Anal Sex, Ass Play, & Tossing Salad Erotic Story by Salty Vixen

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"I'm clean, Marcus," said Kenisha showing some offensive.

"That's not it, Kenisha. The thoughts of tossing your salad, licking you where you shit, just disgusts me. Wishing I was wearing a gas mask and a hazmat suit, I've seen and smelled some of your dumps, when you've forgotten to flush the toilet."

"You have not. I always flush the toilet."

"Nasty, they're just nasty, Kenisha. You need to stay away from that bean dip that you so love," said Marcus with a laugh.

"So, lemme get this straight, Marcus," said Kenisha ignoring his insult and waving her finger in his face again. "You'd willingly stick your finger up my ass."

"Yes, I would, of course," said Marcus. "I'd do that right now, if you'd allow me. You have such a wonderful ass," he said rubbing and cupping her sweet ass through her skirt.

"And you can't wait to stick your cock up my ass," said Kenisha.

"Oh, my God, yes, that's true, too. Absolutely. Only, instead of just sticking my cock up your ass, I'd buried my cock in your sweet, round ass, baby, while humping you so very hard," said Marcus and stomping his foot, as if he was giving his soul to Jesus in church. "Lord Almighty, I can't wait to fuck you up the ass, girl, while holding onto your big tits."

"Yet, there's no way that you'd stick your tongue up my ass to toss my salad."

"Sadly, Kenisha, no. Sorry. I just can't bring myself to do that," said Marcus with his ego deflated, no doubt, after his balloon burst, when it was apparent that Kenisha wasn't ever about to have anal sex with him.

"Well, then Marcus, it appears that we are at an anal standoff. I won't allow you to fuck me up the ass and you refuse to toss my salad."

"Apparently so," said Marcus with a long, silent pause. "You know, Kenisha, if I may, let me throw something out there."

"If you may? Sounds like you've been hanging around your white co-workers too much," she said laughing.

"Just a thought," he said putting a finger to his forehead, as if about to state a scientific or a medical revelation.

"What?" As if reading his one-track mind, she appeared to know what he was going to say.

"Now, don't take this the wrong way," said Marcus treading cautiously, while watching his wife carefully.

"Go ahead, continue Marcus but, as a warning, chose your words very carefully. I don't want to have to drive you to the emergency room again and sit there for hours, while waiting to be seen by a doctor."

"Emergency room? Say what?"

"Just say what it is you have on your mini-mind, Marcus, but mind your words," she said furrowing her brow with the rage that slowly brewed inside, before erupting in the way of a volcano. He should have known that, when a sister was denied given anything by her man, in this case, a good ass licking, he needs to not only measure his words but also be careful for what he asks.

"Now don't take this the wrong way, Kenisha, as I've never cheated on you before and never would but, if you won't allow me to fuck you up the ass," he said pausing, while watching her reaction.

"Yes. If I won't allow you to fuck me up the ass, then what?

"Then, I know someone who'd love for me to fuck her up the ass."

"You do? How coincidental for you," said Kenisha feigning a smile, while shooting her husband a wary look. "And who might that lucky lady be, who'd love to have your cock up her ass?" She looked at him with suppressed rage.

Perhaps, as if wondering if he should reveal the identity of the woman, who'd willingly have anal sex with him, he paused again, this time longer. Then, in a act of lunacy or bravery, he confessed the identity of the woman, who'd willingly have anal sex with him.

"Latoya," he said nearly in a soft whisper, as if he were a ghost whispering her name from one dimension to another.

"Pardon? Sorry, I didn't hear you, Marcus," said Kenisha looking a bit agitated with the possible realization that she was looking at a dead man. "I must have been hearing things, but it almost sounded, as if you said Latoya."

"I did. Latoya would willingly have anal sex with me."

"Latoya?" Standing erect and raising her eyebrows, as if she had just witnessed a horrible accident, a murder of a black man in her kitchen, Kenisha looked at her man, as if he was a rapist, a dead rapist. "My baby sister, Latoya?"

"Yes," he said timidly, while taking a step back from the reach of his wife.

"Lord almighty, oh, Dear God, Heaven help me," said Kenisha clasping her hands together and looking up at the ceiling, as if the Lord Jesus Christ was suspended there waiting to answer her prayers. "Give me the strength not to kill this poor fool, for he knows not the fury that will surely befall his pitiful body, if he dared to fuck my sister up her ass." Done praying and making her peace with God, she signed herself, before returning her focused attention to her husband. "And pray tell, how would you happen to know that my baby sister would love for you to fuck her up her ass?" She feigned another smile, while waiting for him to answer her question.

