All in the Mind-Female-Mind Control Story by Salty Vixen

Naturally, I was a bit nervous. The thought of being hypnotized was a bit frightening, but my friend had assured me it would help me sleep at night. So here I was, in a waiting room, trying to hide my nervousness from the receptionist. From her understanding smile, I knew I wasn't succeeding.

Finally, I heard a door open. A woman several years older than me appeared, smiling happily. Was this the woman who was going to put me in a trance?

No. She gave the receptionist a check, and left, her eyes darting to me for a moment. I was glad it wasn't someone I knew.

Another woman appeared. Shorter than me, hair down to her waist, wide, dark eyes. There was something about her that suggested power, not physical strength, but something else. That figures, I thought.

My palms were sweating, and I felt my face flushing brightly. THIS was the woman who was going to hypnotize me. I felt goosebumps all over.

She came over to me and said hello. I tried to stand up, but my weak knees didn't cooperate. Finally, I got to my feet and stammered hello. My face was so red I wanted to die. I had never been so embarrassed. This woman was going to go inside my mind, to put me to sleep. To HELP me sleep.

She smiled and introduced herself. I shook her outstretched hand, embarrassed about my sweaty palms. Still smiling, she asked if I had a watch on. Surprised, I looked at it and told her the time.

She shook her head and laughed.

"No, young lady, that's not what I meant. Would you mind leaving your watch with Tracy? I find them to be disruptive." I fumbled with my watch, finally managing to take it off, and handed it to the receptionist.

I was led back to the hypnotist's office.

It was exactly as I expected. Dark, plush, a deep leather recliner. She invited me to sit down and relax. Hah. Relax. Sure.

I sat down in the recliner. Well, actually, I almost lay down. It was so deep, so comfortable. I looked at the ceiling nervously.

Her first question surprised me.

"So, young lady. Can you tell me about it?"

Tell her about what? Confused, I looked over at her. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean."

She smiled gently. "Your first trance experience. Can you tell me about it?" I shook my head.

"Ma'am, I've never been hypnotized." She laughed out loud.

"Young lady, this will obviously come as a surprise to you, but you have been in a trance for the past fifteen minutes."

I lay there gaping at her. I had been hypnotized ALREADY? That wasn't possible. Was it? I had heard that people can forget what happens when they are hypnotized, but the idea of having been hypnotized and not even knowing it was quite a shock. It was also rather exciting.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I....I don't.....I don't remember anything."

"Well, that shows you are a very receptive young lady. Our sessions should prove quite productive. Would you like to hear about it?" I nodded eagerly.

"I was actually surprised at your response. You lay back and I asked you to close your eyes. Then we started at your feet, and we thought about each part of your body, in turn, relaxing and drifting away. Very soon, your breathing had slowed noticeably, and you were even smiling a bit." I had to smile now as I pictured myself, falling under this woman's spell. Eyes closed, so relaxed. As my friend had described it to me.

"At that point, your body was relaxed, and we focused on your breathing. You thought about your breath, inhaling, exhaling. Feeling the relaxation deepening. Feeling yourself drifting off. I counted from five to zero, and at the count of zero, you entered a hypnotic trance."

This was wild. I imagined myself lying there, my body limp, my mind open to this woman's suggestions. Hypnotized.

"We deepened your trance for a few moments, then I gave you what we call an anchor, a trigger for you to enter trance quickly. Then you were awakened. You responded very well, and I'm sure you will respond well to your anchor."

Anchor? Trigger? I could be hypnotized instantly? That was so exciting. I was grinning like a child now, anticipating all the things I could do with the ability to hypnotize myself instantly.

"Um.. Can I ask a question?"

"Of course! Don't be bashful!"

"Um...This trigger....anchor...What happens when you say it?"

