All the Time I need to Fuck Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s episode is titled “All the time”.  Dear Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, Sir. I need your touch. The nights are so long.My heart grows weary...With being alone. I need your tender words. And the kisses of your lips. The touch on my skin…Of your fingertips

I need your arms.Wrapped around..Until the hurting is gone.And we both have found.A place together Where the pain can't come. And neither of us feel so alone.I need to see the storm, breaking in your eyes
To be lost in your love until we both realize. This is the place we belong. This is the only reality. The one place of acceptance. For you and for me

I need to know. You won't leave me here. That your love will always. Surround me and be near. My Love, I'm so needy. And you seem so strong.My heart has been waiting. To love you, Doctor for so long

I need to know you have. Been waiting for me too. That wherever you go. And whatever you do. You'll hold me in your heart. And not let me go .As long as I live. I will need you so

Tell me, are you Salty Vixen’s biggest fan? I hope so..after all, Sir, you know that you are the one who created me. Let’s begin…

Damn he turns me on. It’s true that I want sex all the time, but he really sends me to a new level. He makes me want HIM all the time. That’s saying so much.

He teased me just a little, kissing me long and hard, touching me all over as if he couldn’t get enough of it. He makes me forget all my insecurities when we’re together. I don’t think about the imperfections that are fresh on my mind when I’m in a room full of people with my clothes on. Completely naked with him I feel comfortable and even sexy.

Read this hot story:
The Sundae-Whipped Cream & A Cherry on Top Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Minutes into the seduction we were shedding clothes and before I could even think about it I was up on the table, legs spread far apart, pussy dripping wet, begging him to give me his incredible cock. He was rock hard. Rock. Hard. 

I love his cock. It’s incredible and unique and always pleases me, but this time it was just a little different. There was no give, no flexibility. He was so firm that when he fucked me I was immediately riding that wave between pleasure and pain. His swollen head was pounding into me and I could hardly hold my screams in. My g-spot was taking quite a bruising and I loved every second of it.

I don’t even know how many times I came. I do know that I gushed so that I soaked him, squirting even, causing my juices to run onto the table and down his legs. I came and came and came. He kept asking me to change positions – on my back, riding him, behind me, riding him again, on my back again, doggy style with my head and shoulders down low. When he came I felt it so deep inside me I thought I would explode from the impact.

My legs trembled for hours. I was sore and tired. And yet, I found myself wanting his cock again. I simply can't get enough.

Yes, it is true. All I think about is HIS cock. His beautiful cock. I need his cock as I worship his cock. Damn. An amazing cock.