A week of Awakening for Christine- Mind Control Story

"Your breasts look as delicious in the flesh as I've often imagined them to be. You have no idea what a turn-on it is to have a woman like you under my spell," he murmured, kissing her nipple softly, "...and to know that your body is going to respond with pleasure to whatever I do... gentle or rough."

As he finished his sentence, he opened his mouth and bit her nipple. In her mind, she felt the pain of the bite, but to her horror, she also sensed her nipple hardening in his mouth... and heard his satisfied murmur as he also noticed.

"It occurs to me you might be interested to hear how much your body is enjoying this. You may now speak, but only to tell me how your body feels... what you body wants. Go."

She moved her mouth experimentally, found she could move her jaw, but when she tried to open her mouth to scream for help, it still felt frozen. Then he rubbed her nipple between his thumb and finger, and she felt her mouth open, heard herself say, "Mmmm..."

He chuckled softly, and began to vary his touches, using his mouth and hands to give her breasts a mixture of pleasure and pain. She felt ashamed as she heard herself moan and murmur with enjoyment at all the touches, all the sensations. When he swirled his tongue in circles on her left nipple, she even heard herself whispering, "More..." Christine fought to keep control of her mind, telling herself, It's just my body that's enjoying this, not me.

By the time he'd finished toying with her breasts, she could already sense how sore they would feel in the morning. She could also sense how wet her pussy had become. He was about to discover the same thing, for he was now kissing her thighs, teasing his tongue slowly closer, until it was slowly lapping over her warm lips. Then he parted them with his tongue-tip, and sighed in satisfaction to find the sticky moistness that awaited him.

This time as he paused to speak, he kept his mouth close to her, so she could feel his warm breath on her sensitive lips. Despite herself, she was aware of the way his soft breath heightened her body's arousal.

"I know you think I'm acting against your will, Christine, but actually, it's quite the opposite. It's true what I said about hypnosis: it can't force you to do something you don't want to do. But... my analysis of you was right. You're afraid that you might be unwilling to free yourself from a bad situation, that you might let yourself get trapped – and you have that fear because some part of you really does want that. A small, deep part of you... but that was enough for me to work with. If you honestly, truly didn't want to let me do this to you, you could stop me.

"So although consciously, you feel like I'm forcing you to do this, your subconscious is letting me. Doesn't knowing that that make it all the sweeter?

"Mind you, you're already deliciously sweet," he ended, putting his tongue to work again. She could feel his mouth sucking on her wetness, his lips nuzzling against her clit, making her body ache with pleasure, while her mind battled with the question, Is it true? Am I letting him do this to me? I know my body's betraying me... is it true that my mind's betraying me, too?

As he sucked and kissed on her clit, she heard herself moan and gasp, even though her body remained frozen, able neither to wriggle away nor to wriggle with pleasure. She took a grim satisfaction from the fact that he couldn't draw a physical response from her.

But he'd evidently been considering the same issue, while hearing her moans get louder, sensing she was getting close to climaxing. He lifted his mouth away from her tingling clit, kissed his way back up to her ear. He leaned close and whispered, "The hypnosis won't work if I let you move around... its power is too closely connected to the symbolism of your fear of being trapped... but... now, you're still trapped, but it's only your wrists and ankles that can't move now. The rest of your body can struggle – or shake with pleasure – or both. And your mind can talk as well as your body, now, but you're still unable to scream. Go."

The sudden freedom felt as though heavy weights had been lifted from her limbs. Instinctively, Christine tried to roll off the bed, but her body was still obeying her therapist's instructions, and her wrists and ankles stayed as firmly in place, as though she were tied to the bed. He laughed as he knelt between her legs, and now that she could open her eyes, she saw his hairy chest, his erection, and his wicked grin as he took delight in watching her helpless attempts to struggle free.

"Let me go, you bastard!" she growled at him. "Let me go-ohhhh!" as his thumb found her swollen, sensitive clit. Her hips squirmed with pleasure, and he met her desperate, pleading gaze with a smile.

You will be spanked, bad boy!

