About Salty Vixen

I am an introvert which means I am often lost in thought. Why? It has always been hard for me to express myself vocally, so I take my pen and paper and write things down and create stories ore music. I have been through a lot in my life, which goes back to 1993/1994 school year when I was bullied so bad that I nearly took my life.

Since that school year, I became a loner & shy. I could not depend on anyone to help me if needed as many have disappointed me in life. I did not date until I got my first kiss from a British man named James on a polo field, 18 June 2004. The kiss so perfect that I use that kiss in many of my stories and nobody has kissed me like that since.

My now ex husband abused me and left me with nothing except the house. In March of 2017, I got into a sexting relationship with my former high school crush, who had lied and threw me under the bus and left me in a haze of depression thinking all men are like that. 

Dating? It sucks. I have been single for 7 years and nobody wants a relationship. That is why I write, to help with my lonely life. I ended up making a business from it, which, is awesome and an accomplishment 🙂 I like to say "I did it on my own" and I continue to grow my brand. I am proud of my little business 🙂

Rachel, at Kensington Palace, in London, England. She was attending an event for Centrepoint Charity.


I like to use the phrase,"the eyes are the windows to the soul" is a poetic and metaphorical expression that suggests that a person's eyes can reveal their true feelings, emotions, and intentions. The eyes are often considered to be a reflection of a person's inner self, their thoughts, and their character.

I have done things in life such as being Patron for Sentebale 2013-2016, memories that will last for a lifetime! 🙂

And I want to share this, a photo from 25 July 2004. A picture of me "dancing " With Prince Harry. We were not dancing, he was cheering me up after what happened. I will always say that Harry is a good man and he and are alike, with emotions and personalities. Last time I talked to him was in 2016. And before people think in their minds, I never fancied the royal brothers. Honestly, I thought of them like friends.. yep. Friend-zone mode lol 🙂 - they are good, kind guys 🙂 and was lovey to meet and get to know them all those years ago. Awesome memories 🙂







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