurt, we hold a grudge we don't express it, so what do we do? Goes back to the term of being 'hurt'- "display sarcasm and bitterness in their interactions" and when my emotions are having ups and downs, I do my best writing.

In a nutshell, never ever put me in a position where I got to show you how cruel and ruthless I can be. Don’t test my patience because I might be the kindest and sweetest person that you’ve ever met but once I reach my limit, you’ll see me do the things that no one thought I’m capable of doing..

Meaning, I watched myself go from the happiest and most outgoing person to fighting everyday to heal, so yeah, this comeback is personal. What is the comeback? Finding my voice.

Who knew writing erotica and doing audio erotica would become a profession ? It happens to a lot of people. So yes, I am an author. I am a podcast chick. I did this shit on my own. Thank you for pushing me to my limit for me to find my voice 🙂 . 

So what is Salty Vixen? Here is Salty Vixen defined: 

I will continue doing my thing. I am playful. I am confident and I am strong. We all have to do our own thing to survive. period. Writing has been therapy for me that turned to a business- kind of cool isn't it ? - ok cool for those who agree with it that is lol.

@saltyvixenlove #affirmations #affirmationsdaily #positivevibes #positivequotes #positivequotestiktok ♬ original sound - Salty Vixen Love


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