"Well, and don't get mad but, after the barbeque--"

"The barbeque where my tits fell out of my tube top?" She stood as stiff as the church going woman that she is, when someone takes the Lord's name in vain on a Sunday and in her presence.

"Yes, one and the same."

"The barbeque where everyone saw my boobs, when you asked me to jump up and down because you wanted to see something?"

She suddenly remembered Marcus flashing Mr. Johnson her D cup breasts, her pussy, and her ass, when she bent down to pull up her panties. She wondered if he got a good, long look at her nakedness. She wondered what he thought of her nearly nude body. She wondered what he'd do and/or say the next time he saw her out sunbathing, while Marcus was at work. Now, she couldn't wait to accidentally on purpose flash him her tits again.

"Yes, that's the one."

"The barbeque where, even my husband didn't come to my rescue to save me from being so embarrassed from being so exposed?"

"C'mon, baby, you should have nothing to be embarrassed about. You have beautiful breasts."

"Whatever," she said with a wave of her hand. "Go ahead, Marcus and tell me about my sister, but be careful what you say," said Kenisha, while fingering the handle of a heavy cast iron frying pan. "As her big sister, the one who raised her from a baby, the closest one she has to a mother, just be respectfully mindful of your words."

"Well," said Marcus, no doubt, by the long pauses, already editing what he was going to say. "We were in the kitchen dancing to music. We both had a little too much to drink. Then, Latoya turned around and was bumping, rubbing, and grinding her backside against my cock."

"And hopefully, your cock was still in your pants, I imagine," said Kenisha wrapping her fingers around the handle of the frying pan. "Correct?" She said the word, as if biting it.

"Of course, Kenisha. Latoya is your baby sister. I ain't no dirty dog that would be disrespectin' your family like that. I wouldn't--"

"Umm-hmm. Continue, Marcus. I'm suddenly fascinated to hear what happened between you and my sister."

"All I'm saying is that your sister was dirty dancing with me," he said taking a step back.

"Um-hmm, and you were just an innocent bystander humping my sister's ass. Is that it?"

"Exactly," said Marcus appearing happily relieved that his wife understood his actions were totally innocent. "No, I mean, we were dancing and I may have accidentally humped, rubbed, bumped, and grinded into her a few times."

"And where were your hands, while you were accidentally humping, rubbing, bumping, and grinding my sister's ass. Lord," she said looking up at the ceiling again, "please have this poor fool tell me that his hands were in his pant pockets and not on my sister's ass."

"Well, to be honest, Kenisha, she was vibrating her hips so hard and so fast that I feared she was going to hurt herself. You know, throw out her back. I may have reached out to--"

"To what, Marcus? Did you suddenly think that you were a holy man and could save my sister from throwing out her back by putting a hand to her? Did you put a hand to my sister? Did you feel my sister's ass? Was that what you were doing with my sister? Were you feeling her ass, Marcus, while accidentally bumping, rubbing, and grinding your cock in her butt?"

"Hell no, Kenisha. I was just trying to stop her from unmercifully teasing me, is all, baby. I swear."

Not believing anything that he said, but deciding against, denting his head with the frying pan, Kenisha looked at her man with hostility.

"Well, not a breach of confidence, as she freely tells everyone, I happen to know that my sister is into anal sex. We've discussed that in the past and I told her that I'm not into anal sex," she said with a shrug. "You're not a child anymore, Marcus. You're a man. If you're intent on fucking my sister up the ass and if she's agreeable to having you fuck her up the ass, then feel free to have anal sex with her. I can't stop you from being the dirty dog that you are, but I'd rather you fuck her in front of my face than lying about not having fucked her behind my back. I can live with that, so long as you keep your cock in the family and so long as you're not fucking anyone else, especially one of my girlfriends, up the ass."

"Wow! Thank you, Kenisha. You're a very understanding wife," said Marcus giving his wife a kiss on the cheek and a condescending pat on the ass.

"I am very understanding, Marcus," she said with a white toothy smile, "so long as you understand, while you're fucking my sister up her ass, your brother will be tossing my salad."

"Say what? My brother?"


"Andre would toss your salad?"




Marcus looked at his wife.

"Andre? Seriously?"

"Yes. Yes," said Kenisha.