She grinned. "Young lady, I didn't say it was a word, or a phrase. Anchors can be anything. A certain sound, a certain feeling, a certain sight. Anything. And when your mind detects that anchor, it instantly reacts to the post-hypnotic suggestion you were given. When you are given the anchor, you will first feel very drowsy for a second. You will find it hard to keep your eyes open. Then, your mind will enter a hypnotic trance and accept hypnotic suggestions. And from your reactions to this point, I think you will be quite able to carry out any suggestion you are given!"

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This was great. I had been hypnotized and didn't even know it. I could be instantly hypnotized and do anything I was told. Anything at all. This was so wonderful. So exciting. I could be hypnotized instantly.

"Ma'am? Um...What is my trigger?" My face was red again, my body tingling as I waited for whatever signal would send me into a trance.

She smiled. "Patience, young lady. Patience. You have a few more things to learn first." Feeling a bit frustrated, I lay back in the recliner. Damn, I wanted to go into trance again.

"Am I ever going to remember anything that happens when I'm in a trance? Does it depend on how deep I go or something?" She shook her head.

"It varies by individual. Right now, I would say you will usually remember nothing of your hypnotic sessions. Which isn't bad, understand. It merely means that your mind is extremely agreeable to what's happening and trusts itself to the hypnotist." She smiled at that.

Yes, I had to admit I must trust her. She was putting me into a trance, putting me under her power. I had to trust her.

I thought I heard her mumble something.

"Pardon? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

She started laughing.

"My, my, young lady. What DID you hear?" I thought, confused, then suddenly realized she must have used my trigger! I had been hypnotized again!

I laughed giddily. This was fantastic.

She told me she had used my anchor, and I had instantly gone into trance. She had taken me even deeper, and given me more suggestions to make it even easier for me to open my mind totally when hypnotized. Then she asked me to stand up.

It was hard. My body seemed so heavy, so comfortable. I stood up and looked at her expectantly.

She stared straight into my eyes. "Go into a trance for me, dear."

My eyes opened wide, my heart was pounding. I felt dizzy. My eyes closed. Was I hypnotized? Oh, my God, I'm HYPNOTIZED!!! Just like that!

"Young lady, we are now going to do an exercise to see how well you respond to hypnotic suggestion. I am sure you will be able to do this exercise easily." I waited breathlessly. I felt strange, not at all lazy and relaxed, but wound up and excited. Hypnosis was wild.

"All you have to do, young lady, is undress. Your mind will not let you do anything you don't WANT to do, so undressing will allow you to see for yourself that you are indeed hypnotized."

I didn't understand what she meant. But I was hypnotized. Hypnotized people do as they are told, and she had said that I was very receptive.

I could even feel myself blushing as I took my clothes off.

"Very good, dear. Very good. I knew you could do it."

I was bursting with excitement. I was hypnotized. I was naked. This was more than I had ever dreamed of.

"And now, young lady, I'm going to explain to you how you can fall asleep easily at night. Very gently, move your right hand between your legs."

Ohmigod. Ohmigod. She's kidding. But I'm hypnotized. I have to.

I felt my hand against my pubic hair. My mind was whirling. That was odd. I had thought my mind would be kind of blank.

"And now, young lady, I would like you to masturbate. And when you have completely satisfied yourself, you will fall comfortably into a deep, natural sleep. Just as you will every time you masturbate at bedtime."

I just stood there for a moment, trying to believe what I had just heard. Masturbating would put me to sleep! Was that possible?

There was one way to find out.

My finger brushed against my clit. Even deeply hypnotized, I somehow managed to moan with pleasure.

I came quickly. I felt my body go limp, felt her arms around me.

I awakened to find her smiling at me. I was in the recliner, nude.

She smiled at me and said I could get dressed. I did, thinking of this new power I possessed.

I washed up and made another appointment. I paid the receptionist and left, smiling happily.

The receptionist grinned at the hypnotist. "I don't know how the hell you get away with that." The hypnotist smiled back at her.

"It's all in the mind, Tracy. Who knows, maybe next time I really will hypnotize her."

They both laughed. The hypnotist ran her tongue over her lips, savoring a lingering, salty taste.