"There's nothing holding you to the bed except your own desire," he replied. He took hold of his hardness with his left hand, while his right hand still teased her clit. Slowly guiding his tip towards her wet entrance, he added, "If there wasn't some part of you that wants my cock inside you... that wants me to fuck you, take you, do whatever I wish to you... you could escape, right now. So... what's it to be?"

Read this hot story:
Road Hazard

Even as she tried one last time to wriggle free, Christine knew it was hopeless. Swallowing her pride, she begged her tormentor, "Please, Dr. Jack, please, if you can make my body enjoy this... why didn't you force my mind to enjoy it too? You say deep down I want to do this, so can't you make me consciously want to?"

He smiled back at her, though there was no warmth in his smile. "Oh, Christine, I could have done that. Yes, I could have forced you to enjoy this with no choice in the matter. But where's the fun in that?"

He moved closer, pressing his tip against her entrance, and as he slid into her she cried out with despair, humiliation, and pleasure. With his thumb still on her clit, she couldn't hold out from the vividness of the sensations, and came quickly as he began to build his thrusts into a rhythm, in and out, full, deep strokes. She gasped and tipped her head back as her muscles pulsed and squeezed on him, feeling her body awash with tingles.

When the wave of her orgasm hit her, Christine gave up trying to resist any longer, and she allowed herself to flow with the pleasure. She rocked her hips up when he slid deep inside, gripped his cock tighter inside her when he pulled outwards. She arched her back when his hands found her breasts again, squeezing them, slapping them, tugging her nipples. She groaned and ground her pelvis against his hand when he rubbed her clit again. She begged for more when he teased her pussy with short, slow strokes, keeping her on the edge of her second climax, telling him to take her, panting with need as she told him she was his. She cried out as he took her over the edge again, her voice rippling and quivering like her muscles as she came. And she was still gasping and quivering all over several minutes later, still climaxing, as he finally came too, spilling his seed into her in thick, hot spurts.

Afterwards, she sighed deeply, and murmured, "Wow... that was so intense. I guess I should definitely tell my therapist about this, though..." she smiled.

"Oh, Christine, I'm glad you allowed yourself to enjoy this moment, but you won't remember it, you know....when you wake up, my cum will have soaked into you. All you'll be left with is a sore pussy, sore breasts, aching body... and no memory of what happened."

"I'll find a way to remember. I'm sure of it! There's no way I could forget what we just did."

"My dear, if you were going to remember, you would have done so before now."

"What do you mean?" she asked, though the realization began to creep into her mind even as she asked.

"This isn't the first time I've come round to enjoy your... company. After I knew my hypnotic suggestions had worked on Tuesday night, I came round on Wednesday... I didn't let you remember it, and that's because I enjoy taking you afresh each time – it's so much fun to overcome your reluctance..." he smiled. "So trust me, when you wake up from this, you'll remember nothing. All you'll remember is having slept through the night... and now, sleep."



Christine turned over in her sleep. Her cheek felt the warmth of the shaft of sunlight that was peeking through the gap between her curtains, and she slowly stirred awake. Ohh... she gently slid her hands under her nightshirt and cupped her breasts. Sore again... her nipples ached as she touched them. She slipped one hand back down her body. Her fingertips tousled her trim dark hairs, and gingerly touched lower, between her thighs. Ahh... she was surprised how sore her lips were to her touch. Feels like they've been bitten and pinched... she shook her head in amazement. Who knew that her subconscious fears could have such an effect on her physically? Well, at least she'd slept through it soundly again, and Dr. Jack had said that meant she was staying in control of her fears.

She'd woken up sore on Saturday morning, too. Even if it was a good sign psychologically, it was still a shame to feel this discomfort each morning. Oh, well, she thought. I'll just have to work hard in my counseling sessions. The quicker I conquer my fears, the sooner I'll stop waking up with these aches and pains. She'd already had one ache-free night, Thursday night, so she was optimistic of making quick progress on that front.

Sure, I wish these morning aches were gone already. But I'm not too worried about it. Those hypnosis sessions Dr. Jack gave me last week worked so well at ending my sleep paralysis; he's a really effective therapist. I know I'm in good hands.


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