"And how do you know that my brother would toss your salad?" Pushing his head back, as if a turtle sticking his head back in its shell, Marcus looked at his woman with apparent new sexual excitement.

"Because after you had me jumping up and down like the foolish and obedient wife that I am and after your dirty dog of a brother saw my tits, while you were accidentally bumping, rubbing, and grinding against my sister's ass, we were fooling around a little in the deep, dark end of the pool."

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"So, that's where you disappeared. I wondered where you went. I thought you were in the house making drinks for everyone. Instead, you were fooling around with my brother in the pool. Nice," he said with as much sexual excitement, then he had when he flashed their neighbor her tits.

"Don't be calling my kettle black, when your kettle is the same color. Besides, just two drunken fools having a good time, nothing more happened than just a little touchy feely. I was touching his cock through his bathing suit and he was feeling my tits through my bikini top, while we were kissing."

"After your confession about blowjobs, you probably would have sucked my brother, if given the chance."

"I may have," she said with an embarrassed giggle. "He got me all hot and bothered enough that I may have taken his cock in my mouth had we been alone longer."

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you suck my brother?"

"No," she said dreamy eyed and looking as if she wished she had. "And you would have fucked my sister up her ass, if given the chance. Correct?"

"I may have, had I had the opportunity," he said with a lusty laugh, while nodding his head, as if he was already in the process of humping Latoya.

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you fuck my sister up her ass?"

"Hell no," he said with guilt, while looking as if he had. "Well, with you making out in the pool with my brother and touching him, while he was feeling you, that still doesn't tell me that my brother would have any interest in tossing your salad."

"Actually, whispering in my ear, when we were frolicking in the pool, he confessed that he'd like to lick me everywhere," she said rubbing the goose bumps that suddenly appeared on her arms. "Encouraged by his confession, I said, you know, Andre, my sexual fantasy is to have my salad tossed."

"And what did he say?" Marcus looked at his wife with shocked excitement.

"I'd do that for you, Kenisha. I'd toss your salad, so long as you sucked my cock," she said shamelessly to her husband.

"Suck his cock? Oh, yeah? And what did you say to him, Kenisha?"

"I'd suck your cock Andre, so long as you tossed my salad," said Kenisha.

"Well, it seems that you've found your perfect partner then, in my younger brother, Andre, Kenisha," said Marcus with obvious jealousy.

"Just as you've found your perfect partner in my baby sister, Latoya, Marcus," said Kenisha with resignation.

Neither one spoke for a while, until Marcus said what Kenisha was, no doubt, thinking.

"Are you as excited as I am at the prospects of broadening our sexual circle to include your sister and my brother?"

"I am, only, do we dare?" Kenisha looked at her husband with foreboding. "I'm agreeable to you anally fucking my sister, that is, so long as my sister is agreeable to being anally taken by you and so long as you do that with me in the same room. As I said before, I'd rather you do that in front of me, than behind my back. Wondering where you are at night, when gone from my bed, not wanting you to do anything behind my back, I don't want any man of mine being a cheating and lying dirty dog."

"Okay. Then, I'm agreeable to having my brother licking you everywhere and tossing your salad and you sucking his cock, so long as you do that with me present in the room, too. I don't know if it excites you in the way that it excites me, but I'd love to watch another man, especially my brother, having sex with you, my woman."

"Agreed, then," said Kenisha showing as much sexual excitement, as Marcus, no doubt, felt at the thought of fucking Latoya anally, as she felt to finally have her salad tossed.

"So long as my sister and your brother are in agreement, we'll arrange for a swapping session with the four of us in the same room," said Kenisha. "I'll call my sister and you call your brother."


The next week, with Latoya agreeing to having anal sex with Marcus and Andre agreeing to licking Kenisha everywhere, including tossing her salad, after she sucked his cock, the four of them, Marcus & Kenisha & Andre & Latoya took their places in Marcus and Kenisha's master bedroom. Akin to the sexy scenario in the movie Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, Kenisha felt awkward being in her bedroom and in bed with husband, her baby sister and, Lord have mercy, her young enough of a brother-in-law to officially make her a cougar.

With dirty, nasty sex on her mind and doing the dirty, nasty deed with her brother-in-law, the only thing that preserved her family relationship from becoming one of perverse, incestuous sexual depravity was that she was still fully dressed and could come to her senses and change her mind. Yet, knowing full well why she was there in her bedroom with her brother-in-law, for the same reasons that her sister and husband were there, too, the sudden feelings of lust, whether incestuous of not, that she felt for her husband's brother, went beyond all modicums of decorum in how a sister-in-law should ever feel about her brother-in-law.

