Animal World

During their conjugal activities, the female praying mantis will sometimes bite off the head of the male. In typical male fashion however, missing something as insignificant as a head is hardly enough to keep him from completing his task. He’s able to finish his purpose, impregnate the female as well as take care of her post-coital munchies as she finishes what she started. Sometimes the female will bite off the male’s head even before they’ve begun mating, but this too fails to slow him down, and though headless, manages to grope his way to fatherhood.

The ten-inch Banana Slugs of the Northwest end their 30 hour hermaphroditic mating session by chewing off each other’s male sex organs.

Mosquitoes perform a sex act that lasts only 2 seconds.

The largest living animal, the blue whale, naturally enough also has the largest penis, measuring approximately 10 feet long and 1 foot in diameter. It’s cousin, the sperm whale, gets as big as 9 feet. And yes, the sperm whale is so named because early sailors thought those gallons of white, gooey oil found in its head was indeed sperm.

Long a symbol of sexual potency, the rhinoceros can ejaculate ten times or more during his half hour session with a female. They also have penises that are 2 feet long.

Though barnacles can’t move, they still mate via an extraordinarily long penis (150% their body length) that reaches over and into the female’s mantle cavity.

Female chimpanzees have been observed masturbating with their fingers, twigs and a water faucet.

A drone honeybee will wait his whole life for one chance to mate with a queen. As soon as the queen opens her sting chamber to receive him, he explodes, his genitals bursting forth like a detonating grenade. Plugged, the queen flies away, leaving the drone to fall to the ground dead and eviscerated, albeit with a smile on his face.

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Sex Dictionary

Fleas are known to engage in sex immediately after feasting on rabbit’s blood specifically if the opportunity presents itself.

Gorilla penises are only a third of that of an average man’s.

Humans aren’t the only female animals that can experience orgasm; some rabbits and ferrets do as well.

A whale’s penis is called a dork, which incidentally, is where we get the derogatory slang.

Porpoises have been known to engage in group sex.

Pigs do indeed have a corkscrew-shaped penis. When engaged in sex, the male’s penis will make semi-rotary actions until it becomes firmly secured in the folds of the female’s cervix at which point the male ejaculates, a process which in itself takes as long as 30 minutes.

Female baboons have been known to engage in a primitive form of prostitution by stealing food during sex.

The average mink sexual encounter lasts for several hours (how do you think they get their coats so shiny?)

22.75 hours is the current record for the longest rattlesnake mating session.

When a female rhinoceros is feeling in the mood, she’ll ram her potential lover with her horn (haven’t you ever heard of the term horny?)

The female bedbug is born without any external sex organs. So the male bedbug has to drill his pointed penis to drill a hole into her partner’s gut and deposit his sperm into her bloodstream. During long spells without access to human blood, the female’s been known to dine on her male partner’s semen.

Capuchin monkeys usually say hello by showing each other their erections.

Perhaps the originator of the “quickie,” a baboon engages in a typical sex session that lasts all of 15 seconds (though one reportedly bragged to his baboon buddies of lasting twice as long).

Swans are the only birds with penises.

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