More than a bit awkward at first, as Marcus and Kenisha had remained faithful to their wedding vows, pillow talk about having sex with Andre was one thing but to actually do it, while knowing full well that it would be something remembered for the rest of her life, was quite another thing. If she went through with having sex with her brother-in-law, if she sucked Andre's cock, allowed him to cum in her mouth, and allowed him to toss her salad, how could she face him at all the family gatherings? How could she ever look him in the eye again? Years later, how would she feel knowing that her husband's brother saw her naked, touched her where no brother-in-law should ever touch his sister-in-law, while knowing that she allowed him to cum in her mouth and lick her ass?

Yet, immediately setting the mood and erasing all fears of tomorrow with the lust that she felt today, when Marcus started kissing Latoya, a younger, prettier, and shapelier version of Kenisha, the action between the two so closely related couples quickly heated up. Deciding to watch first, Kenisha and Andre watched Latoya and Marcus touching, feeling, caressing, groping, and making out. With each unbuttoned button that Marcus unbuttoned of Latoya's blouse, the point of no return quickly approached. Then, with her blouse unbuttoned, her tits out of her front snapping bra, her short skirt hiked up to her waist, and her panties pulled down around her ankles, it didn't take long for Marcus to nearly strip Latoya nearly naked. With Kenisha no longer praying to God for his mercy, the Devil was in the room with them that night.

Kenisha watched Latoya take Marcus's cock in her hand to finger the head of his big, stiff prick, while slowly stroking him, before taking him in her mouth. For what she'd kill another black sister for so doing, if ever catching some bitch with her man, she allowed her sister by blood to suck her husband's cock. Suddenly, Mary J. Blige's song popped in her head, "I'm Goin' Down," while she watched her baby sister suck her husband's cock.

Seeing Marcus's cock in her sister's mouth, the image of Latoya lips stretched around his big prick, while going down on her husband was surreal. She watched Marcus feel Latoya's big tits, squeeze her ass, and finger her pussy. Intently, she watched her baby sister stroke her husband's cock, while sucking her husband's prick. With her real live jealousy mixed with her raw sexual excitement, going back and forth from cupidity for her man to lust for his brother, she was sexually high with amorous emotions.

The look on Marcus's face was all telling. Without doubt, with his head back and his eyes closed, a huge understatement, he was having the sexual time of his life. While watching her sister suck his cock, a real professional, she wondered how someone so young could learn such commanding cock sucking skills so early in life. Knowing that she went clubbing every weekend, she wondered just how many cocks her baby sister sucked to have such a powerful hold over her husband. Then, when Marcus spun Latoya around and positioned her to take her anally, Latoya got on her knees and willingly lifted and poised her ass in the air awaiting Marcus to fuck her. So much in the way of a quarterback receiving a pass from his center, Marcus positioned himself behind her and gradually and gently filled Latoya's asshole with his cock.

While watching the sexual anal act, Kenisha felt a twinge of remorse that she should be the one sexually satisfying her man and not her sister. In a slow hump and a forceful trust, her husband's cock was deep inside of her sister's ass and, as if they were dogs in heat, the sight of Marcus and Latoya so joined together as one was a sight she'd never forget. As if they were watching a porn movie, Kenisha and Andre watched Marcus fuck Latoya from behind. Slamming his cock in her, banging her head into the mattress, they were really going at one another now. Her first time seeing anyone taken from behind, the fact that the players were her sister and her husband, the sexual sight was one to behold.

Then, when Andre started kissing and touching Kenisha, while she felt his growing cock through his pants, it didn't take the two of them long to catch up to Latoya and Marcus's sexual passion. She saw Marcus watch his brother unbutton and remove her blouse.

The fact that she knew Marcus was watching gave her even greater sexual excitement. She made out with Andre, while he felt her firm breasts and fingered her big nipples through her bra. Then, when he unhooked her bra and released her tits to his horny hands, she unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants. Allowing Andre to strip her nearly naked, but for her panties, Kenisha allowed Andre access to her nearly nude body with his hands and tongue. Then, sticking her hand down his boxer shorts, she fondled and stroked his cock to an erection, before she leaned down to take him in her mouth, while looking up at Marcus to make sure that he saw that she had his brother's cock in her mouth.

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